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- Capital goods, real capital or capital assets

- Goods used by businesses to produce goods/services for customers
- Fixed, not easily converted to cash
- Capital can be increased by labor or land
- New forms of capital make old ones non profitable
- Buildings, machines, equipment, furniture and fixtures
- Some items, such as a dump truck used for construction, can be both a capital good and a
consumer good. The truck represents a consumer good to the company that buys it and a capital
good to be employed in building consumer goods such as new homes

Labor force
- People working together in an organization
- 16+
- Volunteer?
- Economy-boosts production and capital
- i.e working at a restaurant, shop, teaching

- Boosts production, makes more time for other places to be developed
- Can also decrease labor force
- Boosts economy
- Useful
- Boosts needs for capital goods
- Benefit health (sometimes)
- Artificial Hearts
- Internet
- Social Media
- Games
- Electric Cars

Power sources
- Fossil
-Coal, oil, natural gas
- Power is needed for everyday use (transportation, for technology, machinery)

- Cars
- Buses
- Boat
- Train
- Bikes/skateboards/scooter/roller blading
- Plane
- Facilitate moving around and saves time
- Public:
- Breathing fresh air, driving safely, being physically active, and avoiding excessive stress
- AirCanada
- Wheels
- Longer distance for carrying food-supports larger population

Natural Resources
-Allows building without costs, just labor
-Shelter, transportation, furniture (Capital goods!) etc.
-Tech can facilitate
- Wood!
- Grain, oil, and textiles were used to trade for timber, wine, and precious or rare stones.
Mesopotamia's major resources were its water and fertile soil

Sufficient Food Supply

-No need to spend time/efforts to find food
-Development in other areas
.i.e Mesopotamia crops
-Farmers (domestic animals and plants)

-Makes economy and business easier
-Stock Market

Attitude (Risk taker)


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