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Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227

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Interpretation of electrochemical measurements made during micro-scale

R.J.K. Wood a,, D. Sun a,b, M.R. Thakarea,c, A. de Frutos Rozas a,d, J.A. Wharton a
National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Higheld, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
NIBEC, University of Ulster, Jordanstown Campus, Co. Antrim, BT37 0QB Northern Ireland, UK
Schlumberger Oileld UK Plc, Stonehouse Technology Centre, Brunel Way, Stroudwater Business Park, Stonehouse, Glos GL10 3SX, UK
Department of Corrosion and Protection, National Centre for Metallurgical Research, CENIM-CSIC, Av. Gregorio del Amo 8, E-28040 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper brings together and analyzes recent work based on the interpretation of the electrochemical
Received 28 July 2009 measurements made on a modied micro-abrasion-corrosion tester used in several research
Received in revised form programmes. These programmes investigated the role of abradant size, test solution pH in abrasion-
21 December 2009
corrosion of biomaterials, the abrasion-corrosion performance of sintered and thermally sprayed
Accepted 13 January 2010
Available online 2 February 2010
tungsten carbide surfaces under downhole drilling environments and the abrasion-corrosion of UNS
S32205 duplex stainless steel. Various abrasion tests were conducted under two-body grooving, three-
Keywords: body rolling and mixed grooving-rolling abrasion conditions, with and without abrasives, on cast F75
Tribocorrosion cobaltchromiummolybdenum (CoCrMo) alloy in simulated body uids, 2205 in chloride containing
solutions as well as sprayed and sintered tungsten carbide surfaces in simulated downhole uids.
Pre- and post-test inspections based on optical and scanning electron microscopy analysis are used to
help interpret the electrochemical response and current noise measurements made in situ during
micro-abrasion-corrosion tests. The complex wear and corrosion mechanisms and their dependence on
the microstructure and surface composition as a function of the pH, abrasive concentration, size and
type are detailed and linked to the electrochemical signals. The electrochemical versus mechanical
processes are plotted for different test parameters and this new approach is used to interpret tribo-
corrosion test data to give greater insights into different tribo-corrosion systems. Thus new approaches
to interpreting in-situ electrochemical responses to surfaces under different abrasive wear rates,
different abrasives and liquid environments (pH and NaCl levels) are made. This representation is
directly related to the mechano-electrochemical processes on the surface and avoids quantication of
numerous synergistic, antagonistic and additive terms associated with repeat experiments.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction valves in the process, oil and gas and marine industries, as well as
metallic surgical implants used to replace human joints [1,2].
Many corrosion resistant metallic materials rely on a surface Materials selected primarily on their corrosion resistance under
oxide lm to provide protection against corrosion. However, benign conditions can suffer highly interactive processes when
under an externally applied stress or during wear, this passive subjected to wear and corrosion together. These interactions lead
oxide lm may become cracked and/or removed, exposing the to accelerated wall wastage and ion release rates which can
substrate to a corrosive environment and leading to enhanced compromise component life and also induce adverse reactions if
surface degradation. Therefore, it is important to be able to select released within the body [3].
or design surfaces that have the correct balance between the Previous work at Southampton has investigated the interaction
ability to repassivate in the service environment while not being between abrasion and corrosion on various stainless and super
too reactive when corroding or in regimes where repassivation is duplex steels [4]. Both UNS S31603 and S32760 stainless steels
not complete (i.e. in wearing contacts). This is of particular produced interactions such that the abrasioncorrosion levels
concern for many engineering and bioengineering applications were below the pure abrasion levels under two-body grooving
that are subjected to wear and corrosion such as pumps and abrasion conditions while the reverse was true for S30403. These
large negative interactions were due to the differences in
repassivation kinetics and/or composition of the passive lms
 Corresponding author. Tel.: + 44 2380 594881. reducing the overall level of two-body abrasion [4]. However, all
E-mail addresses:, (R.J.K. Wood). three stainless steel types under three-body rolling abrasion

0301-679X/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227 1219

showed improved reproducibility with increasing abrasive vo- Micro-abrasioncorrosion testing has also been conducted in
lume fraction with abrasioncorrosion levels greater than pure 0.9% NaCl, phosphate buffered saline solution, 25% and 50%
abrasion levels by 18%. Although this work did not utilize in-situ bovine serum solutions with 0 or 1 g cm  3 SiC abradant at 37 1C.
electrochemical measurement of tribocorrosion currents induced The results show the presence of proteinaceous material
during abrasioncorrosion various studies have measured cur- increased the total specic wear rate (SWR). Conversely, electro-
rents during abrasioncorrosion tests of biomaterials and down- chemical noise measurements indicated that the average anodic
hole hardfacing materials as well as numerous engineering current levels were appreciably lower for the proteinaceous
coatings [57]. These individually show different trends and solutions when compared with the inorganic solutions [11].
sensitivity to test environment and conditions. Therefore the aim Therefore, this paper will assess the wearcorrosion perfor-
of this paper is to reanalyze and investigate the wear and mance of four metallic surfaces with different repassivation
electrochemical interactions to allow more robust selection of characteristics to see if the trends between mechanical and
surfaces for abrasioncorrosion resistant applications. The paper electrochemical responses are affected by repassivation charac-
also presents new data for UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel teristics.
which is included as it is commonly found in marine applications
or other high chlorine conditions due to its superior corrosion
performance. The other surfaces investigated were a sintered 2. Experimental
WC5.7Co0.3Cr hard metal, a high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF)
sprayed WC10Co4Cr coating and a cast F-75 CoCrMo bioengi- The test materials studied include a cast cobalt-based
neering alloy. Tungsten carbide (WC)-based hardmetals and bioengineering alloy (ASTM F75 CoCrMo2527% Cr, 57% Mo
coatings, CoCrMo based alloys and stainless steels are materials and the balance Co) used in metal-on-metal replacement joints; a
which readily form a passive oxide lm and are therefore likely to sintered hardmetal (WC-CoCr); a thermally sprayed hard coating
have interesting wear-corrosion properties. (WC-CoCr); as well as corrosion resistant alloy. The corrosion
An HVOF WCCo coating was chosen as this type of coating is resistant alloy chosen was UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel as
increasingly being used as a chromium coating replacement. this has superior corrosion resistance, particularly against
However, HVOF WCCo coatings are microstructurally complex seawater, compared with Grade 316. It has excellent resistance
potentially leading to internal micro-galvanic corrosion activity to localized corrosion including intergranular, pitting and crevice
and thus destablising the overall coating surface integrity. This corrosion; the critical pitting temperature of 2205 is generally at
has been seen in the corrosion and corrosionwear behaviour of least 35 1C.
HVOF sprayed WC cermet coatings with metallic binders of Co, Fig. 1(a) shows that sintered WC-based hardmetals have a
CoCr, CrCNi and Ni, in strong acidic environments by Cho et al. typical skeletal carbide structure. The size of the carbides was
[8]. Considerable micro-galvanic corrosion occurred between the 23 mm. Fig. 1(b) shows the SEM (backscattered electron image)
WC particles and the binder, and uniform corrosion occurred in image of a polished WC-10Co4Cr surface. The darker regions
the binder materials of WCCo and WCNi. These coatings are represent the heavier elements, such as tungsten in the
often bench marked against sintered hardmetal of similar composition and the lighter regions represent the relatively
composition therefore this paper has included analysis of a lighter elements, such as cobalt, chromium and nickel. The
sintered WCCoCr material to allow comparisons. The WC-based micrography shows an inhomogeneous distribution of carbide
hardmetals and coatings are commonly utilized for their superior rich and binder rich areas along with the presence of some voids
wear resistance in downhole drilling components. Downhole and cracks formed on the surface during the cooling of the
environments subject these materials to harsh tribological coating. Fig. 1(c) shows that cast CoCrMo (consists of blocky-
conditions, such as two- and three-body abrasion in the presence shape M23C6 primary carbides (1030 mm in size, where M is Cr,
of alkaline drilling uids. Mo and Co [15]) incorporated in the cobalt rich matrix. The
Recently, micro-abrasion tests coupled with an electrochemi- carbides are standing proud of the Co-matrix (  200 nm higher
cal cell, have been deployed to study the abrasioncorrosion according to atomic force microscopy analysis). It is believed that
behaviour of these engineering materials under conditions where these hard asperities can protect the softer matrix and reduce
corrosive electrolyte and third body abrasives co-exist [911]. The wear in the event of lubrication lm starvation [16]. Fig. 1(d)
microscale abrasioncorrosion performance of two sintered shows the 2205 stainless steel microstructure after electrolytic
hardmetals, WC6Co and WC11Ni, and two WC10Co4Cr etching in 40% KOH at 1.5 V for 1 min. The elemental composition
sprayed coatings using both NaOH (pH 11) and neutral SiC of the 2205 duplex stainless steel was Fe, o0.03% C, 2123% Cr,
aqueous slurries. Contrary to expectations, micro-abrasion under 4.56.5% Ni, 2.53.5% Mo, 0.82.0% N, o2% Mn, o1% Si, o0.03%
alkaline conditions generally resulted in lower wear rates P and o0.02% S. The lighter areas correspond to d ferrite and
producing a negative 818% abrasioncorrosion interaction, with darker regions are g austenite. The ferrite and austenite contents
the exception of the sintered WC11Ni [9,10]. are nearly 50%, with the austenite evenly distributed within the
The CoCrMo alloys, on the other hand, are commonly used in ferrite. Additionally, some black spots can be observed, which are
metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacement surgery and are exposed probably sites of MnS inclusions that probably have been
to oxygenated and chloride containing body uids and tissues. dissolved during the etching procedure.
The relative motion of femoral ball and cup will generate wear The hardness values of each material are shown in Table 1
debris, some of which can act as third body abrasives yielding along with the hardness of the counter face (a zirconia ball) and
further abrasive wear of the bearing surfaces. The depassivation of the silicon carbide (SiC) and alumina (Al2O3) abradants. The
the surfaces does promote metal ion (cobalt and chromium) abradants were chosen either to mimic the carbide hardness of
release both have biocapatability issues and can iname the the CoCrMo or to conform to previous test conditions where
tissues in the joint area which may subsequently cause pain and highly reproducible results were obtained with effective particle
hypersensitivity for patients [1214]. Retrieved metal-on-metal entrainment into the contact. Abradant concentrations were
hip replacements have revealed that two and three-body abrasive chosen to control the abrasion mechanism from two (grooving)
are dominant wear mechanisms. Therefore the need to under- to three body (rolling) with increasing concentrations.
stand the tribocorrosion performance of these surfaces is critical A modied Phoenix Tribology TE/66 microabrasion tester
to the continued use of the MoM joint replacements. incorporating a liquid tank and a 3-electrode electrochemical cell
1220 R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227

Fig. 1. SEM analysis showing the microstructure of (a) sintered WC-5.7Co0.3Cr hard metal, (b) sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coating, (c) cast F-75 CoCrMo alloy and
(d) UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel.

Table 1 In situ electrochemical current-noise was measured under

Vickers microindentation hardness (2.94 N) of the counterface, abrasive and an applied potential (the open circuit potential of the testing
materials used in this study in GPa.
metal) using a Gamry potentiostat and ESA 400 software. This
Zirconia SiC Al2O3 Sintered Sprayed Cast 2205 follows other workers in the eld of tribocorrosion [17]. The
ball abrasive abrasive WC- WC- CoCrMo duplex electrochemical current-noise sampling rate was 2 Hz. Each test
counterface 4.5 mm 1.7 mm 5.7Co 10Co stainless has been repeated at least twice to gauge repeatability. The size of
0.3Cr 4Cr steel the wear scar can be measured in situ using a calibrated eye piece
13.0 2126 1820 17.7 11.1 3.3 2.9
on the microabrasion rig and wear volume and wear rate can be
calculated using Eq. (1) [18]:

V for b{R 1
Table 2
Test conditions for sintered WC-5.7Co0.3Cr and sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coating. where V is the wear volume (m3), b the diameter of wear scar (m)
and R the radius of the ball (m). Assuming the specimen is
Load 0.2 N
homogeneous (i.e. the wear rate is constant such that the wear
Abrasive slurry 4.5 mm SiC suspended in solutions of NaOH+ NaNO3
(pH 9, 11, 13) or NaNO3 of pH 7 volume is proportional to the load and sliding distance), the
Slurry volume 0.166 specic wear rate SWR (m3 N  1 m  1) can be calculated by the
concentration Archard equation [19,20] (Eq. (2)):
Sliding distance/speed 30 m/0.05 m s  1
Exposure time Freshly polished or exposed (in pH 7 and 11 V
solutions) for 168 h WL
where SWR (mm3 N  1 m  1) is a dimensional wear coefcient and
Table 3
represents the volume of material removed by wear per unit
Test conditions for cast CoCrMo and 2205 duplex stainless steel. distance (L in m) slid per unit normal load (W in N) on the contact.
The average current was calculated from the current versus
Load 0.25 N time curve using Eq. (3):
Abrasive slurry 4.5 mm SiC or 1.7 mm Al2O3 suspended in 0.9%
NaCl or 3.5% NaCl I dt
Slurry volume 0.006, 0.072, 0.030, 0.12 (0.238 for CoCrMo Iave 0 3
concentration at pH 7 only)
Sliding distance/speed 38 m/0.05 m s  1 where I is the current and t the duration of the test. It is
Exposure time Immerse in testing solution for 30 min prior to
proportional to the total charge transfer that occurs during the
abrasion-corrosion process and can be correlated to the material
loss, Wm, due to the electrochemical dissolution using Faradays
was used, the detailed structure of the rig can be found elsewhere law, see Eq. (4):
[11]. All samples were machined to a dimension of 20 mm  10 Mr Q
mm  3 mm and were ground/polished down to 1 mm diamond Wm 4
paste. A pre-conditioned zirconia ball was rotated against the
sample under a specied load and in the presence of abrasive where Mr is the molar mass of the material, z the number of
slurry. The detailed test conditions for each material can be found electrons transferred in the reaction, F the Faradays constant and
in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Q the total charge given by Eq. (5):
The abrasives used for the micro-abrasion corrosion tests are
4.5 mm SiC (Grade F1200, Washington Mills Ltd., Manchester, UK) Z
and/or 1.7 mm Al2O3 (Logitech Ltd., UK). Their microstructures are Q I dt 5
shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively.
R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227 1221

Fig. 2. (a) 4.3 SiC mm and (b) 1.67 mm Al2O3 abrasives used in this study.

WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 7 WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 11 WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 7-exp

WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 9 WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 11-exp WC-5.7Co-0.3Cr pH 13


90 Depletion of binder



Current /A






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time / s

Fig. 3. Current-noise response for sintered WC-5.7Co0.3C under different test conditions.

3. Results and discussion curves is the reduction in current approximately half way through
the test. This is thought to be due to binder phase depletion
Fig. 3 shows the current-noise (It) response for fresh and between the carbides and/or local pH variation within the cavity
exposed (-exp) sintered WC-5.7Co0.3C samples obtained during created by binder depletion between carbides. The partial decay
micro-abrasion tests using alkaline (pH 9, pH 11 and pH 13) and of currents (i.e. the currents do not reduce to original pre-test
neutral (pH 7) abrasive slurries. The current gradually increased levels) seen in Fig. 3 after the ball has stopped rotating suggests
throughout the wear test duration associated with the increase in that the wear scar did not readily repassivate when in contact
the wear scar area with time. The current levels and the curve with neutral and alkaline slurries due to the depletion of the
shapes observed for pH 7, pH 9, pH 11 and pH 11-exp samples are binder phase and the local environment within cavities between
generally similar (less than 30 mA). However, higher current carbides. The partial decay effect is seen for all pH conditions
values are observed for pH 7-exp (80 mA) and pH 13 (90 mA) tested but is not seen on the other materials tested in this work as
samples. The shape of the It curves for pH 7-exp and pH 13 they have dispersed carbides which do not suffer such localized
samples are distinctly different from the conditions. A steep rise corrosion.
in current is observed between 100 and 200 s after abrasion Fig. 5 shows a plot of the average current, Iave, values measured
began, particularly for the pH 7-exp sample. This can be explained during micro-abrasion against the SWR sintered WC-5.7Co0.3Cr.
by the Pourbaix diagram of Co (Fig. 4), where the Co binder is The SWR is predominately inuenced by mechanical wear
more prone to dissolution at pH 7 and pH 13 [21]. It is also likely processes but will contain a small component of material
to be due to the increased electrochemical dissolution of the removed by corrosion. No obvious relationship between SWR
binder phase due to micro-galvanic coupling between the nascent and Iave is seen under neutral and weak alkaline conditions.
wear scar and the unworn area of the passive surrounding (due to Overall, mechanical wear processes occurred by fragmentation
exposure). The other distinctive feature of the pH 7-exp and pH 13 and loosening of carbide grains but only the top surface carbides
1222 R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227

To study the wear mechanisms occurring on the sintered WC-

5.7Co0.3C samples, typical SEM images of worn sample wear
scars generated in neutral (pH 7) and alkaline (pH 11 and pH 13)
slurries are presented in Fig. 6. For consistency, all images were
obtained from the wear scars centres for all samples. The worn
surfaces of the sintered samples appeared to be similar for other
test conditions and are devoid of any binder, compared with the
unworn surface (Fig. 6a). The carbide grains within the wear scar
appear to have suffered from repeated fragmentation and
fracture. The size of the fragmented carbides in neutral and weak
alkaline conditions (pH 7, pH 9 and pH 11) is similar, which
indicates that the rate of binder dissolution suffered by
these samples is also similar. However, pH 13 sample (Fig. 6d)
shows severely fragmented carbide grains on the surface which is
likely to be caused by excessive binder depletion during micro-
abrasion. Hence, for this surface there is no obvious relationship
between average current and SWR as the wear mechanism is not
affected by the subtle variation in current associated with
different levels of passivation of the binder phase between
carbides on the surface. Only under pH 13 where the binder
phase is actively corroding does the surface layer of carbides
become undermined by excessive binder removal and fractures
causing an increase in SWR.
Fig. 7 shows the electrochemical current noise response for the
WC-10Co4Cr coating during micro-abrasion tests for different
pH. The It curves show a sharp rise in the current immediately
after the abrasion test begins. This sharp rise in current is
observed due to the removal/damage of the passive Co(OH)2 lm
Fig. 4. Pourbaix diagram for cobalt [21]. on the binder rich areas. After the initial rise in the current it
attains a relatively steady value. The current levels do not change
substantially for the remaining duration of the micro-abrasion
70 test despite the increase in the wear scar area. The uctuation in
the current is due to the spontaneous repassivation within the
pH 7-exp
pH 7 wear scar and subsequent depassivation due to the action of
pH 9 abrasive particles. At the end of each test the current levels
pH 11 sharply drop to similar values as seen before abrasion. This is due
50 pH 11-exp
to the repassivation of the wear scar after the ball rotation
Average current / A

pH 13
stopped. This further corroborates that binder-rich areas within
40 the wear scar readily passivate in the absence of abrasion. This is
in contrast to the sintered hardmetal which has a small surface
area of binder phase exposed compared with the sprayed coating
with far grater exposed binder phase and does not have a skeletal
carbide matrix and therefore does not readily form cavities
20 between carbides. A similar current-noise behaviour was
observed during the reciprocating-sliding wear of passive metals
10 (316 stainless steel, chromium and nickel) by Mischler et al. [22].
It was reported that the variation of the measured anodic current
was the measure of the electrochemical metal removal rate in the
0 wear scar.
0 2x10-13 4x10-13 6x10-13 Fig. 7 shows that the maximum current levels observed for pH
SWR / m3 N-1 m-1 7, pH 9, pH 11 and pH 11-exp are similar (less than 5 mA).
Fig. 5. Average current and SWR relationship for sintered WC-5.7Co0.3Cr.
However, higher current values are observed for pH 7-exp
samples (10 mA) and pH 13 samples (25 mA). Interestingly, the
current observed for pH7-exp samples was higher than for the pH
were damaged determined by SEM and focused ion beam analysis 7 samples. This is likely to be due to the microgalvanic coupling
(results not shown here). This is probably due to the skeletal between the nascent surface in the wear scar and the surrounding
structure of the carbides supporting the abrasive loading on the area of the pH 7-exp sample leading to increased electrochemical
top carbides while carbide fracture occurs via individual dissolution. The wear scar is expected to be more active as
transgranular cracking with carbide boundaries inhibiting compared with the relatively passive surrounding (due to
intergranular fracture. A maximum current is observed for the exposure) leading to higher corrosion within the wear scar.
pH 13 samples which also resulted in the highest SWR, possibly Micro-galvanic coupling between the active wear scar and the
due to the excessive rate of binder depletion observed under pH relatively passive unworn areas is likely to occur for all samples.
13. The increase in wear rate is likely to be due to excessive binder The high current values observed for pH 13 samples are expected
depletion around the top carbides that enhances unsupported due to the greater tendency of W, Co and Cr to corrode at pH 13.
carbide fracture and pull-out. The results can be correlated with Fig. 8 shows the average current measured during microabrasion
the wear scar morphology as shown in Fig. 6. against SWR for the fresh and exposed WC-10Co4Cr coatings
R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227 1223

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of wear scars on the sintered WC-5.7Co0.3 samples (a) unworn surface and (b) worn in pH 7, (c) worn in pH 11 and (d) worn in pH 13 conditions.

WC-10Co-4Cr pH 7-exp WC-10Co-4Cr pH 13 WC-10Co-4Cr pH 11

WC-10Co-4Cr pH 7 WC-10Co-4Cr pH 9 WC-10Co-4Cr pH 11-exp



Current / A



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Time / s

Fig. 7. Current-noise response of sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coating under different test conditions.

abraded using neutral and alkaline slurries. No obvious relationship compared with pH 7. This indicates that pH 7 should not be
exists between increases in the average current and the SWR under considered as a corrosion-free condition. Therefore, as with the WC-
neutral and wear alkaline conditions. However, the lowest current 5.7Co0.3C samples, the binder is passivated under the pH 911
and SWR are observed for pH 11 and pH 11-exp samples while the range while at pH 7-exp and 13 the binder is actively corroding which
highest current and SWR observed for the pH 13 sample. As shown in exposes the surface carbides and enhances carbide release and
Fig. 4, at pH 11 Co is expected to form a passive oxide lm Co(OH)2, thereby the SWR levels.
which is likely to lower the rate of binder removal. It is also seen from SEM micrographs of worn samples were studied to determine
Fig. 8 that the use of pH 9 and 11 has resulted in a lower SWR as the wear mechanisms that occurred on the sprayed coatings.
1224 R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227

Fig. 9 compares the unworn surface of the WC-10Co4Cr coating level indicating the repassivation has effectively inhibited the
to the wear scars on pH 11 sample. Due to the non-uniform wear-induced corrosion current.
microstructure of the coating the number of carbides exposed in Fig. 11 shows the interdependence of the SWR and the average
each case is expected to differ. In general for all samples, the SEM current for cast CoCrMo abraded in 0.9% NaCl based slurries. For
micrographs reveal that wear has occurred by preferential both SiC and Al2O3, the average current decreases as the SWR
removal of binder around the carbide grains, leading to the decreases. A linear correlation was found for data sets of both
cracking and subsequent removal of the carbide grains. The abrasives (R2 values greater than 0.93). The slope of the linear t
preferential binder removal leads to the formation of a moat-like for Al2O3 data (2.1  1013 mA m  2 N  1) is approximately twice
feature around the carbide grains. This feature is observed on all that for SiC (0.88  1013 mA m  2 N  1), indicating that for the same
worn surfaces and appears to be principally in the direction of the volume of alloy removed, the smaller sized abrasives could
motion of abrasive slurry and is formed due to the preferential generate a greater electrochemical response (current) under the
depletion of the binder phase around the carbide grains. abrasion-corrosion. This could be attributed to the fact that the
Microabrasion-corrosion of cast CoCrMo has been carried out time for repassivation between particle impacts was reduced
using different saline based abrasive slurries at various concen- signicantly by a reduction in particle size [23]. The above
trations of SiC and Al2O3 abrasives (0.238, 0.120, 0.072, 0.030 and statement is supported by the SEM investigation, see Fig. 12,
0.006 vol%). Fig. 10 shows the typical current-noise curves seen where the wear scars generated by Al2O3 contained more
for cast CoCrMo with 0.072 vol% SiC and Al2O3 abrasive slurries. numerous and ner indents (for 0.238 vol%) or grooves (for
The current-noise level under SiC test conditions is generally 0.072 vol%).
higher than that for the Al2O3 test conditions. From the start of Fig. 13 shows the current-noise curves for the 2205 duplex
the test, the current shows a sharp increase which corresponds to stainless steel at different SiC volume concentrations in 3.5% NaCl
the rupture of the surface oxide lm. The current is then solution. A sharp increase in the current is noticed when the
maintained at a relatively constant level throughout the test microabrasion-corrosion test starts due to the partial rupture of
due to the stable competition between the depassivation/ the surface oxide lm by abrasion and the subsequent exposure of
repassivation processes. In contrast to WC-5.7Co0.3Cr, the the metal surface to the chloride solution. Recorded current level
current after the CoCrMo abrasion recovers to the pre-abrasion increases with the SiC volume fraction. For the 0.120 and
0.072 vol% the current level increases gradually during the
whole test. However, a slight decrease in the current noise level
is noticed after 400 s in the case of the 0.030 vol%, the detailed

pH 7-exp
25 pH 7
pH 9 30
pH 11
pH 11-exp SiC Al2O3
Average current / A

20 pH 13 25

Current / A


10 10

0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 -5
0 5.0x10-13 10-12 1.5x10-12 2.0x10-12 2.5x10-12 Time / s
SWR / m3 N-1 m-1
Fig. 10. Typical current-noise curves of cast CoCrMo at 0.072 vol% abrasive
Fig. 8. Average current and SWR relationship for sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coating. concentration.

Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of wear scars on sprayed coatings (a) unworn surface and (b) worn in pH 11 condition.
R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227 1225

reason for this remains unknown. The fact that the average body rolling damage dominates while Fig. 15(b) shows both
current level decreases with decreasing SiC volume concentration indentation damage and grooving indicating a mixed two/three-
may be due to the different competition between depassivation/ body mode occurs at 0.072% SiC. Lowering the concentration
repassivation during the abrasion under various test conditions. further to 0.03% changes the abrasive mechanism to
At relatively high SiC vol%, the higher number of entrained predominately two-body grooving as seen in Fig. 15(c).
particles could reduce the time for repassivation between particle Fig. 15(d) shows the scar for pure sliding under the no abrasive
impacts/indents, and therefore the material has less chance to case and only light polishing and some light scratches created by
repassivate. asperities on the ball are seen. The level of indentation (rolling) in
The interdependence between the average current and SWR is the contact, therefore, seems to correlate with the average current
shown in Fig. 14. A linear correlation was found (R2 =0.9912) with a measurements.
slope of 3.36  1013 mA m  2 N  1. This linear correlation indicates Fig. 16 compares the predominately mechanical wear and
that the (percentage) contribution of the electrochemical volume corrosion current induced for the four metallic surfaces
loss to the total wear loss due to the microabrasion-corrosion investigated. Four different trends are seen with the corrosion of
process remains the same although test condition changes. the sprayed surface being insensitive to wear rate until
Fig. 15 shows micrographs of the abrasion-corrosion wear 1.5  10  12 m3 N  1 m  1 then increased currents are seen with a
scars for different concentrations of SiC. Fig. 15(a) shows three- slope of 3  1013 mA m  2 N  1. The cast CoCrMo has two

SiC 80.0
25 Al2O3
Average current / A

20 60.0

Current / A
50.0 0.00 vol %
15 40.0 0.030 vol %
0.072 vol %
Decreasing slurry vol.% 30.0
10 0.120 vol %
Decreasing slurry vol.% 20.0

5 10.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 5.0x10 -13
10 -12
1.5x10 -12
2.0x10 -12
2.5x10 -12 Time / s
SWR / m3 N-1 m-1 Fig. 13. Typical current-noise curves for UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel at
different SiC abrasive concentrations in 3.5% NaCl solutions.
Fig. 11. Average current and SWR relationship for cast CoCrMo.

Fig. 12. Wear scars on cast CoCrMo produced by (a) 0.238 vol% SiC, (b) 0.072 vol% SiC, (c) 0.238 vol% Al2O3 and (d) 0.072 vol% Al2O3.
1226 R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227

sensitivities (slopes of 1 and 2  1013 mA m  2 N  1) but has lower This type of representation does not mask the physical
corrosion levels compared with the 2205 duplex steel with a slope meaning of the abrasion-corrosion data and is perhaps a better
of 3  1013 mA m  2 N  1. The sintered WC-CoCr has a near vertical way to present the results compared with quantifying synergistic
trend with the corrosion rates varying without altering the wear levels or percentages of the total wall wastage due to synergistic
rate. The slopes associated with the sprayed WC-CoCr coating, the terms which are difcult for the designers to use. The errors bars
cast CoCrMo and 2205 duplex stainless steel may reect seen in both x and y axes in Fig. 16 show the extent of data
the tenacity of repassivation on the materials within the variation within each test.
environments tested. However, the currents measured are likely The analysis, thus far, has focused on the average current levels
to be from mechanically mixed layers or microstructurally but the uctuations around the mean values (standard deviation)
affected regions within the wear scar. Thus, further work is were also noted to vary and could be related to the depassivation/
required to identify these tribologically induced surface repassivation activity within the wear scar as well as with the
microstructural and compositional changes to better understand wear mechanismelectrochemical interactions. The 2 Hz current-
the signicance of these slopes. noise sampling rate used (approximately twice per revolution of
the ball) meant that individual abrasive indents or grooves could
not be resolved. Thus further work is required to investigate this
70 observation and tests with increased sampling rates are required
coupled with more detailed understanding of the degradation
0.12 vol.%
60 processes occurring within the scar.

0.072 vol.%
Average current / A

Decreasing slurry vol %
4. Summary
The present study shows that the abrasion-corrosion response
of sintered and thermally sprayed WC-CoCr, Cast CoCrMo and
0.03 vol.%
2205 duplex stainless steel can be dependent on the test solution
Decreasing slurry vol.%
chemistry, type of abrasives and the abrasive wear mechanisms.
20 The in situ electrochemical current-noise indicates the rate and
corrosion process of the material as abrasive wear progresses. It
10 also indicates susceptibility to corrosion under abrasive wear and
Pure sliding the extent and effectiveness of passivity/repassivation. Plots of
0 interdependence between predominately mechanical processes
0 5.0x10-13 10-12 1.5x10-12 2.0x10-12 2.5x10-12 (SWRs) and electrochemical processes (mean current level)
SWR / m3 N-1 m-1 against different testing parameters can be useful to interpret
wear-corrosion performance. Four different trends are seen with
Fig. 14. Average current and SWR relationship for the UNS S32205 duplex
the tribocorrosion of the sprayed surface being insensitive to
stainless steel in 3.5% NaCl.
current levels associated with passivation until 1.5  10  12 m3

Fig. 15. Wear scar of 2205 duplex stainless steel produced by (a) 0.12 vol% SiC, (b) 0.072 vol% SiC, (c) 0.03 vol% SiC and (d) pure sliding (without abrasives).
R.J.K. Wood et al. / Tribology International 43 (2010) 12181227 1227

y = 3x1013x+ 1.9036 CoCrMo - SiC
Regression line
R2 = 0.9912
60 CoCrMo - Al2O3
Regression line
2205 - SiC
50 Regression line
pH 7-exp sintered

Average current / A
pH 7 sintered
pH 9 sintered
40 pH 11 sintered
pH 11-exp sintered
y = 1x1013x + 1.8947 pH 13 sintered
30 pH 7-exp sprayed
R2 = 0.9556 pH 7 sprayed
y = 2x1013x - 1.376 pH 9 sprayed
20 pH 11 sprayed
R2 = 0.9947 pH 13 sprayed


0 5.0x10-13 10-12 1.5x10-12 2.0x10-12 2.5x10-12
SWR / m3 N-1 m-1

Fig. 16. Current versus SWR for sintered WC-5.7Co0.3Cr hard metal, sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coating, UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel and cast F-75 CoCrMo.

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