Non-Tectonic Systems: Basic Building Methods AND Principles Construction OF

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M. PfdlKflYI, L. HAJDO, J. BAaczn, Z. Szman

Institute of Building Constructionsand Equipments,

Technical University, H-1521 Budapest

Received August 15, 1988

Presented by Prof. Dr. O. LJsz16


The non-tectonicbuilding methodsexemplify the possibleadaptations of the non-tectonic

systemsfor mass constructionof dwellings, communal and industrial buildings. These funda-
mentally new, open, light-weight silicate-basedbuilding methods of particular technological
relevancefor hot arid tropical areasare equally realizableby planted or transplantablefactories
and have been designedin such a way as to give optimum solutions for social-sociological,
technical-economic,climatic-geographic,architectural-constructionalrequirementswhich ever
keep changingin spaceand in time. The scientific results of the researchwork -- carried out in
the Institute of Building Constructions,TechnicalUniversity Budapestsincethe early seventies
-- have been summarized in twelve theses in our previous article entitled "Characteristic
features of the non-tectonicsystems" and this article is its immediate continuation.
In this study -- exclusivelydevotedto the detailedanalysisof the non-tectonicbuilding
methodsand their principlesof construction-- we put a specialemphasison the expounding
and illustration of theseprinciples.The non-tectonicsystemsare basedon the recognitionthat
tectonicsis not the only possibleaxiom of building and the basicbuilding methods-- the in-situ,
the lifting, the box-unit, the box-frame unit, the closed-cellular,the lift-cell and the tilt-lift
building methods-- give a definite proof that suchan axiomatic changeis realizable and that
we may open new, hitherto unknown ways of industrialization of building if we break with the
axiom of tectonics.The basicbuildingmethodsin themselvesand even in their complementscan
expediently be combinedwith each other as well, and thereby the non-tectonicsystemsreally
establishalmostboundless possibilitiesfor the architectand the constructorfor solvingproblems
of the various tasks.


This study is an immediatecontinuationof our previousarticle entitled

featuresof the non-tectonicsystems"in which we dealt with the
mass adaptation of the non-tectonic systems, or rather some fundamental
theoreticaland practical problemsof the adaptation.
This study is exclusivelydevotedto the detailed analysisof the non-
tectonicbuildingmethods and theirprinciplesof construction.Let us remark here
by way of introduction,that the basicbuildingmethods-- the in-situ,the lift-
ing, the box-unit, the box-frame unit, the closedcellular, the lift-cell, and the
tilt-lift building methods-- can expedientlybe combinedwith eachother as

* The themewaselaboratedby the followingteam: M. PdrkdnyiD. Se.; L. Hajdd dr.

architect,J. Barczamechanicalengineer,postgraduateand Z. Szirmai,architect,postgraduate.
222 M. P.RK.41VI eL

1. The in-situ buildingmethod

The in-situ building methodsis characteristicallyconnectedwith the low

and medium degreeof complementarity,as follows:

1. A In-situ buildingmethod

-- on lowdegree of complementarity
(on lowdegree of readi-
nessin thefactory);
-- on applyingthesurfaceasprincipleof construction;
in design: -- housing and communal buildings (variations on plan
and in section);
in the factory: --on one-fold disintegration (on Gutenberg-principled
on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of surfaceelements(on calling
into being the loadbearingstructure exclusivelyon the
building site).

Characteristicfeatures of the in-situ building method in case of low degree

of complementarity (1. A)
In the workshopnon-tectonicsurfaceelementsare producedexclusively,
so disintegrationis one-foldand Gutenberg-principled;
additivity in the factory
is zero sincethe elementsare not rendered tectonic either individually or in
jointed form.
On the site all the surface elements of the vertical and horizontal load-
bearing structuresare assembledimmediately in their final position, so the
additivity on the building site is in-situ and final, which meansthat the load-
bearing structure is called into being exclusivelyon the building site through
pouring in of concrete.

Shortdescription: 1. B In-situ buildingmethod

-- on mediumdegreeof complementarity (on mediumdegree

of readiness
in thefactory);
-- on applyingthesurfaceasprincipleof construction;
in design: -- housingand communalbuildings(variations on plan
and in section);
in the factory: -- on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principledand mechanization-principled
-- on preassemblyof plane structural elements;

on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of surfaceelementsand plane

structural elements
(on calling into being the loadbearingstructure deter-
mined by the surfaceelementsthrough in-situ pouring
in of concrete,on location of tectonic plane structural
elementsin in-situ position,and final pouring).

featuresof the in-situ buildingmethodin caseof mediumdegree
of complementarity(1.B)

The methodof disintegrationchanges.The decompositionhereis two-fold

and mechanization-principled);
the degreeof readiness
in the factory increasesto "medium" level.
In theworkshop not only non-tectonicsurfaceelementsare producedany
more but we already start renderingthem tectonic either individually or in
jointed form, that is to say we alreadystart the productionof tectonic,plane
structural elements.

On thesitewe call into beingthe load-bearingstructureon the one hand

through in-situ alignmentof non-tectonicsurfaceelementsand pouringin of
concrete,on the other hand throughlocationof tectonicplane structuralele-
mentsin-situ positionand final pouring.

Variability of the in situ buildingmethod

Amongstthe non-tectonicsystemthe variability of the in-situ building

method is of the highest degree,sincein this casethe surfaceas principle of
constructioncan be enforcedthe most clearly both in the factory and on the
building site; sincethe sizesand incrementsof the elementsand components--
includingtheir thicknessesas well -- can be the mostfreely chosen;sincethe
degreeof complementarityof the buildingmethodcan be the lowest,sincethere
is no inevitable need of additivity in the factory, consequentlythe degreeof
freedomof planningis relatively the least restricted.

The surfaceas principleof construction

The in-situ building method-- the first possibility of the non-tectonic

systems-- isfoundedonsurfaceasprincipleof construction. (Fig. 1)
The non-tectonicsystemsbreak with the axiom of tectonics and substi-
tute it for the principleof surface.This -- aswe haveseen-- simplymeansthat
in these systemsthe immediate object of manufactureis not the loadbearing
structure but its surface.
224 .M'. P.,'IK,I ez L

The surfaceas principleof construction,in general

Fig. 1. The surfaceas principle of construction,in general.The non-tectonicsystemsbreak with

the axiom of tectonics and substitute it for the principle of surface.This simply meansthat in
these systemsthe immediate object of manufacture is not the loadbearlng structure but its
surface.The surfaceelementsof the loadbearingstructureare of low specificgravity (they are
mostly made of gypsum), consequentlythey have no carrying capacity; they are very thin,
after all they are a skin constructionand thus they have no immediatestability either. In brief:
they are non-loadbearing,non-tectonic elements.
The non-tectonic elements with their glass-smoothsurface on their final visible side
never "betray" what they are the surfaceof, they are aestheticallyneutral and semantically
meaningless,in brief: they are Gutenberg-principled

The surface elements of the loadbearing structure are of low specific

gravity (they are mostlymadeof gypsum),consequentlythey have no carrying
capacity;they are very thin, after all they are a skin constructionand thus they
have no immediate stability either. In brief: they are non-loadbearing,non-
tectonic elementsto be kept in positionby simpleregainableauxiliary struc-
tures during cohereting.
As a consequenceof the moisture absorbingcapacity of gypsum, the
concrete-- pouredinto the very thin cavitiesand channelsarisingbetweenthe
surfaceelements-- becomestabilizedalmost immediately: it freezeson the
The new -- non-tectonic-- constructionarising as a result of this pro-
cessis a light-weight, silicate-based,rigid, monolithicr.c. structureand as such
it is really unique in the industrializedbuilding.

The surfaceas a universal

principleof construction
ln-itu bulhlin melhod 11,x-frame
refit buildingmethods 1hlift-cellbuildin

. .

a .... ...



Lifting building methods

/// k 'x-,X. x.

Box unit buildingmethods

Fig. 2. Thesurface
asa universal
of construction.
In thenon-tectonic
surfaceasprincipleof construction
is universal,
sincein eachbuildingmethodtheimmediate
objectofmanufacture isthesurface
oftheloadbearing structure,
buildingmethod whichcouldeliminate theapplicationofthesurface
of construction,
asalsoillustratedby thefigure,symbolically

of thesurface
of construction
in thenon-tectonic

In thenon-tectonic
is uni-
sincein eachbuildingmethodtheimmediate objectofmanufacture
cipleof construction
In thebuilding
methods oflowdegreeofcomplementarity thesurfaceas
principleof construction
is alwaysenforcedexplicitly,whereasin thoseof
226 M. P.,[RK.a'NYI

mediumand high degreeof complementarity(workingwith the grid,cell, box

etc. as principlesof construction)
it is carriedinto effectimplicitly.
The principleof buildingwith non-loadbearingsurfaceelements,in other
words: the simpleprinciple of vertical and horizontal alignment of non-load-
bearing-- i.e. nontectonic-- surfaceelementsnext to oneanother,eitherin the
factoryor on the buildingsite(accordingto a certain order,of course)and unit-
ing them into a monolithicstructure(throughpouringconcreteinto the cavities
and channelsarisingbetween,within or on top of these surfaceelements)--
this is the essenceof every non-tectonicstructure, be it done by handicraft
forms of productionor by any higherlevel of industrialization.

2. The lifting building method

The lifting buildingmethodcan equallybe realizedonlow and on medium

degreeof complementarity,as follows:

Shortdescription:2.A Lifting buildingmethod

-- on low degreeof complementarity

(on low degreeof readinessin thefactory);
-- on applyingthegrid asprinciple of construction;
in design: -- communal and industrial buildings
(variations on plan and in section);
in the factory: -- on one-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled decomposition);
on the site: -- on the additivity of surfaceelementsin in-situ or under-
neath in-situ position
(on callinginto beingthe load-bearingstructureparfly
throughin-situ assemblyparfly through a preassembly
operationunderneathin-situ position).

Characteristicfeatures of the lifting building method in case of low degree

of eomp]ementarity(2.A.)

In theworkshopexclusivelysurfaceelementsare produced,so disintegra-

tion is one-foldand Gutenberg-principled; additivity in the factory is zero since
the elementsare not renderedtectonic either individually or in alignedform.
On the site all the vertical structuresare assembledimmediately in their
final position,whereasthe horizontalprimary structuresare first preassembled
underneaththe final in-situ position,then lifted into in-situpositionandfixed
by heterogeneous or homogeneous junction. The additivity of surfaceelements

on the building site underneath the final in-situ position is a characteristic

feature of the building method.

Short description:2.B Lifting building method

on mediumdegreeof complementarity
(on mediumdegree of readinessin thefactory);
on applyingthegrid asprincipleof construction:
in design: communal and industrial buildings
(variations on plan and in section);
in the factory: on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled and mechanizationprincipled
on preassemblyof plane structural elements;
on the site: on the additivity of surfaceelementsin in-situ or under-
neath in-situ position
(on callinginto beingthe load-bearingstructurepartly
throughin-situ assemblypartly through preassembly
operationunderneathin-situ position),
on locationof plane structuralelementsin in-situ posi-
tion and final pouring.

Characteristicfeaturesof the lifting buildingmethodin caseof mediumdegree

of complementarity(2.B)

In theworkshopthe method of disintegrationchanges,the decomposition

hereis two-fold(Gutenberg-principled and mechanization-principled);
the degree
of readinessin the factory is increasingto "medium" level. In the workshop,
namely,we start the preassembly of the surfaceelements(manufacturedon the
basisof the Gutenberg-principleddecomposition) into planestructuralelements
(manufacturedon the basisof the mechanizationprincipleddecomposition)of
parameter-sizeat least in one direction.
On the site the vertical structures are assembledin final in-situ position
whereasthe horizontal structuresare first preassembledunderneath in-situ
position,then lifted into in-situ positionand fixed by heterogeneous or homo-
geneousjunction. After locationin in-situ positionthe planestructural elements
and fixed by final pouring.
The in-situ additivity characterizingthe building method again spell
preassemblyunderneath in-situ position.

The grid as principleof construction

Fig.3. Thegridasprinciple ofconstruction. Theliftingbuilding methodsarefounded onthe

gridasprinciple of construction.Thearchitect hereworkswithgridsvisiblyappearing asa
primary -- cellular-structure
(see also:Fig.4)determined bytheformofthegypsum surface
elements andrigdified bythetwo-way reinforcedconcrete membrane poured in-betweenthe
gypsum elements,andaccepts thatthehorizontal gridandthefolded shellpillers
jointed (byhomogeneous, orheterogeneous junctions) atjointingpointdesignatedbytheper-
foration ofthegypsum elements. It isveryimportant to noteherethatin theliftingbuilding
methods thegridasprinciple
ofconstruction isinseparably connectedwiththeprinciple ofthe
technology oflifting,moreaccurately: withtheprinciple ofliftingthroughintegration
liftingequipments withthevertical
loadbearing structure
these twoprinciples simultaneously: thefigureshows theemptybeam-grid (field-unit)
underneath thein-sitnposition
liftedcontinuously withspindle driven
byhandthrough mechan-
arefixedontopof thein-sitnpillars

Variabilityof theliftingbuilding
sincein thesystems
applying thegridasvisible
structuralform the selectionof the sizesand increments
of the elementsand
wallsis restrictedby the grids.

The grid and the cell as principles

of construction

Fig.4. Thegridandthecellasprinciples
In thenon-tectonic
-- moreaccurately:the visiblecellularformsof theprimaryloadbearing
canberealizedin twoways:throughapplyingthe gridor the cellasprinciples of construction.
If gridis applied
of construction
-- andthisisthecaseof theliftingbuilding
methods -- then we work with planegypsumsurfaceelements.Thesetwo-dimensional non-
tectonicwall-of-cellelementsare semanticallymeaningless,
they have no carryingcapacity
and no immediate stability;
If cellis appliedasprinciple
of construction
-- andthisisthecaseofthelift.cellbuilding
-- then the work with cellular gypsumsurfaceelements.These three-dimensional
elements(gypsumsmallspaceelements) are alreadysemantically
(in sofar astheydetermine a visibleform)theyhavenocarryingcapacityafterall theyare
non-tectonic)but, asa resultof their cellularform,they do havean immediatestability

The grid as principleof construction

Theliftingbuildingmethod -- the secondpossibility
of the non-tectonic
systems -- isfoundedonthegridasprincipleofconstruction
(Fig.3). Thearchi-
tecthereworkswithgridsvisiblyappearing asa primarystructure-- cellular--
(seealso:Fig.4) determined
by theformofthegypsumsurfaceelements (or by
230 . P[RK[iVI e .

that of the auxiliary structures)and rigidified by the two-way reinforcedcon-

crete membranepouredin betweenthe gypsumelements(or, in caseof freezing
from inside,aroundthe gypsumelements),and regardsthis asthe leadingidea.
Thereby, however,the architecthas to adapt himselfto the restrictionsof the
grid. He acceptsthat the horizontalgrid and folded shellpillars can only be
jointea (by homogeneous or heterogeneousjunction)at jointing pointsdesignat-
ed by the perforationsystemof the gypsumelements,and designsthe building
accordingto this.
Since,however,the buildings,in their solutionson plan and in sectioncan
be reduced -- in the last analysis -- to the additivity of the semantically
meaninglessGutenberg-principled surface elements,therefore there opens a
relatively broad possiblyfor the selectionof sizesof spans,interior heights,
grid-heightsetc. without havingthis tendencyrun counterthe grid asprinciple
of construction.

3. The box-unitbuild/rigmethod

The box-unit building method can only be realized on high degreeof

complementaritysinceits characterizingstructural unit -- the box-unit -- is a
large spaceelement and as suchit is unavoidably connectedwith the high
degreeof readinessin the factory. The buildingmethodexpedientlycallsinto
beingits structures
with a combination
of threematerials(polystyrene
q- gyp-
sum q- reinforced concrete).

Short description: 3. Box-unit building method

-- on highdegreeof complementarity
(on highdegreeof readinessin thefactory);
on thesimultaneous applicationof theslaband the boxas
principle of construction;
in design: -- housing(variationsonplan andin sectionon oneor two
level arrangements);
in the factory: -- on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled and mechanizationprincipled
-- on preassemblyof plane structural elementsand large
space units;
on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of large spaceunits and plane
structural elements

(on locationof box-unitsand plane structuralelements

in in-situ positionand final pouring).

featuresof the box unit buildingmethod

In the workshop,or more accurately:in theplantedfactory we not only

produce Gutenbergprincipled non-tectonic(gypsumq-polystyrene) surface
elementsbut at the sametime we alsobeginto preassemble thesesurfaceele-
ments first into mechanizationprincipled tectonic plane structural elements
(that is wall, or floor elements),and then into large spaceelements(that is
box-units);the additivity in the factory, thus, is already an additivity "in-
On thesitethe tectoniclarge-spaceelements(the box-units)and the plane
structural elements(the wall and floor units) are assembledimmediatelyin
final (in-situ) position.

Variability of the box-unitbuildingmethod

Amongstthe non-tectonicsystemsthe variability of the box-unit build-

ing methodis of thelowestdegreesincethe system-- simultaneously foundedon
the slaband the box asprinciplesof construction-- allowsonly a very restrict-
ed selectionof sizesand incrementsfor the elementsand componentsas com-
paredto any othernon-tectonicbuildingmethod.At the sametime the degree
of complementarityof the elementsis the highestsinceadditivity in the fac-
tory may reacha maximum, consequently the freedomof planningis relatively
the most restricted.

The slab as principleof construction,

in general

Theslabasprincipleof construction-- asit is known -- is closelyconnect-

ed with the housingfactories,moreaccurately:with the panelbuildingmethod,
that is oneof the mostwidelyspreadpracticeof the industrializedhousingof
our age.Its basicunits, namely,the large panelsare slabsof parametersizein
two directions,constructedwith different methods,of ceramicor of hydraulic
materials,with reinforcement.This is regardedas the leadingidea for manu-
factured houses.Thereby, however, the architect has to adapt himself to
the severerestrictionsof the structural system.He has to acceptthat these
plane-unitscan only be jointed alongthe edges,can only have openings
the surface,etc. The architect usesthese slabsto producecells,more accurate-
ly said:boxes.Seeingthat his units,the wall and floor panelsare of parameter
sizein both directions,the boxesconstructablewill automaticallybe of param-
eter sizein three directions.The numberof variations designableon the basis
of the structuralsystemwill dependon the sizesof the spansand widthsof the
floor panels.The claimsfor creatingvaried plansfor dwellingswill inevitably
strengthenthe tendenciestowardsincreasingthe spans,and it is exactly this
232 M. PRK.NYI et al.

tendencytowardsincreasingthe span-- whilst maintainingthe slab as princi-

ple of construction-- which leads to the characteristicinner contradictionof
the panelbuilding methodand this at the sametime designatesthe reasonable
limits of the applicationas well.

The box as principleof construction,in general

Theboxasprincipleof construction is characteristicallyconnectedwith the

practice of the space-unitbuilding methods.The architect here usesfactory
made stiflened space-units:boxes.He regardsthis asthe startingthought for
industrializedhousing.He acceptsthat thesespaceunits can only be jointed at
points and alonglines, and usestheseboxesfor assemblingthe building. Since,
however,theseelements,the space-units,are automatically three dimensional,
and what is more, are of parameter size in three directions,henceit follows:
first, that the variability of the box-unitbuildingmethodsis an immediate
functionof the additivity of the manufacturedlargespaceunits, which meansa
very limited variability, sincetheseunits are not only unworkableany more,
but at the sametime -- as a consequence of the severetechnologicalrestrictions
resulting from their parameter sizesin three directions-- they almost have
to give up the use of incrementsas well, from the very beginning;
second,that the demandsof variability in the box-unit building methods
again strengthenthe tendencytowards increasingthe sizesof the horizontal
parametersand it is exactly this tendencytowardsincreasingthe sizes-- whilst
maintainingthe box asprincipleof construction-- which againleadsto almost
insolubleinner contradictions in the space-unitbuildingmethodsaswell.

The slabandthe box as principlesof constructionin general,and in the non-

tectonic systems

As opposedto the two above-mentionedfundamental mechanization-

principled manufacturedtectonic systemsof the industrialized building which
separatethe slabandthe box asprinciplesof constructionand applythem one
by one within the systems,
the box-unitbuilding method-- realizable with the Gutenberg-principled
manufacturednon-tectonicsystemswhich combinethe blind manufactureof
surfaceelementswith the doublecomplementarityof the buildingmethods--
appliestheslabandtheboxasprinciplesof constructionsimultaneously
sidewithinthesystem(Fig. 5).
This is a fundamental difference because it means no less that the varia-
bility of the non-tectonicbox-unit building method is never an immediate
functionof the manufacturedplane- or space-elements but first of all that of
the additivity of the semanticallymeaninglesssurfaceelements,and so the

The slab and the box as principlesof constructionin generaland in the non
tectonic systems
A a b

Fig. 5. The slab andtheboxasprinciples of constructionin generaland in thenon-tectonicsystems.

The slab as principle of construction-- as it is known -- is generally connectedwith the panel
building method, that is one of the most widely spread practice of the industrialized housing
of our age,whereasthe box as principle of constructionis characteristicallyconnectedwith the
practice of the space unit building methods. The architect here uses factory made stiffcued
space-units: boxes. Since the inevitable tendency towards increasing the span (in the panel
building methods)or the sizesof the parameters(in the space-unitbuildingmethods)runs count-
er the slab(A) or the box (B) asprinciplesof constructiontherefore-- in order to eliminate these
disadvantages-- the non-tectonicsystemsapply the slab and the box as principlesof construc-
tion simultaneouslyand side by sidewithin the system.In caseof the box-unitbuildingmethod
the box units constituting the building are produced in a factory in such a way that first we
manufacture the non-loadbearingsurfaceelements (a) then the load-bearing plane (wall- and
floor) structural elements(b, c) and finally we assemblethem into rigid loadbearingbox-units
(d, e). On the site the building processis confined to the assemblyof box-units

of thesesystemsresultingfrom their space-unitconstructionis
rather relative as comparedto the tectonicsystems.

The simultaneous
applicationof the slabandtheboxasprinciplesof construction

The box-unitbuildingmethod the third possibilityof the non-tectonic

systems-- is foundedon thesimultaneous applicationof theslaband theboxas
principles of construction.
The architect in this caseworks on the one hand:
with anisotropictissue-structuralslabsdeterminedby the form of the gypsum
(or gypsumq- polystyrene)surfaceelementsand rigidifiedby the ribbedrein-
forcedconcretemembranepouredin betweenand on top of the two-way chan-
234 M. P.RK.IVI e .

of theslabandtheboxasprinciple
of construction

Fig. 6. The simultaneousapplicationof theslaband theboxasprinciple of construction.

As opposed
to the already mentionedpanel building method and spaceunit building method (Fig. 5) which
separatethe slab and the box as principlesof constructionand apply them oneby onewithin the
system,the box-unit buildingmethodis foundedon the simultaneousapplicationof the slab and
the box as principle of construction.The architect in this case works on the one hand: with
anisotropictissuestructural slabsdeterminedby the form of the gypsum(or gypsum q- poly-
styrene) surfaceelementsand rigidified by the ribbed reinforceconcretemembranepoured
in-betweenand on top of the two-way channelsystemof the surfaceelement,on the other hand:
with inhomogeneousanisotropicmonolithic boxespreassembledfrom these slabsin the factory

nel systemof the surfaceelements,on the other hand: with inhomogeneous

anisotropicmonolitic boxes preassembledfrom these slabs in the factory
(Fig. 6), and regardsthis asthe leadingidea for manufacturedbuilding.He has
to acceptthat theseslabs(that is the wall and floor elementsof parametersize
in two directionsand constructedwith the two-way alignmentof surfaceele-
ments) can only have openingson the surface,jointing edgesand point for
heterogeneous or homogeneous junctionsonly on the perimeters,and constructs
fromtheseslabsfirst (in the factory)the cellularlargespace-units,
andthen (on
the site)the buildings,throughthe properalignmentof theseboxes.

Since,however,the buildingin their solutionson plan and in sectioncan

againbe reduced-- in the last analysis-- to the additivity of the semantically
meaningless Gutenberg-principled surfaceelements,therefore-- as compared to
the wellknowntectonic slab- or box-principledsystems-- there opensan
essentiallyroaderpossibilityfor the selectionof parameter-sizes in three direc-
tions,that is for the flexiblealterationof the dimensions
of the space-unitswith-
out having this tendencyrun counterthe slab and the box as simultaneously
applied principlesof construction.

4. The box-frameunit buildingmethod

The box-frameunit buildingmethod-- the fourth possibilityof the non-

tectonicsystems-- canonlybe realizedonhighdegreeof complementarity since
its characterizingmanufacturedstructural unit -- the folded r.c. shell box
frame -- is exclusivelyconnectedwith this degree.The buildingmethodcalls
into beingits structureswith a combinationof two materials{gypsumq- rein-
forced concrete),as follows:

Short description: 4. Box-frameunit building method

-- on highdegreeof complementarity
(on highdegreeof readinessin thefactory);
-- on the simultaneousapplicationof the slab and the box-
frame as principle of construction;
in design: -- housingand communalbuildings
(variationson plan and in sectionon one or two-level
in the factory: -- ontwo-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principledand mechanizationprincipled
-- on preassemblyof plane structuralelementsand small
space units;
on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of small spaceunits and plane
structural elements

(on location of small spaceunits -- pillar- and beam

box-frames in in-situ position and heterogeneous
junction; on location of plane structural elementsin
in-situ positionand final pouring).
236 M. P./[RK./[NYI e aL

featuresof the box frame unit buildingmethod
From the point of view of principleof construction,the box-frame unit
buildingmethodis actually a specialcaseof the socalledsmall-box-unitbuild-
ing method(Fig. 7).
The buildingmethodis characterizedby a high level relevance,that is, a
highdegree of technological
withgeographic-zonalvalidity and as suchit
is mostadvantageously applicableto conditions
in developingcountriesparticu-
larly in hot arid tropical or subtropicalareas and can be most expediently
realized in transplantablefactories.
In the workshop,more accurately: in the transplantable factory, we not
only produce Gutenberg-principled non-tectonicsurfaceelementsfor wall and
floors, pillars and beams but at the same time we also begin to preassemble
these surfaceelementsinto mechanization-principled tectonic structural ele-
ments into mechanization-principledtectonic structural elements, that is to
say, we start the manufactureof tectonic wall-elements,floor-elements,pillar
box-frame units, beam box-frame units etc. as well.
On thebuildingsitethe additivity is alwaysin-situ and final, which means
that thesetectonicstructural elementsare alwayslocatedimmediately to their
final in-situ position,in due order of course.

Variabilityof the box frame unit buildingmethod

Amongstthe non-tectonicsystemsthe variability of the box-frame unit
buildingmethodis of mediumdegreesincethe system-- simultaneouslyfound-
ed on the slab and the box-frame as principlesof construction-- allowsa rela-
tively more restricted selectionof sizesand incrementsfor the elementsand
componentsas comparedto the in-situ building method. At the sametime the
degreeof complementarity(that is, the expedientlychoosableratio of opera-
tions in the factory and on the building site) is the highest,sincethe degreeof
readinessachievablein the manufactureof elementsand components-- simi-
larly to the box-unit buildingmethods-- may reacha reasonablemaximum,
consequently, the freedomof designis relatively morerestricted.

The slabas principleof constructionin the box frame unit buildingmethod

The slab as principle of construction-- in general -- has becomerather
well-knownthroughpracticeof the housingfactories.This is why it is extreme-
ly important to note here that in the box-frameunit building method-- spe-
cifically -- the slab as principle of constructioncompletelychangesbothfrom
designandfrom manufacture pointsof view:
-- from designpoint of view, becausein the box-frame unit building
method the tendenciestowards increasingthe span can not run counter the
o--c-oc $$TM r. 237

The box frame as principleof construction

Fig. 7. Thebox-frameasprincipleof construction. The box-frameasprincipleof construction-- in

general-- typically belongsto the small box-unit buildingmethods.The architect here uses
factory made stiflenedsmall-boxunits: box-frames.
In the non-tectonicsystemsthesesmall-box-units (the pillar box-framesand beam
box-frames)are actually empty monolithicboxes,moreaccurately:frozenreinforcedconcrete
folded shellsarisingthroughpouringconcretein betweenplane or profiled gypsumsurface
elementsalignedproperlyin two directions. Thesepillar- andbeambox-framescanonlybe of
parameter-sizein one directionbut the demandsof structural variability are relatively easily
met since,in the last analysis,variability in the box-frameunit buildingmethodcanimmediately
be reducedto the additivity of the Gutenberg-principledsurfaceelements

slabasprincipleof constructionsincein thiscasetheloadof theslabis takenup

by the beam-frame.
Thus, the span-dimension of the slab getsfree, or even, it
becomes theoretically
sincethe load of the tissue-structural slabis
carriedby the shortthreadsat right angleto the spanand transferredimme-
diately onto the beam-frame;
-- frommanufacture pointof view,because
in thebox-frameunit building
method -- thetechnological
relevanceof whichcanbemostexpediently enforced
in hot arid tropicalor subtropical
areas-- the manufactureof the slabcan be
organized ona completely
newbasis.Undertheseclimaticconditions, namely,it
becomes possibleto apply sucha methodfor mass-production of slabsin a
nextto thebuildingsite,which simplycannotbe realized
in an identical form under different geographiccircumstances:
the manufactureof the tissuestructural(gypsumq- reinforcedconcrete)
floor elements,namely,is realizedin this casein a determinedtechnological
23 M. PHKNYI e .

orderin horizontalpositionon a stack,aboveone anotherand in sucha way,

that first we manufacturethe non-tectonicperiodicgypsumsurfaceelementof
parametersizein onedirectionby onesinglecasting,then, almostimmediately
after setting of gypsum,we call into being the tectonic structural floor ele-
ment by pouringconcreteinto the channeland on top the gypsumsurfaceele-
ment which,thus, doesnot requireeither storing,movingor any further mani-

The box frame as principleof constructionin general and in the non.tectonic


The box-frameasprinciple of construction typically belongsto the small-

box-unit building methods. The architect here uses factory-made stiflened
spaceunits:box-frames.He regardsthis as the startingidea for mass-construc-
tion of homes,schoolsetc. He acceptsthesesmall-box-units-- these"empty"
pillar box-framesor beam box-frames-- for assemblingthe building (Fig. 7).
Since,however,these elements-- the pillar box-framesor beam box-
frames-- can only be of parametersizein one direction,consequentlyfirst
of all, the variability in the box-frameunit building method will -- interme-
diately -- becomea functionof the additivity of manufacturedtectonicsmall-
box-units,whichis very advantageous,
first, becausethese box-frame units -- althoughthey cannot be shaped
any more in themselves-- need not dispensewith incrementsin any direction;
second,becausethe requirementsof variability -- which in the last
analysisinevitablystrengthenthe tendenciestowardsincreasingthe sizesof the
parameters-- in the box-frameunit building method cannotlead to inherent
contradictionsso well known from the box-unit building methods. In this
specificcase,namely, wherethe slab and the box-frameas principlesof con-
structionare simultaneously appliedwithin the systemand sideby side,the
slaband the box-framedo not stay in the way of increments,thus, variability
can be enforced within rather broad limits.
The box-frameunit building method-- basedon the use of non-tectonic
systems-- appliestheslaband thebox-frameasprinciplesof construction
taneously and sideby side.This is very important becauseit meansthat the
variabilityof the box-frameunit buildingmethodis not a directfunctionof the
manufactured tectonicplaneelementsor box-frameunits,but first of all, it is
the direct function of the semanticallymeaningless,Gutenberg-principled
non-tectonicsurfaceelements,consequentlydemandsof variability are rela-
tively easilymet. All in all:

The simultaneous
applicationof the slab and the box frame as principleof


Fig. 8. The simultaneous applicationof the slaband the box-frameas principle of construction.
The box-frameunit building methodis foundedon the simultaneousapplicationof the slab and
the box-frame as principleof construction.The architect here usesslab elementsand box-frame
units of parameter size always only in one direction. The shape of these units (the pillar box-
frames and the beam box-frames) is always determined by the gypsum surface elements.The
planeelements(the wall- andfloor elements)are actually anisotropictissue-structuralreinforced
concreteslabsstiflened by ribs and a membranearisingthrough pouring concreteinto and on
top of the two-way channelsystemof the surfaceelements,but in this easethe load of the slab
is taken up by the beam frame. Thus, the spandimensionof the slab getsfree or even,it becomes
theoretically unrestricted since the load of the tissue structural slab is carried by the short
threads at right angle to the span and transferred immediately into the beam-frame, whereas
the smallbox units (the pillar box-framesand the beambox-frames)are actually empty mono-
lithic boxes:frozen r. e. shellsaswe have alreadyseen(Fig. 7) and as,schematicallyalsoshown
by figure above

The simultaneousapplicationof the slab and the box-frameas principlesof


The box-frameunit buildingmethodis foundedon thesimultaneous appli-

cationif theslaband the box-frameasprinciplesof construction(Fig. 8). The
architecthere usesslab-elementsand box-frameunits of parametersizealways
onlyin onedirection.The shapeof theseunits is alwaysdeterminedby the
gypsumsurfaceelements. He regardsthisasthestartingideafor manufactured
240 M. PRKNYI e aL

buildings.The planeelements(the wall- and floor-elements)are actually aniso-

tropic, tissne-strnctnralreinforcedconcreteslabsstiffcuedby ribs and a mem-
brane arisingthroughpouringconcreteinto and ontop ofthe two-waychannel
systemofthe gypsumsurfaceelements,whereasthe small-boxunits (the pillar
box-framesand beam box-frames)are actually empty monoliticboxes,more
accurately:frozen reinforcedconcretefolded shellsarisingthrough pouring
concretein betweenthe plane or profiled gypsumsurfaceelementsaligned
properly in two directions.He acceptsthat these small-box units that is the
box-framescan only be jointed -- heterogeneously or homogeneousy -- along
lines and assembleshis buildings-- through a proper additivity of thesebox-
framesand slabs-- on the building site.
Sincethe architecturalsolutionsof the buildings -- ground plans, sec-
tions, detailsetc. -- can immediatelybe reducedto the additivity of semanti-
cally meaningless Gutenberg-principledsurfaceelements,thereforein the box-
frame unit building method wide possibilities arise for flexibly changingthe
parametersof the buildingsin the redirectionswithout havingthis tendencyrnn
counter the slab and the box-frame as simukaneouslyapplied principlesof

5. The closed-cellular

The closed-cellular
buildingmethod -- the fifth possibilityof the non-
tectonic systems is characterizedby a special strnctnral form, more ac-
curately: by the anisotropicslabcontaininginternal cells.
The buildingmethodcan both be realizedon a low and on a high degreeof
complementarity.In any come,however,the structurescalled into being by
this building method are composedof two materials; gypsumand reinforced

If the degreeof complementarity (that is, the ratio of operationsin the

factory to thoseon the buildingsite) is low, then we can only work with the
surfaceas principle of constructionsincein the factory we only manufacture
Gutenberg-principled non-tectonicsurfaceelementsfor walls and floors;
If, however,the degreeof complementarity is highthen there are even two
differentpossibilities for the buildingmethod,namely:
-- either the anisotropicslabasprinciple of construction,a specialcaseof the
in-situ buildingmethodwherethe buildingis realizedthroughthe additivity
of manufacturedtectonic anisotropicslabs;
-- or, combinationof the anisotropicslaband the box-frameas principles of
construction, a specialcaseof the box-framennit building methodwhere
the building is realized through the additivity of manufacturedbox-
frames and anisotropicslabs.

The closedcellular buildingmethod -- if applied on a high degreeof

complementarity -- is at the sametime alsocharacterizedby the highdegreeof
technologicalrelevance with geographic-zonal
validityand assuchit is againmost
advantageously applicableto conditionsin developingcountries,particularly
in hot aridtropicalor subtropicalareasandcanbothbe realizedthroughusing
transplantablefactoriesor elementarytransplantablefactory units.
The characteristic features of the individual cases of the closed-cellular
building method are as follows:

Short description: Closed-cellular

on low degreeof complementarity
(on lowdegreeof readiness in thefactory);
on applyingthesurfaceasprincipleof construction;
in design: housingand communalbuildings
(variations on plan and in section);
in the factory: on one-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled decomposition);
on the site: on the in-situ additivity of surfaceelements
(on calling into being the loadbearingstructure exclu-
sively on the building site).

Characteristicfeaturesof the closed-cellularbuilding methodin case of low

degreeof complementarity (5.A)
The closed-cellular
building method on a low degreeof complementarity
isfoundedonthe consistent applicationofthesurface asprincipleof construction,
consequently it canbe perceivedas a specialcaseof the in-situ building method
(as it turns out from the above features), and as such a casewhich calls into
being the anisotropicslab through the in-situ additivity of surfaceelements
containingclosedinternal cells.The surfaceelementscontainingclosedinternal
cells are not manufacturedby forming "keys" lifted out, but producedby
unregainable,lost formingpieces.Theseformingpiecescan be empty or sealed
registerscontaining a phasechangematerial (Fig. 9) in this latter casewe call
into being the already mentionedheat-storingsystems.(See: Ref. 12 pp. 124,
As an immediateconcomitantof the low degreeof complementaritythe
variability of the buildingmethodsignificantlyincreases,asa matter of course.
And if we add to this, that surfaceelementscontainingclosedinternal cellscan
alsobe calledinto beingby the in-situ additivity of surfaceelementsin sucha
way that we use surfaceelementsformed from outside and locate them by
pairs as opposedto eachother (thus formingthe closedinternal cellsfrom two
"half-opencells") then it is easyto seethat this buildingmethodmay offer
242 M. PRKNYI et al.

slabasprincipleof construction

Fig. 9. Theanisotropic
slab-- the characteristic
structuralfrom of the closed-cellular
buildingmethods-- can both be realizedon low and on
of complementarity,
but in anycasethe architect
of two materials:gypsumand reinforcedconcrete,
by a two-way
r.c.rib system
by a r.c.membrane
in weightby a
systemof closedinternalcells.These"slabs"canbeofparameter sizein twodirections.
In caseoflowdegree of complementarity -- andthisisthecaseof thefigureabove-- wecall
into beingthe anisotropic
slabthroughin-situadditivity of surfaceelementswherethe closed
a phase

quitea series
of newpossibilities
point of view.

Shortdescription:5.B Closed-cellular
-- onhighdegreeof complementarity
on hghdegree
of readiness
in thefactory);
-- onapplyingtheanisotropic
slabasprincipleof construc-
in design: -- housing,communaland industrialbuildings
(variationson plan andin section);
in the factory: -- on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled
-- on preassemblyof plane structural elements;

on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of plane structural elements

(on locationof anisotropicslabsin final in-situ position
and homogeneous junction).

Characteristicfeaturesof the closed-cellularbuildingmethodin caseof high

degreeof complementarity(5.B)

This buildingmethodas a consequence of its principleof constructioncan

be matchedwith any non-tectonicbuildingmethod,its geographic relevanceis
relatedto hot aridtropicalareas,that it canbemostexpedientlyrealizedthrough

Short description: 5.C Closed-cellular

building method

on high degreeof complementarity

(oa asa degreeof readiness in thefactory);
on the simultaneousapplicationof the anisotropicslab
and thebox-frameasprinciplesof construction;
in design: housing,communaland industrial buildings
(variations on plan and in section);
in the factory: on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled and mechanization-principled
on preassemblyof plane structural elementsand small
space units;
on the site: on the in-situ additivity of small spaceunits and plane
structural elements

(on locationof small spaceunits -- pillar- and beam-box

frames -- in-situ position and heterogeneous junction;
on location of plane structural elements -- anistropic
slabs-- in in-situ positionand final pouring).

featuresof the closed-cellular
buildingmethodin caseof high
degreeof complementarity (5.C)
This building method as a consequence of the combination,that is the
simultaneousapplicationof the anisotropicslab and the box-frameas prin-
ciplesof constructioncan be perceived as a special case of the box-frame
unit buildingmethod(asit is alsoshownby the abovefeatures)and as sucha
casewhich combinesthe in-situ additivity of anisotropicslabswith the in-situ
additivityof smallspaceunits.The geographic relevanceofthe buildingmethod
is again related to hot arid tropical or subtropicalareasthus, it can be realized
even by elementarytransplantablefactory units locatedimmediatelyon the
very zero level. In the building methodsof high degreeof complementarity
(5.B and 5.C) the method of disintegrationand the additivity in the factory
eitherleadsto planestructuralelementsor planestructuralelementsand small
spaceunits. On the buildingsite the tectonicelements-- the smallspaceunits
(that is the pillar- and the beambox-frames)and the anisotropicslabs)that is
the closedcellular wall- and floor-elements)-- are alwayslocatedin their final
position,sothe additivity on the buildingsiteis alwaysin-situ and final.

Variability of the closed-cellular


Amongstthe non-tectonicsystemthe variability of the closed-cellular

building method is of high degreesincethe anisotropicslab as principle of
constructionstandsclosestto the surfaceas principleof construction;sincethe
sizesand incrementsof the elementsand components-- includingtheir thick-
nessesaswell -- canbe selectedwithin very broadlimits; finally becausein the
closed-cellularsystemsthe degreeof complementaritycan reach a reasonably
high level without seriouslyrestrictingthe freedomof planning.

The anisotropicslab as principleof construction

The slab as principle of constructionhas already been dealt with pre-

viously. Now, it is important to note here as an addition that the anisotropic
slab-- the characteristicstructuralform of the closed-cellular
5.A; 5.B; 5.C -- again endowsthe technology with completelynewfeaturesboth
from designandfrom manufacture pointsof view;
-- From designpoint of view, becausein the closed-cellular building
methodthe architectworkswith inhomogeneous, anisotropic,monolithicslabs
composed of two materials:gypsumandreinforcedconcrete,suppliedby a two-
way r.c. rib systemstiffenedby a reinforcedconcretemembraneand reduced
in weightby a periodicsystemof closedinternalcellse.These"slabs"canbe of
parametersizein two directions,consequently the tendencytowardsincreasing
the spandoesnot run counterseriousobstacles(as wouldbe the casewith the
traditional -- i.e.: homogeneous, isotropic,monolithic-- reinforcedconcrete
From manufacture point of view, becausein the closed-cellular
method-- the technological relevanceof whichcanagainbe mostexpediently
enforcedin hot arid tropicalor subtropicalareas-- the manufactureof these
large-sizeanisotropicslabscan alsobe organizedon a completelynew basis.
Under theseclimatic conditions,namely,the productionof anisotropicslabs
in horizontalpositionand aboveone anothernot only can be realizedin a
factorytransplantatable nextto the buildingsitebut alsoin elementaryfactory

units locatedimmediatelyon the zero level of co-ordinationof the individual

The non-tectonicclosed-cellularbuilding method (5. B) completely ex-
tendsthe anisotropicslabasprincipleof construction to the primarywallsand
loadbearingfloors. This is of crucial importance from the point of view of
variabilityof the buildingmethod.In caseof workingona highdegreeof comple-
mentarity, namely,the large-sizetwo-way periodicsurfaceelementsdo not
ariseany moreasa resultof the additivity of surfaceelementsbut are produced
by one singlecastingwhich in turn meansthat variability here becomesan
immediatefunction of the convertibility of the manufacturingapparatus,thus,
variability canbe enforcedwithin rather widelimits. Finally:

The simultaneousapplication of the anisotropicslab and the box-frame as

principle of construction

buildingmethod(5.C) isfoundedonthesimultaneous appli-
cationof the closed-cellular
anisotropicslab and the box-frameas principlesof
construction.The architect here usestectonic box-frame units of parameter-size
alwaysonly in one directionand anisotropicslabsof parametersizein oneto
two directionscontaining closedinternal cells,composedof gypsumand rein-
forced concrete,suppliedwith a two-way r.c. rib systemstiflened by a r.c.
membrane(Fig. 10). He regardsthis asthe startingideaunits(pillar box-frames
and beam box-frames)can only be jointed heterogeneously alongHnesand
acceptsat the sametime that the anisotropicslabs(the wall andfloor elements)
can only be jointed homogeneously and alonglines;he finally acceptsthat the
large-sizeanisotropicslabs-- when placedon the vertical loadbearingstruc-
tures-- first alwaysrest on their reinforcement protrudingfromthe ribs until
the homogeneous junction is createdby the concretepouredin.
Sincein the closed-cellular buildingmethod-- if realizedon a high degree
of complementarity-- the large-sizegypsumsurfaceelementsare produced
throughcontinuouscastingand not throughadditive alignmentof manufac-
tured surface elements, therefore the architectural solutionsof the buildings
(i.e.: groundplans,section,detailsetc.) can be immediatelyderivedfrom the
convertibility of the manufacturingapparatuses,consequentlyquite a number
of possibilitiesmay again arisefor flexibly changingthe parametersof the
buildingsin three directionswithout having this tendencyrun counter the
anisotropicslab and the box-frame as simultaneouslyappliedprinciplesof

The closed-cellular
buildingmethodas we have seenis characterizedby
a high degreeof technologicalrelevanceand is realizedin elementarytrans-
plantablefactoryunitslocatedimmediatelyon the completedzerolevel of the
individual buildings.
24 M. P,,'RK',,'NYI

The simultaneous
of the anisotropic
slaband the box frame as
principle of construction

The closed-cellular
buildingmethod-- in caseof highdegree
of complementarity
of theclosed-cellular
slabandthe box-
sizealwaysonlyin onedirection,
slabsofparametersizein oneor twodirections
closed "empty"internalcells,composed
ofgypsum andreinforced concrete,
with, composed of gypsumandreinforced concrete,
suppliedwith a two-wayr.c. rib system
stiflened by a r.e. membrane

6. The lift-cell buildingmethod

Thelift-cellbuildingmethod-- the sixthpossibility of the non-tectonic

-- canonlyberealizedonmediumdegree of complementarity sinceits
structuralunit-- thecellular
-- isexclusivelyconnect-
edwiththisdegree.Thebuildingmethodcallsintobeingits structures witha
combinationof threematerials(gypsum q- reinforced concreteq- steel),as

Short description:6. Lift.cellbuildingmethod

-- on mediumdegreeof complementarity
(on mediumdegree of readiness
in thefactory);
on thesimultaneous applicationof thecell,thebox-frame
and theskeleton-frameasprincipleof construction
in design: -- communal buildings
(variations on plan and in section on multi-level ar-
in the factory: -- on two-fold disintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled
and mechanizationprincipled
-- on preassemblyof plane structural elementsand small
space units;
on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of small spaceunits
(on location of small spaceunits -- pillar skeleton-
framesand beam box-frames-- in in-situ positionand
heterogeneous junction);
-- on the assembly of cellular floor-fields underneath
in-situ positionon top of each other, lifting them into
final positionand fixing by heterogeneous junction.

Characteristicfeaturesof the lift cell buildingmethod

The lift-cell building method spellsadaptationof non-tectonic systems
From the point of view of principleof constructionthe buildingmethodis
actually a specialcombination of thelifting and box-frameunit buildingmethods,
as we shall see.
The building method is characterizedby high level relevance,that is a
high degreeof technological relevance with geographic-zonalvalidity and as such
it is most advantageouslyapplicableto conditionsin developingcountries
particularly in hot arid tropical or subtropicalareasand it can be realizedboth
in planted and transplantablefactories.In any case, however, the structures
called into being by this building method or composedof three materials;
gypsum,reinforcedconcreteand steel.
In the lift-cell building method we manufactureon a mediumdegreeof

In thefactory-- moreaccurately:in the planted or transplantablefactory

-- we produceon the one hand: Gutenberg-principlednon-tectonic,periodic
plane gypsumsurfaceelements for beamsand periodiccellulargypsumsurface
elementsfor floors; on the other hand: mechanizationprincipledtectoniclinear
reinforcedconcretecolumnelements for pillars.
At the sametime we also start in the factory the preassemblyof these
basic elements,on the one hand into mechanization-principledtectonic struc-
tural elements(beam-elements), onthe otherhandinto mechanizationprincipled
tectonic small box-units(that is.' heterogeneousbeam box-frame units and
heterogeneous pillar skeleton-frameunits). Accordingto this:
The heterogeneous beambox-frame-- this small box-unit of parameter
sizein one direction-- is constructedin sucha way that first we preassemble
the non-tectonicperiodicgypsumsurfaceelementsinto tectonic beam elements
-- that is frozenr.c. shellplane structuralelements-- and then, we join them
in pairsby meansof steeldiaphragms,wherebywe unite them into empty beam
box-frames; whereas.
The heterogeneouspillar skeleton-frame
again a small box-unit of para-
meter sizein one direction m arisesin sucha way that we couple column ele-
ments m that is the manufactured tectonic linear r.c. structural elements -- in
fours by meansof steelcradlesand diaphragms,wherebywe unite them into
empty pillar skeleton-frames.
On thebuildingsitethe skeletonconstruction of the multi-levelbuilding,
that is the pillar skeleton-frames and the beam box-framesare alwaysassem-
bledimmediatelyin their final in-situpositionand connected to eachotherby
heterogeneous junction, whereasthe horizontal primary floor structures,that
is the cellularfloor-fieldsof parametersizein two directionare alwaysassem-
bled underneathin-situ positionimmediately on top of each other, and then,
they are lifted in dueorderinto their respectivein-situ positionand fixed by
heterogeneousjunction. The cellular floor-zonesabove beam box-frames are
assembled in-situ and their concretingincludesthe final pouringas well.

Variabilityof the lift-cell buildingmethod

Amongst the non-tectonicsystemsthe variability of the lift-cell build-

ing method is of medium degree, becauseon the one hand, the freedom of
planning is increased,sincethe sizesand incrementsof the elementsand com-
ponents-- includingtheir thicknesses as well -- can be selectedwithin very
broad limits and sincethe relative span-indifference of the beam box-frames,
the relativeheight-indifference of the beambox-frames,the relativeheight-in-
differenceof the pillar skeleton-frames andfinally the relativetwo-wayspan-
indifferenceof the large-sizecellularfloor-fieldskeepthe mostimportantparam-
eters of communalbuilding- the spansand the heights theoretically
Onthe otherhand,however,the degreeof freedomof planningis decreased,
since the two-way ribs of the beam-zones and cellular floor fields un-
ambiguouslyrestrict the divisibility of interior spaces,locationof partition
walls, etc.

The cell, the box frame and the skeleton frame as principlesof construction

The cell asprincipleof construction-- in general-- hasbeen dealt with in

detail in our previousstudies,(seealso:Fig. 4), therefore,hereit seemssufficient
only to remind the Reader that working with the cell as principle of construc-
tion for the frozen reinforcedconcreteprimary structuresalways meansthat
use of many different forms of the folded shells.The cellular systems,as is well
known, may operatewith beams,beam-grids,or with the room-units (room-
cells) themselves.These forms representthe visible forms of the non-tectonic

In thelift-cell buildingmethodthe visibleform of the primary structureis

characterizedby the beam-grid.
The lift-cell building methodrealizesthe beam-gridin two steps,through
superposition. First the system of the primary beam-grid is assembled
through additivity and heterogeneous jointing of beam box-framesand pillar
skeleton-frames,then -- in the secondstep -- the system of the secondary
beam-gridis completedthrough assemblingthe cellularfloor-fieldsunderneath
in-situ positionon top of each other, lifting them into final positionand fixing
by heterogeneous junction.
The box-frameasprinciple of construction -- in general-- has been anal-
izedin detail,with the box-frameunit buildingmethods[14]. It is very important
to note here, however, that in the lift-cell building method(at least in this
particular case)theconstruction of the box-frameis modifiedbothfrom manufac-
ture andfrom assembly
pointsof view:
-- from manufacturepoint of view, becausethe box-frame here -- in
contrast to the box-frame unit building method -- is not a homogeneousrein-
forcedconcretefoldedshellconstructioncomposed of two materials(gypsumq-
q- reinforcedconcrete)but a heterogeneous small spaceelement composedof
three materials, in which we joint beam elements(that is frozen r.c. shellplane
structural elements composedof two materials) by pairs, by means of steel
diaphragmsinto beam box-frame units;
-- from assemblypoint of view, becausethe heterogeneous beam box-
frame is not put on top of the pillars, but locatednext to it and consequently
the methodof jointing -- in contrastto the box-frameunit building method --
will be characteristicallynon-tectonicheterogeneous junction.
Thepillar skeleton-frame as principle of construction
is characteristically
connectedwith the lift-cell building method.The constructorhere works with
manufactured linear reinforced concrete structural elements -- that is factory
made columns -- which are tectonic from the outset, and usesthese elements for
assemblingthe heterogeneouspillar skeleton-frames-- that is small space
units of parameter size in one direction -- through uniting them in fours by
meansof steelcradlesand diaphragmsand acceptsthat thesepillar skeleton-

The simultaneous applicationof the cell,the boxframeandthe skeletonframe

as principleof construction

Fig. 11. Thesimultaneous applicationof thecell,thebox-frame andtheskeleton-frame asprinciple

of construction. The applicationof the cell as principle of constructionhas already beenintro-
ducedand illustrated by Fig. 4. In the lift-cell building method the visible form of the primary
structure is characterizedby the beam-grid realized in two steps: the primary beam-grid is
assembledthrough additivity and heterogeneous jointing of beam box-framesand pillar skele-
ton-frames, whereas the secondarybeam-grid is completed through assemblingthe cellular
floor-fieldsunderneathin-sitn positionon top of each other, lifting them into final positionand
fixing by heterogeneous junction; the box-frameas principleof constructionas again been deal
with an illustrated by Figs 7, 8. and 10. It is important to note here, however, that in the lift-
cell building method the box-frame is a heterogeneousbeam box-frame composedof three
materials (gypsumq- reinforcedconcreteq- steel) in which we joint beam elements(that is
frozen r.e. shellplane structural elementscomposedof gypsum q- reinforcedconcrete)by pairs,
by means of steel diaphragms;the pillar skeleton-frame as principle of constructionis charac-
teristically connectedwith the lift-cell buildingmethod.The constructorhere workswith linear
reinforced concrete structural elements -- that is factory made columns -- which are tectonic
from the outset and usesthe elementsfor assemblingthe heterogeneouspillar skeletonframes
-- that is small spaceunits of parameter sizein one direction -- through uniting them in fours
by meansof steelcradlesand diaphragmsand acceptsthat thesepillar skeletonframescanonly
be connectedwith the beam box-frames at points, through heterogeneousjunction

frames can only be connectedwith the beam box-framesat points, through

heterogeneousjunction (Fig. 11).

The threeimmediateobjectsof manufacturein the lift-cell buildingmethod

In the lift-cell buildingmethod-- foundedon thesimultaneous application

of theceil,thebox-frameand theskeleton-frame asprinciplesof construction-- in
constrastto all the othernon-tectonic building methods manufacturehas three
The first immediate object of manufactureis, of course,the non-tectonic
surfaceelement,moreaccurately:the periodicplanegypsumsurfaceelementfor
beams(non-tectonicplane element)and the periodiccellulargypsumsurface
elementfor floors (non-tectonicsmall spaceelement).Theseelementsare used
by the architecton the onehand: for the preassemblyof beamelements(that is
frozen r.c. shell plane structural elementsof parameter sizein one direction)
through a proper additivity of the non-tectonicplane elementsin the factory,
and on the other hand: for the assemblyof the cellular floor-fields (that is
frozen r.c. shell plane structural elementsof parameter sizein two directions,
with ribs in-wo directionsrigidifiedwith a membrane)througha properadditiv-
ity of the non-tectoniccellular small spaceelementsunterneath in-situ posi-
tion, on the buildingsite;
The second immediateobject of manufactureis the column(that is a linear
reinforced concretestructural element) which is tectonic from the outset since
its constructionis not basedon the additivity of surfaceelements;and finally.
The third immediate object of manufactureis the cradlesand diaphragms,that
is steel frames constructedof U-profiles.

7. The tilt-lift building method

The tilt-lift buildingmethod-- the seventhpossibilityof the non-tectonic

systems,finally -- is characteristicallyconnectedwith the the low degreeof
complementaritysincethe load-bearingstructure can only be realized on the
buildingsite and with the combinationof two materials(gypsumq- reinforced
concrete), as follows:

Short description: 7. Tilt-lift building method

-- on low degreeof complementarity

(on lowdegreeof readinessin thefactory);
-- on the simultaneousapplication of the surfaceand the
box-frameasprinciple of construction
252 _. P.,RK.,NYI e al.

in design: -- industrial workshops

(variation on plan and in sectionon one-levelarrange-
in the factory: -- on one-folddisintegration
(on Gutenberg-principled decomposition);
on the site: -- on the in-situ additivity of surface elements under-
neath the in-situ positionprior to lifting, in caseof beam
-- on the additivity of surface elements in horizontal
position,prior to tilting, in caseof pillar box-frames,
-- on the in-situ preassemblyof linear structuralelements,
in caseof secondarybeams and on the in-situ or under-
hearth in-situ additivity of these structural elements,
(on callinginto being the load-bearingstructureexclu-
sively on the buildingsite).

Characteristicfeaturesof the tilt-lift buildingmethod

The tilt-lift buildingmethodspellsadaptationof non-tectonic systemsto

From the point of view of principleof constructionthe building method
is a specialcombination of thein-situ,lifting andbox-frameunit buildingmethods
complemented with a tilting operation,as we shallsee:(Fig. 12)
The buildingmethodis characterizedby a high level relevance,that is
a high degreeof technological relevancewith geographic-zonal validity and as
suchit is mostadvantageously applicableto conditionsin developingcountries
particularly in hot arid tropical or subtropicalareas and it can be realized
exclusivelyin transplantablefactories.The structurescalledinto beingby this
buildingmethodare alwayscomposed of two materials;gypsumand reinforced

In the tilt-lift building method we manufacture on a low degreeof

In thefactory-- moreaccurately:in the transplantablefactory -- we only
produceGutenberg-principled non-tectonicsurfaceelements,that is to say:
profiled gypsumsurfaceelements for pillar box-frameand beam box-frames;
plane gypsumsurfaceelements for floors and profiledgypsumsurfaceelements
(stripes)for beams.
On the buildingsite each operation of the creation of the load-bearing
structureis basedon the additivity of surfaceelementsas follows:
Thepillar box-frame-- this largebox-unit of parametersizein two direc-
tions -- is constructedin such a way that first we assemblethe non-tectonic
profiled gypsumsurfaceelementsin the situationprior to tilting, that is to

saywe call into beingthe loadbearingstructurein the situationprior to tilting,

that is to say, we call into being the loadbearlngstructure in the situation
precedingthe operationof tilting, and then, we tilt the pillar box-framearound
a fixed point into vertical positionand concludethe operationby creating
The beambox-frame-- again a large box-unit of parameter size in two
directions-- arisesin sucha way that first we assemble the non-tectonicpro-
filed gypsumsurfaceelementsunderneaththe final in-situ position,that pro-
field gypsumsurfaceelementsunderneath the final in-situ positionthat is to
say,we call into beingthe loadbearingstructurein the situationprecedingthe
operationof lifting, and then, we lift the beambox-frameinto in-situ position
and concludethe operation by creating heterogeneousjunction.
Thefloors are constructedin sucha way that first we preassembleon the
zero level the non-tectonicprofiled gypsum surface elementsinto beam ele-
ments (that is: tectonic, linear r.c. structural elements)and then we locate the
beam elements and the surface of floor elementsof pillar-zonesunderneath
in-situ position,whereasthose of the intermediate zonesin in-situ positionand
concludethe operation with concretingthe floors of pillar-zonesunderneath
in-situ position, prior to lifting, whereasthose of the intermediate zonesin
in-situ position,after lifting.

Variability of the tilt-lift buildingmethod

Amongstthe non-tectonicsystemsthe variability of the tilt-lift building

methodis of mediumdegree,becauseon the onehand, the freedomof planning
is increased,sincethe sizes and incrementsof the elementsand components
-- including their thicknessesas well -- can be selectedwithin very broad
limits and sincethe relative span-indifferenceof the beam box-frameskeeps
span -- the most important parameter of industrial building -- theoretically
open;onthe otherhand,however,the degreeof freedomof planningisdecreased,
since the relative height-indifference of the pillar box-frames must be
brought in harmony with the spans, and since the building, in the last
analysis,can only have an odd number of zones(pillar-zonesq- intermediate

The simultaneousapplicationof the surfaceand the box frame as principle

of construction

The surfaceas principle of construction-- in general -- has been dealt

with in detail previously(seeFigs 1, 2) and the sameappliesto the box-frameas
principleof construction,
in general,(seeFigs 7, 8), soherethereis no needfor any

It is very important to note here, however,that in the tilt-lift building

methodthe construction
of the box-frameis modifiedbothfrom manufactureand
from assembly pointsof view:
-- from manufacture point of view, because in the tilt-lift buildingmethod
thepillar box-frameandthebeambox-frame in contrastto the box-frameunit
building method -- is not an immediateobjectof manufacturebut that of a
preassemhlyoperationon the buildingsite, in which the pillar box-framesare
assembled in horizontalposition(that is in a situationprecedingthe operationof
tilting), whereas the beam box-frames are assembledunderneaththe final
in-situposition(that is in a situationprecedingthe operationof lifting);
-- from assembly point of view, becausethe large-sizepillar box-frames
and beam box-framesrealizedin a processof preassemhlyon the building site,
are threaded through each other in the processof the final assembly(more
accurately:in courseof the operationsof tilting and lifting) consequentlythe
structural connection to be created between them -- in contrast to the box
frame unit building method -- can only be a heterogeneous
Thesecircumstances, however,bringentirelynewelementsof fundamental
importanceinto the industrialbuildingin the tropicalareasboth from technical
and economicpointsof view. The modificationof the box-frameas principleof
construction,namely, makesquite a numberof thingspossiblethat we could
never totally realizein manufacturedreinforcedconcreteindustrialworkshops.
Here are someexamples:
-- thetilt-lift buildingmethodclearlyprovesthat the combiningofmonolithic
structurewith the additive principleof constructionrendersit possible
to build industrial workshops in any remotearea wihout being bound to
definite spans;
-- first becausein the tilt-lift buildingmethodthe verylarge sizeelements
requiredfor constructionof industrial workshopsdo not requiretranspor-
tation of any kind;
-- secondbecausethetilt-lift buildingmethod-- in courseof the preassemhly
operations-- reducesthe "envelopevolume"of theprimary structuresto
minimumand therebythe volumeof auxiliary structuresrequiredfor the
processof assemblycan also be reducedto a possibleminimum, at the
same time.

Now, if in addition we take into considerationthat the tilt-lift building

method-- in whichthe point preciselyis to tilt andlift expresslybig volumes,
structuralelementsof 10--40 tons -- doesnot requireany lifting equipmentin-
dependentof thestructure,
then it is unambiguouslyverifiable that the tilt-lift building method
establishesexpresslyideal circumstances for building industrial workshops.

The simultaneous
applicationof the surfaceand the box
frame as principle of construction

Fig. 12. The simultaneous

applicationof thesurfaceand thebox-frameasprinciple of construction.
The tilt-lift building method -- that is the special combination of the in-situ, the lifting and the
box-frame unit building methods complemented with a tilting operation -- is founded on the
applicationof the surfaceand the box-frameas principleof construction.In this
building methodsmanufacture has only one immediate object, which simply meansthat in the
transplantable factory we only produce Gutenberg-principlesmall-sizenon-tectonic surfaceele-
ments,consequently on the buildingsite eachbuildingoperationis basedon the additivity of
surfaceelements.The surfaceasprincipleof constructionin generalhas alreadybeenintroduced
and illustrated by Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 and the same applies to the box-frameas principle of con-
structionas shownby Fig. 2 and Fig. 8. It is important to note here, however, that in the tilt-
lift buildingmethodthe pillar box-frame and the beambox-frameis not an object of manufac-
ture but that of a preassemblyoperation on the building site, in which the pillar box-frames
are assembledin horizontalposition(that is in a situation precedingthe operationof tilting)
whereasthe beam box-frames are assembledunderneaththefinalposition that is in a situation
precedingthe operationof lifting. Sincetheselarge-sizepillar box-framesand beam box-frames
realized in a processof preassemblyon the building site are threaded through each other in
courseof the operationof tilting and lifting, thereforethe structural connectionto be creat-
ed between them -- in contrast to the box-frame unit building method (Fig. 8) -- can only
be a heterogeneousjunction
Thetilt-lift buildingmethod-- that is the specialcombinationof the in-
situ,liftingandbox-frame unit buildingmethods complemented with a tilting
operation -- isfounded onthesimultaneous applicationof thesurface
asprincipleof construction.
Sincein this buildingmethodmanufacture
has only one immediate
object(whichsimplymeans thatin thetransplantable
thereforeonthesiteeachbuildingoperationis basedonthe additivityof
surface elements, as we have seen.


The publications enumerated beloware onlythoseimmediatelyrelatedto the subjectmatter.

l. P.iI1KiiNII,
M.: The InherentContradictions
of the ClosedSystems
of Prefabrication
Future. Trends of Evolution. Contribution at the third CIB Congress.Published in
"Towards Industrialized Building". Elsevier PublishingCompanyAmsterdam 1965.
2. PgamirYI,M. (1972):Prefabrication
with Gypsum.Meetingon Prefabrication
in Africa
and the Middle East. 17--29 April 1972 Budapest, Hungary; Bucharest,Roumania,
ID/WG 122/20 March 1972 pp. 5.
3. P,at.YI, M. (1973):Non-tectonicSystems.PeriodicaPolytechnica.
17 No. 4. pp. 122--165.
4. PiaKirYI, M. (1974):ExperimentalNon-tectonicMaisonette.Per. Pol. Arch.Vol. 18 No.
3--4 pp. 189--214.
5. GaaaY, L., Piatlri, M. (1974):TrendsTowardsSynthesis
in StructuralEngineering.
6th Congress,Budapest,SubjectTheme II/3 pp. 453--463.
6. P,iltKiNYI,M.: FinalReportof the ExpertonManufacture of Prefabricated
Panels.SomaliaFebruary1974.Manuscript.Preparedfor UNIDO 70 pp. Restricted.
7. P,at,rYI,M. "Lift-field" ExperimentalNon-tectonicHall. Per. Pol. Arch. Vol. 22. No. 1.
1978. pp. 21--48.
8. P,atXrYi,
M.: Proposition
for a BuildingTechnology
for MassHousingin Subtropical
AridTropicalAreas.CIB 6th Congress,1974Budapest,SubjectThemeVI/2. Discussion.
pp. 406--407. Elsevier PublishingCompany.Amsterdam1976.
9. Non-tectonicSystemdeveloped.
UNIDO Newsletter,
132 (1979)April pp. 2--3. Vienna,
10. P21.11K21.iNIYI,
M.: Non-Tectonic
BasedHeat StoringBuildingSystems.Acta TechnicaAcademiaeScientiarumHunga-
ricae, Tomus 92 (1--2). pp. 89--120 (1981).
11. P.iI1Kfi.
NYI, M.--HAJDU, L.--BARCZ/, J.--KSvr. SDI, R.--SZlRMAI,Z.: Feasibilitystudy.
An Adaptation
of the Non-Tectonic
Systemto the People's
Yemen. pp. 107. Restricted. Budapest 1981.
12. GiBoa, L.--PiatANYI, M.: FundamentalQuestionsof Theory of Constructionof Non-
TectonicBuilding(in Hungarian).Publishing
Houseof the HungarianAcademyof
Sciences. Budapest 1984.
13. P21.11K.iNYI,
M.: Non-TectonicSystems.
An IllustratedReportof the OpenLightweight
Per.Pol.Arch.Vol. 28 Nos3--4 pp. 93--159Budapest
14. PAaKiNYI,M.: Non-Tectonic Systems. BuildingMethodsof Technological
Relevance for
Hot AridTropicalAreas.Per.Pol.Arch.Vol.29 Nos3--4 pp.159--209Budapest 1985.
15. P,iRKiNYI,M. (1986):Mon-Tectonic
Systems: Communal Bildings.
method. Per. Pol. Arch. Vol. 30 Nos 1--2. pp. 1--46 Budapest.
16. PiaKiYI, M. (1987): Non-Tectonic Systems:IndustrialWorkshops. The "Tilt-lift"
buildingmethod.Per. Pol.Arch.Vol. 30 Nos1--2. pp. 47--86 Budapest.

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