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Program Manual

Youth Global Leadership, a program of the

Philanthropiece Foundation, provides an
opportunity for youth in Boulder, Colorado, to
become changemakers in their local and global
communities. It is a program for youth who are
passionate about service-learning, exploring their
passions, and building community.

A Program of


Thanks for your interest in Philanthropieces Youth Global Leadership program! We

believe in being passionate, doing good work, and having fun along the way. We also
believe that by sharing our knowledge, resources, and insights, we are best able to work
together to create a global community of changemakers.

The intentions for this manual are: (1) to provide incoming YGL participants and their
families, volunteers, and mentors pertinent info about the program; and (2) to share
information with other groups, individuals, and organizations who are interested in
adopting the YGL program for their organization or community.

We are always working to improve and build upon our YGL program. Wed love to hear
from you if you have feedback or if youd like to share insights and knowledge about
your positive youth development program.

Yours in piecing together a better world,

Libby & Joanie

Elizabeth C. Cook and Joan M. Knudson
Executive Directors
Philanthropiece Foundation



Mission & Origins of YGL [4]
Program Development [5]
YGL Participants / Youth-Adult Partnership [6-7]
YGL is what I Organizational + Management Leaders [8]
live and breathe. YGL Program Coordinator [9]


Philanthropiece-YGL Connection & History [10]
single most What We Do & How We Do It [11]
influential factor The YGL Numbers [12]


The Commitment [13]
Ive become Group Expectations & Norms [14]
throughout high
school. My eyes YGL Community [15]
Skills of a Youth Global Leader [16]
have been opened
Introduction to the Spokes [17]
around me, and Local Service-Learning [18-19]
COR Projects [20-21]
my passion for Social Entrepreneurship [22]
service has been
sparked by the YGL Gatherings & Monthly Meetings [23]
Focus Sessions & Leadership Workshops [24]
opportunities Community Events, YGL Compaeros, and Retreats [25]
YGL Communication: Email & Beyond [26]
YGL has offered.
~Hannah D.~ Overview and Goals of the Mentorship Initiative [27]
Pairing YGLers and Mentors [27]

YGL Alumni & Opportunity for Continued Involvement [28]
Cor Project Partnership [28]


Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity [29]
Spring Application Season [29]
Steps to Apply & Application Response [30-31]


List of Resources [32]



The Mission of Youth Global Leadership

The Philanthropiece Youth Global Leadership program addresses issues,
both locally and globally, through direct change in communities worldwide.
We work to inspire and develop a new generation of leaders with a goal of
fostering relationships, and involving the world's youth in change. Our
EMPOWER emphasis is on cultural exchange, sustainability, service, and education.

The Origin of Youth Global Leadership

Youth Global Leadership (YGL) is a program of the Philanthropiece
Foundation (more on who Philanthropiece is in the following section!). We
YGL fosters a strongly believe that community development best happens organically,
sense of from the very people that it aims to serve; no one knows better what youth
need than youth themselves! For this reason, we solicited the help of local
unbounded youth to help us in the introductory design phase of creating the YGL
opportunity to program.
make a positive
On January 30th, 2010, eighteen awesome students from Boulder and
difference in our Denver joined together at the Philanthropiece Barn to tell us their ideas for
community and the program. We asked them big picture questions such as, What makes you
feel valued? and Who is a leader you admire?. The current YGL program is
world. I was the result of what happened when Philanthropieces desire to raise the voice
drawn to the of youth intersected with a youth-specific desire for how they want to be
empowered heard. From there, the program came together, collided a few times, and
then began to unfold!
members, the
creativity, and
the sustainable
initiatives that
hold strong to



Program Development
Youth Global Leadership is a program for high school students in Colorados
Boulder/Denver area who are dedicated to developing the leadership skills
necessary to becoming young changemakers. The YGL participants (YGLers) are
passionate leaders who are interested in service-learning and committed to
CHANGE creating positive change.

But theres a much longer version of the YGL origin story; it was designed by
youth, for youth, to offer students the opportunity to make a difference in the
world. We focus on local service, social entrepreneurship, and leadership through
The YGL program action. Our primary goals are to be impactful, collaborative, and innovative.
has made an Along the way to achieving our goals, we focus on challenging YGLers to expand
impact on my life their comfort zones and empowering them to define and act upon their passions.
We strive to cultivate a supportive and inspiring community. We provide training
that I could have
in leadership skills. We explore opportunities for cultural exchange and service-
never imagined. learning initiatives in our local and global communities.
Being a part of
We aspire to provide an environment for youth in which they are able to have a
this program has voice and be heard, to create social change in communities, to make friends, and
taught me so much to be involved. We achieve this by providing local teenagers with the knowledge,
skills, and encouragement they need to become agents of change, and to
about the world ultimately raise their collective voice and stand up for their future.
that we live in, and
how we, as human
beings, fit into it.
It has taught me
the importance of
community, positive
change, and


YGL Participants
The Youth Global Leadership program is comprised of participants who are
positive, dedicated, and friendly; people who are willing to take educated
risks and step outside of their comfort zones; who are passionate about
creating change for the better; and who are interested in issues that affect
CONNECT our local and global communities. The intention of the program is to build a
diverse group, complete with students who represent a variety of
backgrounds and have different experiences to share with the group.

The YGL program is designed as a small-group program, typically serving

fewer than 15 participants in any given year. We strongly encourage
I participate in membership from within Boulder County to ensure full participation in
YGL because I meetings, group events, and service projects. Members from outside the
county are welcome to apply and participate, but must have access to
feel like it is the reliable transportation, as they will be held to the same attendance and
best way for commitment standards as other members. While in an ideal world all youth
would have access to the skill building that YGL provides, we believe that
me to give back
working within a small group setting provides a stronger sense of
in a meaningful community, and is the ideal environment for cultivating collaborative
learning, programmatic and personal support, as well as lifelong
way to a
community that
has given me so
much, and it
connects me to
incredible people
that have
served as
pivotal mentors
for me.


Youth-Adult Partnership
In a youth-adult partnership, youth are empowered to use their voice and
further cultivate a positive sense of self. A youth-adult partnership is an
approach to decision-making, where both parties opinions are heard,
valued, and respected. It is a partnership where adults and youth work
PASSION together, dialogue openly, ask questions, and collaborate to find solutions to
local and global issues. We believe that through this unique approach to
positive youth development, all who are involved in the partnership benefit

Leadership styles Adult Role

and approaches Adults in a youth-adult partnership support, promote, and encourage youth
to engage in the decision-making process, take on leadership roles, and reach
vary widely, but
their full potential. They recognize the inherent strengths and assets that
everyone has the youth possess, collaborate with youth to develop their individual leadership
potential to be a skills, and encourage a sense of purpose and autonomy among members
leader and to while continuing to develop the YGL program as a whole. In this partnership,
affect change in adults respect and have confidence in the youths judgment and ability to
make informed, important decisions. They recognize that the youths
this world. The involvement in the program is critical to YGLs success.
Youth Global
Leadership Youth Role
Program is a In alignment with our belief in youth-adult partnerships, we believe that the
powerful tool for development of the YGL program needs to come strongly from the
participants. We look to the YGLers to take ownership of the program, the
highlighting and
projects that are developed, and the activities they partake in. Youth are
empowering the committed to developing leadership skills, and work together with adults to
unique voice and engage in this process. While YGLers drive the program forward, they share
style of our the power to make decisions. They take responsibility for the program and
community's youth. for using their voices to create positive change in the program and the world.



Organizational + Management Leaders

Youth-adult partnership means that youth in YGL work with adults to make
decisions for program planning, implementation, and evaluation. We call
these adults Organizational and Management Leaders, or OM Leaders,
NURTURE affectionately!

The OM Leaders are Philanthropiece staff members, advisory board

members, and other leaders of the YGL program (local teachers, interns, and
youth leaders) who provide coaching, consultation, and mentorship.
The young people
who join YGL are all The OM Leaders meet at least once a month to discuss current YGL
initiatives, goals, challenges, and highlights, as well as long-term
remarkable in their programmatic strategy and visioning. They provide support to the YGL
own right. They Program Coordinator as well as to the YGL members, through holding a
are committed, space as point people who support with YGL spokes (i.e. Local Service or
Social Entrepreneurship).
individuals who will
most likely have
fulfilling lives. What
YGL gives them is a
place to nurture
their passions and
to be with other


Role of Program Coordinator

The YGL Program Coordinator is a Philanthropiece paid staff position whose role
is to provide oversight and coordination of the program in direct collaboration
with the YGL Participants. This involves being involved with both short-term
planning and long-term visioning. The Program Coordinator also works as liaison
between the Philanthropiece staff and advisory board, communicating tasks and
COMMUNITY responsibilities necessary in upholding and furthering the mission of the YGL

Responsibilities of Program Coordinator

Monthly Meetings: The Program Coordinator organizes and attends YGL
I have so many wonderful monthly meetings. Support around meetings includes communication and
memories of Youth Global logistics of meetings, planning team-building activities; support in agenda
Leadership that live inside setting; support in communicating with and setting up speakers; development
of my heart, making it
hard to pull out just one
of workshops; and facilitation of discussion.
joyously interwoven Wisdom Holder: YGL Coordinator acts as a sort of wisdom holder for the
element which defines program. This involves creating and adhering to an overall vision of the
this program. For me, program, as well as providing leadership from the perspective of an expert in
YGL a creation of smaller
the field of youth leadership.
hidden moments: it's
sharing laughter and Liaise and Coordinate with YGL Adult Supporters: The Program
vision on a living room Coordinator supports with communication between YGL adult support. This
floor on the includes: Philanthropiece Executive Directors, staff, advisory board, OM
first Saturday of the Leaders, volunteers, mentors, and alumni.
month; it's dreaming big
about Cor Projects over Cor Project Support: The Program Coordinator supports YGL participants in
coffee; it's group the design, planning, and implementation of their Cor projects. The Program
reflections on sandstone Coordinator facilitates group and individual meetings related to Cor projects,
perches in the desert organizes skill-building workshops, and supports in travel related to Cor
Southwest. YGL is this
beautiful, living entity
project implementation.
which exists because Retreat and Travel Facilitation: Support in process of designing,
each YGLer breathes implementing, and evaluating YGL retreat and travel opportunities. This may
their own life into it. It is include: brainstorming with participants, communication with
a special symbiotic
Philanthropiece staff, support with logistical arrangements; creation of goals
community that you can't
help but love. and objectives, etc.
Program Sustainability: The Program Coordinator supports with YGL
~Alicia~ outreach, new applicant recruitment, and program marketing. He/she helps
build and maintain relationships with other school groups and related local
organizations. The Program Coordinator also builds and supports YGL
members participation and involvement in the broader scope of
Philanthropieces overall work, growing awareness and understanding of the
YGL program among the Philanthropiece staff, board members, and project
partners, increasing cohesion among all program areas.
Overall, the YGL Program Coordinators main role is to support YGLers in
pursuing their passions, and to nourish their leadership potential.

The Philanthropiece-YGL Connection

YGL is the youth counterpart of the Philanthropiece Foundation. Since
Philanthropieces inception in 2005, we have been seeking and creating
opportunities to engage the youth of our local community in the work of
Philanthropiece, and to empower them to make a difference. Creating the Youth
Global Leadership program is an avenue we have happily embarked upon to mentor
IMAGINE and encourage youth to engage civically and to connect their community, both near
and far. Through this program, we seek to equip youth with the skills needed to
become thoughtful, action-oriented global citizens.

The History of Philanthropiece

Philanthropiece Founder and Co-Executive Director, Libby Cook, has been creating
YGL has enhanced
community for most of her life; bringing people together for both business and
my life in so many pleasure. With a reputation for attracting sharp, funny, creative, and forward
ways the people thinking individuals, it was only natural that Libbys passion for building deep and
meaningful relationships would one day become a mechanism for creating broad
I have met and the social change.
experiences Ive
had have been Always a catalyst for community engagement, the organization was originally
formed in 1997 as the Wild Oats Community Foundation, a private operating
better than foundation providing low-cost holistic health care and education services to a small
anything I could number of neighborhoods in the United States. Operating under the name Wild Oats
Wellness Centers, the centers werent just a place to receive treatments, they were
imagine! Every day
also gathering places, where community members came together to discuss and
I thank everyone learn more about health and healthy lifestyle issues that were important to them. In
at Philanthropiece the ensuing years, in addition to operating the Wellness Centers ,the foundation was
highly engaged in the community of Boulder, Colorado, collaborating on several
and YGL for educational and community initiatives. Most notably, in 1999 the foundation
changing my life committed one million dollars for the establishment of the Millennium Trust Fund, a
fund of The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County. During the years 2003
for the better.
2006, the foundation operated under the name The Gilliland-Cook Foundation.
In 2006, desiring to dedicate more time to her humanitarian interests, Libby shifted
the foundations purpose to reflect a more global perspective. Taking a new name,
Philanthropiece, and recruiting a diverse group of advisors to share the journey, the
foundation set forth on its mission to piece together a better world. Fifteen years
since its inception, Libbys passion still drives the foundations work. Everywhere
we go and in everything we do, Philanthropiece is bringing people together to
identify and solve their most pressing needs.


What We Do & How We Do It

Philanthropiece envisions a world in which all individuals realize their full
potential and their capacity to create positive change in themselves and their

SUPPORT Our mission is, through building deep and authentic relationships, to
empower changemakers around the world to co-create resilient

We do this here in our home community of Boulder, Colorado, and we are

YGL and
highly engaged in communities in Mexico and Guatemala. We work alongside
local leaders to mobilize community programs that support in education
Philanthropiece have
opportunities, womens empowerment, food security, youth leadership, and
allowed me to meet wellness, among others. Philanthropieces programs are led by a team of
incredible people and staff and advisory board members in both Colorado and Latin America who
learn about work closely together to explore and create innovative solutions to our
organizations that communities most pressing questions.
have inspired me in
ways that still give
me chills just thinking
about them. I have
been supported by
amazing people in
Philanthropiece that
believe in me. They
have all taught me so
much and I could
never possibly thank
them enough for the
wealth of knowledge
that they have given



The YGL Numbers

Philanthropiece believes in the youth who participate in YGL, and makes an
investment in them. It does not cost anything to be a member of this pro-
gram. However, we do expect participants to pay it forward. This means
there are certain expectations for YGLers to take what they learn and teach
others about it. We want YGLers to take their skills and experience out into
INVEST their local and global communities, and to continue to learn and grow
through it!

YGL Budget
YGL is a group in In addition to the YGL-related staff salary expenses, The Philanthropiece
Foundation allocates a portion of its annual programming budget to the YGL
which students program each year. YGL participants and OM Leaders work together
appreciate each annually to draft a budget request for their program needs for the coming
other and each year, which is then presented to the Philanthropiece advisory board. After
others talents discussions and feedback from the advisory board, any needed revisions are
made and a final program budget is approved. The YGL participants, with the
they allow each guidance of their OM Leaders, are then trained in how to access their
other to soar. It is budgeted funds, account for the use of the funds, and provide formal
a group that reporting the Philanthropiece advisory board.
enriches both our
local and global Social Entrepreneurship
communities through In addition to their regular program budget, YGLers have the ability to earn
their work. YGL has profits via their social entrepreneurship activities. Any profits earned
through social entrepreneurship activities are accounted for separately and
grown into a do not impact the regular YGL budget. Through youth-adult partnership
program that truly discussion and consensus decision making, YGLers may decide how and
supports youth in when profits from their entrepreneurship activities are utilized.
nurturing their
passions and
supports them in
becoming agents of



YGLers Commitment

Being a member of the YGL program is extremely rewarding, but it is also a

big commitment to make; YGLers get out of it what they put into it! In
committing to YGL, most members spend an average of three to seven hours
CHALLENGE a week on the program. This time commitment may vary depending on what
stage of membership YGLers find themselves in, and what activities and
events are taking place.

We expect that each YGLer will attend all monthly meetings, with a minimum
Being a YGLer has attendance of 10 out of 12 meetings per year. We also expect that each YGLer
helped me grow and will attend two additional YGL events per month. These can include service
projects, focus sessions, community events, buddy meetings, etc.
expand my view of
the world
Each YGL member must agree upon and commit to a series of group
indefinitely, expectations and norms in order to be a participant (See following section!).
challenging me to These group expectations and norms were co-created by YGL members and
think about how I OM Leaders, and are maintained and monitored by the group. These
can create the most expectations have been formally outlined not with the intention of
positive impact on disciplining members, but to insure that all YGLers equally understand their
responsibilities and commitment to the program, setting a high group
this earth. YGL has
standard for success. As a member of the Youth Global Leadership program,
drawn out my each participant commits to this criteria, and understands that if they are
passion and shown unable to follow through with these commitments, the group has the right to
me that I do not suspend or discontinue their membership in the YGL program.
have limits. In other
words, although it The YGL Group Expectations and Norms are in living form; they have evolved
and developed continuously throughout the program. There is always room
sounds clich, YGL
for growth, and we continually revisit our expectations and norms with this
has shown me that I understanding.
am capable of
achieving anything
that I want.



YGL Group Expectations

(1) Have the intention of attending all monthly meetings, with a minimum
attendance of 10 out of 12 meetings per year.
(2) Attend two additional YGL events per month (these can include service
projects, focus sessions, community events, buddy meetings, etc.).
MAKE A (3) If youre sending an email that needs a response, please clearly indicate
DIFFERENCE this in either in the message or the subject line.
(4) Respond to all emails that need a response within 48 hours.

YGL provides an YGL Norms

outlet for the (1) Give off positive and welcoming vibes to each other and anyone who is a
next generation (2) Be honest, open, compassionate, and aware in our communication.
of leaders to be (3) Have balance within our program and group dynamics.
(4) Focus and be present.
inspired and (5) Appreciate the opportunities, friendships, and places that YGL may bring
engaged in their into your life.

communities. It
shows youth
that they dont
have to wait
until they are
older to make a
they can do it
~Emily R.~


The YGL Community

We believe that community makes us stronger. We hope that YGL will serve as a
community where participants are connected and supported. YGLers constantly
support one another, and encourage each other to be their best selves. YGL offers a
sense of belonging and a space to share our talents and passions, to question and to
listen, to explore and play together!
Through our community-building efforts, YGL offers participants the opportunity

Seek healthy challenges and expand comfort zones

I believe in the We believe that we learn the most when we are challenged and pushed outside
of our comfort zone. It is often in these places of uncertainty that we learn and
power of youth to grow, and are nudged by a challenge which allows us to expand our comfort
create change in zone and worldview.
themselves, in their
Define and act upon passions
families, their local We seek to cultivate an open, welcoming, nourishing community where
communities, and everyone feels comfortable trying on new things within the safety of the group.
Within this safe space, YGL participants are encouraged, and thus empowered,
the world. YGL to define and act upon their passions.
provides youth
with a platform Teach and be taught
We believe that we are all at once students and teachers; we all have unique
for raising their perspectives, knowledge, and skills to share with one another, no matter what
voices and taking age in life we find ourselves living. In YGL, we emphasize and encourage a
participatory and dynamic learning environment.
action to create
that change. Interact with mentors
A component of the YGL program is a mentorship program. Mentors committed
~Katie~ to each YGLers success and personal growth are paired with YGLers. This is an
optional resource for YGLers to use for guidance and professional development
throughout the program. (See more about the mentorship program later on!)


Skills of a Youth Global Leader

Youth Global Leaders need a set of leadership skills in order to take action
and to create positive change. We train YGLers in a series of leadership skills,
and provide dynamic, real-life settings within to practice and explore them!
LEARN Our intention is that each YGLer will gain their set of leadership skills that
will transform them and allow them to navigate the world in a positive,
inspiring, and conscious way.

Leadership skills that we teach, explore, and practice within our YGL
I love doing community include:
Critical Thinking
service and Effective Communication
giving back to Deep Listening
Goal Setting and Achieving
my community. Self-Worth and Value
YGL has been a Social Entrepreneurship
great Financial Literacy
Foreign Languages
opportunity for Cultural Competence
me to do service Healthy Lifestyle and Well-Being
Mindfulness and Awareness
as well as learn Applicant Recruitment, Review, and Selection
about the world. Speaking Your Cause
Project Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
~Jill~ Sustainability


Introduction to the Three Spokes

The Youth Global Leadership program operates like a wheel with three
different spokes that hold it together and make it roll smoothly. Each spoke,
or structural component , is integral in allowing us to achieve our goals of
EXPAND being innovative, collaborative, and impactful.

The three spokes of Local Service-Learning, Cor Projects, and Social

Entrepreneurship combine to foster leadership, personal growth, community
building, experiential learning, and the process of becoming a changemaker
in our local and global community!
YGL has given
me a wonderful
foundation for
expanding upon
my love for
and Ive also
met an
abundance of
people because
of it.


Local Service-Learning
Service-learning is the first integral spoke of the YGL program. Through
participating in service activities, YGLers have the opportunity to gain
experience reaching out and giving their time, talent, and treasures to others.
We focus on service-learning as a strategy that allows us to combine
BECOME AWARE meaningful volunteer opportunities with guided instruction and reflection
that enrich our experience as leaders. Through our service-learning activities
we learn about the issues in our community, dive in to provide support
where we can, and surround ourselves with passionate people who are
creating innovative solutions to our most pressing concerns.
I have become a
much more aware Local Service-Learning Goals
(1) To complete at least one local service-learning activity per month.
person as a result
(2) To consider our local service activity as an opportunity to be together as
of being in YGL. I a group, to share time, and build our relationships.
feel like I have (3) To build and sustain relationships in our local community through our
more perspective local service activities.
(4) To empower ourselves to put our leadership skills into action through
on life in the world our local service activities.
as a whole, rather
than just my small
slice of it. My
favorite part of
YGL is the chance
to make friends
through meaningful
service, because as
a result, the
friendships are
meaningful as well.


Local Service-Learning Categories

In order to build our leadership skills, explore our passions, and give back to
our community, YGL engages in three types of service activities.

Service in Collaboration
SERVE Projects with local organizations that support us in learning about their issue
of concern and the work that they are doing. Our Service in Collaboration
category allows us to provide much-needed volunteer hours to various local
organizations. YGL has engaged in service in collaboration with organiza-
tions such as iEmpathize, Community Food Share, Bead for Life, Veterans
YGL gives me an Helping Veterans Now, Un Mundo, INVST Community Studies, and 63rd
amazing Street Farm.
because I am Sustained Service
passionate about A project that takes place on a regular basis over a long period of time.
Currently, YGLs sustained service activity is to work with alongside the
community service.
teachers and students of Alsup Elementary School in Commerce City,
It allows me to Colorado, throughout the school year, modeling and promoting positive
work with other leadership. YGL also supports the Call 2 Action program of the Boulder
people, diverse in International Film Festival annually.
their interests but
sharing the YGL-Created Service
common wish to At times, YGL will design our own service activity such as an awareness-
raising event or fundraiser. Events that YGL has created have included
improve the
Cupcakes for Cambodia, a fundraiser for the Cambodia Orphanage Project,
communities and an awareness/fundraiser for WINGS, a Guatemalan organization focused
around them. on reproductive health.

~Emily S.~


Cor Projects
In Latin, cor means heart. In English, core means the central, innermost,
or most essential part of anything. Combined, these two meanings convey
the essential ingredients of YGL-- a whole lot of heart, and a willingness to
speak through the essence of your passion.
PREPARE Cor projects are projects based on each members unique passions; they are
a tangible representation of where each YGLers skills and interests meet up
with the needs of a certain community. In essence, a Cor project allows a
YGLer to announce to himself/herself and to the world: This is who I am,
I have learned an this is what I believe, this is how I make positive change in this world!
During a YGLers experience, his/her Cor project will most likely be
infinite amount
integrated into all that they do, including work with local service,
through the process entrepreneurship, leadership activities, workshops, etc.
of creating,
implementing, and
A Cor Project Is
now, sustaining my An outline that presents each YGLers passion and dream
project. Over a year A plan for taking action in order to turn vision into reality
ago, this project A statement of the positive change that a YGLer intends to make in
began as just a this world
dream. Today, it has A measurable indicator of what a YGLer has learned and
finally come to full accomplished
A juncture of one persons passion and what he/she can offer to the
fruition. I will be
priorities of a community
forever grateful to
An intention to further the missions of both Philanthropiece and the
all the incredible Youth Global Leadership program
people who have
supported me along Examples of past Cor projects:
this journey and who Photography and cultural awareness project in Guatemala
have prepared me Cambodia Orphanage Project
for a lifetime of Clean water campaign in Guatemala
following my Journalism to promote unity

~Emily R.~


Cor Project Partnership

If an incoming YGLer shares a passion or is interested in a current YGLers
Cor project, there may be an opportunity for them to collaborate on that Cor
project. This collaboration will allow the projects of graduating members to
continue and become more sustainable initiatives. It will also give new
BELIEVE members a leg up on developing a Cor project, provide them with previously
made connections, and help them learn how to successfully plan a Cor
project. At the end of the first year of collaboration the younger member can
either continue the project or decide to go in a different direction with their
own Cor project.
The global aspect of
YGL really interests Cor Projects and International Service-Learning
From time to time our service-learning and Cor projects present the
me as well, as
opportunity for group or individual travel both domestically and
connecting with internationally. Service-learning expenditures and a portion of funding for
people of different Cor projects are items that are intended to be included within the YGL
cultures and program budget, but it is not intended that the YGL program budget cover
backgrounds is 100 percent of every Cor project. At times, individual fundraising may be
important to me. I required to make the project a reality.
believe community
In contrast, from time to time a group service-learning project or YGL Cor
service is all about
project may intersect directly with another program area of Philanthropiece.
establishing limitless In these instances, where there is a strong and direct correlation with
connections, and another Philanthropiece initiative, individual YGLers or YGL as a whole may
anyone who shares a submit a proposal to Philanthropiece for additional funding beyond the YGL
passion for service program budget. There is no guarantee of approval for such a request, and
and community can when approval is granted, additional follow up and reporting may be
required by the board.
achieve that through
YGL. In all cases, YGL participants have all the professional and experiential
~Emily S.~ resources of Philanthropiece behind them to support, while they are being
encouraged to rely on personal initiative and innovation to find the
resources necessary for a Cor project.


Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the third integral spoke of YGL. Our social
enterprise endeavors provide YGL participants with unique experiential
learning opportunities to learn about social entrepreneurship, creating a
micro-business, and fundraising. We aspire to become a self-sustaining
GIVE BACK entity, and our social entrepreneurship spoke serves to support YGL
programs, such as Cor projects.

Our social entrepreneurship endeavors are ongoing throughout the year, and
all YGLers are encouraged to participate in them at some point in their four-
year journey in the program. We provide skill-building workshops to learn
We now live in a about the practice of social entrepreneurship and the techniques required to
global operate a successful social venture. In the past, YGLers have operated a fair-
trade market, selling goods from womens artisans in Guatemala and
community and Ecuador.
to be good
citizens of the
world, we have
to give back our
time and
energy. YGL is a
great way to
express that
both locally and
~Hannah D.~


YGL Gatherings
Aligned with the mission of our parent organization, Philanthropiece, Youth
Global Leadership focuses on building deep and authentic relationships. This
is the basis for accomplishing our mission. To that end, there are a variety of
ways that we all get together.
Monthly Meetings
YGL gathers once a month, typically on the first Saturday of every month,
from 5-9:00 p.m. Gatherings typically rotate locations and are hosted at the
home of a YGL member. Meetings include a potluck-style dinner, where
Just one aspect everyone contributes a special dish, and the theme of the dinner rotates from
month to month. The meetings are a time for us to gather as a community, to
that I love discuss relevant agenda items and topics, to build skills through the
guidance of local mentors, to hear inspiring stories from people in our local
about YGL is the and global community who are doing compelling work, and to have fun! YGL
way that all of is a dynamic, interactive program, and the meetings are intentionally
designed so that participants are constantly growing, learning, and
the members, questioning. Our meetings also provide us with an environment to dream of
through this projects and events, and then to work toward turning those dreams into
reality. In between meetings, well be communicating online via email, so our
common community will keep exploring and growing even when were not together!
interest of
improving upon
our world and
create these
with each other.


Focus Sessions
These are meetings that take place whenever YGLers decide that they need
to have a focused, in-depth conversation about an important topic that has
been brought up and is related to YGL. Although there is space at monthly
meetings for these conversations to happen, focus sessions are necessary
MOTIVATE when there is a topic that requires a lot of time in order to address it, such as
creating a service project, preparing for a social entrepreneurship activity,
designing the YGL website, or revising the YGL application process. Attend-
ance at all focus sessions is not required; however, it is encouraged that you
take part in these group meetings as often as possible. We value the opinions
of each YGLer, and focus sessions are not only a forum for constructive
YGL has so many discourse, but are also an opportunity for all voices to be heard!
opportunities to Leadership Skill-Building Workshops
From time to time, we gather as a group to participate in a workshop that
learn about the enhances our leadership skills. At times, these workshops may be related to
world and make a spoke. For example, we have had a workshop on the social determinants
of leadership to prepare us for our local service work with Alsup
great Elementary School. In addition, we have participated in a workshop on
connections. speaking your cause to prepare us to promote our Cor projects. Weve also
participated in workshops related to digital storytelling, cultural awareness,
With every
contemplative service-learning, intercultural communication, business
passing moment planning, and more. At times, our skill-building workshops take place during
a monthly meeting, focus session, or retreats. Other times, they are separate
I spend with
YGL I feel more
motivated to
think globally
and act locally.


Community Events
One of the greatest aspects of participating in YGL is creating a community of
friends who are passionate and curious. Do you have an interest in that
immigration-themed photography exhibit? Want to get to that Amnesty
International Youth Conference? How about attending that slam poetry
EXPLORE reading focused on body image? Every month, YGLers get together to attend
events in Boulder and beyond that allow them to gain understanding about
themselves and their communities in which they live, to explore their
passions, and to participate actively in the creative and inspiring world
around us.
The versatility
YGL Compaeros
of YGL is an All YGLers are linked to a program companero when they are welcomed to
aspect I love; I the group. In Spanish, compaero is a term used to describe someone who is
a friend, someone who you share ideas with and learn alongside. YGL
have a wide companeros are paired based on experience in YGL. More experienced
range of YGLers will be paired with newer members. Companeros support each
other in understanding the ins and outs of YGL and in feeling included in the
interests and I group! They meet both formally and informally. Often, they will work
together to interview new YGL applicants, support each other with their Cor
can explore projects, or team up as service project leaders. They can also be found
many of them relaxing together at a coffee shop, getting creative for school and YGL
projects, or hitting the movies!
and make a
change, however YGL Retreats
big or small, The main goals of every YGL retreat are to bond as a group, continue our
program development, build skills and knowledge, and to gain inspiration.
through this Retreats are typically two- to three-day events that take place once a year,
program. during the summer, and are overnight and based out of the Philanthropiece
Barn. Retreats involve a variety of activities including: group service-
~Emily S.~ learning activities, presentations from local activists and organizations,
group discussions, conscious art activities, viewing documentary films, and
creative reflection. YGL retreats are always lots of fun, and we look forward
to this time together all year!


YGL Communication
Effective communication is the key to a successful YGL program. Our
communication system is integrated into all that we do, and it is a key aspect
to a participants YGL agreement. Because communication is such an integral
part of our program it is constantly evolving. Beyond helping our program to
INSPIRE run smoothly, YGLers are being trained in various forms of communication,
from building a website to writing a professional email, from using Google
Drive to keeping parents and friends of YGL in the loop with newsletters. We
believe that becoming proficient in each of these forms of communication is
an integral part to becoming an effective leader.
I am very
Communication Within the Group
grateful to get If you are sending an email that needs a response, please clearly
to be around so indicate this in either the message or the subject line (i.e. Response
many amazing Respond to all emails that need a response within 48 hours. (See
people who group norms).
Keep up with the YGL email account and Google Drive.
inspire me to
achieve higher Communication Tools Outside the Group
Know the YGL elevator speech and be able to answer questions about
and push myself YGL to people at events or with other organizations.
harder on a YGLers should be able to communicate with outside organizations for
the purpose of fundraising, event promotion, service opportunities, Cor
daily basis. projects, etc.
~Sierra~ Act and communicate professionally when communicating with other
organizations. YGLers are representing the YGL program,
Philanthropiece, and themselves.

Communication With OM Leaders, Staff, and Advisory Board

The YGL adult team is an important network of support for YGLers.
They are available to assist YGLers, and it is important that YGLers feel
comfortable contacting them and collaborating with them effectively
when necessary.

Communication with YGL Program Coordinator

The YGL Program Coordinator will be in frequent contact with group members
through email, phone, and in-person meetings. The Program Coordinators main
role is to support each YGLer, and it is important that YGLers feel comfortable
reaching out to and collaborating with them effectively when necessary.

Overview of the YGL Mentorship Initiative

In order to provide an environment for our YGLers to thrive and grow, our
mentors are committed to challenge, encourage, and empower our YGLers to
follow their passions and to create meaningful change in the world. The
mentorship program serves to develop and foster a professional relationship
GROW between the mentor and YGLer, where the goal of the mentor is to assist the
YGLer in developing their Cor projects and supporting their passions, goals,
and the YGL mission at large.

Pairing YGLers and Mentors

Before I joined YGL If YGLers choose to participate in the mentorship program they will be
I was a mediocrely paired with a mentor from the community. This may include YGL alumni,
confident person; I INVST students, college students, board members, or other professionals.
hated talking in The mentor will meet and communicate with YGLers in order to help them
front of groups maximize their experience in YGL and to develop their projects to their
but I still tended fullest potential. The mentorship program is a one-semester commitment, at
to be fairly social. minimum.
Since joining YGL I
feel like I have Goals of the YGL Mentorship Initiative
blossomed as a
To provide one-on-one guidance to YGLers that aligns with the spokes
public speaker and
of YGL.
as a person. I no
To support YGLers in their Cor projects.
longer have
In general supporting a YGLers passion and supporting the YGL
mission at large.
amounts of
apprehension when
it comes to
presenting and I
trust myself and
my knowledge. YGL
has pushed me to
be the best me I
can be.



Who are the YGL Alumni?

Alumni are former members of the YGL program who have graduated from
high school. YGL alumni go out into the world, incorporating the skills and
experiences theyve gained in YGL into their post-high school lives.

IGNITE Opportunities for Continued Involvement

There are many ways for our YGLers to stay involved after graduation. They
have the opportunity to participate in a summer internship with Philan-
thropiece and YGL, attend all summer and holiday gatherings and events,
keep the Philanthropiece and YGL community updated through blog posts, or
to participate as a mentor in the YGL mentorship program.

The most valuable Cor Project Partnership

aspect of being in
YGL alumni can have the opportunity to partner with newer members on Cor
YGL, for me, is being
able to communicate projects. If a new member has the same or similar passions and interests,
and act upon the they can collaborate on a Cor project or service project that an alumni has
heat source- the started or has interest in. (See Cor Projects and Mentorship Program).
knot of passions and
aspirations inside of
me. Its more than a
dream; I believe it is
the source, the
fountainhead from
which dreams spring:
its what makes you
tick, its what the
beautiful things in
the world remind you
of, its the kindred
burst of warmth
unique to the
undulations of your
own experiences and

~Emily S.~



Commitment to Inclusivity & Diversity

We are dedicated to respecting all people and honoring their skills, talents,
cultural heritage, beliefs, and passions. Youth Global Leadership is commit-
ted to fostering an organizational culture where all people are treated fairly,
valued for their differences, and given equal opportunities to maximize their
Spring Application Season
The Youth Global Leadership program has a focused spring application
season. This allows us to have a very intentional time period for promoting,
reviewing, selecting, and preparing new YGL applicants. There are a few
YGL gives me the steps and important dates that make up this spring application season.
opportunity to Please see details in the following section.
interact with
amazing people as
I act on my
passions and learn
how to become a
better world
citizen. Service has
always been in
integral aspect of
my life as I believe
that compassion is
the driving force in
~Hannah K.~


STEP #1: Fill out an application and submit it for review between May 1st and June

STEP #2: After submitting an application, it will be reviewed by the current YGL
participants. If applicable, the applicant will receive an invitation to proceed with
JOIN the application process.

STEP #3: If the applicant is invited to proceed with the application process, he/she
will be invited to an Applicant Picnic in late June/early July. The intention of this
informal gathering is to get to know each other, to help gauge if the program will be
a good fit for potential applicants, to provide the applicant with some basic info
I would not be who about YGL, and to give him/her the chance to ask any questions about the pro-
I am without YGL. gram, and to enjoy a delicious meal. If the applicant is unable to attend the picnic
they will be invited to attend an informal coffee shop meeting at an alternate time
This is an incredible with one or two YGLers in early July.
program that is
seeking to give STEP #4: YGL places a high value on the process of participatory group decision-
making. After all applicants have been met with, the YGL group will get together to
youth, like me, a make a decision about each applicant. After the decisions are formalized the
chance to change applicant will receive communication by the end of July.
the world and STEP #5: The accepted members will be invited to a welcome event or gathering in
identify their late July. They will also be notified of the YGL annual retreat that takes place in
August and of the dates for the upcoming monthly meetings.
voices in a strong
and passionate
way. I encourage
anyone who is
interested to apply
to YGL; it will bring


Application Response

If an applicant is not invited to join YGL at this time:

We clearly communicate with the applicant why he/she did not appear to be a good
fit for the program, as well as constructive feedback on how to become a stronger
INVITE applicant if they are interested in re-applying. We also provide the applicant with a
list of other youth organizations and youth service-learning opportunities in
Boulder County.

If the applicant is invited to join YGL:

He/she receives the YGL Program Manual, spends time with YGLers and OM
I really love YGL Leaders to become further informed of the program, is matched with a YGL
and am beyond glad companero, and dives into participating in YGL gatherings.
I applied to this
group. Everyone is Special Circumstances
so welcoming and From time to time, a student becomes aware of the Youth Global Leadership
inclusive that I feel program outside of our focused spring application season. Because of this,
like I have already we will accept special circumstance applications outside of the standard
been here for much spring recruitment period on a case-by-case basis. Given the rigorous time
longer than a few commitments required by the program, the review and interview process in
months. The these instances will take longer. Interested applicants outside of the normal
atmosphere is recruitment period should contact the YGL Program Coordinator for
guidance on how to proceed with the application process.
extremely open and
you have plenty of
freedom to pursue
your passion
through your
service. Since I
have learned and
gained so much
from just the
start, I am
extremely excited
for my future with

~Emily S.~


Need more information about Youth Global

Please email us at
GLOBAL and let us know which resources you would
LEADERSHIP We would love to share any of the following
with you:
* A] YGL Application
B] YGL Waiver & Agreement
SERVICE C] YGL Budget & Accessing Funds
D] YGL OM Leaders
PASSION E] Cor Project Worksheet & Current Projects
F] YGL Communication Key
COMMUNITY G] YGL Elevator Speech
H] YGL Flyer
Contact us at:

Learn more at:


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