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Korean 1 Review: Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 2

Chapter Test #1 Guidelines

I. Listening Comprehension: [L1~L2 conversations and Narrations; Textbook/Workbook]
A. Listen and mark each statement T or F.
B. Listen and write the answers in Korean.
II. Vocabulary and Grammar [L1~L2 conversations and Narrations; Textbook/Workbook]
A. Fill in the blanks with proper particles. [a list of particles will be provided]
B. Fill in the blanks with proper words. Change the very/adjective forms if necessary. [there
will be a word bank (in English or Korean)]
C. Translate the sentences into Korean.
D. Answer the questions properly to complete the dialogues.
III. Reading [L1~L2 conversations and Narrations]
A. Read the text and mark each statement T or F.
B. Provide short answers in Korean based on the text.

Korean 1 Review: Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 2

I. Vocabulary & Grammar Review

A. Nouns & Adverbs: Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Use each word only once.
[China, America, Japan, English, bookstore, library, exam, very]
1. Panda Express __________ .
2. Tokyo _________ .
3. New York __________ .
4. _________ .
5. _________ .
6. Leavy _________ .
7. ________ . .
8. _________ .
B. Translate the sentences into Korean.
1. Where do your parents live? (lit. where are your parents?)
2. Where is a library?
3. The post office is behind the dorm.
4. I am not American.

D. Answer the questions properly to complete the dialogues.

1. A: () ?
B: ________________________________.
2. A: ?
B: ________________________________.
3. A: ?
B: . _____________________.
4. A: ?
B: _____________________________.
5. A: ?
B: _____________________________.
6. A: ?
B: . _____________________________.
7. A: ?
B: . ____________________.

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