Principle of Combustion

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Write the letter of the correct answer:

1. ______________it occurs when a tank storing liquid fuel under pressure is heated
excessively. Liquid immediately turns into a rapidly expanding cloud of vapour. Vapor
ignites into a huge fireball.
A. BLEVE C. Fire
B. Flashover D. Rekindle

2. ______________ transfer of heat within a body or to another body by direct

A. Convection C. Radiation
B. Conduction D. Ventilation

3. _____________minimum surface temperature a substance must attain in order

to ignite under specific test conditions. Ignition after application of a pilot flame
above the heated surface is referred to as pilot ignition temperature. Ignition without
a pilot energy source has been referred to as auto ignition temperature, self-ignition
temperature, or spontaneous ignition temperature.
A. Backdraft C. Ignition Temperature
B. Roll-over D. Flashover

4._____________chipping or pitting of concrete or masonry surfaces.

A. Flame C. Plume
B. Flux D. Spalling

5._______________ an explosion resulting from the sudden introduction of air

(oxygen) into confined space containing oxygen deficient super heated products of
incomplete combustion.
A. Backdraft C. Conduction
B. BLEVE D. Radiation

6. _____________ black particles of carbon produced in a flame.

A. Spark C. Clean burn
B. Soot D. Fuel
7. ______________an active principle of burning characterized by heat and light of
A. Heat C. Fire
B. Oxygen D. Fuel

8. ______________ the luminous portion of burning gases or vapors

A. Smoke C. Carbon monoxide
B. Heat D. Flame

9.______________a stage in the development of a contained fire in which all

exposed surfaces reach ignition temperature more or less simultaneously and fire
spreads rapidly throughout the space.
A. Flashover C. Incipient stage
B. Growth stage D. Backdraft

10._____________ transfer of heat through movement of hot smoke and fire gases.
A. Ventilation C. Radiation
B. Convection D. Conduction

11._____________ the lowest temperature of a liquid as determined by specific

laboratory test at which the liquid gives off vapors at a sufficient rate to support a
momentary flame across its surface.
A. Exposed surface C. Flashpoint of a liquid
B. Explosive material D. Flammable limit

12._____________ a four-sided solid geometric form that classically represent the

four components of fire.
A. Spalling C. Fire triangle
B. Spark D. Fire tetrahedron
13._____________a return to flaming combustion after incomplete
extinguishment, such as a fire reigniting at some time after being put out. Residual
heat and hidden embers may restart a fire several hours after it has been declared
out if overhauling has not been sufficiently thorough.
A. Rekindle C. Overhauling
B. Salvage D. Cover Exposure

14._____________the transformation of a compound into one or more other

substances by heat alone. It often precedes combustion.
A. Calcination C. Exothermic
B. Pyrolysis D. Endothermic

15. ______________ transmission of energy as electromagnetic wave without

intervening medium.
A. Conduction C. Radiation
B. Convection D. Ventilation

Write the letter of the correct answer:

1.___________the room or area where the fire began.

A. Area of origin C. Fire pattern
B. Arrow pattern D. V pattern

2. __________a pattern displayed in a cross section of a burned wooden structural

A. Char blisters C. Accelerant
B. Arrow pattern D. Point of origin

3. __________carbonaceous material that has been burned and has blackened

A. Clean burn C. Char
B. Convection D. Radiation

4.___________a fire pattern on surfaces where soot has been burned away.
A. Detonation C. Explosion
B. Char D. Clean burn

5.___________ the circumstances or agencies that bring a fuel and an ignition

source together with proper air or oxygen.
A. Fire cause C. Fuel
B. Fire pattern D. Oxygen

6.___________ the process of determining the origin, cause, and development of a

fire or explosion.
A. Fire scene reconstruction C. Fire alarm
B. Fire investigation D. Fire cause

7.____________the process of recreating the physical scene during the fire scene
analysis through the removal of debris and the replacement of contents or
structural elements in their pre-fire positions.
A. Fire investigation C. Fire scene Reconstruction
B. Fire pattern D. Fire spread

8._____________is defined as the succession of events and conditions that allow

the source of ignition, the fuel, and the oxidant to interact in the appropriate
quantities and circumstance for combustion to begin.
A. Ignition temperature C. Spontaneous heating
A. Hypothesis D. Ignition sequence

9.______________the difference in height of a series of fire-damaged vertical wood

members ranging from high being farthest away from a source of heating to the
shortest being closer.
A. Pointer C. Plume
B. Soot D. Clean burn

10._____________the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition

and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and
experiment, and the formulation and testing of a hypothesis.
A. Instrumentation C. Information
B. Scientific Method D. Interrogation

11.________________ it is a tool of investigator in gathering facts which includes

the data gathered from other persons, the victim and from other records such as
public records, private records, modus operation file.
A. Intelligence C. Information
B. Interpolation D. Intervention

12.________________ it is a tool of investigator in gathering facts which involves

skillful questioning of witnesses and suspects.
A. Intervention C. Intelligence
B. Information D. Interrogation
13.________________ are triangular patterns, wider at their base than at the top
and are commonly caused by the vertical flame plumes of the burning volatile fuels
not reaching the ceiling.
A. Inverted cone pattern C. Circular shaped pattern
B. Hourglass pattern D. Pointer and arrow pattern

14.________________ it is a tool of investigation in gathering facts which involves

a process of scientific examination of real evidence, application of instrument and
methods of the physical sciences in detecting crime such as microscope, finger prints
A. Interrogation C. Intelligence
B. Instrumentation D. Information

15.________________the determination of the cause of a fire requires the

identification of those factors that were necessary for the fire to have occurred.
Those factors include the presence oa competent ignition source, the type and form
of the first fuel ignited, and the circumstances.
A. Fire patterns C. Fire cause factors
B. Surface effect D. Movement patterns

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