GuruShakti - Lakshmi Dwadash Naam Stotram

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Lakshmi Dwadash Naam Stotram

Shri Lakshmi Dwadash NaamStotram

Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of prosperity (both material and spiritual), wealth, fertility,
good fortune, and courage. She is said to bring good luck in life.These are the 12 names of
Mahalakshmi which brings success, good karmas & enlightenment in life. It is believed that one who
recites Shri Lakshmi Dwadash NaamStotramcontinuously for 2 months achieves everything he
desires and one who recites this stotra for six months attain every material comfort and lives like a

Click Here To Listen TheShri Lakshmi Dwadash Naam (

v=nPg1MiVyOmM)Stotram (

Some Useful Links

Shri Krishna Dwadash Naam Stotram (
Krishna Mantra For Success (
Mantra For Extreme Riches (
Mantra For Gains in Trading, Stocks & Investment (
Mantra For Sudden Wealth & Uniform Cash Flow (


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rohit khanna says:

Jul, 31st, 2014, 12:49 AM
Guruji pls guide me since for last 4yrs I am not having job and my business is also having losses.I am very upset
and depressed. .

Guru Shakti says:

Aug, 1st, 2014, 10:49 PM
rohit khanna, 5 mala Siddhi Vinayak Mantra daily for 180 days. Also if possible, receive Mahalakshmi Deeksha from

rpgmail says:
Oct, 6th, 2014, 10:34 AM
how many times i have to recite this stotra??? I recite this stotra every morning

Guru Shakti says:

Oct, 6th, 2014, 11:29 PM
rpgmail, once a day.

rpgmail says:
Oct, 31st, 2014, 07:33 PM
Guruji in your youtube channel there is one mantra i.e mahalakshmi mantra to manifest desires. The Time is not
specifed in the video can u tell when the mantra chant can be done ???once i did it but i use chant anytime
whenever i use to get free. can I do it again ?? I would like to do it

Guru Shakti says:

Nov, 2nd, 2014, 07:04 PM
rpgmail, start from wednesday.

rpgmail says:
Nov, 3rd, 2014, 08:07 AM
Yes guruji wednesday it is given but day or night not given.Ok shall I try to do in brahmurta i.e. before sunrise
Guru Shakti says:
Nov, 3rd, 2014, 10:44 PM
rpgmail, you can.

Arjun says:
Nov, 5th, 2014, 02:00 PM
What can I do, to make Chinmasta mata So happy with me that she will help me with everything?

Guru Shakti says:

Nov, 9th, 2014, 07:34 AM
Arjun, read Chhinnamasta times 21 times daily to get Her Grace. I suggest you to Receive Chhinna Mastika
Deeksha from Guruji. Mail to

greatKali says:
Nov, 22nd, 2014, 11:45 AM
if i want to sleep with Mayadeva Chinnamasita can i sang her dwadash naam strotam 21 times a day I can do even
1008 times day that but need ensurance from experienced, active guru like youself my dear sir.

Guru Shakti says:

Nov, 25th, 2014, 10:51 PM
greatkali, Mahavidya is like mother. You can do that. No harm.
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