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Electronic System Design

Semester Genap 2016/2017
Kriteria Solusi dalam Proses Engineering

Secara fungsional
menyelesaikan masalah
Diinginkan oleh pengguna
Secara teknologi dapat
diwujudkan (feasible)
Terjangkau (viable)
Pendekatan Multidisiplin
Engineer, marketing, project
Solusi sesuai dengan aturan
pemerintah (regulator)
Desain: dari Ide menuju Solusi


Product Design


Testing Development

Design Process

A system can be defined as an

arrangement of parts within some
boundary which work together to provide
some form of output from a specified input An instrumentation system for making
or inputs. The boundary divides the measurements has an input of the
system from the environment and the true value of the variable being
system interacts with the environment by measured and an output of the
means of signals crossing the boundary measured value.
from the environment to the system, i.e.
inputs, and signals crossing the boundary
from the system to the environment, i.e.
Instrumentation System

The constituent elements of an instrumentation system:

Sensor, Signal processor, Data presentation
Block diagram of a generalized
instrumentation system

All industrial processing systems consist of hardware components

and computer software whose behavior follow the laws of physics
These systems contain thousands of mechanical and electrical
phenomena that are continuously changing
The measurable quantities that represent the characteristics of all
systems are called variables

Most variables must be measured with a device that converts the

phenomena into a form that a human can perceive
The conversion devices are called transducers or sensors, and they
translate the physical phenomena to electrical signals (or vice versa)
to be measured with electronic instruments
Signal Conditioning

An increasing need to record and preserve these phenomena and

analyze them at a later time forced engineers to develop data
recorders and data acquisition systems
Four factors require close consideration for measurement signals and
the types of transducers available for converting variables to measurement
transmission characteristics
data acquisition system input matching
transducers available to convert from one type of measurement signal to
another measurement signal
Data Acquisition System

Physical Electrical Number String


x V 12-bit X=...m
Analog Front-End

Analog sensors produce a change in an electrical property to indicate

a change in its environment.
This change in electrical property needs to be treated by an analog
circuit (front-end) before conversion to digital
Op-Amp Characteristics

Open-loop gain G is typically over 9000

But closed-loop gain is much smaller
Rin is very large (M or larger)
Rout is small (75 or smaller)
Effective output impedance in closed loop is very small
Ideal Op-Amp Characteristics

Open-loop gain G is infinite

Rin is infinite
Zero input current
Rout is zero
Ideal Op-Amp Analysis

To analyze an op-amp feedback circuit:

Assume no current flows into either input terminal
Assume no current flows out of the output terminal
Constrain: V+ = V-
Inverting Amplifier Analysis

virtual ground
Non-Inverting Amplifier Analysis
Op-Amp Buffer

Vout = Vin
Isolates loading effects


High output Low input

impedance impedance
Op-Amp Differentiator
Op-Amp Integrator
Applications of Op-Amps
Piezoelectric Transducer
Used to measure force, pressure, acceleration
Piezoelectric crystal generates an electric charge in
response to deformation

Use Charge Amplifier

Just an integrator op-amp circuit
Charge amplifier

The so-called charge amplifier is shown in Figure.

The output of the inverting amplifier is:

Rf 1/jC C
Av = = = 0
RI 1/jC0 C
Charge amplifier implementation
with capacitive humidity sensor

Charge Amplifier Absolute Value Circuit 100Hz, 4-th order, low-pass filter
(full-wave rectifier)
fexcite = 1kHz, Set Filter to 1/10 fexcite100Hz
R6 10k

C2 180p A R2 10k R3 10k B R4 5k R5 10k

R1 10M C6 1.5u
C4 470n
D2 1N4148
V- V-
Sensor V2 15 V-
D1 1N4148 -

V- Vout
C1 180p -
D -
C - R7 2.05k R8 17.4k
R9 1.5k R10 16.5k
+ + + V+
+ + + C5 68n
V1 15
C3 150n V+

f = 1kHz
U1 OPA132 U2 OPA132 U3 OPA132 U4 OPA132 U5 OPA132
V = 1Vpk

A B C equation Vabs Filter Pro used to design filter
+1V -1V -1.65 Vabs = -A-2B +1V
-1V 0V +0.65 Vabs = -A* +1V
Op amp always in closed loop (D=0V)
*No current flow in D2

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