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Reflection on Freedom and Commitmen

Freedom and Commitment are both inter-connected terms, Freedom means allowing the things
you want to do, while commitment generally mean that your surrendering yourself to someone or to

The lecture on freedom and commitment widens my prior knowledge with its real meaning,
before the lecture, I define freedom as a state of being free with no restrictions and I define commitment
as a term for emdearment. As I stuied this topic. I have realize that freedom and commitment doesnt limit
the definition. Because this two terms are words that were often used but its meaning is not well

I learned that freedom is a choice, this learning change my perspective on freedom upon learning
that freedom is innate from a man, People does not recognize freedom because they consider it as
freedom with limitations, although there are limitations, those things that limits us are the negative thing
that we should refrain from doing. There forth, freedom is a choice, so we must do all the good things

I realized also that commitment doesnt only mean being devoted or an act of submitting yourself
to someone, commitment also means being committed in acv

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