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3140 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

1997, 36, 3140-3148

Operational and Structural Nonidealities in Modeling and Design of

Multitubular Catalytic Reactors
Andrzej Cybulski*
CHEMIPAN, R&D Laboratories, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warszawa, Poland

Gerhart Eigenberger
Institut fur Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, Universitat Stuttgart, Boblinger Strasse 72,
70199 Stuttgart, Germany

Andrzej Stankiewicz
DSM Research, P.O. Box 18, 6160 MD Geleen, The Netherlands

Idealized mathematical models for multitubular packed-bed reactors, based upon simplifying
assumptions concerning symmetry, regularity, and homogeneity of the packing and the
intertubular space, are commonly used for analysis and design. In reality, substantial deviations
from these assumptions occur and give rise to maldistributions, both for the flow of reactants
through a packed tube and for the flow of a heat-transfer medium through the intertubular
space. These maldistributions and methods of how to deal with them in reactor design and
simulation are reviewed in this paper.The following areas are covered: (i) porosity and flow
patterns inside tubes, (ii) heat and mass transfer inside tubes, (iii) flow distribution over
individual tubes, and (iv) distribution of coolant flow over the intertubular space.

1. Introduction uniformities will be reviewed. The following problem

areas are discussed: porosity and flow patterns inside
The catalytic fixed-bed reactor is the dominating the tube, heat and mass transfer inside the tubes, flow
reactor type for large-scale, heterogeneously catalyzed distribution over individual tubes, and distribution of
gas-phase reactions. In case of strongly exothermic or the coolants flow over the intertubular space.
endothermic reactions, the multitubular arrangement
with catalyst-filled tubes and a liquid heat-transfer
medium pumped around the tubes is the standard 2. Transport Phenomena inside the Tubes
design (Froment and Bischoff, 1979; Eigenberger, 1992,
1996). For analysis, scale-up and design of fixed-bed The present models of catalyst-filled reactor tubes
reactors, mathematical modeling and simulation is one assume a deterministic behavior based upon a regular
of the most useful tools. The hitherto developed ideal and axisymmetric structure of the catalyst packing. This
models describing phenomena occurring inside tubes in holds both for cell models which try to mimic the
multitubular reactors, as classified first by Froment sequence of pellets and voids and for one- or two-phase
(1962, 1967, 1972, 1979), have been based upon simpli- continuous models where a continuous variation of
fying assumptions such as homogeneous and isotropic temperature and concentration is assumed. In reality,
packing of catalyst particles and plug flow of the a fixed bed is a random arrangement of nonuniform
reaction mixture within all individual tubes of the whole pellets, and the nonuniformity is apparent on each level
reactor. Moreover, uniform conditions of heat exchange of scale, from the active-site distribution in single pores
between the tubes and a coolant flowing through the over the pore distribution in single pellets to the
intertubular space are commonly assumed. In reality, arrangement of individual pellets in axial, radial, and
maldistributions of all kinds occur in multitubular circumferential directions in a single tube. This has led
reactors. This gives rise to a number of problems when to the question whether deterministic models are able
the commonly accepted mathematical models are used at all to describe the behavior of such a system with a
for design and analysis of industrial fixed-bed reactors. sufficient degree of detail. The answer has been given
A general observation is that idealized models cannot by industrial practice, which showed that a carefully
represent the reactor behavior quantitatively, if inde- designed and operated multitubular fixed-bed reactor
pendently determined, intrinsic kinetics and transport of some 20 000 parallel tubes has indeed about the same
parameters are used (Hofmann, 1979a,b; Eigenberger performance as a single test tube which was used for
and Ruppel, 1986). There have been many attempts to its design. The obvious explanation is that nonunifor-
identify key problems and to refine and work out models mities tend to level out even in single-catalyst tubes and
accounting for nonuniformities, while preserving Fro- for sensitive reactions like high-conversion partial
ments concept of modeling based upon intrinsic and oxidations if conversion and selectivity are considered
independently determined kinetics. not pointwise but over a larger reactor volume. A
In this paper, the inference of maldistributions in significant difference between the performance of a
multitubular reactors and methods to deal with non- single tube and that of a multitubular reactor appears
when the reaction mixture and/or the coolant are
* E-mail: distributed nonuniformly. The main reasons of flow
E-mail: eigenberger@cvtserv1.verfahrenstechnik.uni-stutt- maldistributions in multitubular reactors and the means to deal with maldistributions are discussed in sections
E-mail: 3.1 and 3.2 of this paper.
S0888-5885(96)00596-9 CCC: $14.00 1997 American Chemical Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3141
mum voidage (ca. 0.2-0.25) is located at a distance of
half a particle diameter from the wall. A voidage profile
with a pronounced decrease of the voidage toward the
tube center is characteristic for packings with more than
4-5 particles per tube diameter. The decrease is most
pronounced for spheres and least for Raschig rings. For
less than 3 particles per diameter, a voidage maximum
in the tube center may develop due to a kind-of spiral
arrangement of the pellets along the tube wall (Vort-
meyer, 1996).
A voidage profile with a maximum at the wall must
give rise to a maximum of the axial flow profile close to
the wall. Presumably, Schwartz and Smith (1953) were
the first who found that the radial flow pattern in
narrow tubes of catalytic reactors is nonuniform. The
velocity profile is affected by the particle shape. Figure
Figure 1. Packing of particles in the core of the bed (a) and at 3 shows measurements below the packed bed for spheres
the wall (b). and Raschig rings for a sequence of bed repackings (Bey
and Eigenberger, 1996). For each radial position, point
measurements have been carefully averaged along the
circumference. The differences after repacking result
from the aforementioned unavoidable degree of scatter;
the solid lines give an averaged profile. It is important
to note that the maximum close to the wall which
dominates the radial nonuniformity of the flow can be
measured with the least degree of scattering. This is a
direct consequence of averaging a large number of
circumferential point measurements close to the wall.
Measurements below or above packed beds like Figure
4 give only a qualitative indication of the nonuniform
flow inside the packing since they are falsified by the
rapid reorientation of the gas flow after the bed exit.
So far, no reliable gas-flow measurements inside packed
beds could be performed. The only possibilities are
Figure 2. Void fraction distribution for spherical particles.
liquid-flow measurements with LDA in transparent
Conversely, it has to be stated that point measure- column packings with a carefully adjusted refractory
ments in catalyst-filled tubes will always show a large index of liquid and packing material (McGreavy et al.,
degree of scattering and that only values which are 1986; Vortmeyer, 1996). Since these measurements are
averaged over a certain volume of the tube can be delicate and time-consuming, published results are not
reasonably compared with the simulation results from yet available to a sufficient extent. Research has
deterministic models. With the above restrictions in therefore been focused on a simulation of flow inside
mind, we will concentrate in the following on homoge- the packing based upon the independently measured
neous one- or two-phase models since they seem to offer voidage profiles and a consideration of flow reorientation
the best compromise between computational simplicity behind the packing. The pioneering work has been
and the ability to incorporate additional modeling performed by Vortmeyer and co-workers (Vortmeyer and
details (see sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this paper). Schuster, 1983; Haidegger et al., 1989), who introduced
2.1. Flow Maldistribution and Exothermic Re- and used the extended Brinkmann equation (Brinkman,
action. Considering the random flow-through catalyst- 1947). The Brinkmann equation consists of a momen-
filled tubes, there is one structural feature which is tum balance based upon the two-dimensional Navier-
apparent from all measurements. It stems from the Stokes equation where the fluid-particle interactions
ordering influence of the tube wall. This is well seen are described in a semiempirical way through an Ergun-
in Figure 1 where the black areas correspond to void type pressure drop relation. Vortmeyers approach has
spaces between the particles; the volume fraction of been adopted and somewhat modified by Daszkowski
those spaces is obviously larger at the tube wall. This (1991), Daszkowski and Eigenberger (1992), and Bey
difference is structural in character. It is superimposed and Eigenberger (1996). Figure 4 from the last men-
by random nonuniformities which originate from the tioned publication shows simulated flow profiles inside
fact that the geometry and/or the filling procedure do a packing of spheres (solid lines) and below the packing
not allow for a regular arrangement of pellets so that (dashed lines). It can be seen that the velocity maxi-
pellet clusters and larger voids are formed randomly. mum of the predicted flow profile inside the packing
Averaging over a certain distance, however, gives a exceeds the mean velocity by more than a factor 2.
surprising regular and reproducible radial void distribu- Similar results have been obtained for other packing
tion. The void fraction oscillates, decreasing from unity materials. A procedure has been given of how to
at the wall to a damped porosity of ca. 0.4 at a distance calculate the radially varying velocity profiles inside the
of 4 particles from the wall as shown in Figure 2 where packing from voidage profiles for random packing of
the well-known experimental data of Benenati and spheres, cylinders, and rings.
Brosilov (1962) and of Schuster and Vortmeyer (1980) The problems of geometry and flow in packed beds
are given. The broken line is an approximation of the have also been treated and reviewed by Ziokowska and
void fraction profile calculated from an equation derived Ziokowski (1988). Readers interested in more details
by Chandrasekhara and Vortmeyer (1979). The mini- are also referred to the book by Stanek (1994).
3142 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997

Figure 3. Velocity profiles measured 5 mm below a packing after repeated repackings (symbols) for an mean empty tube velocity of v0
) 0.5 m/s. The solid lines represent the model predictions (from Bey and Eigenberger (1996)).

measurements was presented by Kalkhoff and Vort-

meyer (1980), Daszkowski and Eigenberger (1992), and
Vormeyer and Winter (1984). They proved the above-
mentioned differences between plug flow and radially
varying flow models and showed that the latter lead to
a considerably better agreement between experiment
and simulation. However, most of the existing correla-
tions between heat-transfer coefficients and flow condi-
tions have been derived based upon plug flow. As such,
these correlations should not be used for models ac-
counting for nonuniform radial flow. New correlations
Figure 4. Simulated flow profiles inside (solid lines) and below for such models are needed.
the packing (circles) for spheres, dp ) 7.5 mm, at v0 ) 0.5 m/s 2.2. Mass and Heat Transfer in the Bed. There
(from Bey and Eigenberger (1996)).
are three levels where heat and mass transfer cause
The radial variation of flow velocity has originally temperature and concentration gradients: the intra-
been considered to be of minor importance for pure heat- particle level, where differences in temperatures and
transfer applications. It was obvious early, however, concentrations inside the particle exist; the interphase
that it should have a great influence on fixed-bed level, where differences in temperatures and concentra-
reactors with strongly exothermic reactions, cooled tions between the bulk of the fluid and the catalyst
through the wall. If the gas flows preferentially along surface exist; and the intrareactor level, where differ-
the wall, the residence time will be short where the ences in temperatures and concentrations appear be-
cooling is best, resulting in low conversion close to the tween different radial and axial positions in the bulk of
wall. Conversely, a long residence time in the poorly the fluid or the catalyst particles.
cooled tube center gives rise to high conversion with At all three levels, inhomogeneities in mass and heat
much more pronounced hot spots as compared to plug transfer exist which are due to the inhomogeneity of
flow. This general behavior has been found by particle sizes, shapes, pore structure, and packing as
Choudhary et al. (1976), who introduced the concept of well as flow maldistribution around particles and over
a two-region model, dividing the bed into a central core the entire bed. In this paper, nonidealities at the third
with the annular space between the core and the wall level will be discussed. Generally, axial heat and mass
with porosities and, hence, velocities differing in both dispersion can be neglected if the axial aspect ratio, L/dt,
sections. A two-region model was also used by Borkink is greater than, say, 50, and this is usually the case for
and Westerterp (1992). industrial reactors. Radial mass transport is usually
Lerou and Froment (1977) accounted for the distribu- considered to be fast enough to justify the plug-flow
tion of the superficial velocity in calculations of a reactor assumption. Therefore, the scope of this paper is limited
for the partial oxidation of o-xylene. It was heuristically only to inhomogeneities influencing heat transport over
assumed that the velocity is inversely proportional to the cross section of tubes.
voidage and the effective heat conductivity consists of Radial transport of mass and heat in catalyst-filled
a static contribution depending upon voidage and a tubes is primarily due to convection since fluid flow
dynamic contribution depending upon velocity. The splits before and recombines behind each pellet. For
porosity profiles of Benenati and Brosilov (1962) were heat transport, heat conduction through the solid pellets
used in the calculations. The wall heat-transfer coef- and the narrow pellet interstices is added. It is gener-
ficient appeared to be higher than that for plug flow, ally agreed that radiation needs not be considered
while the radial thermal conductivities were lower. separately at temperatures below 400-500 C. Obvi-
Peak temperatures in the cases of the radial velocity ously its contribution can be significant also at lower
profiles were higher than those in plug flow, and the temperatures if the temperature gradients are steep.
reactor model was more sensitive to the operating In spite of the dominating convective nature, radial heat
conditions. A similar influence was predicted by Eigen- and mass transport have been traditionally described
berger and Ruppel (1986). by a conduction (radial heat conductivity) and diffusion
Delmas and Froment (1988) extended the model of mechanism (radial diffusivity). The radial diffusivity
Lerou and Froment to the dependence of the effective can be safely calculated from a superposition of molec-
diffusivity on radial position. They found considerably ular diffusion and convective flow splitting, given by
different reactor performances for a number of realistic Schlunder and Tsotsas (1988).
models. The differences were particularly pronounced There has been some discussion on whether a radially
for small Dt/dp ratios. A comparison of the model results varying radial effective conductivity or the traditional
based upon the Brinkmann equation with detailed model with constant r,eff and an additional wall heat-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3143
transfer coefficient Rw is the better representation for
radial heat transport (see Cheng and Vortmeyer, 1988;
Delmas and Froment, 1988; Foumeny and Pahlevan-
zadeh, 1990). Based upon detailed analysis, Tsotsas
and Schlunder (1990) came to the conclusion that the
r,eff, Rw model is a reasonable approximation for large
mass-flow velocities prevailing in industrial fixed-bed
reactor operation.
Correlations for the calculation of r,eff and Rw have
been proposed by numerous authors. However, in spite
of advanced techniques used, there is a significant
scatter of experimental data on heat transfer even for
physically similar systems (see, e.g., the books by
Froment and Bischoff, 1979; and Wakao and Kaguei, Figure 5. Temperature vs angular position of thermocouples at
1982; or a review by Stankiewicz, 1989) with no clear various radial positions; Dt ) 54 mm, L ) 95 mm, dp (lead spheres)
indication to which of the literature correlations to ) 3.1 mm, G ) 2558 kg/(m2 h) (air flow) (from Cybulski (1971)).
choose for reactor modeling.
A significant portion of the literature correlations on
radial heat transfer are presented as

) C1 + C2RePr (1)

Nup ) C3 + C4ReC5PrC6 (2)

where f is thermal conductivity of the fluid, Re is the

Reynolds number, Pr is the Prandtl number, Nup is
Nusselt number defined as Rwdp/f, and Ci are adjusting
coefficients: C1 and C3 express static contributions to Figure 6. Heat-transfer coefficients for radial temperature
effective conductivity and the wall heat-transfer coef- profiles measured at different angular positions; for configuration
ficient. The values of coefficients in the above equations and operation conditions, see Figure 5.
can be found in the books by Froment and Bischoff
(1979) and by Wakao and Kaguei (1982) or in the review (1992) attributed a large scatter of their temperature
by Stankiewicz (1989). All those correlations have been profiles to angular temperature variations.
derived for plug flow. This is justified only for larger In a number of cases, the differences between heat-
ratios of tube-to-particles diameters (Dt/dp) (see Zi- transfer coefficients in reacting and nonreacting systems
okowska and Ziokowski, 1988). As shown by Dasz- were found (Kim et al., 1966; Emig et al., 1972; Cybulski
kowski and Eigenberger (1992), this leads to a 20-40% et al., 1973; Hofmann, 1979a,b; Clement and Jrgensen,
difference compared with heat-transfer coefficients es- 1983). On the other hand, Daszkowski (1991) and
timated for real velocity profiles. Real velocity profiles Daszkowski and Eigenberger (1992) could show in a
were considered by Legawiec and Ziokowski (1995) in number of carefully conducted experiments that good
their study on heat transfer in packed beds. The agreement between experiments and model simulations
differences between heat-transfer coefficients for plug based upon independently determined heat-transfer
flow and for a two-region model were also found by parameters and kinetics could be obtained. In their
Borkink and Westerterp (1992). model, they used the detailed radial flow variation both
Besides of the neglectance of radial flow variation, a for the reactor simulation and for the determination of
second source for the differences in published heat- their heat-transfer parameters from independent heat-
transfer data may stem from deficiencies in the measur- up experiments without reaction. Similar observations
ing procedure. It was pointed out that measurements have been made by Vortmeyer and Winter (1984). This
will always contain a large degree of random scattering. gives rise to the hope that a better quantitative predic-
Cybulski (1971) found that angular differences in tem- tion of packed-bed reactor operation and scale-up will
perature at the same radial position were up to about be possible if more detailed information on radially
20 C when heating air from ca. 20 to 100 C (see Figure varying velocity profiles for different catalyst shapes and
5). This was confirmed by Cresswell (1986), who found heat-transfer parameter correlations based upon these
a 10 C spread between angular replicates at a total velocity profiles become available. However, heat-
gradient of 40 C. Reprocessing the data of Cybulski transfer coefficients in packed beds can depend, among
and Gowacka-Lesniak (1974) on angular temperature others, on the location and intensity of the heat source.
differences resulted in an apparent but significant Therefore, especially in view of the above literature
relationship between the estimates of heat-transfer discrepancies, it might be useful to find whether differ-
coefficients in the pseudohomogeneous deterministic ences between heat-transfer coefficient measured under
model and the angular position of thermocouples (see process and nonprocess conditions are caused by the
Figure 6). Ziokowski and Legawiec (1987) repeated influence of reaction on heat-transfer coefficients by
temperature measurements repacking the bed and variation in packing and flow distribution. Whether,
estimated heat-transfer coefficients from those profiles. in addition, a mixed deterministic-stochastic model for
They found differences between r,effs ranging from 50 heat transfer is necessary to take the unavoidable
to 75%. Wijngaarden and Westerterp (1992) applied the randomness of packings into account remains a question
same procedure and found a significant scatter of of further research. Randomness of packing leads to
temperatures at the same angular and radial positions randomness in flow distribution, and this, in turn,
after the bed was repacked. Borman and Westerterp results in local differences of heat-transfer coefficients.
3144 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997

Figure 7. Cumulative Gaussian distribution for flow rates in Figure 8. Relative yield of maleic anhydride vs normalized flow
individual tubes of a multitubular reactor; points represent a rate; V-Mo catalyst KMD-32; benzene-to-air ratio of 1:66.5; (b)
number of experimental data. coolant of 415 C; (O) coolant of 425 C (from Cybulski and
Gowacka-Lesniak (1974)).
Hence, a mixed deterministic-stochastic model for heat
transfer in packed beds seems to be a reasonable

3. Transport Phenomena outside the Tubes

It has been found that the yield of the desired product
in processes of partial oxidations of hydrocarbons in
single-tube reactors can differ from that in multitubular
reactors and that it can also vary in time (Cybulski and
Gowacka-Lesniak, 1974; Eigenberger and Ruppel, 1986).
Several reasons for this have been proposed: (1) the
differences in activity of various batches of the catalyst,
(2) catalyst aging, (3) nonuniform distribution of the
reaction mixture over individual tubes, and (4) nonuni- Figure 9. Coolant cross-flow (A) and coolant parallel-flow design
form heat exchange between the tubes and the coolant. (B) for multitubular fixed-bed reactors with molten salt cooling
(from Eigenberger (1992)).
The last two points will be addressed in the following.
3.1. Flow Distribution over Individual Tubes.
In multitubular reactors with random packings, the ated by visual inspection was a nonuniform deposition
pressure drop in the tubes usually exceeds the pressure of dust particles on the top layer of the catalyst. Such
drop in the inlet and exit hood by orders of magnitude. a deposition will be, of course, strongly dependent upon
If the tubes are packed carefully and the pressure drop the flow conditions in the inlet hood, where a tangential
is adjusted to a common value in each individual tube, inflow favors deposition at the peripheral and at central
an equal flow distribution to all tubes can be safely inflow a deposition below the feed pipe. Hence, care
assumed, irrespective of the specific hood construction. must be taken in industrial fixed-bed reactors to com-
Only if very short tubes and a low pressure drop packing pletely remove any dust particles or droplets from the
(thin walled rings or monoliths) are used must both feed preparation stage before the gas enters the reactor.
hoods be carefully designed to avoid an unequal flow A nonuniform flow rate through individual tubes of
distribution (Eigenberger and Nieken, 1991). a multitubular reactor can easily result in low yields
It has been observed in industrial operation that an and an increased danger of temperature runaway if a
initially uniform flow distribution tends to deteriorate temperature-sensitive reaction is considered. Particu-
with time on stream. Cybulski and Gowacka-Lesniak larly sensitive are tubes with a reduced throughput
(1974) measured the flow rate distribution in an indus- because of their higher conversion and reduced heat
trial reactor with 8540 tubes of 1-in. diameter filled with removal. This has been shown clearly by Westerterp
catalyst particles ca. 5 mm in diameter. The gas was and Ptasinski (1984). On the other hand, if flow is too
introduced tangentially into the hood. The pressure high, conversion decreases because residence time is too
drop in all tubes was thoroughly equalized at the same short. This is illustrated in Figure 8, where data on
flow rate to a standard value before the reactor was the partial oxidation of benzene to maleic anhydride
started up. Flow-rate measurements were repeated in (Cybulski and Gowacka-Lesniak, 1974) are presented.
some tubes after the reactor had been shut down. The
An apparent plateu in Figure 8 is likely to be caused
distribution turned out to be close to the Gaussian one
by commensurability of experimental errors with rather
(see Figure 7) with considerable deviations at the low-
low yield sensitivity to flow rate near the maximum
flow-rate range (the lowest flow rates were observed
near the reactor shell). The deviations can be caused yield area. Obviously for lower flow rates, yield de-
by either inadequacy of the normal distribution model creases, but no replicated data from that region were
to fit experimental data and/or greater weight of ex- available. A 10% increase of the flow rate resulted in a
perimental points at the higher flow-rate range where yield drop by 3-5%. Thus, both factors contribute to
each point represents more measurements than these lowering the yield of the desired product.
for the low-flow-rate region. Similarly, significant 3.2. Distribution of Coolant Flow in the Inter-
deviations of the pressure drop which developed during tubular Space. Generally there are two main classes
the reactor operation were reported by Eigenberger and of multitubular reactors as far as design of the inter-
Ruppel (1986). The highest pressure drop was observed tubular space is concerned: the parallel-flow and cross-
near the reactor centerline, just opposite to the central flow units (Figure 9). In the reactors of the first
hood inlet pipe. An explanation which was substanti- category (Figure 9B), the coolant flows in parallel to
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3145
developed heat-transfer probe consisting of a closely
wound fine wire coil of the same diameter as that of
the heat-exchanger tubes. Local heat-transfer coef-
ficients were determined by accurately positioning the
short-length coil in the test section in place of a tube.
Care was taken that no leakage between the tubes and
the holes in the buffle plates occurred. Nevertheless,
considerable differences up to 400% have been observed.
To determine the distribution of the coolant flow, the
coefficients of hydraulic resistance in all elementary
geometrical configurations are needed. These configu-
rations include the tube bundle (for both parallel flow
and cross-flow), baffle windows, gaps between tube
bundle and the shell, and finally the baffle-shell and
tube-baffle clearances. These hydraulic resistances
have been reviewed by Stankiewicz (1989). A model
Figure 10. Distribution of shell-side heat-transfer coefficients in consisting of continuity and momentum balance equa-
a leakage-proof exchanger of rectangular cross section (11.7 6 tions containing these resistances gives the flow distri-
in.), containing 144 tubes of 1/2-in. diameter on 3/4-in. triangular bution over the intertubular space. The model for flow
pitch (form Stachiewicz and Short (1963)).
in the intertubular space was experimentally verified
tubes in the region where the reaction occurs. Hence, (Adamska-Rutkowska et al., 1983a,b, 1984; Stankiewicz
active catalyst is restricted to the space between the et al., 1986; Cybulski et al., 1987) using an apparatus
upper distribution and the lower collection plate; the consisting of two chambers with cross-flow and one
rest of the tubes may be filled with inert material. The chamber with parallel flow, containing 28 rows of tubes.
coolant is pumped through the reactor by a strong The agreement between the calculated overall pressure
circulation pump which nowadays is usually placed drop values and the experimental ones was sufficient
outside the reactor for better service. Part of the coolant for the design purposes. Heat-transfer coefficients are
is led through a steam generator to remove the heat of evaluated by summing up contributions for both parallel
reaction, and the coolant temperature is adjusted via flow and cross-flow. The correlations for these heat-
this side stream. For properly designed distributing and transfer coeffficients have also been extensively dis-
collecting plates, the flow is uniform over the cross cussed in the review paper by Stankiewicz (1989). The
section of the reactor. Heat transfer due to the forced required heat-transfer conditions hrequired can be ob-
convection at flow parallel to the tubes is rather poor tained from the model of a single tube. If hcalculated,min
for typical heat exchangers. Accordingly, the parallel- < hrequired, the overall flow rate of the coolant must be
flow reactors are considered to be demanding for the increased and/or the design of the intertubular space
higher flow rates of the coolant to ensure a sufficiently must be modified.
high rate of heat removal. In the cross-flow design As mentioned above, the prime objective of modeling
(Figure 9A), baffles are installed to force the coolant to of the intertubular space is to properly arrange the
flow mainly perpendicularly to the tubes. This flow geometrical configuration of this space and to determine
pattern is expected to enhance heat exchange between the minimal coolant flow rates which will guarantee a
the tubes and the coolant. Baffled reactors contain sufficiently high heat transfer. Literature data on heat-
segmental baffles or disk-and-doughnut baffles, the transfer coefficients in bundles of tubes are commonly
latter being the most commonly used in industrial used in such procedures. However, literature correla-
practice. Obviously, dead zones for the coolant can be tions do not take the occurrence of a heat source of high
formed where the coolant motion changes from parallel intensity (region near the temperature peak) into ac-
to perpendicular. count. Under such conditions, turbulent natural con-
Dead zones are particularily pronounced in the center vection can contribute considerably to the overall heat-
and at the peripheral ifscontrary to Figure 9Asthe transfer coefficient. This has been observed by Cybulski
central part and the peripheral part where the coolant et al. (1986, 1987). Coolant flow rates in a single-tube
flow changes direction are also equipped with tubes. In reactor were measured by using radioactive tracers.
these local dead zones, the coolant heat transfer can Heat removal in processes of partial oxidation of ben-
be much worse than in the parallel-flow reactors. We zene and o-xylene appeared to be high enough at coolant
(A.C. and A.S.) witnessed the occurrence of such zones velocities as low as ca. 2 cm/s, i.e., deep in laminar
when an industrial reactor of the Rheinstahl-Von regime. The yields of the desired products maleic and
Heyden-Deggendorfer type containing ca. 10 000 tubes phthalic anhydrides were as high as those for the higher
was dismantled for repair. The areas of the tubes near coolant flow rates, indicating that a heat-transfer mech-
the potential dead zones located at the region of anism other than forced convection was prevailing.
expected hot spots were reddish violet, indicating over- Further work on coolant heat transfer under high heat
heating of the tubes from inside. Sintering of the flux conditions seems necessary to better understand
catalyst particles in those tubes might result in an and predict turbulent natural convection in multitubu-
increase of pressure drop and, consequently, a decrease lar reactors.
of flow rate. This can be a further explanation for the The first models combining the tube- and the shell-
development of nonuniform flow through individual side phenomena in a multitubular reactor were devel-
tubes of the bundle during time on stream. These oped for publication at the University of Leeds (Adder-
observations of the dismantled reactor tubes are in ley, 1973; Dunbobbin, 1976; McGreavy and Dunbobbin,
agreement with results of Stachiewicz and Short (1963). 1976; Biscaia, 1980). In those early models, ideal
The distribution of local shell-side heat-transfer coef- coolant cross-flow with constant velocity through the
ficients in a cross-flow heat exchanger as found by tube bundle in a reactor of rectangular cross section had
Stachiewicz and Short is shown in Figure 10. Measure- been assumed. Thus, the shell-side effects in those
ments were carried out with the aid of a specially models were limited to the continuous increase in the
3146 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997

The first attemps to include the coolant maldistribu-

tion phenomena into the multitubular reactor model,
originating also from Leeds, were made by Stankiewicz
(1985, 1989) and consisted in dividing the intertubular
space into a number of two-dimensional cells, in which
both cross and parallel components of the local coolant
flow were considered, as it is shown in Figure 11.
Knowing the relations for hydraulic resistances in all
individual elements of the intertubular space (tube
bundle, tube-to-baffle clearances, baffle windows, etc.),
it was possible to estimate the local parallel- and cross-
flow components of the coolant velocity in each shell-
side cell. Combination of the coolant heat balance in
each cell with the balances on the tube side allowed for
determination of the tube-side profiles as a function of
the tube position in the bundle. Stankiewicz found that
the parallel leakage flows of the coolant through the
tube-to-baffle clearances may lead to substantial dif-
ferences in the temperature profiles in individual tubes.
An example of such differences is presented in Figure
12, in which j indices are the column numbers in the
two-dimensional cell matrix, as shown in Figure 11,
Figure 11. Two-dimensional cell model of the baffled shell side with j ) 1 and j ) 4 denoting the column adjacent to
in a multitubular reactor (from Stankiewicz (1989)). the coolant inlet and the column next to the reactor axis,
respectively. The results shown in Figure 12 concern
a multitubular unit for benzene oxidation to maleic
anhydride, 4.652 m in diameter containing 12 144 tubes
and fitted with five disk-and-doughnut baffles. In the
same paper, Stankiewicz proposed five characteristic
factors for multitubular fixed-bed reactors. The factors
describe the uniformity of the tube bundle operation,
thermal uniformity of tube and shell sides, and power
consumption necessary for pumping the coolant through
the intertubular space.
Attention has also been given to the stability of
multitubular reactor operation. Modeling studies (Dun-
bobbin, 1976; Stankiewicz, 1985; Stankiewicz and Leszcz-
ynski, 1986) indicated that the cocurrent coolant-flow
configuration presents a safer option than the counter-
Figure 12. Axial temperature profiles in catalytic tubes at several
locations in intertubular space.
current one, which, under certain conditions (e.g.,
coolant pump failure), is likely to move the reaction into
coolant temperature during its flow through the inter- the multiple steady-state region with accompanying
tubular space. A detailed calculation of heat transfer thermal runaway in the catalyst beds. This phenom-
in the outer tubular space is contained in Eigenberger enon is due to the heat feed-back loop in countercurrent
and Ruppel (1986). It is restricted, however, to the heat systems and can also occur locally in a part of the tube
transfer from a hot flue gas to the tube bundle for an bundle being caused by maldistribution of the coolant
endothermic dehydrogenation reaction. flow (existence of stagnant zones).

Figure 13. Response of the reactor with disk-and-doughnut baffles (a) and of the parallel flow reactor (b) to a step increase in reactant
concentration. Temperature profiles in the tubes positioned at the reactor axis.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3147
A group from the Industrial Chemistry Research in addition, the development of stochastic reactor mod-
Institute, Warsaw, used subsequently the above-de- els is necessary to cope with the unavoidable random-
scribed two-dimensional cell approach to investigate the ness.
operational characteristics of the so-called mixed-flow For the design and operation of multitubular fixed-
co/countercurrent reactors (Stankiewicz et al., 1986) and bed reactors of industrial dimensions, special care must
the regions of steady-state multiplicity in large-scale be taken to ensure sufficient and equal coolant condi-
industrial reactors for maleic anhydride production tions on the shell side and equal throughput through
(Adamska-Rutkowska et al., 1988, 1990). Modeling all individual tubes. This task, which presented sub-
strategies similar to that proposed by Stankiewicz have stantial problems in the past, has been alleviated to
also been used by other authors, either to study the some extent, on the one hand, through the availability
general characteristics of multitubular units (Baptista of a great number of reliable heat-transfer data for the
and Castro, 1993) or to investigate the influence of the design of the shell side in shell-and-tube heat exchang-
configuration on the reactor controller design (Maciel ers (here, the data of, e.g., VDI, ASME, or HTRI can be
Filho and McGreavy, 1993). recommended for engineering calculations) and, on the
Another, this time dynamic, model of a multitubular other hand, through the development of sufficiently
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