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Q-Bandwidth Relations for the Design of Coupled Multi-Element Antennas

George Shaker * (1), Safieddin Safavi-Naeini (1), and Nagula Sangary (1,2)
(1) University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
(2) Research in Motion, Waterloo, ON, Canada
A number of interesting approaches for the design of coupled antennas are available [1, 2]. However,
with the increasing demand on more compact wireless devices and the urging need for faster design
cycles, it is desired to cast the design process in a well defmed procedure. This procedure should take
into account the governing physical limitations while simultaneously reducing the number of parametric
design trials. To this end, this work proposes a systematic approach for the realization of coupled multi-
element antennas. Such approach can be adopted easily using either an electromagnetic simulator, or
when building antennas on the bench. Not only does the presented analysis defme some useful upper
bounds on the achievable impedance bandwidth, but it also significantly accelerates the development
cycle and alleviates the need for an exhaustive set of parametric trials and optimization cycles.
One possible model for the coupled antennas follows the traditional coupled circuit analysis [3]. Using
such model (Fig. 1), it is possible to write the input impedance of two coupled antennas as:

where each antenna is represented by an RLC tank. The capacitance, inductance, and resistance are
related in this model such that C1,2 = Q01,2/( O101 ,2 Rl,2)' r.,2 = 1/{ O1;1,2 Cl,2) with 0101 ,2 = 1/~r.,2Cl,2 , and
Q01,2 defming the quality factor of the corresponding antenna. The concept of the admittance inverter,
J, is widely used in filter/coupled circuit design [3]. In principle, the values realized from the J
inverter model basically rely on the synthesized structure, and its frequency dependency. Nevertheless,
modeling using the J inverter brings valuable insight into the basic network behavior and limitations.
Afterwards, it is then a matter of searching for a physical
structure that can realize the required coupling. J
Additionally, when designing an antenna system, it is
desirable to realize the maximum possible bandwidth in a
given volume. Since bandwidth is inversely related to the ~
quality factor of the antenna [4, and references therein], R}
then one may intuitively argue that to realize the
maximum possible bandwidth, it is better to have both
radiators with the lowest possible Q. Hence, for Fig. 1. Coupled Antenna Model.
synchronized resonances, it is possible to write:


The reflection coefficient seen at the feed port is expressed as r(f)=(Zin(f)-Zo)/(Zin(f)+Zo).

This reflection coefficient is what commonly defmes the impedance bandwidth of an antenna. At the
band edge frequencies, fRLl and fRL2' the magnitude of the reflection coefficient r(f) should be equal
to the target return loss level RL (given a feed characteristic impedance of Zo), which is consequently
related to the VSWR level S by Ir(JRL1JI=(S-1)/(S+1)=RL. The impedance bandwidth is thus
given by BW = fRL2 - fRLl . For identical antennas, the fractional bandwidth relative to the synchronized
resonance frequency is given by FBW =(fRL2 - fRL1)/ to .

978-1-4244-3647-7/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE

Maximizing the Bandwidth
The maximum possible impedance bandwidth using two coupled identical antennas, without any
matching elements, can be quantified using (2) through some algebraic manipulations.
Defming X = f RLl,2 / fo - fo / f RLl,2 , D = J2 ~ , and K = Zo / R1 , then it is possible to write:

( I-ZoD-K +K(QoX)
+(QoX -2KQoX)
= RL2
( I+Z oD+K -K(QoX) +(QoX +2KQoX) 2

Thus, expanding (3), and observing that Ir(fo )1 = RL, the bandwidth can be written as:
BW = fRL2 - fRLI = ~S(3KS2 -4K S -S +K) /(SKfJol 10) (4)
In most practical cases, it is desirable to realize the maximum possible bandwidth given a fixed volume,
and a given antenna Q. This can be deduced by differentiating (4) with respect to K (for a given antenna
Q and required VSWR). Thus, the maximum achievable bandwidth, its corresponding input resistance for
the fITst antenna, and the associated required coupling, are given as:


By generalizing the presented analysis, it is possible to study the bandwidth limits associated with any
number of coupled antennas. Extending the aforementioned manipulations for N-identical coupled
radiators, the resulting maximum achievable bandwidth can be written as:

BWmax = 1 I ( Il[(1+8(n-I))S2
-IJ J~ (6)
2SQo 10 n=l

Fano Limits Revisited

Lopez [5] and Hansen [6] studied the Fano limits [7] on broadband matching assuming ideal matching
elements. In reality, these elements suffer from their associated losses, resulting in degraded system
efficiency. Here, Table I reproduces portions of Table 1 of [5], with the addition of the results produced
in this work.
Impedance Matching Circuit QFBW QFBW QFBW
S=2 S=3

Single-Tuned mid-band match (S-I)/JS 0.707 1.155

Double-Tuned Matching (Lopez-Fano, n = 2) 1.732 2.828

Two Coupled Antennas (This work, n = 2 )
~( S2 -1)( 9S 2 -I) j( 2S) 2.562 4.216

Infinite-Tuned Matching (Fano-Bode, n = 00 ) K/ln[(S + 1)/(S -1)J 2.860 4.532

Three Coupled Antennas (This work, n = 3 ) 1 4.790 7.665

2S1(g[(1 +8(n-l))S2 -IJ )3

Theoretically, Fano limits represent the maximum achievable bandwidth if an infmite number of lossless
matching elements are used. Nevertheless, this limit can be overcome if the matching network is a lossy
one. Unfortunately, this increase comes at the expense of degraded system efficiency; due to the feeding
losses. However, in the coupled antenna scenario, where no matching networks are used, some of the
antennas play the role of a lossy matching network. With no metallic or dielectric losses, the antenna loss
is the desired radiation. With a very small number of coupled antennas, one can thus overcome the Fano
limits on impedance bandwidth while simultaneously maintaining high system efficiency.
Design Steps
Having outlined some of the key formulation steps utilizing the proposed coupled antenna model, the
design procedure can be summarized as follows. (For clarity, the two-coupled antenna scenario is
considered. Extension to N-coupled antennas is a straightforward procedure)
1. Specify the required band edge frequencies f RLI and f RL2 (BW = f RL2 - f RLI ), along with specifying
the required VSWR level 8. The corresponding resonance centre frequency is thus given
by to = ~fRLlfRL2 .
2. The fITst antenna (connected to the feeding line) should be designed to resonate at to, with a quality
factor of Qo =~( 8 2
-1)(98 -1) /(28 (BW/ to)) . The reflective group delay technique for extracting

the quality factor [8] should simplify this design task.

. 38 2 +1
3. The feedmg probe connected to the fITst antenna should be located such that R1 = - - Z o at to.
4. Now the second antenna is added. A good initial design is to use identical dimensions as of the first
antenna. The required coupling is then defmed from: D = f ~ =[8 (38 2
-1 ) J/[ZO (38 + 1)J.

One should note that when adding the second antenna, whether aside or above the fITst antenna, there
will be mutual loading effects between the two antennas. Depending on the design topology, this may
result in a shift in the apparent resonance frequency, the apparent quality factor, and the actual input
resistance of each of the antennas. In this work, the concept of "Golden Response" is proposed to
facilitate the design procedure. This means that once the second antenna loads the fITst one, the
resistance and the Q plots inform us of how the frequency, quality factor, and resistance have changed.
This guides the designer to adjust the antennas to match the Golden (ideal) Response, in a fast manner.
The proposed design route is to:
5. Use the "Frequency Golden Response" to synchronize the antenna frequencies to the desired value.
The locations of the response maxima corresponding to the maximum realizable bandwidth are
related to the desired centre frequency through their geometric mean, with the maxima equal in
magnitude. So, one can easily determine which antenna needs adjustment of its centre frequency.
6. Use the "Quality Factor Golden Response" to tune the Q of each of the de-tuned antennas to the
required value.
7. Use the "Resistance Golden Response" to tune the resistance of the fITst antenna to its desired value.
For probe fed antennas, the values of the plot maxima depend on the location of the feeding probe.
So, the probe should be placed at the location where the maxima of the input resistance are equal to
the analytically calculated value. From (5), one can observe that to match the multi-element antenna
system to 50n , the input resistance of the first element should be quite larger.
8. Use the "Coupling Golden Response" to adjust the relative location of the antennas. The coupling
value determines the absolute location of the plot maxima. So, such coefficient should be physically
realized to achieve maxima at the analytically calculated locations of the peaks of the input
resistance response.
It is emphasized that in practical designs, steps 5-8 are implemented in an iterative manner. Nevertheless,
this design routine in the aforementioned order should yield a very fast converging design cycle. Figs. 2
and 3 show sample Golden Responses along with a number of de-tuned scenarios for illustration.
The proposed design procedure has been utilized in the design of a number of coupled antennas. Fig. 4
shows two sample designs. The fITst one demonstrates a coupled three-element antenna design, where
two patch elements are placed aside on a 62.0 mil FR4 substrate backed by a ground plane, with the third
patch placed on top of an additional 62.0 mil FR4. This tri-antenna system occupies a volume of
45.0xI6.0x3.14 mm. A simple calculation shows that the resulting impedance bandwidth is much larger
than that resulting when placing a simple large patch antenna occupying the same volume. Following the
presented design procedure, the second design in Fig. 4 shows the resulting reflection coefficient at the
input port of a 3D antenna covering 1.7-2.1GHz with VSWR=3, while occupying a volume of
32.0X22.0X3.0 mm. Details about the designs, measurements, the resulting patterns, gain values, and
comparisons with simple non-coupled antennas will be discussed at the symposium. It is emphasized that
this work is extremely useful in antenna design for compact wireless devices where impedance
bandwidth and efficiency requirements, rather than directivity, govern the system specifications.
200 2 5 r - - - , . . . - - - - r - - . . . . . - - - - , - - , . . . - r - - - - - - -....
180 R~ -.-F01 =1.8. F02=2.0 --001=16002=25
160 ~ ~ F01 =2.0. F02=1.8 20 a 001=25002=16


140 ~ \ F01 =1.8894. F02=1.8894 001=19.9165,02=19.9165

e 120 15
~100 ~ ~ ~
~.580 : %

1.2 1.4 1.8 2 2.2 2.6 2.8 01 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2,2 2,4 2.6 2.8
~~~ ~~~
Fig. 2. (Left) Frequency Golden Response. (Right) Q-Golden Response. Also shown two de-tuned cases.
160 140

140 120
E E 80
~ 80 Q.
~- ~s. 60

20 20

1.2 2,6 2.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Freq [GH]

Fig. 3. (Left) Input Resistance Golden Response. (Right) Coupling Golden Response. Also shown 2 de-tuned cases.

---Ideal Circuit + probe model

..... _.- Circuit adjusted for probe effect
-- EM response

1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
~~~ ~~~~
Fig. 4. (Left) A Tri-coupled antenna design. (Right) A two-coupled antenna design on a typical cell phone board.

This work was supported by NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship and NSERC-RIM Industrial Research Chair
Program. Various EM simulations were made possible by university licenses ofHFSS, CST, and SEMCAD.
[1] J. Anguera, C. Puente, and C. Borja, "A Procedure to Design Stacked Microstrip Patch Antennas Based on A
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[2] J. Ollikainen and P. Vainikainen, "Design and bandwidth optimization of dual-resonant patch antennas,"
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[3] G. Matthaei, E. Jones, and L. Young, Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks, and Coupling
Structures, Artech House, 1980.
[4] A. D. Yaghjian and S. R. Best, "Impedance, bandwidth, and Q of antennas," IEEE Trans. on Ant. and Prop.,
vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1298 - 1324, Apr. 2005.
[5] A.R. Lopez, "Wheeler and Fano Impedance Matching," IEEE Ant. and Prop. Mag., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 116-
119, Aug. 2007
[6] R. C. Hansen, "Fano limits on matching bandwidth," IEEE Ant. and Prop. Mag., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 89 - 90,
Jun. 2005.
[7] R. M. Fano, "Theoretical limitations on the broadband matching of arbitrary impedances," J. Franklin Inst.,
vol. 249, no. 1-2, pp. 57-83 and pp. 139-154, Jan.-Feb. 1950.
[8] G. Shaker, S. Safavi-Naeini, G. Raft, and N. Sangary, "On the Fundamental Q-Bandwidth Relations for
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