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Internet is the biggest technological development in human history. The

existence of the internet allows us to simplity almost all the works. Internet was
created in 1962. JCR Licklider from MIT was the first to express this idea. However,
there is an opinion that is a good and bad about the existence of the internet.

People who believe in the influence of both the existence of internet say that
with the existence of internet we can more easily find a variety of information. For
example, internet gives the information about any job opening and about someone
or idol.
In addition internet allows us to transaction and bussines in the field of trade.
For example, we can sell and buy in online shop and then we can sell and promote
something on the internet. And internet allows us to find the learning materials. For
example, we can find subject matter thet has not been studied. And then we could
easily do school work.

On the other handm internet makes indonesian or we become addicted to

pornography. For example, indonesian youth already know what is sex, and also
indonesian people do more casual sex.

In addition, the internet make us consumtive. For example, a woman who has
hobby is shopping and than game online anaddict will spend lots of money to buy
internet packages.
From the short discussion above, we can conclude thet internet is divided into
two sides. Good and bad side. As a human being, we vertainly cannot escape away
from the internet. We need it. Therefore, there needs to be an oversight, especially
for teenagers to avoid the adverse effectts of the internet itself.

Nama kelompok :

1. Farah Annisa
2. Ikke fatekha
3. Mega Fazriatul. N
4. Ulin Nimah
5. Hilda Rizqiyah
6. Iman Darmawan
7. Khoirul Azmi
8. Neli Wahyuni
9. Sumiyati
Kelas : XII MIPA 2

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