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The main damage to the global environment, esprean depletion of renewable

natural resources in the unequal ecological distribution of energy consumption
between countries and decreased ability of the planetary environmental system to
assimilate the wastes produced by society.
A major global environmental problem is the case of lack of balance in the

antropicade production caused by greenhouse gases, which began to induce

changes in global weather patterns .

They are those whose effects are not confined to one country or region, but it is
amnifiestan extensively and intensively throughout the world characterized by
pollution and obstruction worldwide.
ozone layer destruction
Global warming , acid rain
destruction of forests and rainforests
desertification , extinction of animal species

disposal of toxic waste

ocean pollution

atmospheric pollution

illegal trade in wild animals and plants

deforestation for the development of infrastructure and transport projects
loss of biodiversity due to deforestation, habitat fragmentation and over-
exploitation of animals and plants Silvestrs .
degradation of some basins north of the Orinoco River
pollution of soil, water , plants, animals and humans by the effect of
Prospects for the future. Forward-looking future as the environment is concerned
are unclear. Despite the economic and political changes, interest and even
CONCERN for the environment is important. Air quality has improved, but are still
unresolved and require coordinated action problems of acid rain,
chlorofluorocarbons , ozone depletion and pollution atmospheric
huge eastern Europe. While not decrease acid rain, loss of life continued in the
northern lakes and streams and can be affected cresimiento forest . the water
pollutions and this will continue grabbing a problem while cresimiento continue
increasing demographic pressure on the environment. Infiltration of toxic residues
in subteranios intrucion aquifers and salt water in freshwater acuiferoscosteros
have not been Disrupted.

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