Introduction To The Day of The Dead

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AUTHORS NAME : Jacqueline Garcia DATE 10/24/2017


1. TITLE OF LESSON: Introduction to Da de los Muertos

2. CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL: Sixth lesson on a eight-week series on unit 2: El museo del Prado 9th grade Spanish)


4. RESOURCES: (Click on the links) 1) La Santa Cecilia- Calaverita song (2015) 2) Day of the dead writing prompt video 3) Video
Vocabulary sheet/ Vocabulary Reflection Question 5) ELD Paragraph Scaffold Sheet( found below) 6) Power-Point-Walk-up
(2010) (Sent separately)
Worksheet link
Rubric to assess language development and content (3 = Bridging)

3 2 1

Content: Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
investigate, explain and reflect investigate, explain and investigate, explain and
Relating Cultural on the reasons why dia de los reflect on the reasons why reflect on the reasons why
Practices to muertos is celebrated by dia de los muertos is dia de los muertos is
completing the vocabulary celebrated by completing celebrated by completing
Perspectives of Dia de
sheet with a 100% accuracy the vocabulary sheet with an the vocabulary sheet with a
los muertos responding to all 5 terms 80% accuracy responding to less than 70% accuracy
correctly. 4 terms correctly. responding to 3 terms

ELD: Bridging Expanding Emerging

Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
write clear and coherent write increasingly write brief summaries of
10b. Writing summaries of the text concise summaries of the the text presented using 3
presented using 5 complete text presented using 4 complete and concise
and concise sentences, complete and concise sentences, using 1-2
using 4 vocabulary words sentences, using 3 vocabulary words
relating to Dia de los vocabulary words relating to Dia de los
Muertos. relating to Dia de los Muertos.


5. CA SPANISH CONTENT STANDARD(S): Source ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language)

CULTURE: Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the
relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

6. CA ELD STANDARDS): Grades 9-10: Bridging

10 b. Writing: Write clear and coherent summaries of texts and experiences using complete and concise
sentences and keywords (e.g., from notes or graphic organizers).

Day of the Dead is a day where students learn about multiculturalism by developing a sense of diversity and respect for other
cultures. This particular holiday is important for students to develop cultural awareness, acceptance. In order for students to
understand the diversity of this holiday, they must explore, explain and reflect the significance of this celebration to people
of other parts of the world.

8. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Open-ended, arguable questions that organize the purpose of learning
How is it celebrated?
How do you remember your family relatives who have passed away?
What do people eat on the Day of the Dead?
What items are used during the celebration?


Cognitive: After showing a Day of the Dead Power-Point and a cultural video on the history of Day of the Dead, students will
be able to investigate, explain and reflect on the reasons why Dia de los muertos is celebrated by completing a vocabulary
sheet and taking notes on relevant information presented.

ELD: Language content: After students complete the vocabulary sheet and take notes, scholars will be able to reflect on why
Dia de los muertos is celebrated by writing clear and coherent summaries of the text presented using keywords, complete
and concise sentences to describe the significance of Dia de los muertos on other parts of the world.

After students take notes, students will be given a formative assessment of the culture behind the Day of the Dead. The
teacher will seek evidence of learning by asking students to respond to the reflection questions using their vocabulary sheet
and the notes they took on the material presented. The instructor will assess performance skills and mastery of
understanding of the concepts used during the celebration by collecting the writing samples to check if the students lesson
goals were met. The students will be graded on a scale of 1-3. 1(Emerging) being the lowest possible grade where the student
will write a summary with 3 complete and concise sentences and use 1-2 vocabulary words. 2(Expanding) being the level
where the student is able to write a summary with 4 complete and concise sentences and use 4 vocabulary words. 3
(Bridging)is the level that teacher expects for all students to be able to meet by writing a summary with 5 complete and
concise sentences, using 4 vocabulary words. The students who successfully complete the task on the first try will earn full
credit, and the students who need more practice will receive an additional opportunity to make corrections to receive a better


Differentiation / UDL strategies. Teacher dialogue

11. INSTRUCTIONAL TASKS: Teacher Steps 12. LEARNING TASKS: Student Steps
1. Anticipatory Set 1. Anticipatory Set
Teacher will have the objectives for the day written on Students will sit down write their learning objectives in their
the board. composition books, listen to the instructor and respond to the
Teacher will ask if anyone in the room knows something question.
about Day of the Dead. ( 2min + 2 for students to
think) 2. State Purpose
Students will listen to the song with subtitles and think
[Today is a very special day for many people around the word, independently how dia Day of the Dead is celebrated.
does anyone know something about Da de los muertos? (4 min+ 2 for students to think)
2. State Purpose
Instructor will play La Santa Cecilia- Calaverita song with 3. Input - Modeling
subtitiles to help students infer how Day of the Dead is Students will learn more about Day of the Dead by looking at a
celebrated and make connections on why this holiday is Power-Point. Students will then participate with peer in a
special around the world (4 mins+ 2 for students to Think-Pair and- share with peers to fill out the vocabulary sheet.
think) (4minutes)

[Day of the Dead is a festivity like a birthday party to remember

our ancestors who have passes away. I will play a song that will 4. Check for Understanding
Students will read their answers if chosen. (3 minutes)
teach us more about the culture behind this celebration]
5. Guided Practice
3. Input - Modeling Students will watch cultural video on the Day of the Dead, and
Instructor will facilitate instruction on the Day of the Dead using take notes on important aspects of the celebration.(5 minutes)
a Power-Point. Students will then be given a vocabulary terms
handout with visuals to identify the meaning of each object. 6. Independent Practice
Students will participate in a Think-Pair- and Share activity to Students will respond to the reflection question by writing a clear
discuss the meaning of each object and to complete the and concise summaries of the material presented using their
assignment. (4minutes) notes and their vocabulary sheet handout. Three selected
[ I am now going to teach you about some of the important objects students will write their opinion on a scaffolding sheet to help
used to celebrate this festivity. Please pay attention because I will them structure their summaries (25 Minutes)
ask you to identify some of the important objects and their
importance on the celebration of the Day of the Dead] 7. Closure/Beyond: Students will share stories of how they
remember their ancestors who have passed away.
[ Now, with a partner/s Think-Pair and- Share how this terms/ (3 minutes)
objects are used]

4. Check for Understanding

Teacher will select students read their answers out loud to make UDL: At the beginning of class, students will see the
sure all students have the right answers. Teacher will repeat all learning objectives written on the board. Similarly, during
the possible answers again. (3 minutes) the Powerpoint presentation, I will provide information on
[Name please tell me what the first image is and how it is
the key terms/ objects used during the celebration, and
used during the celebration]
5. Guided Practice ask students to read their answers out loud to make sure
Teacher will show a cultural video on the Day of the Dead all the students have the material needed to be
[ I will now show you a cultural video on the history behind successful in their summaries.In addition, I will use the
the Day of the Dead. Make sure to take notes] 10+ 2 strategy which consist of giving students time to
( 5 minutes) think everytime I teach something(Pope, 2014). Lastly,
the cultural video played before the writing prompt, will
6. Independent Practice
also include visual aids and English subtitles to help a
Teacher will ask students to respond to the reflection question by
writing clear and concise summaries of the material presented larger group of students develop a better understanding
using their notes and vocabulary handout. Three selected of the celebration.
students will be given a scaffolding sheet to help them structure
their summaries [Instructor will walk around the class to help
students that need one to one assistance or to answer questions
(25 Minutes) Differentiated: My three focus students will be given
accommodations based on the learning goals written on
7. Closure/Beyond: If any time remains, teacher will ask my classroom profile. First, I will give preferred seating to
students how do they remember their ancestors who have my 504 student to keep him away from any distractions.
passed away. (3 minutes) Furthermore, I will provide repetition during the
vocabulary words instruction to help my IEP student.
Also, I will allow her to sit next to one of my top
performing students during the Think-Pair-and-Share
activity because she needs help with pragmatic
processing. Lastly, I will give my ELD(level 3) student a
paragraph structure template so that he can write his
opinions using bullet point, and then use the scaffold
sheet to write a structured summary. Also, I will
constantly check up on his progress to make sure he
understands the material and to check his progress
before collecting his final writing sample.
Planning Commentary

What do you know about your students everyday experiences, cultural and language backgrounds and practices and

Throughout the months that I have been teaching at my clinical site, I have observed that my students perform better when I

add visuals to my lessons. They also enjoy listening to music to suit the mood when learning about cultural events. For this

reason, I have incorporated a Power-Point, and a song to introduce some vocabulary words as well as to support UDL

strategies for students to succeed in the lesson. Likewise, I chose for students to write a summary of the material presented

because I understand that not everyone in my classroom celebrates the Day of the Dead. Therefore, by watching another

cultural video, students do have to feel forced to celebrate something thats against their customs. In addition, because this is

a Spanish 1 class, I decided that students would write better summaries in English because my students do not have enough

mastery of Spanish to write an informational text. Another reason was because understanding language is essential tool for

learning and thinking; meaning the greater the mastery of the language, the greater the ability for the student to succeed.

Describe and justify instructional strategies/supports for whole class and 3 focus students.

Whole class: I decided to use 3 different representations of the content because I understand that not all my students

process information the same way. At the beginning of class, students w

ill see the learning objectives written on the board.

Next, I will introduce the lesson of the Day of the Dead by using a song because students have an easier time understanding

the grammatical component of the lesson when I use music. Afterwards, I will teach 5 vocabulary words using a Powerpoint

that will have visuals. During this time, students will have a scaffolded sheet that they will use to take more notes. Before

proceeding to the next activity, I will ask student to Think-Pair-and- Share their answers with another peer. At the same time, I

will select some students to read out their vocabulary notes t o make sure all the students have the notes needed to be

successful in their summaries.In addition, I will use the 10+ 2 strategy which consist of giving students time to think everytime

I teach something (Pope, 2014). Lastly, the cultural video played before the writing prompt, will also include visual aids and

English subtitles to help a larger group of students develop a better understanding of the celebration.

Three focus students:

My three focus students will be given accommodations based on the learning goals written on my classroom profile. First,

I will give preferred seating to my 504 student to keep him away from any distractions. Furthermore, I will provide

repetition during the vocabulary words instruction to help my IEP student. Moreover, I will allow her to sit next to one of my

top performing students during the Think-Pair-and-Share activity because she needs help with pragmatic processing.
Furthermore, I will give my ELD(level 3) student a paragraph template so that he can write his opinions using bullet

points, and then use the scaffolding sheet format to write a structured summary. Also, I will constantly check up on his

progress to make sure he understands the material and to check his progress before collecting his final work.Lastly,

because my ELD student is learning two languages,English & Spanish, I will make sure he has access to academic

language when he takes notes on the 5 vocabulary words/ objects used to celebrate the day of the dead. My ELD student

will be able to use the fourth level of Bloom's Taxonomy(analysis) to express his judgement when responding to the Day

of the Dead reflection questions.

Explain how you adapted/differentiated assessment.

In my Spanish 1 classroom, I have students with different learning styles and others who needed my lessons to be

differentiated to succeed. Therefore, when creating the assessment, I will seek evidence of learning by asking students to

respond in English to the reflection questions using their vocabulary sheet, and the notes they took on the material presented.

I will also assess performance skills and understanding of the keywords used during the celebration by collecting the writing

samples and checking if the students demonstrated the objectives for the day. The assessment will grade all students the

same way, but my three focus students (504, IEP, and ELD) will receive additional support when writing their summaries. For

example, I decided to let my ELD level 3 student to use a scaffolding sheet, paragraph template, to write his paragraph

because I noticed that his writing is at a Expanding level in his English classes. He also has problems with grammar, run-ons,

and paragraph structure. When creating the assessment, I will use Krashens I+1 input model because I am confident that my

modifications will help my ELD student improve his linguistic competence, which in this case means that his summary will be

written at a Bridging level (Schtz, R.2017). My 504 student who needs seating arrangements will remain in the appropriate

seat. Lastly, if my IEP student does not do well in the assessment, or needs additional time, I am willing to differentiate the

lesson more by allowing her to finish her summary at home. However, if the students write a summary with 5 complete

sentences using 4 vocabulary words, bridging level, then they will have achieved the score I expected. If this is not the case,

then both my 504 and my ELD students will receive another opportunity to make corrections to earn a better grade.

Cecilia, L. S. (2015, October 9). Calaverita song. Retrieved from YouTube:

Dutro, S. &. (2013). Rethinking English language instruction: An architectural approach. In English
learners: Reaching the highest level of English literacy.

Mexico, G. (2016, October 27). Day of the Dead: A Celebration of Life (English Subtitles). Retrieved from

Walkup, N. (2010, December 9). Celebrating the Mexican Days of the Dead. Retrieved from LinkedIn

Schtz, R. (2017, March 12). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved

Pope, N. (2014, September 29). Teaching thought: Take a breather- the 10-2 lecture method. Retrieved
from Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Texas Wesleyan University:

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