Example Problems Radiation

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Example problems radiation

1. I have a system in space that is generating a lot of waste heat which I need to get rid of by radiation into
deep, cold space. The power I need to dump is 1.010 W. My external radiator has a surface area of 1.0
m by 2.0 m, has useful emission from only one side, and has an emissivity of 0.99 (pretty good
absorber). What is the equilibrium temperature of my radiator in C?

2. You work part time as a contractor building houses (to supplement your teaching income). Your client
asks you what difference there is (if any) between using a light color roof and a dark color roof in the
south where the summer is very hot (we all know that). The homeowner wants to use very dark
shingles with an emissivity of 0.90. The roof has a 6.0"-thick fiberglass insulation and the attic
temperature is always maintained at 80.0F (26.7C= 299.8 K). Thermal conduction through the roof to
the attic and radiative loss are the main sources of heat transfer. Determine the equilibrium
temperature in the day time for the shingles if the solar power is 1.0 kW/m.

3. Under steady state operation, a 50 W incandescent light bulb has a surface temperature of 135C
when the room air is at a temperature of 25C. If the bulb may be approximated as a 60mm diameter
sphere with a diffuse, gray surface of emissivity 0.8, what is the radiant heattransfer from the bulb
surface to its surroundings?

4. An enclosure has an inside area of 100 m2, and its inside surface is black and is maintainedat a
constant temperature. A small opening in the enclosure has an area of 0.02 m2. The radiant power
emitted from this opening is 70 W. What is the temperature of the interior enclosure wall?If the interior
surface is maintained at this temperature, but is now polished, what will be thevalue of the radiant
power emitted from the opening?

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