Assignment Business Ethics

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Ethical Issues The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Minute 1:15

Using dwarves for darts

Minute 2:55

First showing of drug usage and adult, confessed as a drug addict

Minute 4:00

Jordan Belfort claims that he took enough drugs to sedate New York, Manhattan and Queens
for a month daily.

Drug measure (Quaalude Back Pain), (Adderall Keep Focus), (Xanax To Sedate),
(Cocaine Wake Up), (Morphine - Because its awesome)

Most favourite drug Money

Jordan explain money does not only buy you a bit off stuff, but also make you a better person.

Minute 9:10

Jordan enters work at LF Rothschild, meets Mark Hana his supervisor. During lunch, Jordan
observe Mark taking drug in public at the restaurant. Mark explain that drugs at prostitute are
what keeps him on top of his performance. Mark also explain that they brokers job is to move
the clients money from their pocket into your own pocket.

Minute 10:10

Mark explain that the stock exchange is basically fraud not real.

Minute 12:45
Mark shows Jordan cocaine, he said that it is the key to perform better.

Minute 19:00

After the Black Monday on 19 October 1987 LF Rothschild went bankrupt. Jordan is left
without a job for a while. While browsing the classified with his wife he noticed an ad for a
stock broker position. He went to investors Centre in Long Island and met with the manager.
He explain that they are in the business of trading penny stocks, stock that are too small to be
lifted on NASDAQ. He mentions that the commission for every trade is 50, as opposed to just
1% Jordan was receiving at Rothschild. This practice is questionable, but Jordan joins anyway.

Minute 26:00

Jordan meet Donnie Azolff, his neighbour at fourth floor. After Donnie quits his jobs and goes
to work with Jordan, they had sum lunch. After lunch, Donnie introduce Jordan to Crack, which
Pleasure Jordan a lot.

Minute 38:00

Acts of debauchery after working hours at Stratton Oakmont, alcohol at workplace, stippers,
and prostitution.

Minute 39:45

First attention by the FBI

Minute 44:02

Jordan and his cohorst discuss about playing darts using dwarves as the darts. Jordan asks what
happen to the company if the dwarves get hurt. One of them does not want to consider the
dwarves as human, but as an act (loop hole) to get them in the clear.
Minute 48:00

Jordan explain the use of prostitute in the office.

Minute 51:00

Jordan explain how Quaalude affects the body.

Minute 58:00

Jordan cheats with Naomi, even though he have a wife, and he briefly thinks not to do it.

Minute 60:00

Jordan get caught with Naomi by his wife. Three days after the confrontation, Jordan file for

Minute 65:00

Jordan explain that he was making 50K a day through rat-hole, with his friend Brad being one
of them. Brad held stocks in his name. Jordan drives the price up, then Brad sell the stocks,
then gives back. Most of the profit to Jordan. The profits are not recorded, clearly illegal, but
he does it anyway.

Jordan hires Manny Riskin as the securities lawyers to oversee the SEC auditing, SEC
(Securities and Exchange Commission). They send two lawyers to review Stratton Oakmont
files. Jordan put them in the conference room and bugged it.

Minute 66:15
Jordan explain on IPO, on which the stock of a company is offered for the first time on general
population. Jordan explain that Stratton Oakmont is the first company to represent Steve
Maddens (IPO) and set the price of the stock. Then they sell back to their friends. It is illegal,
but he does it anyway because it nets them a huge profit that they dont know what to do with

Minute 79:00

Jordan Confessed that day with Donnie, they had 85% share of the stocks, secretly it is illegal,
but they did it because it is going to make them more profit (more money).

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