Patrick Iverson Copy of Homeless Sweeps Argument Packet 1

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Lesson 1: Argumentative Writing

Do Now: Have you ever heard two people disagree on a topic, and you think they both had good points?
What was the topic? What good points did they have?

Yesterday for advisory we had an argument about if some kid should get expeled

Learning Targets

I CAN read, understand, and analyze an argument by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the
argument to determine whether or not it is effective.
Overarching Standard:
W7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

(See page for complete rubric)

Rubric: ___4 ___3 ___2 ___1

#1: Beauty Pageants Should Die

Courtney E. Martin is the author of "Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters" and "Do It Anyway: The New Generation of
Activists." SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

Beauty pageants should go the way of the corset. Theyre outdated and restrictive and perpetuate a damaging
link between real world success and a womans capacity to cultivate a very specific, stereotypical definition of

Lets face it: the most beautiful women youve ever encountered would be total losers in a traditional pageant.
Thats because authentic, messy, transcendent beauty cant be scored. It isnt tamed, plucked, planned,
premeditated or rehearsed. And people like Donald Trump, who owns the Miss USA pageant, are clearly not
the purveyors of it.

Real beauty is about resilience: girls and women who have been through something and come out the other
side with an idiosyncratic scar or a hard-earned wrinkle, like the first lines of a powerful story. If there were a
pageant where girls were asked, When did you really get lost and how did you find your way back to
yourself? well, then I might go in for that.

Im not sure those kinds of questions, that kind of beauty, would be a great fit for lucrative corporate
sponsorships. And this is one more reason that pageants should die. They are essentially moneymaking
machines fueled by female insecurity and submission.

Ive heard the argument that they can be great sources of scholarship money for low-income women, but Id
rather live in a world where those same girls dont have to learn how to walk in high heels to afford college.
Ive also heard the argument that the pageant experience builds confidence and community among the
participants; so does "nerding out" on the debate team or flashing across a lacrosse field. (And you still get to
wear a skirt, if thats your thing.) The bottom line is that beauty is an organic process, not a contest. Women
deserve and know better.

#2: Feminists Can Wear Crowns

Nancy Redd is a host at HuffPost Live, The Huffington Posts streaming network. She was crowned Miss
Virginia 2003, won swimsuit and placed in the top 10 at Miss America 2004. She is the author of " Body
Drama" and "Diet Drama."
UPDATED SEPTEMBER 13, 2013, 12:27 PM

My dear professor Diane Rosenfeld coached me over the telephone right before I appeared on "Good
Morning America" to defend my participation in the Miss America pageant after graduating from Harvard
with a degree in womens studies. With each television and print interview, I was better able to articulate
my desire to use the power of the crown to reach young women for whom the trickle down of parental
politics meant that without even giving it a chance, feminism was a dirty word, a suspect philosophy
lambasted at the dinner table, sometimes in the pulpit and even at school.

Being affiliated with the Miss America brand gave me an incredible opportunity to offer youth a different
perspective on life from a persona that they admired and respected. In the same way folks might buy
Coca-Cola because its an official sponsor of American Idol, I believed that a large contingency of young
women might be open to exploring feminism cause Miss Virginia said so.

A month or so into my year as Miss Virginia, I was stopped by a teenage girl after a speech at a school
in the heart of red Virginia. She hugged me and exclaimed, Im totally going to Harvard, and Im
majoring in womens studies, and Im gonna be a feminist, so that I can be Miss Virginia one day, too!"
This young girl was far from the only person who told me that I gave them an entirely different way of
seeing life, of having dreams and aspirations beyond limited expectations (both self-imposed and
projected). But the best stories are the ones that I never hear, or if I do it is by sheer happenstance.

Imagine my pleasant surprise seven years after giving up my crown to read in a newspaper that a girl who
attended one of my Miss Virginia school auditorium speeches considered meeting me a turning point in
her life. I had never known her. I probably gave her a quick hug and maybe an autograph when she was
13. I never saw or spoke to her again, but yet she told the press that she had an epiphany as I spoke and
that she was tired of being sad and upset and began to recognize the control people had over me. So
what did Caressa Cameron decide to do? She competed for and earned the title of Miss America herself,
going on to become a global ambassador in the fight against AIDS and an inspiration to others as I had
been to her.

This is the cycle perpetuated by the Miss America Organization. I cant speak for other pageant systems,
but I can say that, when I was 22, the Miss America Organization gave me a powerful, if unusual,
platform to share my hopes for the future of young women and to be myself: an African-American,
pro-choice, pry-my-mascara-out-of-my-cold-dead-hands, proud Southerner. And a feminist.

Analyzing Arguments: Which Side is Stronger?

Directions: Answer the questions below using the two articles.

Article #1: CON Article #2: PRO

Beauty Pageants Should Die Feminists Can Wear Crowns

1. She thinks that a Beauty Pageants She uses it as a way two power women
What is this Should Die she says it's wrong and that
authors people get scholarships for looking good
Summarize it in
3 sentences.

2. Women should not compete in She believes pageants are

What are the beauty empowering
CENTRAL beauty cant be scored. It isnt She is an example
IDEAS of this tamed, plucked, planned,
article? premeditated or rehearsed
(List at least 2
bullet points
are okay)

3. Why do She probably does not have the She has gone through pageants herself
you think she best looks and believes it is unfair
has that because just the way you are
opinion? born
(Think about who
she is and what
her job is!)

4. What She states that women should not She says it can be empowering
EVIDENCE compete in beauty. She sets an example
(facts) or Women deserve and know better
does she use
to prove her

5. EVALUATE It's pretty strong but it not good evidence It's kinda strong it's that she uses lots of
this argument. But i t's emotionally correct. She should true storys
In your find m ore non opinion subjects.
opinion, what
is strong
about her

6. EVALUATE She should have less opinions and more It's pretty weak though because she did
this argument. facts. S
he did a good job about the not do a counterclaim
In your emotions
opinion, what
is weak,
and/or what
would make
her argument

7. If this were i believe the first one is a better article because it has emotional side strong and
a real-life some evidence and a counterclaim overall the first one is better.
debate, who
would win in
your opinion,
and why?
(Make sure you
are as specific as
possible in your

Exit Ticket: At the moment, do you agree or disagree with the authors opinion of B
eauty Pageants
Should Die?

Lesson 2: Argumentative Writing

Do Now: Explain this quote: It is not a character flaw if I dont agree with you, and respecting my opinion
does not take away from yours.

This means just because you disagree you can still be friends

Learning Target: I can effectively participate in a controversial debate.

Key Words:

Pro - Opening Arguments (5 min.)
Con - Opening Arguments (5 min.)
Pro - Rebuttal (4 min.)
Con - Rebuttal (4 min.)
Judge - Questioning both sides (5 min. total)
Judges Decision (two minutes to discuss, majority rule)

Controversial Debate Rubric

4 3 2 1

Participate Student contributes to Student actively Student somewhat Student does not
the topic and focus of participates in a or inconsistently yet appropriately
the discussion, whole class contributes to a contribute to a
involving or discussion. whole class whole class
redirecting others as discussion. discussion.

Evaluate Student can describe Student can Student can Student does not
the qualities of an describe the somewhat identify yet identify and/or
effective debate and qualities of an and/or describe describe the
evaluate a discussion effective debate. the qualities of an qualities of an
with that criteria. effective debate. effective debate.

Your notes: such as opening arguments, rebuttal ideas, or questions (judges)

Reflection on the overall controversial debate Scale of 1 - 5 (5 is best)


1. Did the class (all roles) do a good job of being polite to everyone? 1 2 3 4 5

2. Did YOUR group do a good job of listening to each other? 1 2 3 4 5

3. Did YOUR group do a good job of involving everyone? 1 2 3 4 5

4. Did YOUR group do a good job of using evidence for your side? 1 2 3 4 5

5. How did your group do well?

Used evidence properly
6. How could your group have done better?

7. What rules do you think all debaters should follow?

Not talking wile anyone elce is

8. Vote: Which side do you actually think won? Why?

My side/ con we had the best evidence by a long shot

Exit Ticket: Personal Participation:

1. How much did you participate?

2. What did you do well today? What could you do differently next time?
i think i did every thing good today

3. Did you agree with the side of the debate you were on? Why or why not? Did that impact your success
in the whole-class debate? i do agree it is unfair.

4. Did you enjoy the activity? Why or why not?

i did

5. What are other controversial topics would be interesting to discuss and debate?
i got nothin

Lesson 3: Argumentative Writing

Should Gov. Ige support policy that forcefully removes people who are homeless from public areas?

Do Now: There is a major issue with homelessness in Hawaii. What do you think might be a possible
solution to the problem?

Give them proper education so they don't drop out in 2nd grade most of them dropped out of school it is
their own fault.

Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two different point of views on the same topic.

As you watch the videos & read the articles on homelessness in Hawaii, take detailed notes on these charts

No Room in Paradise (Documentary) Hawaii struggles to deal with rising rate of

homelessness (Article)

List 5 Points against the governor's action to move List 5 Points supporting the governor's action to
the homeless. move the homeless.

1. No where to live 1.

2. Trying to shut down places then they can't go 2.


3. Some people like the way they live 3.

4. Taking peoples stuff is wrong 4.

5. This is somewhat cultural 5.

While you read the article below, annotate by underlining important facts and circling key words.

Hawaii struggles to deal with rising rate of homelessness

Homelessness in Hawaii has grown in recent years, leaving the state with 487 homeless per
100,000 people, the nation's highest rate per capita, followed by New York and Nevada, according to
federal statistics.
Officials have tried to solve the problem. They've offered homeless services, banned sitting and lying
on Waikiki's sidewalks and proposed using shipping containers as temporary housing.
Gov. David Ige's declaration of a state of emergency on homelessness in October 2015 underscored
the depth of the crisis:
While there are shelters and programs to help the homeless, there are far fewer empty beds than are
about 550 on any given night on Oahu, where an estimated 4,900 of the 7,620 homeless people live,
according to service providers.
The state needs 27,000 affordable rental units by 2020, but lawmakers set aside enough money for 800
units this year. Maintaining the existing public housing could cost $800 million over the next decade,
according to state estimates.
Statewide, 10,000 people wait five years or more to get into state-run public housing, and the waiting list
for Section 8 rent assistance in private housing was so long, they closed the list for about a decade.
The state's population of unsheltered families ballooned 46% from 2014 to 2015, said Scott Morishige,
state coordinator on homelessness. He said changes in public housing policy and mental health services
contributed to the rise. A survey by service providers in August of Kaneso's encampment found that 42% of
the nearly 300 people were there with families. Kaneso is among the many Micronesians who moved to
Hawaii in recent years as part of an agreement their nations have with the U.S. government allowing them
to work and live in the country. They come for medical care, education and job opportunities.

The city tried to create a temporary safe zone in 2006 where the homeless could camp legally, but
complaints ensued, so it ended up closing the park every night because of violent incidents and drug
arrests. Many of the homeless moved into hotel garages and walkways near Waikiki Beach.
Then the city banned sitting and lying down on sidewalks, a move backed by the Hyatt Regency,
Hilton Worldwide and other major resorts, which generate much of Waikiki's $6.8 billion in annual tourism
revenue, nearly half of all visitor spending in Hawaii. T
he hotels said they were losing business because
tourist didnt feel safe because of the large numbers of homeless people asking tourist for money, behaving
strangely, and causing disturbances. The hotels saw fewer homeless people, who then moved into other
neighborhoods, prompting more complaints. Most of Oahus revenue comes from tourism.
"People cannot camp and take over parts of our city and state property that has been built and
designed for everyone, not one specific group," said Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell, after a group meeting on
homelessness in September. "It's not safe."
Honolulu spends $15,000 a week to sweep away the camps.

Exit Ticket: At the moment, what is your opinion? Should Gov. Ige forcefully remove homeless from the

Lesson 4: Argumentative Writing

Should Gov. Ige support policy that forcefully removes people who are homeless from public areas?

Do Now: What does this quote mean to you: It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle
a question without debating it -Joseph Joubert

This means to it's better to listen to someone else's opinion because you may be wrong

Learning Target: I can use evidence to draft my side of the argument.

Controversial Debate Partners: With your partner, fill in the chart with the appropriate information.

Topic: Homeless Sweeps

Question: Should homeless sweeps continue in Hawaii?

Who is on the PRO side? Who is on the CON side?

Me max

Write your one-sentence THESIS STATEMENT below. Write your one-sentence THESIS STATEMENT below.

The homeless people in hawaii are costing us lot of


By signing below, I promise that I am fine with this topic, By signing below, I promise that I am fine with this topic,
which side I am on, and my partner. which side I am on, and my partner.

(Your Signature) (Your Partners Signature)


Cite your sources

In-text Citations and Parenthetical Citations


(Hawaii Struggles to Deal with the Rising Rate of Homelessness, 2016)

(No Room Paradise, 2016)

Works Cited
Hawaii Struggles to Deal with the Rising Rate of Homelessness, Los Angeles Times, 2016.
No Room in Paradise. Green Island Films. 2016.

Write your argument draft here: (Note: You ONLY write about your side.)
Draft YOUR side of the argument. Your partner and you are on opposite sides. You will have completely
different arguments: Like a good lawyer, you will design a clear and reasonable argument.

Introduction: (Hook, overview, thesis (Claim + 2 reasons why (reasons A and B) )

Did you know that homelessness in hawaii is costing the government millions or dollars every year/
15,000 dollars a week? And did you know that it is lowering amounts or tourists and uses or hotels
because it scares people?

Reason A Body Paragraph (Claim, evidence, explanation)

One reason is that the homeless makes us spend a lot money. I know this because in the text it
states. "It's not safe."Honolulu spends $15,000 a week to sweep away the camps...Maintaining the
existing public housing could cost $800 million over the next decade,according to state estimates. and
this money is just going to keep increasing by greater amounts every time. This will make us lose so
much money.

Source:Hawaii struggles to deal with rising rate of homelessness

Reason B Body Paragraph (Claim, evidence, explanation)

Another reason the homeless sweeps are good is because without it it scares tourists in the text it says
The hotels said they were losing business because tourist didnt feel safe because of the large numbers
of homeless people asking tourist for money, behaving strangely, and causing disturbances. this is bad
because if people don't like it here less prophet will be made from tourists.

Source: Hawaii struggles to deal with rising rate of homelessness

Exit Ticket: What do you think your partner would say against your argument?

Lesson 5: Argumentative Writing

Should Gov. Ige support policy that forcefully removes people who are homeless from public areas?

Do Now: As a prefix, counter means against. With this knowledge, what do you think a counterclaim is?

A counterclaim is a claim against theirs and countering it.

Learning Target:
I can define and explain a counterclaim.
I can write a counterclaim.

What is a counterclaim?
A statement or argument that is opposite, or is directly against, your opinion/argument.
Claim: Girl Scout cookies are the best type of cookie.
Counterclaim: Oreos are superior to all other cookies.

Claim: Global warming is caused by natural cycles in the earth.

Counterclaim: Global warming is actually caused by humans, not just by earth cycles alone.

What is a rebuttal/Counterclaim?
A rebuttal is the evidence/proof as to why you are still RIGHT, despite the other guys claim.

The counterclaim is your _________ when someone makes an argument against you.
My claim: Barnes and Noble is the best bookseller in the United States.
Counterclaim: Some people say that Amazon is cheaper and ships items faster, and is therefore better.
My rebuttal: However, the fact that BN has successful stores AND online sales proves that it is superior to an
internet-only bookseller.

Hey look! We just made a formula! Lets call it a cookie!

The Counterclaim Cookie:
= State the counterclaim(your opposition)
= Refute it (prove why theyre wrong)
= Give your evidence of why youre right

Bake the cookie: Fill in the missing words

burnt Insult the opposition and Some students believe that it is unfair to be
the audience during the forced to wear uniforms, but theyre being
process. immature. S chool is for learning, not fashion
shows, and anyone who is that worried about
an outfit has serious issues.

Golden brown State your side, a Uniforms are critical to learning. Some
Perfect! counterclaim, refute it, students believe it is unfair for the administration
and give sufficient to require uniforms because it stifles their
evidence to prove why creativity and personal expression. However, the
youre right. true purpose of school is to learn, and
uniforms have been statistically shown to
improve the learning environment.

Still gooey State a counterclaim and Some students believe that it is unfair for the
(almost) state that you disagree. administration to require uniforms, but the school
has good reasons.

Undercooked Only state a Some people believe that it is unfair to make

(bad) counterclaim, and fail to students wear uniforms, and they have a point.
_________ it.

Writing your Counterclaim

Debaters dont just research random facts to prepare; they also try to p redict what their opponent will say
so that they can be ready for anything! If you can anticipate their moves, you will have a better chance of

Your job is now to identify 2 things that your opponent/ partner might try to say against you. Once you
choose five, then you should write out what your comeback (rebuttal) would be to that specific

This is paragraph four of your argument:

1.Counterclaim: you can't just take away people's stuff homeless people have rights to

Rebuttal: i can see why you think that sweeping the homeless is wrong but it cost millions
every year.

Source: Hawaii struggles to deal with rising rate of homelessness

2.Counterclaim: without sweeps the government will keep losing millions every year and that
number increases as time goes.

Rebuttal: some people think that they can just stop their current life and create a new one
they can not do that this is the life they want

Source: No room in paradise


Developing Questions for the Socratic Seminar

Level 1 Why do you think homeless sweeps are bad
Do you think that millions of dollars every year is worth the easy transition
because they can easily do it

Level 2 and 3 Why can't they just go into a sanctuary like in the big island
What will you do with the mentally ill

Level 3 and 4: What do you think the sweeps will do that would impact on hawaii positively
and negatively

What would you do to solve the homeless problem problem

Why is it important to ask good questions?

Because the more deep they are the more info and the fact that they might not be able to answer that

Exit Ticket: Whats a counterclaim?

A staitment two deny their claim

Lesson 6: Argumentative Writing

Should Gov. Ige support policy that forcefully removes people who are homeless from public areas?

Do Now: Why is it important to be respectful during a Socratic Seminar?

Because if you aren't it will be mean and rude

Learning Target:
I can participate in a Socratic Seminar.

Outside Circle
Your Name: patrick

Partners Name: max

Directions: Each time your partner does one of the following things you should place a check in a box.

Participates in the Discussion


Makes Eye Contact with Other Speakers while Speaking


Refers to the Text and/or Gives Specific Evidence (Quotes)


Uses Appropriate Transitions When Responding to Another Speaker


Distracts from Conversation (by talking, not paying attention, slouching in seat)

Notes:i would take away the fact that we could by them tickets two mainland where things are more

Debate Reflection
4 3 2 1

Participate Student contributes to Student actively Student somewhat Student does not
the topic and focus of participates in a or inconsistently yet appropriately
the discussion, whole class contributes to a contribute to a
involving or discussion. whole class whole class
redirecting others as discussion. discussion.

Evaluate Student can describe Student can Student can Student does not
the qualities of an describe the somewhat identify yet identify and/or
effective debate and qualities of an and/or describe describe the
evaluate a discussion effective debate. the qualities of an qualities of an
with that criteria. effective debate. effective debate.

Reflection on the overall controversial debate Scale of 1 - 5 (5 is best)

1. Did the class (all roles) do a good job of being polite to everyone? 1 2 3 4 5

2. Did YOUR group do a good job of listening to each other? 1 2 3 4 5

3. Did YOUR group do a good job of involving everyone? 1 2 3 4 5

4. Did YOUR group do a good job of using evidence for your side? 1 2 3 4 5

5. How did your group do well?

We included evidence
6. How could your group have done better?
Having more people's talk
7. What rules do you think all debaters should follow?
Everyone should talk

8. Vote: Which side do you actually think won? Why?

My side on my argument section

Exit Ticket: Personal Participation:

1. How much did you participate?

2. What did you do well today? What could you do differently next time?
i did everything awesome

3. Did you agree with the side of the debate you were on? Why or why not? Did that impact your success
in the whole-class debate? i did this did not help me through but i would have whooped them anyway

4. Did you enjoy the activity? Why or why not?

i did but some people were using raw evidence and untrue facts like n
evia when she said we were just
going to put them on the seats in the main land and they would freeze to death no we would not do that
we would give them housing and they would not freeze their is something called a jacket i don't know
what she was thinking

5. What are other controversial topics would be interesting to discuss and debate?
She money being spent

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