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Inventor of cell phone:
Dr. Martin cooper is the person credited with both inventing the modern cell phone as
well as making the first cell phone call in new york city, new york in april 1973. A related
invention is the cave radio phone invented by nathan stubblefield who was awarded a patent
for the idea in the early 20th century (1908). Since his work does not provide the technology
behind modern cell phones, he is not given credit for inventing the cell phone.

History of the telephone

Alexander graham bell is given credit by historians with the invention of the traditional
telephone in 1876. Less than three decades later, on december 23 rd, 2000, reginald fessenden
was able to make the worlds first wireless phone call. His invention used radio waves to
transmit communication via voice between radio towers. His work provided the technical
background later used in broadcast technology. It would also provide the conceptual basis for
future network and mobile phone tower development.

As the world emerged from ww2, engineer william rae young (bell labs engineer that
was part of at&t), made the proposal of setting up radio towers in a hexagonal pattern to
support a network of phones. His work incorporated transmitters designed to transport calls to
destinations on the network and included the idea of handoffs between towers based on the
end-users location. Despite the concept being technically sound, it would take another 10+
years before additional advances in mobile phone technology to be realized.

In order to address a growing demand by consumers for some type of mobile

communication technology, there were a few companies in this timeframe that sold
radio telephones. These early phones operated very similar to hand held radios but
relied upon an installed network to operate. The network could only support a few
simultaneous calls at a time. If the person making a call could not access the network,
he or she would have to wait for someone to finish their call before making an attempt.
The setup of the network reduced privacy to almost nil; however, and the phones were
heavy coming in at 80 or more pounds.

What came before the cell phone?

Before cell phones as we know them came into existence, hexagonal cells, were used
by smaller numbers of consumers in the later portion of the 1950s. These early radio
telephones were created by at&t and bell labs. They were primarily used by the rich and did
not see widespread adoption due to their size and cost. Before the hexagonal cell was
invented, radio telephones were the primary method to wirelessly communicate by
government agencies, the military, and large businesses. The legacy radio phones required a
backpack that would then transmit the phone call to a nearby base station. Today, the
hexagonal cell phones are referred to with the relatively new label of zero generation

1g mobile phones
When dr. Martin cooper placed the worlds first cell phone call to dr. Joel engel on
april 3rd, 1973, the technology used by the device became known as a 1g or first generation
mobile phone. This first cell phone weighed approximately two pounds and was named the
motoroloa dyna-tac. When dr. Cooper made the call, dr. Engel was standing on the street near
the manhattan hilton hotel while there were a fair number of media personnel and press
nearby to observe the event. After making the call, the first cell phone patent was granted on
october 17th, 1973. After dr. Coopers demonstration, there were be several companies who
would develop cell phone networks and release cell phones of their own in the subsequent
years. It would take several decades after dr. Coopers demonstration; however, before there
would be a significant decrease in the use of traditional land lines.

2g mobile phones
Mobile phone technology would not see another significant leap in capability until the
advent of 2g mobile phones. Some of the early second generation cell phone networks
included is-95, iden, and gsm. The early gsm networks started seeing significant use and
deployment in 1991. 2g phone networks supported faster mobile phone to network
connections and also included digital circuit switched transmissions that supported a higher
quality of service for the end user. In addition to the improvements in technology, mobile
phone companies were able to significantly reduce the physical size of the cell phone making
it easier for customers to carry the phone with them.

Second generation mobile phones took advantage of improvements in chip design to

reduce the size of the phone(s). Chip manufacturers were able to produce smaller chips that
had an increased capacity for installation of additional circuitry resulting in an overall smaller
phone. Combined with an increase in mobile phone tower power output, there was a
significant increase in overall capability of the devices. 2g phones were also the first to
support sms texting capability in the early-mid 1990s as well as ring tones.

Sms text history

The concept of sms texting arose in the 1980s when discussions on what services to support
in the gsm mobile phone standard were underway. Many of the engineers and scientists
working on the standard believed that a messaging system would be the best method to alert
individual users for items such as incoming voicemail, etc. When work on the gsm standard
started to get to the publication point in the mid-1980s, there were parallel discussions on
creating a messaging standard. As a result, the ideg (implementation of data and telematic
services expert group) was formed in 1987 and was tasked with creating a standard for a
messaging system for use on gsm.

Just five years later at the end of 1992 (december), neil papworth would send the first
commercial text message from a computer to richard jarviss vodafone on the gsm network
in the u.k. the first commercial message was merry christmas. Prior to this, riku pihkonen is
credited with sending a text message in 1992 from a nokia gsm phone. After these first texts,
most gsm phones would include sms texting capability over the 1990s; however, it would
take until 2000 for the popularity of the texting format to take off. This was primarily due to
the incompatibility of sms text across different mobile phone network carriers.

By the late 1990s and early 2000s, sms text would grow to be supported on most
mobile networks to include tdma and cdma. The use continued to increase to the point of
there being more than 1.5 trillion text messages sent by the end of 2009 in a given year.
Today, mobile phone users are able to interchangeably use sms, or mms messaging that is
capable of including file attachments, pictures, and even short video clips!

3g mobile phones

Shortly after second generation mobile phones started to see widespread use, industry
started to work on the third generation (3g) mobile phone standard. The 3g standard leverages
wideband frequency carriers as well as a cdma air interface. They are able to support much
higher speed data applications with maximum speed ratings of two megabits. The networks
deployed or upgraded to support the 3g standard were designed to support wireless data rates
of up to 144 kilobits per second.

The first country to deploy a 3g network was japan in may of 2001. The network
would later see commercial launch by ntt docomo in the fall of 2001 (october). By 2002,
there were third generation mobile networks that leveraged cdma2000 technology in south
korea. Due to the commercial success in asia, third generation networks started to be
launched in 2003 in europe in italy and great britain.

In the united states, the first commercial 3g mobile network was deployed by monet
mobile networks but was eventually shut down. Verizon wireless would launch the second 3g
network in the u.s. in july of 2002 using cdma2000 1x evdo.

Despite the significant improvements in speed and quality of service, the adoption rate
of 3g technology world-wide was relatively slow. Since these networks do not use the same
frequencies that the more established (at the time) 2g networks leveraged, mobile network
operators had to license new frequencies and deploy new network infrastructure to support
3g. By the end of 2007; however, there were 190 third generation cell phone networks in
operation in 40 countries as well as 154 hsdpa networks in 71 countries across the world. One
of the technology improvements which increased the popularity of 3g was the advent of the
smartphone. Combining the capabilities of a pda with a cell phone, the demand to be
connected at much faster data rates not realized on 2g networks helped encourage mobile
companies to continue to invest in the newer technology.

Lte / 4g mobile phones

The succeeding technology to third generation cell phones is the 4g mobile phone.
Another common term used to refer to the succeeding generation of technology is long term
evolution. Although phones that implement lte have demonstrable improvements over 3g
phones, not all lte devices comply with the full 4g standard. As a result, although they may be
marketed as 4g devices, they likely do not provide the full spectrum of performance
improvements guaranteed by the standard. Lte supports a significant improvement in data
download and upload speeds as well as other improved capabilities for mobile phones and
devices. The majority of major mobile phone providers began providing support for lte
during 2009 . They have been making steady improvements to legacy third generation phone
networks to support the newer technologies.

One of the most fundamental differences between a 4g or lte mobile phone and the
older 2g/3g devices is that the newer phones are ip-based. Additionally, lte phones are
assigned their own ip address which help mobile phone networks provide an increase in
overall capability for the devices. Additional improvements include a max upload speed of 50
mbs, 100 mbps download speed, a scalable carrier bandwidth, as well as handoff between 4g
and legacy phone towers.

What are the advantages of 4g cell phones over 3g phones?

The single biggest advantage of a 4g mobile phone over 3g technology is the vast
improvement in network bandwidth and capacity. For example, on a 3g network a mobile
user would likely require a wifi connection in order to place a usable, clear video call via
skype or other equivalent technology. On a 4g phone, the majority of mobile providers are
able to support live video over the cell network. Additionally, 4g mobiles are able to include
more always on services such as gps, location services, etc. 4g also includes support for
legacy 3g phones; however, the older mobiles are not able to realize the improvements in data
down/upload speeds. Finally, the mobile phone architecture is cheaper to deploy and maintain
on the part of the cell phone companies. Once the underlying switching system is changed out
to support flat ip addressing, the overall cost of a 4g network is less than for that of legacy 3g
or 2g.

Why are lte phones marketed as 4g?

Based on lessons learned over the previous decades of cell phone technology adoption
and consumer behavior, there has been a rush by mobile phone companies to gain market
share for 4g mobile devices. Consequently, there has been an ensuing debate on what really
qualifies a mobile phone or other device as being a true 4g device since lte does not fully
support the 4g standard. Although all major providers are in progress of releasing true 4g
networks, most have been guilty of marketing existing hspa+ or 3g+ networks as 4g since the
networks support many of the improvements promised by the 4g standard. The mobile
phones for many carriers will actually display a 4g network in these cases even though full
network upgrades have not been completed. Many devices have actually stopped displaying
the 4g or 3g indication to the end user in order to avoid continued debate on the matter at
the time of this writing.

What is the current status of 5g mobile phones?

At the time of this writing, there has not been a fifth generation mobile phone standard
developed. It is believed that when a 5g standard is developed, that it will be focused more on
ensuring quality of service to the end user than on drastic improvements in speed. There will
be some improvement in the speed area, but it is expected that this will be more due to
improvements in hardware and other supporting technologies. The focus on quality of service
is based on the expected increase in total number of connected devices in a home by the time
the 5g standard is expected to be released and adopted.

Despite the absence of a 5g standard, samsung publicly stated that the company had
released the worlds first 5g phone on may 12th, 2013. The claims are made due to the
increase in maximum speed of 1.056 gbit/sec at a range of up two kilometers. Other related
announcements for 5g include a major announcement by israel and india in july of 2013 that
the countries have agreed to work together on creating and adopting 5g technologies.

Working fundamentals:
In this unit we are going to take a brief familiarization of a typical block diagram of a
Block diagram can help us understand the flow of a certain part of a cellphone's circuit.
A cell-phone handset is basically composed of two sections,which is rf and baseband
rf refers to radio frequency, the mode of communication for wireless technologies of all
kinds, including cordless phones, radar, ham radio, gps, and radio and television broadcasts.
Rf technology is so much a part of our lives we scarcely notice it for its ubiquity. From baby
monitors to cell phones, bluetooth to remote control toys, rf waves are all around us. Rf
waves are electromagnetic waves which propagate at the speed of light, or 186,000 miles per
second (300,000 km/s). The frequencies of rf waves, however, are slower than those of
visible light, making rf waves invisible to the human eye.

In signal processing, baseband describes signals and systems whose range of

frequencies is measured from zero to a maximum bandwidth or highest signal frequency. It is
sometimes used as a noun for a band of frequencies starting at zero.
In telecommunications, it is the frequency range occupied by a message signal prior to
modulation. It can be considered as a synonym to low-pass. Baseband is also sometimes used
as a general term for part of the physical components of a wireless communications product.
Typically, it includes the control circuitry (microprocessor), the power supply, and
A baseband processor is an ic that is mainly used in a mobile phone to process
communication functions.

Basically baseband also composed of to sections which is the analog and digital
processing sections. So, we are going to separate each other for better and easier to
Cell-phone have three different sections which is the following.
I prepare this to be simple and easy instead of using or explaining it with deep technical terms
In this manner, it is easy for us to understand the concepts and methods of how basically the
cellphone works.

cell-phone have three sections since baseband is differentiated by into two which is the
analog and digital function while the rf section remains as a whole circuit section.. Which is
the following cosists.
1. Radio frequency (rf section)
2. The analog baseband processor
3. And the digital baseband processor.
Radio frequency processing section
the rf section is the part of the cell-phone circuit is also known as rf transceiver.
It is the section that transmit and receive certain frequency to a network and synchronize to
other phone.
The rf - a radio section is based on two main circuits.
1 transmitter
2 reciever
A simple mobile phone uses these two circuits to correspond to an other mobile phone. A
transmitter is a circuit or device which is used to transmit radio signals in the air.and a
reciever is simply like radios which are used to recieve transmissions(radiation) which is
spread in the air by any transmitter on a specific frequency.

The two way communication is made possible by setting two transmitters and two recievers
sycronized in this form that a trasmitter in a cell phone is syncronised with the frequency of
other cell phone's recieving frequency same like the transmitter of second cell phone is
syncronised with the recieving frequency of first cell phone. So first cell phone transmits its
radiation in the air while the other phone listens it and same process is present in the opposit
side. So these hand held two cell phones correspond to one another.
The technology used in these days is a little bit different but it is based on the basic theory
prescribed before. The today's technology will be discussed in later on.

Analog baseband processor

a/d and d/a section
the analog baseband processing section is composed of different types of circuits.
This section converts and process the analog to digital (a/d) signals and digital to analog
signals (d/a).
Control section
this is the section acts as the controller of the the input and output of any analog and digital

Power management
a power management section in mobile phones is designed to handle energy matters that is
consumed in mobile phones. There are two main sub sections in a single power section.
power distribution and switching section
charging section
a power distribution section is designed to distribute desired voltages and currenst to the other
sections of a phone. This section takes power from a battery (which is figured commonly 3.6
volts)and in some places it converts or step down to various volts like 2.8 v 1.8v 1.6v
etc.while on other place it also
steps up the voltage like 4.8 v. This section is commonly designed around a power ic(and
integrated circuit) which is used to distribute and regulate the voltage used in other
The charging section is based on a charging ic which takes power from an external source
and gives it to battery to make it again power up when it is exhausted. This section uses
convertibly 6.4 v from an external battery charger and regulates it to 5.8v wile giving it to
battery. The battery is made charged by this process and it is ready to use for the next session
(a battery session is a time which is provided by the manufacturer of a cell phone for standby
by condition of a mobile phone or talk condition.)
Audio codecs section
this section where analog and digital audio properties being process like the microphone,
earpiece speaker headset and ring-tones and also the vibrator circuits.

Digital baseband processor

this is the part where all application being process. Digital baseband processor section is used
in mobile phones to handle data input and ouput signal like switching, driving applications
commands and memory accessing and executing.
These are the parts and sections o a digital baseband circuit were installed.
cpu( centeral processing unit) the central processing unit (cpu) is responsible for interpreting
and executing most of the commands from the users interface. It is often called the "brains"
of the microprocessor, central processor, "the brains of the computer"
flash and memory storage circuits
*ram( random access memory)
*rom,flash(read only memory
interfaces such as the following were also part on this section:
*screen display

4.2 cell phone frequencies & channels

Cell phone frequencies are the frequency ranges within the ultra high frequency (uhf) band
that are designated for cell phone use. Bluetooth devices, wireless networks, and television
signals also use this frequency band. Although cellular phone systems divide cities and
geographic areas into smaller cells of coverage, it allows for a fair amount of frequency reuse
across the network. This ultimlately permits significantly more cell phone users to talk
simultaneously on a network.

How are cell phone networks designed?

Typically, a cell phone service provider is assigned up to 832 frequencies to use in a medium
to large city. The carrier then divides the city into sub-cells that are normally 10 square miles
and are covered by a low power base station, which is located in order to cover the entire cell.
When cell users make a phone call within a cell on the network, they are assigned a duplex
channel which permits two people to talk and listen simultaneously. On analog cell networks,
this limits the number of users who can talk simultaneously to 56. With digital broadcast
signals, three times as many people can talk at the same time (2g through 4g) making
significantly more channels available for each digital cell. When calls are made from a cell
network to a land-line, the call is switched to the land-based phone system through the given
carriers mobile telephone switching office (mtso).

What are cell phone codes used for?

There are several cell phone codes that are used for different reasons on a cellular
network. The electronic serial number (esn) is programmed into the phone when it is first
produced and consists of a 32-bit number. The system identification code (sid) is fcc
assigned, and is a unique five digit number. The mobile identification number (min) is a 10-
digit number that is derived from the cellular phone number. The min and sid numbers are set
in the phone when a cellular carrier activates the phone and service plan. When a phone is
first turned on, it searches for sids in range of one of the control channel frequencies and will
transmit a registration request for the network once a sid is found. The phone will default to
connecting to sids associated with the phones calling plan before connecting to one of
another company. Once your phone registers with the network, the mtso stores the cell
location of your phone so that it can assign frequencies/channels and route calls to and from
your phone.

What are the gsm cellular fequency bands?

The gsm mobile phone standard is implemented world-wide. There are a total of 14
gsm fequency bands that contain both pre-set and dynamic channel allocations. The
frequency ranges for each gsm frequency band are different, with frequencies ranging from
380.2 to 1990 mhz. 921 mhz to 1710.1 mhz fequencies are not assigned to gsm bands and are
assigned to other tasks by the fcc. Each gsm frequency band also makes use of a separate
uplink and downlink frequency range within each pre-designated band. The uplink and
downlink ranges are distinguished from each other in order to help minimize potential
4.3 digital cell phone components

Cell phones have made us a lot more connected. Now, there is no longer an excuse for
not calling when we are going to be late. You can call a friend who is late for a rendezvous.
You can call your spouse from the grocery store when you forget the ingredients in a recipe.
It is hard to imagine how previous generations survived being so isolated

Battery and antenna

The battery and the antenna are the two parts of your cell phone you are most likely to
encounter (and damage) if you open up your cell phone. The battery supplies the electricity
that makes the phone work. Without the battery, nothing happens. The battery is protected as
long as it is installed in the phone. If you take it out, it is surprisingly fragile and easy to drop.
The antenna is the portal through which the phone is linked to other phones. In most phones it
is a coil of wire attached to a removable cover that is easy to break.
Microphone and speaker

The microphone and speaker are the channels through which the telephone communicates
messages from other customers to you. The microphone you speak into converts sound to
electricity. The speaker you listen to converts electricity into sound. When you speak into the
microphone, your voice turns into electrical signals which get digitized and then transmitted
out through the antenna. When the signal from another phone strikes your antenna, it first
gets un-digitized, then sent to the speaker where it converts to sound.

Keyboard and lcd screen

The keyboard and lcd form another pair of channels through which you communicate with
the phone nonverbally. By pressing buttons on the keyboard, you issue data and commands to
the phone--turn on, turn off, look up a number or call a number, among other things. The lcd
screen is the way the phone communicates nonvocal data to you, including number dialed,
last number called, who is currently calling you, etc. The keyboard and lcd screen not only
handle nonverbal communications, but they also handle commands, errors and status reports.
Circuit board

The circuit board is the component of the phone that is most removed from direct interaction
with you or with the outside world. It is also the part of the phone that controls how
everything else works. It transforms digital signals to analog, and analog signals to digital. It
also contains a miscellany of components that do not fit into the other categories. These
include the buzzer and vibrator that alerts you to incoming calls, a sim card that lets the cell
phone tower know about your long-distance carrier, and a monitor to check the energy level
of the battery so the phone can alert you when the battery needs charging.

the evolution of cellular communications networks is commonly known by 1g, 2g, 3g

and 4g designations. We are currently in the fourth generation.
First generation cell phones were only used for analog voice conversation. The second
generation was digital, but fairly slow. Many people are still using 2g phones for phone calls.
While 2g phones could be used for slow internet access, most internet traffic has now moved
to 3g where it is available. Standards development for the next generation of cellular
communication has begun, and will roll out during the next decade.

Decade 1980s, 1g 1990s, 2g 2000s, 3g 2010s, 4g

Coverage Outdoor In/outdoor Global roaming Global roaming

Applicati Business Voice and some Data, including

Consumer voice
ons voice data voice

Data Up to 2 mbps,
9.6-28kbps Up to 100 kbps Up to 100 mbps
speed slower in a car
lte technology is
expected to beat
Status Obsolete Deployed Deploying now mobile wimax,
japanese launch
december 2010

Connecti Packet -- always Packet -- always

Circuit Circuit
on mode on on

Hand set

The speed figures given above are general estimates, but arcchart, a wireless market
research company, has gathered data on download speeds using gsm, the most common
global cell phone technology. As you see below, the actual speeds achieved in different cities
and neighborhoods vary. While the most common 3g connection speed is around 1,000 kbps,
it can go as low as 300 and as high as 1,600.

Japan rolled out 3g cellular radios faster than other nations, and the market their is nearly
saturated today. Other nations are moving to 3g, and, by 2013, the market research firm
telegeography predicts china, india and the us will have surpassed japan in the number of 3g
users. By 2014, they expect china to be the largest 3g nation. But, by 2014, fourth generation
cellular will be rolling out, driven by demand for mobile internet access.

Here we see the global projection for 2013 from telegeography:

cell phones require large investments in antennae and radios. The antennae on the left
were installed on the stadium light pole of a school which leases the antenna space for $6,000
a year. The towers on the right are disguised.


It is the generation currently under development. It denotes the next major phase of mobile
telecommunications standards beyond the current 4g/imt-advanced standards.

Ngmn alliance or next generation mobile networks alliance define 5g network requirements

Data rates of several tens of mb/s should be supported for tens of thousands of users.
1 gbit/s to be offered, simultaneously to tens of workers on the same office floor.
Several hundreds of thousands of simultaneous connections to be supported for
massive sensor deployments.
Spectral efficiency should be significantly enhanced compared to 4g.
Coverage should be improved.
Signalling efficiency enhanced.
Latency should be significantly reduced compared to lte.

next generation mobile networks alliance feel that 5g should be rolled out by 2020 to meet
business and consumer demands.[4] in addition to simply providing faster speeds, they predict
that 5g networks will also need to meet the needs of new use-cases such as the internet of
things as well as broadcast-like services and lifeline communications in times of disaster.

4.5 cell phone network technologies / architecture

a cell phone is nothing more than a radio. It is a complex radio, but still a radio. In order to
really understand the way a cell phone works, we must discuss some of the cell phones
history for just a moment.

Back around the early 1950s', mobile-radio-phones were about as common as cruise control
in post- world war ii cars.

In select urban areas, there were large, central antennas that were specifically allocated for
these radio-phones. Each car that had a radio-phone required a big antenna that could
transmit at least 40 or 50 miles. Since radio technology itself was only in the building phase,
only about 25 channels were available for private use. So basically only 25 people could be
talking on their radio-phones at the same time.

The solution to this problem was to divide each city up into small divisions, or "cells". The
technology behind cells have changed dramatically over the years, just as cell phones have,
but now most standard cells are about 10 square miles large. They are usually in the shape of
a hexagon. Nowadays, every individual cell has its own base station, rather than only one for
an entire city.

And now cell phones are made to be low-power transmitters (either 0.3 watts or 6 watts),
which is much lower wattage than in past decades. This means that the same frequency can
be used in the same city, at the same time, but in different cells.

Not much has changed since then and the basic cellular infrastructure / architecture remain
the same. It is essentially a the areas which is divided into cells , services and connected to
each other by collection of transceivers, controllers, switches, routers, and registers. Some of
the main components and how it works is provided below :
Mobile equipment (me) this refers to the physical phone itself. The phone must be
able to operate on a cellular network. Older phones operated on a single band only.
Newer phones are dual-band, triple-band, and even quad-band capable. A quad-band
phone has the technical capability to operate on any network worldwide.

Each phone is uniquely identified by the international mobile equipment identity (imei)
number. This number is burned into the phone by the manufacturer. The imei can
usually be found by removing the battery of the phone and reading the panel in the
battery well.

Base transceiver station (bts) it is actually the antenna that you see installed on top of
the tower. The bts is the mobile phones access point to the network. It is responsible
for carrying out radio communications between the network and the mobile phone. It
handles speech encoding, encryption, multiplexing (tdma), and
modulation/demodulation of the radio signals. One bts usually covers a single 120
degree sector of an area. Usually a tower with 3 btss will accommodate all 360 degrees
around the tower. However, depending on geography and user demand of an area, a
cell may be divided up into one or two sectors, or a cell may be serviced by several
btss with redundant sector coverage. A bts is assigned a cell identity. The cell identity
denotes a particular location area, which provides details of the cell which the bts is
What is a cell a base station (transmitter) having a number of rf channels is called a
cell. Each cell covers a limited number of mobile subscribers within the cell
boundaries (coverage area). Approximately a cell radius is 30 km , (start up), 1 km
(mature) .
Cell size and capacity cell size determines number of cells available to cover
geographic area and (with frequency reuse) the total capacity available to all users.
Capacity within cell limited by available bandwidth and operational requirements.
Each network operator has to size cells to handle expected traffic demand
Base station controller (bsc) the bsc controls multiple btss. It handles allocation of
radio channels, frequency administration, power and signal measurements from the ms,
and handovers from one bts to another (if both btss are controlled by the same bsc). A
bsc also functions as a "funneler". It reduces the number of connections to the mobile
switching center (msc) and allows for higher capacity connections to the msc. A bsc
may be collocated with a bts or it may be geographically separate. It may even be
collocated with the mobile switching center (msc)
Mobile switching center (msc) the msc is the heart of the gsm network. It handles
call routing, call setup, and basic switching functions. An msc handles multiple bscs
and also interfaces with other msc's and registers. It also handles inter-bsc handoffs as
well as coordinates with other msc's for inter-msc handoffs.

4.5.1 cell phone network architecture

The gsm technical specifications define the different elements within the gsm network
architecture. It defines the different elements and the ways in which they interact to enable
the overall system operation to be maintained.

The gsm network architecture is now well established and with the other later cellular
systems now established and other new ones being deployed, the basic gsm network
architecture has been updated to interface to the network elements required by these systems.

despite the developments of the newer systems, the basic gsm system architecture has
been maintained, and the network elements described below perform the same functions as
they did when the original gsm system was launched in the early 1990s.gsm network
architecture elements

The gsm network architecture as defined in the gsm specifications can be grouped into
four main areas:

Mobile station (ms)

Base-station subsystem (bss)
Network and switching subsystem (nss)
Operation and support subsystem (oss)

The different elements of the gsm network operate together and the user is not aware of
the different entities within the system.
A basic diagram of the overall gsm system architecture with these four major elements is
shown below:

Mobile station

Mobile stations (ms), mobile equipment (me) or as they are most widely known, cell or
mobile phones are the section of a gsm cellular network that the user sees and operates. In
recent years their size has fallen dramatically while the level of functionality has greatly
increased. A further advantage is that the time between charges has significantly increased.

There are a number of elements to the cell phone, although the two main elements are
the main hardware and the sim.

The hardware itself contains the main elements of the mobile phone including the
display, case, battery, and the electronics used to generate the signal, and process the data
receiver and to be transmitted. It also contains a number known as the international mobile
equipment identity (imei). This is installed in the phone at manufacture and "cannot" be
changed. It is accessed by the network during registration to check whether the equipment
has been reported as stolen.
The sim or subscriber identity module contains the information that provides the
identity of the user to the network. It contains are variety of information including a number
known as the international mobile subscriber identity (imsi).

Base station subsystem (bss)

The base station subsystem (bss) section of the gsm network architecture that is
fundamentally associated with communicating with the mobiles on the network. It consists of
two elements:

Base transceiver station (bts): the bts used in a gsm network comprises the radio
transmitter receivers, and their associated antennas that transmit and receive to directly
communicate with the mobiles. The bts is the defining element for each cell. The bts
communicates with the mobiles and the interface between the two is known as the um
interface with its associated protocols.
Base station controller (bsc): the bsc forms the next stage back into the gsm network.
It controls a group of btss, and is often co-located with one of the btss in its group. It
manages the radio resources and controls items such as handover within the group of
btss, allocates channels and the like. It communicates with the btss over what is termed
the abis interface.

Network switching subsystem (nss)

The gsm system architecture contains a variety of different elements, and is often termed the
core network. It provides the main control and interfacing for the whole mobile network. The
major elements within the core network include:

Mobile services switching centre (msc): the main element within the core network
area of the overall gsm network architecture is the mobile switching services centre
(msc). The msc acts like a normal switching node within a pstn or isdn, but also
provides additional functionality to enable the requirements of a mobile user to be
supported. These include registration, authentication, call location, inter-msc
handovers and call routing to a mobile subscriber. It also provides an interface to the
pstn so that calls can be routed from the mobile network to a phone connected to a
landline. Interfaces to other mscs are provided to enable calls to be made to mobiles on
different networks.
Home location register (hlr): this database contains all the administrative
information about each subscriber along with their last known location. In this way, the
gsm network is able to route calls to the relevant base station for the ms. When a user
switches on their phone, the phone registers with the network and from this it is
possible to determine which bts it communicates with so that incoming calls can be
routed appropriately. Even when the phone is not active (but switched on) it re-
registers periodically to ensure that the network (hlr) is aware of its latest position.
There is one hlr per network, although it may be distributed across various sub-centres
to for operational reasons.
Visitor location register (vlr): this contains selected information from the hlr that
enables the selected services for the individual subscriber to be provided. The vlr can
be implemented as a separate entity, but it is commonly realised as an integral part of
the msc, rather than a separate entity. In this way access is made faster and more
Equipment identity register (eir): the eir is the entity that decides whether a given
mobile equipment may be allowed onto the network. Each mobile equipment has a
number known as the international mobile equipment identity. This number, as
mentioned above, is installed in the equipment and is checked by the network during
registration. Dependent upon the information held in the eir, the mobile may be
allocated one of three states - allowed onto the network, barred access, or monitored in
case its problems.
Authentication centre (auc): the auc is a protected database that contains the secret
key also contained in the user's sim card. It is used for authentication and for ciphering
on the radio channel.
Gateway mobile switching centre (gmsc): the gmsc is the point to which a me
terminating call is initially routed, without any knowledge of the ms's location. The
gmsc is thus in charge of obtaining the msrn (mobile station roaming number) from the
hlr based on the msisdn (mobile station isdn number, the "directory number" of a ms)
and routing the call to the correct visited msc. The "msc" part of the term gmsc is
misleading, since the gateway operation does not require any linking to an msc.
Sms gateway (sms-g): the sms-g or sms gateway is the term that is used to
collectively describe the two short message services gateways defined in the gsm
standards. The two gateways handle messages directed in different directions. The
sms-gmsc (short message service gateway mobile switching centre) is for short
messages being sent to an me. The sms-iwmsc (short message service inter-working
mobile switching centre) is used for short messages originated with a mobile on that
network. The sms-gmsc role is similar to that of the gmsc, whereas the sms-iwmsc
provides a fixed access point to the short message service centre.

Operation and support subsystem (oss)

The oss or operation support subsystem is an element within the overall gsm network
architecture that is connected to components of the nss and the bsc. It is used to control and
monitor the overall gsm network and it is also used to control the traffic load of the bss. It
must be noted that as the number of bs increases with the scaling of the subscriber population
some of the maintenance tasks are transferred to the bts, allowing savings in the cost of
ownership of the system.

4.6 voice calls & sms

Voice call:
A technology in which pre-recorded messages are automated to mobile/telephone users
called as voice sms or outbound dialer (obd). One can dial out list of phone numbers and play
prerecorded message through voice sms or outbound dialer (obd). To quantify result of voice
sms marketing, it provides touch tone inputs from end users. To create a personal touch with
customers, most of the businessmen choose voice sms marketing or campaign. The sms
world provides you a latest voice sms service by which you can communicate with your
customer in their regional language. Through our outbound dialer (obd) service you can
convert text message into voice sms and send it to group of customers. To get an emotional
touch you can record message in your own voice also. Nowadays, voice sms become popular
in india for promotion or campaign, because a big mass of indian population is non-english
speaker. So it is easy to approach large number of audience through regional language. On
the other hand, write a text message on phone is time consuming or tedious rather than record
a voice message on phone. Anyone can listen and understand a voice message. It reduces the
chances of misunderstanding due to spelling mistakes or typo errors.features of our voice sms

Outbound dialer (obd) service makes avail of multiple phone calls at instance.
We provide retry facility to complete a call in case of users phone is busy or not
Our system can convert your text message into speech (more than 20 languages)
speedily. You can customize message according your need.
Cut down man power by setting a voice answer machine. You can load answers on
your voice also like i will call you after some time, etc.
We have call scheduling option also by which you can schedule date and time of your
campaign calls.

Widely used for voice calls

Deliver or obtain responses from members, employees, customers and prospects.

Give notifications when required.
Political campaign promotion, voter registration, vote reminders.
Marriage reminder calls (special package).
Marketing products & services.
Give reminders like emi, insurance premium.
Confirm preset appointments, pre-scheduled meetings & conferences.
Can also get yes/ no responses.
Lead generations for mortgage brokers.
Fundraising for social cause.
Event notification for churches, parties and organizations.
Business pickup/delivery phone notifications.
Appointment reminder.
It support staff for alert escalation process.
Record and voice broadcast in your own voice.
Outbound voice call ivr.
Call scheduling.
Health care.
Collection agents (telephone bills, installments due etc.).
Utilities (eb, telephones, gas, etc.).
Bank branches, insurance agents.
Travel agents, tour operators.
Educational institutions.
Shops and establishments.
Offices and corporate houses.
Resorts, theme parks.
Supermarkets / malls.
Media business.
Stock brokers and bankers.


were all familiar with sms messages, after all its one of the oldest and most commonly
used methods of mobile communication. But theres a surprising amount of co-ordination and
technology working in the background to send such seemingly simple messages. So lets take
a look at how it all works.

For a start sms stands for short messaging service, a protocol used for sending short
messages over wireless networks. Unlike many services in use today, such as mms and other
data driven services, sms still works on the fundamental voice network, and is based on the
big three gsm, cdma and tdma network technologies, making it a universal service.

Sms allows for text messages of 160 characters (letters, numbers and symbols) in
length. Or for other alphabets, such as chinese or arabic, the maximum message size is
limited to just 70 characters. Part of the reason for this is that sms messaging was original
considered as an afterthought added on to the spare bandwidth available on wireless voice
networks. There was always a limit on how large these messages could be, hence why certain
characters, such as foreign alphabets or obscure letters, still take up multiple spaces of the
160 allowance.

The 160 limit was eventually decided upon by friedhelm hillebrand, who observed and
tested the typical number of characters in the average sentence, combined with a compromise
on the available bandwidth at the time. Nowadays bandwidth isnt so much of a concern, and
messages can easily be sent back to back and recompiled on the receiving handset. The, now
considered, low-bandwidth requirements of transmitting these short alphanumeric strings
allows for worldwide messaging with very low latency.

Sending the data:

As for the actual transmission of a sms, the text message from the sending mobile device is
stored in a central smc, which then forwards the message to the desired destination. As sms
messaging makes use of a separate channel, normally used for transfer of control messaging
to transfer its packets, voice and data calls will not be interrupted by sms transfer.

This control channel is usually used to track the cell that your phone is currently in,
allowing you to change cells as you move around and so that calls and messages can be sent
to the correct handsets in the correct locations.

As already mentioned, the smc is in charge of storing and forwarding messages to and
from the mobile station and other short message entities, which is typically a mobile
phone. The benefit of storaging messages here is that several attempts can be made to deliver
a message if the receiving device cannot be contacted. If a wireless recipient is switched off,
out of range, or if there is a network outage, the sms message will be stored in the network
and delivered when the recipient becomes available again. Whilst this might not seem like
such a revolutionary feature in the age of data driven messaging, at the time of its
introduction this was the first technology to offer such a feature.

Gsm network that supports sms:

However, in order to figure out exactly where the message has to be sent, the smc
needs to be given the location of the recipient. This is where the home location register (hlr)
comes in handy. The hlr is a database that contains the information of all the networks
subscribers, and is responsible for matching phones to phone numbers, accounts, and with
service plan information. But most importantly, it keeps track of the users location so that
incoming calls and messages can be routed through to the correct network tower.

Once the message knows where to go the mobile switching center (msc) is in charge of
switching the connection over to the correct mobile station. Theres also a visitor location
register attached to each msc, which helps to narrow down the exact location of the cell
where the receiving handset is currently located. The message is then finally transferred to
the corresponding base station system (bss).

The bss consists of transceivers which send and receive information over the air, to and
from the mobile station. This information is passed over the signalling channels so the mobile
can receive messages even if a voice or data call is going on. The bss is the final device that
transmits the text message to the correct mobile. Its a surprisingly long and complicated
journey for just 160 characters.

Sms may have been the backbone of fast text communications for decades, but the
standard is facing growing competition from alternative messaging services. In western
countries specifically, data based clients are becoming increasingly popular, and could well
replace the faithful old sms standard at some point the in the future, although that probably
wont be for quite a while yet.

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