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Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105

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A human-machine interface based on single channel EOG and

patchable sensor
Xuhong Guo a , Weihua Pei a, , Yijun Wang a , Yuanfang Chen a , He Zhang a , Xian Wu a ,
Xiaowei Yang a , Hongda Chen a , Yuanyuan Liu b , Ruicong Liu b
Institute of Semiconductors, CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Engineering Research Center for Semiconductor Integrated Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Goal: This study demonstrates that single channel electrooculography (EOG) recorded by ultrathin and
Received 1 December 2015 exible electrodes can be practically used to control computer or machine, with the aid of proper recog-
Received in revised form 29 May 2016 nition algorithms and efcient controlling methods.
Accepted 27 June 2016
Methods: First, micro-fabrication process and transfer technology were used to develop a patchable sen-
Available online 14 July 2016
sor including three electrodes (a measurement electrode, a ground electrode, and a reference electrode).
Each electrode was composed of golden ribbon in the form of a lamentary serpentine mesh to provide
conformal contact of skin and stretchability. Second, EOG was recorded by the proposed sensor installed
Flexible patchable sensor
above the eyebrow. The peak and trough of eye movement signals were extracted as features to recognize
Human-machine interface three types of eye movements (blink, upward and downward) using a threshold-based recognition algo-
rithm. Finally, a human-machine interface (HMI) system was realized by converting eye movements to
computer commands including scroll up, scroll down, and close. To verify the effectiveness of the system,
eight subjects were trained to use their eye movements to navigate a document on the screen.
Results: The sensor was approximately triangular with a 5 cm side-length and a 70 um thickness. The
electrode can be stretched to 10% longer without any damage. The weight of the sensor was 180 mg. The
demonstration system was capable of making continuous controls with an average accuracy of 84%.
Conclusion: Single channel EOG recorded with a patchable sensor is feasible for developing a wearable
HMI system. The proposed system provides a comfortable user experience, a stable control method and
a simple systematic framework for developing practical HMI systems.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Traditional HMI systems are only suitable for subjects who stay
still or have few motions. Wet electrodes, multi-channel biopoten-
In recent years, due to the great advances in biomedical instru- tial signals and a series of hardware, which were used to induce
mentation, applications of bioelectrical signals are now widely or synchronize bioptentials, must be employed to ensure the feasi-
used in monitoring human activities rather than medical diagno- bility and reliability of collecting bipotentials in the HMI. Although
sis [1]. A number of human-machine interfaces (HMIs) based on excellent performance can be achieved, these bulky HMI systems do
bioelectrical signals have been proposed. For example, electroen- not t the requirements of a wearable system due to their uncom-
cephalogram (EEG) has been used to control external devices, such fortable user experience and unwieldy equipment.
as a computer cursor [2] or a virtual helicopter [3]. Electromyo- There is a clear trend that the HMI system is getting smaller,
graphy (EMG) is another approach for controlling output devices lighter, and more comfortable to wear [6]. In order to solve the
such as a prosthetic limb [4]. In addition, electrooculography (EOG) related problems in HMI systems, an extensive amount of work
has been shown to be efcient for controlling a keyboard [5]. has been invested in recent years.
These bioelectrical signals-based HMIs provide new communica- To facilitate preparation and removal of traditional wet
tion methods for both disabled and healthy people. electrodes, novel electrodes like dry-contact and non-contact
electrodes have been developed. Forvi et al. fabricated a micro-
needle array based dry electrode [7]. It can achieve lower contact
Corresponding author.
impedance without the use of conductive gel. However, this kind
E-mail address: (W. Pei).
of sensor is slightly invasive as the microneedles penetrate the
1746-8094/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105 99

Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the system.

stratum corneum and can cause minor pain or infection. Non- to replace the traditional wet electrode or rigid dry electrodes. It can
contact sensors fabricated by Matthews et al. can acquire signals acquire good signal quality comparable to the wet electrode. On the
without directly contacting the skin [8,9]; this kind of capacitive other hand, we manufacture a exible sensor, which integrates a
sensor is very sensitive to motion and relies on a complex amplier measurement electrode, a reference electrode and a ground elec-
to acquire signals due to high source impedance. trode, to realize a single-channel EOG-based control paradigm. It
Many groups try to simplify the biopential-based HMI systems can signicantly reduce system preparation time and improve user
by reducing the number of electrodes, developing more efcient comfort. The proposed HMI system used a exible patchable sensor
control paradigms and signal processing algorithms. Abdelkader attached above the eyebrow to record single-channel EOG. A new
et al. proposed a classication algorithm based on two channels of control paradigm and an efcient classication algorithm are com-
EOG, which can identify six classes of eyes movements [10]. How- bined to implement the HMI system, which can recognize three
ever, there is still room for improvement in the accuracy (85.2%) kinds of eye movements (upward, downward, and blink) with high
and sensitivity (77.6%). Abo-Zahhad et al. proposed a HMI system accuracy and ITR.
based on single channel EOG recorded with a commercial headset
(NeuroSky, CA, US) [11]. High accuracy (97.3%) was achieved, but 2. Materials and methods
the information transfer rate (ITR) was limited because the system
can only identify one type of eye activity. Ma et al. designed a hybrid 2.1. Control paradigm
HMI system that can send 28 commands to four robots based on
EOG and EEG [12]. The system required 11 channels and the oper- EOG is the difference of the corneal-retinal potential in the pro-
ation method was relatively complex. Overall, these HMI systems cess of eye-movements. The researcher takes the fundus as the
are still not convenient to use. negative pole and the cornea as the positive pole. The amplitude
From the above analysis we can see the traditional wet electrode of EOG ranges between 50 uV and 3.5 mV with a frequency range
is not suitable for long-term recording. In order to ensure good of dc100 Hz [17].
signal quality, users need to replace electrode frequently. In addi- Traditional EOG recording needs four or more electrodes pasted
tion, traditional HMI systems use numerous recording channels, around the eyes, which is uncomfortable. And if traditional elec-
therefore, users need to spend a lot of time to prepare electrodes trodes are used, it is inconvenience for the subjects wearing these
and ensure the stable wear. Those troubles make users reluctant to devices. In this study, we present a new control paradigm based on
use the HMI system. As far as we know, these two problems were a novel patchable sensor. The sensor, which can be stuck on the
always studied separately. Very few studies combined the advan- forehead above the eyebrow, includes three electrodes (namely
tages of dry electrode and a small number of recording channels to measurement (MEA), ground (GND), and reference (REF) elec-
solve these problems. For example, in Ref. [13], Tejz et al. designed a trodes), each in the form of a lamentary serpentine mesh with
four-channel EOG-based assistive system using thin copper plates exposed gold that contacts the skin directly. Three types of eye
as dry electrodes. The proposed system could reach 100% accuracy movements including upward, downward, and blink can be rec-
in the classication of three kinds of eye movements (blink, left ognized from the single-channel EOG recorded by the sensor and
and right). To further reduce the amount of the channels, systems converted into computer commands (i.e., scroll up, scroll down, and
were developed with a single-channel commercial headset (Neu- close) to navigate a document on screen.
roSky, CA, US) [11,14,15]. The sensor was a dry electrode made of
stainless steel. The system could only detect one type of eye activity
2.2. System architecture
(i.e., eye blink). In Ref. [16], with an optimized algorithm, the sys-
tem designed by Shen et al. could classify two different eye-blink
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the system can be divided into three
signals with the accuracy of 95% using the same headset. Only a
modules. The rst module is the sensor for EOG acquisition. Fig. 2
small number of types of eye activity can be classied in these
shows the sensors structure, which consists of a base elastic tape
studies. In addition, the stainless steel electrode is sensitive to head
layer and three electrodes made with lamentary serpentine gold
mesh. The size of the patchable sensor is approximately 5 cm,
This study pays more attention to the user experience and
and the thickness is about 70 um.The size of each electrode is
ergonomic factors for developing a wearable HMI system for practi-
2 cm 2 cm. Three electrodes are distributed in an equicrural tri-
cal applications. On the one hand, we design a exible dry electrode
angle manner with a center-to-center distance of 3 cm. The sensor
100 X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105

layer is removed by acetone to get the mesh structure on the sil-

icon substrate (Fig. 4(e)). The metal electrode is transferred from
Si wafer to an ordinary elastic tape (Fig. 4(f)) to get the patchable
sensor (Fig. 4(g)).

2.3.2. Mechanical test

The mechanical property is veried by wrapping the electrode
around a pencil (0.7 cm in diameter) and straightening 10 times
repeatedly. Then the microscope is used to observe the surface of
the electrode morphology and to check the intactness of the gold

2.3.3. Contact impedance test

Contact impedance is measured by a potentiostat/galvanostat
(CHI 660D). Two exible electrodes are placed 2 cm apart on one
volunteers forearm. Sinusoidal AC signals with voltage amplitude
of 10 mV, frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz, are applied to mea-
Fig. 2. Structure of the sensor. sure the contact impedance. For comparison purposes, commercial
wet electrodes (Ag/Agcl, Red Dot 5620, 3 M) are also measured at
the same skin positions using the same method.

2.3.4. Biopotential recording ability test

As a proof-of-concept experiment, recordings of biopotential
signals including ECG and EOG are performed to compare the per-
formance of commercial wet electrodes and the proposed exible
The ECG and EOG signals of eight subjects were recorded by the
amplier system (Blackrock cerebus). These signals were collected
with wet electrode and exible electrode at the same time. Fig. 5
shows the positions of electrode placement for ECG (Fig. 5(a)) and
EOG (Fig. 5(b)). REF and GND indicate the placement positions of
the reference electrode and the ground electrode, respectively. A
and B indicate the measurement electrodes of a exible electrode
and a wet electrode, respectively. For the comparison purpose, they
were 2 cm apart.
For quantitatively comparing the quality of the signals, correla-
tion coefcient and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are used to evaluate
the performance. The calculations are described as follows:
Fig. 3. Example EOG signals recorded by the system. 
R = cov (x1, x2) / cov (x1, x1) cov (x2, x2) (1)

where R symbolizes the correlation coefcient, cov(.) represents

is mounted on the forehead 2 cm above the left eyebrow. The elec-
covariance, and x1 and x2 represent signals recorded by the exible
trode closed to eyebrow acts as the measurement electrode, and
electrode and the wet electrode respectively.
the other two electrodes act as reference and ground respectively
(see Fig. 1).The second module is the acquisition instrument. The Vs
SNR = 20 log10 (2)
signals are recorded by a commercial amplier system (Blackrock Vn
Cerebus). The sampling rate is 500 Hz and ADC is 16 bits. The band- where Vs and Vn represent the amplitude of signal and noise,
pass lter is set to 0.350 Hz. The data can be read or displayed on respectively.
a PC and processed online using MATLAB (Mathworks, Inc.). The
third module is the host computer control system. It includes data 2.4. Experiment setup
processing and a graphic user interface. Data preprocessing, feature
extraction, classication, and display are developed under MATLAB. Eight subjects participated in the EOG signal measurement
Fig. 3 shows example EOG signals of three types of eye movements experiment. The experiment was divided into two phases: training
(i.e., blink, upward, and downward) recorded using the proposed and testing. Subjects learned the control method in the ofine train-
system. ing phase. For each subject, EOG data recorded from the training
phase were used to determine optimal thresholds to improve the
2.3. The patchable sensor accuracy, specicity and sensitivity of the system. The performance
of the system was further evaluated with testing phase.
2.3.1. Fabrication process There were 30 trials in the training phase (5 for each of the six
Fig. 4 shows the fabrication process of the patchable sensor. classes: stay at the center, eyes leftward, rightward, upward, down-
A four-inch silicon wafer is rinsed by acetone, ethanol and DI ward or blink). At the beginning of a trial (t = 0 s), a xation cross
water sequentially. A gold made metal layer (1um in thickness) is appeared on the screen. After one second (t = 1 s), an arrow as a cue
deposited (Fig. 4(a)) and then a photoresist (BP 212) is spin coated pointing either to the center, left, right, up, down or four corners
onto it (Fig. 4(b)). The photoresist is patterned via photolithogra- (corresponding to one of the six classes) appeared. The subjects
phy (Fig. 4(c)) and the metal layer is patterned via wet etching (I2 : were instructed to make the indicated eye movement before the
KI: H2 O = 1:4:4) (Fig. 4(d)). Photoresist on the surface of the metal cue disappeared (t = 2 s). The next trial began after another 1s. The
X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105 101

Fig. 4. Fabrication process of the patchable sensor.

Fig. 5. Positions of electrode placement for (a) ECG and (b) EOG.

training phase, the system generated the thresholds for online test-
ing phase.
The purpose of the experiment in the testing phase was to sim-
ulate a scenario that a subject controls scroll up, scroll down and
close of a document on a computer screen, which can be realized
by three classes of eye movements (eyes upward, downward and
blink). After the training phase, the system generated the thresh-
olds for testing. There were 30 trials in the testing phase (10 for
each of the three classes). The experiment procedure (see Fig. 6(b))
was similar to the training phase except that online feedbacks were
provided in the testing phase. At t = 2 s, the classication result
appeared and stayed on the screen for 1s. Note that, to ensure
higher sensitivity of the system and less fatigue of subjects, we use
trimmed thresholds (see details below) in the testing phase.

2.5. Online classication algorithm

2.5.1. Processing
Fig. 6. The experiment procedure in (a) training phase and (b) testing phase. A 1-s time window (1 s2 s in Fig. 6.) was used to extract the
data. Because the raw signals contained the low frequency noise
like baseline drift and high frequency noise like the power line
interference, the data were smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay l-
experimental procedure was detailed in Fig. 6(a). After the ofine ter to get the trend clearly. Two parameters of the lter (i.e., order
102 X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105

Fig. 7. EOG signals for the three types of eye movements before and after ltering.

and point) determined the cutoff frequency. To balance the calcu-

lation time and denoising effect, we chose the parameters of order
7 and 31 points. The resultant cutoff frequency was 33.7 Hz.
Fig. 7 shows the signals before and after ltering. The insets in
the left column are raw signals of eyes upward, downward and
blink from top to bottom, and the insets in the right column are
the corresponding signals after ltering. The signal of blink has a
peak and a trough, but the signals in the case of eye upward and
downward only has a peak or a trough. Moreover, different types of
eye movements have different speed and time duration. The char-
acteristic waveform shapes indicate that these eye movements can
be discriminated by extracting appropriate features from EOG.

2.5.2. Feature extraction

The goal of feature extraction is to nd a transformation that
converts the raw signals into a low-dimensional feature space.
Feature extraction should be able to preserve the discriminative
information in the raw signals. From Fig. 7, we have learned that
different types of eye movements have different amplitudes of pos-
itive and negative peaks. In order to reduce the time and complexity
of calculation, only the maximum peak and minimum trough values
were extracted as feature vectors for identifying the eye move-
ments. Fig. 8. Distribution of characteristic feature vectors of a subject. (For interpretation
To illustrate the difference between the different eye move- of the references to colour in the text, the reader is referred to the web version of
ments more obviously, the maximum peak (the X-axis) and the this article.)
minimum trough (the Y-axis) were displayed as a feature point in a
two-dimensional plane. Fig. 8 shows the distribution of these fea-
ture points when a subjects eyeballs move left (red asterisk), right class as the boundary. A large threshold can be determined by the
(red plus), up (black circle), down (black asterisk), blink (black plus) most lateral feature points of the nearby class as the boundary.
and stay at the center (red circle) ve times respectively. It can be A trimmed threshold between those two threshold ranges can be
clearly seen that different types of eye movements can be projected obtained. The calculation process is as follows:
into different areas. Through the appropriate thresholds of peak and
trough (the dotted lines), the system can identify these actions. 1 Extract the feature vectors of each training sample: maximum
peak (Vp) and minimum trough (Vt).
2.5.3. Determine the threshold and classication 2 Locate the border of each class: C[Vp+ Vp Vt+ Vt]. C = (center,
The threshold is determined by the distance of adjacent two fea- upward, downward, leftward, rightward, blink). max peak
ture points in two different classes. Therefore, each eye movement (Vp+), min peak (Vp-), max trough (Vt+) and min trough (Vt).
can be identied by three thresholds. For each class, a small thresh- 3 Calculate the classication threshold: C[Thp Thp+ Thv Thv+].
old can be determined by the most lateral feature points within this 4 Choose the threshold below according to the actual application:
X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105 103

Fig. 9. Threshold values for eyes move up.

Fig. 10. The micrographs of soft electrode (a) before the test and (b) after the test.
For the small threshold:

Thp = CVp.hp + = CVp + .Tht = CVt.Tht+ = CVt + . Because of the location of the sensor (see Fig. 1), the vertical eye
movements (up, down and blink) are easier to discriminate than
For the large threshold:
the horizontal movements (left, right and no move). In order to
Thp = NVp + .Thp + = NVp.Tht = NVt + .Tht+ = NVt. guarantee the accuracy and feasibility of practical application, we
only used the three types of vertical eye movements for HMI.
For the trimmed threshold:

Thp = 0.5 (CVp + NVp+ ).Thp+ = 0.5 (CVp+ + NVp).Tht 2.6. Performance evaluation

= 0.5 (CVt + NVt+ ).Tht+ = 0.5 (CVt+ + NVt) The performance of the system is evaluated using the accuracy,
sensitivity, specicity and ITR, which are calculated as follows:
Here C is the class used for calculating the threshold, and N is the
nearest class. Acc = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN) (3)

Classify the testing sample X (Vp, Vt) according to the threshold: Sen = TP/ (TP + FN) (4)

Spe = TN/ (TN + FP) (5)

If CThp < Vp < CThp+ and CTht < Vt < CTht+, sample X belongs  1 Acc

to the class C. Center, upward, downward, leftward, rightward, and ITR = 60 log2 N + Acclog2 Acc + (1 Acc) log2 )]/T (6)
blink are tested in order.
If Vp and Vt do not satisfy the two conditions above, X does not where Acc is the accuracy, Sen is the sensitivity, Spe is the speci-
belong to any classes. city, TP is the number of true positives, TN is the number of true
Fig. 9 shows an example of three thresholds for eyeballs when negatives, FP is the number of false positives, FN is the number of
they move up. Five black circles represent the feature points of eyes false negatives, T is the average time for a command, and N is the
upward, and the red plus and black plus correspond to its two near- number of types of commands. In the proposed system, T = 4 and
est classes: eyeballs move right and down. From inside to outside, N = 3.
three dotted lines represent the small, trimmed and large threshold
respectively. 3. Results and discussion
Obviously, different thresholds will inuence the sensitivity and
accuracy of the system. When the threshold increases, the false 3.1. The performance of sensor
negatives will be reduced, but the false positives may be increased.
At this moment, the sensitivity increases and the accuracy declines. 3.1.1. Mechanical property
On the contrary, the sensitivity declines and the accuracy increases. The weight of each electrode is 60 mg and the thickness is 70um.
Therefore, according to different applications and practical envi- The electrodes are stretchable and exible. The electrode can be
ronments, the system requires different settings of the threshold. stretched to 10% longer than its original length. The micrographs in
For example, if we want the system to be sensitive to the users Fig. 10 shows the structure of gold strips in details before and after
command, a large threshold is more appropriate. A small threshold the test. The gold strips keep intact after being stretched or folded,
is more preferable towards higher accuracy. If there is no special although minor wrinkles occur after the test.
requirement, the trimmed threshold is better because it can balance
the sensitivity and accuracy of the system. 3.1.2. Contact impedance
In this study, subjects were asked to read a document on the Contact impedance is presented as the mean standard devia-
computer screen. The system should have sensitive and correct tion in Fig. 11, where the red and blue lines represent the contact
responses to subjects actions simultaneously in order to avoid impedance of wet electrode and exible electrode at different fre-
fatigue. Therefore, the system employed the trimmed threshold. quencies respectively. At the frequency from 0.3 to 100 Hz, the
104 X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105

Fig. 11. Comparison of impedance spectroscopy on skin for exible and wet elec-

Table 1
Accuracy/sensitivity/specicity (%) and ITR (bits/min) for each subject and class in
the testing experiment.

Subject Upward Downward Blink ITR

1 90/100/85 90/70/100 90/100/85 15.2

2 56.7/40/65 60/60/60 56.7/70/50 2.7
3 83.3/60/95 83.3/90/80 83.3/100/75 11.5
4 96.7/90/100 96.7/100/95 96.7/100/95 20.1
5 90/80/95 93.3/90/95 90/100/95 15.9
6 96.7/100/95 100/100/100 93.3/90/95 20.1
7 83.3/100/75 83.3/100/75 83.3/50/100 11.5
8 73.3/90/65 73.3/70/75 73.3/60/80 7.2
Mean 83.8/82.5/84.4 85/85/85 83.3/83.8/83.1 13

average contact impedance of exible electrode and commercial

wet electrode are 359.2 159.5 K and 344.1 127.2 K respec- Fig. 12. Comparison of biopotential signals of a subject recorded with wet electrodes
and exible electrodes (a) ECG (b) EOG.
tively. The results suggest the exible electrodes have similar
impedance to commercial wet electrodes on the skin.

city are 84.0%, 83.8% and 84.2% respectively. The average ITR is
3.1.3. Biopotential recording ability
The example ECG and EOG signals recorded from one subject
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (a = 0.05) was used to
are shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b) respectively.
evaluate the classication performance and compare the clas-
The results of eight subjects show high correlations of ECG from
sication results among the three eye movement classes. No
the two types of electrodes (correlation coefcient: 0.957 0.005).
signicant differences in accuracy (F(2,21) = 0.03, P = 0.97), sensitiv-
The SNRs of wet electrodes and exible electrodes are 30.6 0.2 db
ity (F(2,21) = 0.03, P = 0.97) and specicity (F(2,21) = 0.03, P = 0.97)
and 24.0 0.4 db respectively. The correlation coefcient of EOG
are observed between classes. This result indicates that the system
from two kinds of electrodes is 0.944 0.031. The SNR of wet elec-
can treat the three classes of eye movements equally.
trodes and exible electrodes are 46.1 3.8 db and 30.5 6.2 db,
Signicant differences are found between subjects for accuracy
(F(7,16) = 224.46, P < 0.05) and specicity (F(7,16) = 7.30, P < 0.05),
Because the proposed exible dry electrode does not use con-
but no signicant differences are observed in sensitivity (F
ductive gel, the contact impedance of the dry electrode (359.2 K)
(7,16) = 1.95, P = 0.13). This result suggests that there is individual
is a little higher than the commercial wet electrode (344.1 K).
difference in classication performance obviously. However, since
So the dry electrodes have more electrical noise and relative low
the thresholds for each subject are individually optimized with
SNR than wet electrodes. But as long as using a lter, the electrical
the training data, the system reduces the individual difference of
noise can be removed and it does not affect the performance of the
sensitivity effectively.
HMI system. In terms of preparation time and comfortableness, the
To further illustrate the importance of optimizing the thresholds
exible electrode is much easier to use than the wet electrode.
for each subject, we use the thresholds from Subject 1 to clas-
sify the data for Subjects 28. On average, the accuracy, sensitivity
3.2. Experiment result and specicity are only 14.6%, 11.4% and 16.2% respectively. Fig. 13
shows the accuracy, sensitivity and specicity using subject specic
Table 1 shows the system performance in the testing experiment thresholds and the same thresholds from one subject. The accuracy,
for all subjects. On average, the accuracy, sensitivity and speci- sensitivity and specicity are signicantly improved with individ-
X. Guo et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30 (2016) 98105 105

the Key project of Chinese Academy of Science (KJZD-EW-L11-01)

and the Recruitment Program of Young Professionals.


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The authors acknowledge the support from the National Natural

Science Foundation of China (61335010, 61275200, 61275145 and
61036002), National 863 plans projects (Grant No.2012AA032204),

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