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THE BLACK SPELLS OF THE FIRE SPIRITS Carl Nagel STARLIGHT BOOKS THE BLACK SPELLS OF THE FIRE SPIRITS Carl Nagel ‘The magical formulae contained in this booklet are based on The Black Pullet, a textbook of magic that teaches the science of magical talismans Written in the 18th century by an anonymous French officer who served in Napoleon's army, the text takes the form of a narrative centering on the French officer during the Egyptian expedition led by Napoleon when his unit is suddenly attacked by Arab soldiers. The French officer manages to escape the attack, but is the only survivor. An old man appears suddenly from the pyramids and takes the French officer into a secret chamber within one of the pyramids. He nurses hhim back to health whilst sharing with him the magical teachings from ancient manuscripts that escaped the burning of Ptolemy's library The Spirits you will be working with are Salamanders, the elemental Spirits of fire, Fire is the most magical of the elements, representing life, energy, transformation and change. Their essence can be conjured in a candle flame, which is precisely what you will be doing. The belief in these Spirits, and their ability to produce the desired results, was widespread among the alchemists (who sometimes referred to them as fire people) and occultists of ages past, and remains an important part of magical practice to this day. WORKING WITH THE FIRE SPIRITS During every Spell you will place a Black Pullet Talisman on your altar (small table). On the pages of this booklet you will find illustrations of 14 talismans which were created and drawn by the anonymous author of the Black Pullet in 1744. The pages show merely illustrations of the talismans, The images contain no magical power, there is only one way of tapping the power of the talismans, Itis to create them yourself. ‘As soon as possible after waking in the morning, draw on a piece of white paper the appropriate talisman for the magical intent Keep the talisman in your pocket or purse for at least 12 hours. Look at it as often as you can during the day, when you are alone and unobserved After darkness has fallen, sit alone in a room and light a single candle, You can use an ordinary white kitchen candle if you wish, but using a colored candle is best. The color of the candle will depend on the talisman you are using, See Table below for the colors magically associated with the Black Puliet Talismans. Use a bottle or candlestick to hold the candle. The candle is place at the rear of the talisman. Once the candie is lit, say: “Within this Flame the Powers be.” Then speak the words of the Conjuration of the Spirit Then say: “I invoke and move thee, Oh thou spirit of the flame.” Once the spirit has been conjured, you will need to see through and past the everyday world. Allow your gaze to rest just above the candle flame, the stare to become vacant. Logic has no place in Magic, attempting to rationalize what is happening will close the door between the material and supernatural worlds. If this should happen you will need to conjure the Spirit again Now firmly state your Magical Intent. Use the words given, or use some ‘of your own which state your needs. Here is an Arcane Truth: Your own words will be more powerful. Next, speak the words of power that will command the Spirit to obey you, pronouncing them as written. When the words have been spoken, burn the talisman in the candle flame and say : “Go forth and make this be!” Extinguish the candle and throw away the ashes of the talisman. Repeat the Spell each evening for seven days or until your desire is realized, whichever is sooner. If proper results are not obtained, repeat again for seven days, or until the Fire Spirits bring your desire to you. CONJURATION OF THE SPIRIT Zilka Zilka Besa Besa Bagahi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas ‘Aron Azinomas. Zilka Besa Besa Bagahi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Besa Besa Bagahi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. ‘Besa Bagahi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Bagahi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Lamac Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Cahi Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Achababe Palas Aron Azinomas. Palas Aron Azinomas. ‘Aron Azinomas. Azinomas. TABLE OF MAGICAL ASSOCIATIONS The color magically associated with Talisman No. 1 (Good Luck) is Gold. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 4 (Seduction) is Silver. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 5 (Treasure) is Green The color magically associated with Talisman No. 6 (Truth) is Violet. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 7 (Friendship) is Gold. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 8 (Protection) is Lilac. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 10 (To Go Unnoticed) is Yellow. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 11 (Travel) is Puce. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 12 (To Open Locks) is Dark Blue. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 13 (Secrets) is Pale Grey. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 16 (Health) is Orange. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 19 (Talent) is White, The color magically associated with Talisman No. 20 (Gambling Luck) is Chenry Red. The color magically associated with Talisman No. 22 (To Avoid Misfortune) is Red. THE LUSTFUL DELIGHT SPELL This is a form of sympathetic Magic and for the Spell to work most efficiently you will need something which has been in contact with the object of your lust. A hair or fingernail clipping is the most traditional, but a business card or photo is the next best thing Two nights before a New Moon, wait until your reasonably sure the woman you wish to seduce is sleeping. Place the contact object on top of the talisman and see, in your mind, the woman you are lusting for. Black Pullet Talisman: No. 4 Magical Intent: | wish to make (name of woman) obedient to my carnal desires, willing to satisfy my every desire. Words of Power: NADES, SURADIS, MANINER, SADER, PROSTAS, SOLASTER. Talisman No. 4 OCCULT RIBALDRY Does the Magic Power of the Black Pullet really work? Ask Peter N. (not his real name). The woman he lusted after was a sexy realtor who had shown little to no interest in him. Peter spoke the Words-of-Power over her photograph from a business card she had given him. After working the Magic three times, he called her at home, from the number on her card. She was in the bathtub and invited him over to scrub her back, twice. THE GOLDEN TREASURE SPELL ‘Treasure! Every time you hear the word it brings with it thoughts of Spanish doubloons and pieces-of-eight which have lain hidden for centuries at the bottom of Caribbean waters. Treasures that you would like to possess so that your life can be better, You may associate treasure with gold and silver coins, and objects of precious metal, but there are other kinds of treasures to be found, Old books, rare stamps, magazines and other collectibles are treasures, in the very true sense of the word, in full view yet unrecognized for what they are. The Black Spell that follows is ‘good for finding such things as rare books, stamps, magazines (or similar) .. . and just maybe, that long lost pirates’ treasure! Black Pullet Talisman: No. § Magical Intent: “I wish to be led to treasures, both known and unknown.” Words of Power: ONAIM, PERANTES, RASONASTOS. Talisman No. 5 THE POT OF GOLD SPELL You could probably use a big dose of good luck in your life, and stop the bad luck vibrations flowing in your direction, then this Spell is for you. Ifyou are in a deep swing of misfortune and nothing is going right, this Spell will help to increase your lucky breaks. If you seek luck at gambling, the Black Pullet Winning Ticket Spell is the one to use In order to get the full benefit out of this Spell, you should speak the Words-of-Power with farce and belief in their power to bring you money and luck, Belief is an important factor in all works of Magic. Black Pullet Talisman: No, 4 Magical Intent: “I seek to change my luck from bad to good, and ask for good fortune at all times.” Words of Power: TURAN, ESTONOS, FUZA ‘When you use this Spell itis, in effect, like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Be prepared to accept the opportunities which the Fire Spirits offer you. Being reluctant at any time will mitigate the force of the Spell and delay its results. Talisman No.1 THE WINNING TICKET SPELL The odds against winning first prize in a lottery are staggering. With the State Lotto, for example, it can be as high as 452, 503 to 1. The odds against you can be reduced, however, when you bring Magic into the equation. By utilizing any one of the many and varied magical formulae available for gambling luck, you can actually end up with the odds in your favor. This Spell is designed to turn luck vibrations your way in any contest where chance is the chief factor in winning. Before (and after) casting the Spell, sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed and see, in your mind, yourself winning at whatever game of chance you want to work in your favor. Black Pullet Talisman: No. 20 Magical Intent: “I wish to win a prize in the contest | shall enter.” Words of Power: PILATUS, TULITAS, XATANITOS. Talisman No. 20 THE NEW FRIENDS SPELL There is no pain compared to the pain of loneliness. If friendship is missing from your life, it won't be for much longer. A short time from now, you will lea how to use the Arcane Powers of the Black Pullet to bring true friendship into your life. You will command a magical force so strong that you will attract new friends from many sources. When you work this Spell to bring friendship into your life, you will find that you will have many people offer you their friendship. If this Spell is worked with constancy and faith, then many people will want to associate themselves with you. Black Pullet Talisman: No. 7 Magical Intent: "I wish to be a friend to all, and all a friend to me." Words of Power: TONAS, ZUGAR. Talisman No. 7 THE AVENGE ME SPELL Someone, somewhere would like to see you fall and fail. Use this Ancient Spell to avenge injuries or hurts which have been done to you. It is designed to send the effects of malignant thoughts straight back to the person who is aiming them at you. What is being wished upon you will then happen to your enemy instead Black Pullet Talisman: No. 8 Magical Intent: “I wish to protect myself from my enemies.” Words of Power: ZORAMI, ZAITUX, ELASTOT Talisman No. 8 SPELL TO DISCOVER HIDDEN TALENTS, Use this Ancient Spell to discover what talents you may now possess, but have not fully used. After working the Spell, sit in a darkened room and let your mind flow freely. Listen for and follow all impulses or hunches, and anything else going ‘on in your mind, and note what information about hidden talents is given to you in your dreams, Black Pullet Talisman: No. 19 Magical Intent: "I wish to know what my inner talents are.” Words of Power: RITAS, ONALUN, TERSORIT, OMBAS, SERPITAS, QUITATHAR, ZAMARATH. Talisman No. 19 SPELL TO BECOME INVISIBLE This Spell will take several attempts before you achieve the results you seek. But once you have reached the required state of detachment, you will be carried, in your mind, to your destination, where you may clearly see what is going on. Black Pullet Talisman: No. 10 Magical Intent: “I wish to move unseen to (state where you wish to go). Words of Power: BENATIR, CARARKAU, DEDOS, ETINARMI. Talisman No. 10 After casting the Spell, sit quietly in a chair in a darkened room. Close your eyes. Let your thoughts flow free. Breathe evenly and deeply. Think about where you wish to go. If this Spell is worked with constancy and belief, sooner or later you will find that you are at your destination, able to see and hear what is going on. THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES SPELL Use this Ancient Spell only if you are prepared to back it up with action. Accept all chances the Fire Spirits offer you to move up in life. The Black Pullet describes the talisman as having the Power to “open all locks,” | interpret this to mean with it you can open doors to golden opportunities to move forward and upward in life. Black Pullet Talisman: 12 Magical intent: “I wish to have the doors of opportunity opened for me, so that | may move up in life.” Words of Power: SARITAP, PERNISOX, OTTARIM. Talisman No. 12 THE SAFE TRAVEL SPELL To ensure a safe journey, to bring powerful protective forces to you, to reduce malignant travel influences to less harmful ones, use this Spell. Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No. 11 Magical Intent: “I wish to be protected on my journey.” Words of Power: RADITUS, POLASTRIEN, TERPANDU, OSTRATA, PERICATUR, ERMAS. Talisman No. 11 If, while stating the Magical Intent, you point to your travel documents, you will reinforce the protection. THE HARMONY AND HAPPINESS SPELL If you are in a deep swing of misfortune and nothing is going right for you, use this Spell to banish your bad luck and replace it with harmony and happiness. Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No. 22 Magical Intent: “I wish to banish the ill-luck vibrations that surround me. Words of Power: ACTATOS, CATIPTA, BEJOURAN, ITAPAN, MARNUTUS. Talisman No. 22 THE HIDDEN WORLD SPELL Beyond the everyday world there exists an area of creation dimly understood by man. The secrets of the Black Pullet give access to the Powers of this invisible dimension. Within this Hidden World is a pool of information and knowledge which you can draw on through the Magic of this Ancient Spell Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No. 13 Magical Intent: “I wish to know the secrets of the Hidden World that 16 ‘surrounds me.” Words of Power: 0 TAROT, NIZAEL. ESTARNAS, TANTAREZ. Talisman No. 13 After you have cast this Spell a few times, you will find that secrets are revealed to you in your dreams. If you wake during the night, think carefully of what you have been dreaming and make a note of it before going back to sleep SPELL TO BANISH ILL HEALTH Note: This Spell must not be used in place of recognized and regular medical treatment. It should only be used in conjunction with your doctor's diagnoses, recommendations and prescriptions. This Spell can help to banish general indispositions and bring back health and well-being. Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No. 16 ‘Magical Intent: “I wish to regain my health.” Words of Power: RETERREM, SALIBAT, CRATARES, HISATER. Talisman No. 16 Do not reveal to your doctor that you have used this Spell, nor must you make any claims that Magic cured you when you return to health. SPELL TO KNOW THE TRUTH Knowing the truth in all things can give you a tremendous advantage in life. After working the Spell, listen for any hunches and intuitions that come to you, and note what information is given to you in your dreams. Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No. 6 Magical Intent: “My purpose is to know the truth at all times and in all places.” Words of Power: NITRAE, RADOU, SUNANDAM. Talisman No. 6 THE REWARD AND PUNISHMENT SPELL To reward your friends with all sorts of prosperities, or to punish your enemies with all sorts of misfortunes, use this Spell Black Pullet Talisman: Talisman No, 13 Magical Intent (A): "My purpose is to reward my friends, to shape the future such that money and success is known to them.” ‘Magical Intent (B): "My purpose is to punish my enemies, to shape the future such that confusion and pain is known to them.” Words of Power to Reward: NISTA, SAPER, VISNOS. Words of Power to Punish: XATROS, NIFER, ROXAS, RORTOS. Talisman No. 13 TALISMANS: YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Talismans are, in effect, a means to control persons and events by silent and unobserved ways. How effectively they control is dependent upon the emotion instilled into the Talismanic Magic. In the Esoteric Sciences the Power of talismans are implicitly believed in, especially if from an unknown Arcane source. This booklet is a continuation of this occult tradition. COPYRIGHT © STARLIGHT BOOKS 2009 20 STARLIGHT BOOKS YORK CHAMBERS 33 YORK STREET WOLVERHAMPTON WVI1 3RN UNITED KINGDOM

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