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11/25/2017 MIMO Channel Capacity - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

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MIMO Channel Capacity 5.0

1 Rating
version 1.0 (1.33 KB) by Hussam 28 Downloads
The Capacity of a MIMO channel with nt transmit antenna and nr recieve antenna is Updated 01 Mar 2011
analyzed. View License

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Overview Functions

In this programe a highly scattered enviroment is considered. The Capacity of a MIMO channel with nt transmit antenna and nr recieve antenna
is analyzed.capacity of MIMO the result dependences Capacity (bit/s/Hz), and the SNR (dB), in this simulation we used the initial SNR = 2,
results of simulation for capacity of MIMO 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 systems

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Krishan Tiwari Hello

24 Feb 2017
i need to model MISO fixed LoS channels, is there any code for reference?

vivek mankotia
17 Oct 2012
sir please code de do

manchula hai sir,

26 Nov 2011 iam doing my project related to this .can i get help from you
to attain the max capacity and less SNR(db) BY USING 4*4 MIMO and the diversity

Jeyasangar Hi Sir,
Sangaralingam I am doing a project similar to this can i get some help form you.Details is that
20 Nov 2011 For SNR = 0:2:14dB, provide the simulated
BER vs. SNR(dB) for BPSK transmission using a 4 4 MIMO

Sherra no code attached!! a mistake?

8 Jun 2011

Bernhard Schmidt In your face, Shannon! B-)

9 Mar 2011

Communications System Toolbox

MATLAB Release
MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b)

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11/25/2017 MIMO Channel Capacity - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

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Untitled2.m %Shannon capacity
for i = 1:10
snr = snr +2;
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