Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation

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Advances in Stroke

Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation 2010

Richard Zorowitz, MD; Michael Brainin, MD, FESO, FAHA

AbstractDiscoveries in the past year have impacted the understanding of brain recovery and there is more of a need than
ever for a foothold in recovery and rehabilitation This review reports on translational efforts, new (and old) potential
drugs, various approaches to neurorehabilitation, and brain imaging that demonstrate reorganization in the human brain
during stroke rehabilitation. (Stroke. 2011;42:294-297.)
Key Words: brain recovery imaging outcomes quality of life rehabilitation stem cells stroke recovery

O ver the past 15 years, the focus of stroke medical

advances and healthcare resources has been on acute
and subacute recovery phases, which has resulted in substan-
BDNF after temporary occlusion of the right middle cerebral
artery did not reduce infarct volume significantly, but in-
creased the number of activated and phagocytotic microglia,
tial health disparities in later phases of stroke care. More suppressed tumor necrosis factor- and mRNA expression,
recently, the field of brain recovery has seen a plethora of increased interleukin-10 and mRNA expression, and in-
basic, translational, and applied experiments that deserve to creased DNA-binding activity of nuclear factor- B. Overall,
be discussed, reviewed, and evaluated for further research. intranasal BDNF might protect the brain against ischemic
Unfortunately, this report can highlight only examples from insult by modulating local inflammation through regulation
the last year that appear most relevant to the authors and hold of the levels of cellular, cytokine, and transcription factor in
promise for clinical relevance. Translational research allows experimental stroke.
basic scientists to provide clinicians with new tools for use in To deliver BDNF to the brain, Lee and associates devel-
patients and for assessment of their impact at the same time oped genetically modified human neural stem cells that
as clinical researchers make novel observations about the overexpress in a mouse stroke model.3 After inducing intra-
nature and progression of disease that often stimulate basic cerebral hemorrhage in adult rats, a human neural stem cell
investigations.1 Pharmacotherapy allows researchers to use line that produces 6-fold higher amounts of BDNF was
already available drugs and develop new medications that can transplanted into the brains. The stem cells differentiated and
protect the brain from damage and facilitate and enhance renewed angiogenesis of host brain and functional recovery
recovery. Approaches to rehabilitation allow researchers to in the animals, thereby suggesting that these cell lines could
develop new methods of facilitating recovery, enhancing be of great value as a cellular source for experimental studies
compensatory strategies, and comparing techniques in the involving cellular therapy for human neurological disorders.
quest to determine the most effective and efficient means of
rehabilitation. Finally, to better understand the mechanisms The Search for Potential New (and Not so
of neuroplasticity, research is using imaging and neurophys- New) Drugs
iological techniques to document the reorganization of the Drugs also have been shown to facilitate brain recovery in
brain that accompanies functional improvement. The pur- animal models. Ding and associates4 used T2-, diffusion-
pose of this review is to describe some of the additions to the weighted, and susceptibility-weighted MRI imaging to ex-
literature that contributed to the ever growing knowledge plore whether erythropoietin (EPO) initiated at 24 hours and
base of neurorehabilitation of stroke. administered daily for 7 days after an embolic stroke assists
in repairing ischemic cerebral tissue. In a randomized trial of
Translational Research: Bench to Bedside 22 adult Wistar rats given either treatment or control after
and Back occlusion of the middle cerebral artery occlusion, they found
Because inflammation plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of that expansion of the ipsilateral ventricle was significantly
ischemic stroke, researchers felt that brain-derived neurotro- reduced in the EPO-treated rats. The volume ratio of ipsilat-
phic factor (BDNF) may protect brain tissues from ischemic eral parenchymal tissue relative to the contralateral hemi-
injury. In 1 study, intranasal BDNF was given to rats to sphere was significantly increased after EPO treatment com-
protect the brain from ischemic insult.2 Rats given intranasal pared with control animals, indicating that EPO significantly

Received December 3, 2010; accepted December 7, 2010.

From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (R.Z.), The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Prevention
(M.B.), Danube University, Krems, Austria.
Correspondence to Michael Brainin, MD, FESO, FAHA, Danube University and Danube Clinic, Department Chairman and Director, Department of
Neurology, Karl Dorrekstrasse 30, Krems, Austria 3500. E-mail
2011 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.605063

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Zorowitz and Brainin Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation 295

reduces atrophy of the ipsilateral hemisphere. Angiogenesis apy earlier demonstrated significant improvement than those
and white matter remodeling were significantly increased and in the delayed constrain-induced movement therapy group.
occurred earlier in EPO-treated animals than in the controls However, 24 months after enrollment, there were no statisti-
as noted on T2- and diffusion-weighted images, respectively. cally significant differences between groups.
In a Phase IIa study, Cramer and associates5 gave 15 patients More research was completed to determine the efficacy of
24 to 48 hours postischemic infarct with National Institutes of treadmill training with body weight support. The MOBILISE
Health Stroke Scale scores from 6 to 24 after a 9-day course trial10 randomized 126 stroke survivors who were unable to
of -human chorionic gonadotropin on Days 1, 3, and 5 walk into an experimental group who received up to 30
followed by EPO on Days 7, 8, and 9. No safety concerns minutes per day of treadmill walking with body weight
were noted among clinical or laboratory measures, including support and a control group who received up to 30 minutes of
screening for deep vein thrombosis and serial measures of overground walking. Six months after the training, more of
serum hemoglobin. the experimental group was independent in ambulation and
As we have seen over many years, other medications have was discharged home after rehabilitation. However, the re-
not been effective. OCollins and colleagues6 chose magne- sults were not statistically significant (P0.13).
sium sulfate, melatonin, and minocycline from a library of The role of electric stimulation also continued to be
neuroprotective agents, and these were tested in a more pursued. Hsu and associates11 studied 66 stroke survivors
realistic model favored by the Stroke Therapy Academic with severe motor deficit randomized to receive 0, 30, or 60
Industry Roundtable. Despite the animal model, this combi- minutes of upper extremity neuromuscular electric stimula-
nation of medications was not an effective neuroprotectant tion daily for 4 weeks. In this case, both groups receiving
when infarct volume, neurological score, and 2 newly devel- neuromuscular electric stimulation demonstrated similar im-
oped scales measuring general health and physiological provements as measured by the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assess-
homeostasis were measured. ment and Action Research Arm Test scales.
The role of transcranial magnetic stimulation also received
Brain Imaging and Neuroplasticity: Just attention in 2010. Lindenberg and colleagues12 randomized
Picture This 20 stroke survivors to receive 5 consecutive sessions of
New imaging techniques continue to be developed and experimental or sham bihemispheric transcranial direct cur-
applied to the detection and staging of white matter reorga- rent stimulation with simultaneous physical/occupational
nization after brain injury with and without neurorestorative therapy. Motor function was significantly greater in the
treatment. Jiang and colleagues7 demonstrated how variations experimental group and outlasted the stimulation by at least 1
of diffusion tensor MRI methodology could detect white week. The improvement was correlated with stronger activa-
matter remodeling after brain injury. In addition, Q-space tion of intact ipsilesional motor regions during paced move-
diffusion tensor MRI, an emerging diffusion-weighted imag- ments of the affected limb.
ing technique that identifies the molecular diffusion proba- Another study of M1 theta burst stimulation (TBS) was
bility density function without the need to assume a Gaussian completed by Ackerley and colleagues.13 Ten patients with
distribution, can detect early-stage axonal remodeling involv- chronic subcortical stroke involving the upper limb received
ing randomly oriented crossing axons. intermittent TBS of the ipsilesional M1, continuous TBS of
Imaging also continues to be used in conjunction with the contralesional M1, and sham TBS in separate sessions in
rehabilitation interventions to demonstrate the efficacy of the conjunction with standardized training of a precision grip
activity. Enzinger and colleagues8 used functional MRI lon- task. Training with real TBS improved paretic-hand griplift
gitudinally to relate brain activity changes with performance kinetics, whereas training with sham TBS resulted in deteri-
gains of the lower limb after 4 weeks of treadmill training oration of griplift. Ipsilesional M1 excitability increased
with partial body weight support. Their study in 18 chronic after intermittent TBS of the ipsilesional M1 but decreased
patients (mean age, 59.913.5 years) demonstrated not only after continuous TBS of the contralesional M1, resulting in
that walking endurance improved after training, but also deterioration of the Action Research Arm Test. They con-
greater walking endurance was correlated with increased cluded the contralesional hemisphere may play a pivotal role
brain activity in the bilateral primary sensorimotor cortices, in recovery after stroke.
the cingulate motor areas, and the caudate nuclei bilaterally Robotics continues to be an area of focus in stroke
and in the thalamus of the affected hemisphere. rehabilitation. In a randomized study evaluating stroke sur-
vivors with long-term upper-limb impairments, Lo and asso-
New and Expanding Therapeutic Approaches ciates14 compared outcomes in 127 subjects at 12 weeks when
In the past year, researchers continued to explore previously given robot-assisted therapy, intensive comparison therapy,
untested stroke rehabilitation interventions as well as better or usual care. Although no adverse events were reported in
define those that have an evidence base. Wolf and associates9 any subject, robot-assisted therapy did not significantly im-
compared functional improvements between stroke survivors prove motor function at 12 weeks as compared with usual
randomized to receive constrain-induced movement therapy care or intensive therapy. However, in a secondary analysis,
within 3 to 9 months (early group) with those randomized to robot-assisted therapy improved outcomes over 36 weeks as
15 to 21 months after stroke (delayed group). Although both compared with usual care but not with intensive therapy.
groups improved functionally 12 months after treatment, Even virtual reality and gaming are becoming pervasive in
stroke survivors receiving constrain-induced movement ther- stroke rehabilitation. Saposnik and colleagues15 devised a
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296 Stroke February 2011

randomized, single-blinded clinical trial to compare the colleagues21 observed that among the 21 860 men enrolled in
feasibility, safety, and efficacy of virtual reality using the the Physicians Health Study, men who consumed 1 drink
Nintendo Wii gaming system versus recreational therapy per week had a modest beneficial association with functional
(playing cards, bingo, or Jenga). In the 17 subjects of their outcome after stroke, but otherwise there was no strong
pilot project, the 9 subjects using virtual reality using the association between increased alcohol consumption and func-
Nintendo Wii significantly improved in mean motor function tional outcome.
of 7.4 seconds on the Wolf Motor Function Test after
adjustment for age, baseline functional status, and stroke Meta-Analysis and Scientific Statements: Putting
severity. They concluded that virtual reality using the Nin- It All Together
tendo Wii is a potentially effective alternative to facilitate Over the last year, there has been an effort to educate nursing
rehabilitation therapy and promote motor recovery after and other members of the interdisciplinary team about the
stroke. potential for recovery in the later or more chronic phases of
Finally, 2 studies in Chinese alternative medicine should be stroke care. The American Stroke Association commissioned
noted. First, a meta-analysis by Wu and colleagues16 con- a scientific statement that summarizes the best available
cluded that acupuncture may be effective in the treatment of evidence and recommendations for interdisciplinary manage-
poststroke rehabilitation, [but] poor study quality and the ment of the needs of stroke survivors and their families
possibility of publication bias hinder the strength of this during inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and in chronic
recommendation. Second, Lee and associates17 completed a care and end-of-life settings.22 The statement makes use of
systematic review on moxibustion, a traditional Chinese the International Classification of Functioning, Disability,
method that uses the heat generated by burning herbal and Health of the World Health Organization23 as a founda-
preparations containing Artemisia vulgaris to stimulate acu- tion for the interdisciplinary team approach to rehabilitation
puncture points. Although moxibustion is popular in east and the different care settings in which stroke survivors may
Asian countries, their meta-analysis of 9 randomized clinical receive services.
trials found only limited effectiveness of moxibustion in Batchelor and colleagues24 reviewed evidence relating to
stroke rehabilitation. interventions that reduce falls after stroke. In the 13 studies
that met their criteria, variability of falls reported was
Spasticity and Disability observed across the studies. Pooling of results was possible
In the year that the US Food and Drug Administration finally for only 2 types of interventions: exercise versus usual care
approved the use of onabotulinumtoxin (Botox) for upper (fall rate, fallers) and bisphosphonate medication versus
limb spasticity, it is appropriate to include some research that placebo (fallers). The only intervention shown to be effective
showed that severe poststroke spasticity is rare but when in reducing falls was vitamin D for female stroke survivors in
present contributes to disability and high costs. First, Urban an institutional setting, but other interventions were no more
and colleagues18 found that spasticity developed in 42.6% of effective than usual care. Like in many other rehabilitation
211 subjects 6 months poststroke, but severe spasticity was studies, they conclude that further research evaluating a
relatively rare. Predictors for the development of spasticity range of single and multifactorial interventions for fall
included a severe degree of paresis and hemihypesthesia at prevention in the stroke population is required.
stroke onset. Second, Lundstrom and associates19 estimated
that the mean direct costs (ie, acute and rehabilitation hospi- Conclusion: Still a Long Road Ahead
talization, primary health care, medication, and costs for Much progress has been made in stroke rehabilitation over
municipality services) for a stroke survivor with spasticity the past months and years. The physiology of recovery is
was $84 195 (median, $72 816; interquartile range, $53 707) being studied intensively. Animal models of recovery are
compared with $21 842 ($12 385; $17 484) for stroke survi- aimed at establishing the means by which pharmacological
vors without spasticity. Costs for hospital care, primary care, and hormonal treatments to facilitate recovery can be tested
and home or residential care also were significantly higher if in humans. Clinical interventions that engage the stroke
the stroke survivor had spasticity. Thus, spasticity has to be survivor and stimulate the brain continue to be developed at
viewed as 1 of several possible factors impeding motor an increasing pace. Imaging techniques are assisting in
function and treatment of spasticity-related disability should confirming neuroplastic changes that intensive rehabilitation
be seen as 1 of several options in chronic stroke management. causes.
However, much still needs to be done. We still do not
Outcomes Research know the types, doses, and combinations of physical and
The Year 2010 also saw more studies that attempted to pharmacological modalities that will help specific stroke
delineate good and poor outcomes after stroke. As part of the survivors. We still do not know how to initiate movement or
Northern Manhattan Stroke Study, Willey and associates20 speech when the stroke survivor has none. We still do not
reported that stroke survivors who stated that they felt know how to effectively prevent cerebral damage using
depressed 7 to 10 days poststroke were at odds of severe neuroprotective agents. We still do not know how to use
disability compared with no disability at 1 (OR, 2.91; 95% cellular therapies to make the right connections that allow
CI, 1.07 to 7.91) and 2 years (OR, 3.72; 95% CI, 1.29 to regeneration of the neural system. Over the next period,
10.71) after stroke. However, depressed mood was not researchers must set the agenda in stroke rehabilitation so that
associated with overall mortality or vascular death. Rist and we can further decrease the mortality and morbidity that the
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Zorowitz and Brainin Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation 297

American Stroke Association accomplished before its 2010 10. Ada L, Dean CM, Morris ME, Simpson JM, Katrak P. Randomized trial
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funding sources alike, the worlds stroke rehabilitation can 11. Hsu SS, Hu MH, Wang YH, Yip PK, Chiu JW, Hsieh CM. Dose-response
take strides to decrease impairments and improve activity and relation between neuromuscular electrical stimulation and upper
participation. That is something that will never be lost in extremity function in patients with stroke. Stroke. 2010;41:821 824.
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Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation 2010
Richard Zorowitz and Michael Brainin

Stroke. 2011;42:294-297; originally published online January 13, 2011;

doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.605063
Stroke is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright 2011 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Avances en recuperacin cerebral y rehabilitacin 2010
Richard Zorowitz, MD; Michael Brainin, MD, FESO, FAHA

ResumenLos descubrimientos realizados en el pasado ao han influido de manera importante en el conocimiento de la

recuperacin cerebral y hay ahora mayor necesidad que nunca de un punto de apoyo para la recuperacin y rehabilita-
cin. Esta revisin presenta los esfuerzos traslacionales realizados, los nuevos (y antiguos) posibles frmacos, diversos
enfoques para la neurorrehabilitacin y las tcnicas de imagen cerebral que muestran la reorganizacin del cerebro
humano durante la rehabilitacin del ictus. (Traducido del ingls: Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation
2010. Stroke. 2011;42:294-297.)

Palabras clave: brain recovery n imaging n outcomes n quality of life n rhabilitation n stem cellsn n stroke recovery

A lo largo de los ltimos 15 aos, el centro de inters en

cuanto a los avances mdicos y los recursos de asisten-
cia para el ictus ha estado en las fases de recuperacin aguda
Investigacin traslacional: del laboratorio a la
cabecera del paciente y de nuevo al laboratorio
Dado que la inflamacin desempea un papel crucial en la
y subaguda, y ello ha comportado disparidades sustanciales patogenia del ictus isqumico, los investigadores conside-
en las fases posteriores de la asistencia del ictus. Ms recien- raron que el factor neurotrfico de origen cerebral (BDNF)
temente, el campo de la recuperacin cerebral ha asistido a poda proteger a los tejidos cerebrales frente a la lesin
una gran cantidad de experimentos bsicos, traslacionales y isqumica. En un estudio, se administr BDNF intranasal
aplicados que merecen un comentario, revisin y evaluacin a ratas para proteger al cerebro frente a la agresin isqu-
de cara a la investigacin futura. Lamentablemente, en este mica2. En las ratas tratadas con BDNF intranasal tras una
trabajo solamente podemos resaltar algunos ejemplos del pa- oclusin transitoria de la arteria cerebral media derecha
sado ao que en opinin de los autores son de la mayor rele- no hubo una reduccin significativa del volumen de infar-
vancia y parecen prometedores en cuanto a su trascendencia to, pero s se observ un aumento del nmero de clulas
clnica. La investigacin traslacional permite a los especia- de microgla activadas y fagocitarias, una supresin del
listas en ciencias bsicas proporcionar a los clnicos nuevos factor de necrosis tumoral- y la expresin de su mRNA,
instrumentos que puedan usarse en los pacientes y para eva- un aumento de la interleuquina-10 y la expresin de su
luar al mismo tiempo su impacto, cuando los investigadores mRNA, y un aumento de la actividad de unin al ADN
clnicos hacen nuevas observaciones acerca de la naturaleza del factor nuclear-B. Globalmente, el BDNF intranasal
y la progresin de la enfermedad que a menudo estimulan podra proteger al cerebro frente a la agresin isqumica al
las investigaciones bsicas1. La farmacoterapia permite a los modular la inflamacin local mediante la regulacin a los
investigadores utilizar los frmacos ya disponibles y desa- niveles celular, de citoquinas y de factores de transcrip-
rrollar nuevas medicaciones que puedan proteger al cerebro cin en el ictus experimental.
frente a los daos y facilitar y potenciar la recuperacin. Los Para administrar BDNF en el cerebro, Lee y colaborado-
enfoques de rehabilitacin permiten a los investigadores de- res desarrollaron clulas madre neurales humanas modifi-
sarrollar nuevos mtodos para facilitar la recuperacin, po- cadas genticamente que se sobreexpresan en un modelo
tenciar estrategias de compensacin y comparar tcnicas, en de ictus en el ratn3. Tras inducir una hemorragia intra-
su intento de determinar los medios de rehabilitacin ms cerebral en ratas adultas, se trasplant a los cerebros una
efectivos y eficientes. Finalmente, para comprender mejor lnea de clulas madre neurales humanas que produce un
los mecanismos de neuroplasticidad, la investigacin utili- cantidad 6 veces superior de BDNF. Las clulas madre se
za tcnicas de imagen y tcnicas neurofisiolgicas para do- diferenciaron y produjeron una angiognesis renovada en
cumentar la reorganizacin del cerebro que acompaa a la el cerebro husped y una recuperacin de los animales,
mejora funcional. El objetivo de esta revisin es describir lo cual sugera que estas lneas celulares podran ser de
algunas de las nuevas aportaciones de la literatura que han gran valor como fuente de clulas para los estudios expe-
contribuido a aumentar la base de conocimientos cada vez rimentales relativos al tratamiento celular de los trastornos
ms amplia de la neurorrehabilitacin del ictus. neurolgicos humanos.

Recibido el 3 de diciembre de 2010; aceptado el 7 de diciembre de 2010.

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (R.Z.), The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and the Department of Physical Me-
dicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD; y Department of Clinical Medicine and Prevention (M.B.), Danube
University, Krems, Austria.
Remitir la correspondencia a Michael Brainin, MD, FESO, FAHA, Danube University and Danube Clinic, Department Chairman and Director, De-
partment of Neurology, Karl Dorrekstrasse 30, Krems, Austria 3500. Correo electrnico
2011 American Heart Association, Inc.

Stroke est disponible en DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.605063

94 Stroke Julio 2011

La bsqueda de posibles frmacos nuevos Las tcnicas de imagen se continan utilizando tambin
(y no tan nuevos) en combinacin con intervenciones rehabilitadoras para de-
Se ha demostrado tambin que los frmacos facilitan la re- mostrar la eficacia de la actividad. Enzinger y colaboradores8
cuperacin cerebral en modelos animales. Ding y colabora- utilizaron la RM funcional longitudinalmente para relacio-
dores4 utilizaron imgenes de RM con ponderacin T2, con nar los cambios de la actividad cerebral con la ganancia de
ponderacin de difusin y con ponderacin de susceptibili- funcin de la extremidad inferior tras 4 semanas de entrena-
dad, para explorar si la eritropoyetina (EPO) iniciada a las 24 miento en cinta sin fin con apoyo parcial del peso corporal.
horas y administrada diariamente durante 7 das tras un ictus Su estudio llevado a cabo en 18 pacientes crnicos (media
emblico facilitaba la reparacin del tejido cerebral isqumi- de edad, 59,913,5 aos) demostr no slo que el ejercicio
co. En un ensayo aleatorizado realizado en 22 ratas Wistar de resistencia de caminar mejora tras el entrenamiento, sino
adultas a las que se administr el tratamiento o un control tras tambin que una mayor capacidad de caminar estaba corre-
la oclusin de la arteria cerebral media, se observ que la ex- lacionada con un aumento de la actividad cerebral en la cor-
pansin del ventrculo (homolateral) se reduca significativa- teza sensitivomotora primaria bilateral, las reas motoras del
mente en las ratas tratadas con EPO. El cociente de volumen cngulo y los ncleos caudados bilaterales, as como en el
del tejido del parnquima homolateral respecto al hemisferio tlamo del hemisferio afectado.
contralateral aument significativamente tras el tratamiento
con EPO en comparacin con los animales de control, lo cual Enfoques teraputicos nuevos y en expansin
indicaba que la EPO reduce significativamente la atrofia del Durante el pasado ao, los investigadores han continuado ex-
hemisferio homolateral. La angiognesis y el remodelado de plorando intervenciones de rehabilitacin del ictus no evalua-
la sustancia blanca aumentaron significativamente y se pro- das anteriormente, as como definiendo mejor aquellas que
dujeron de forma ms temprana en los animales tratados con disponen de unas base de evidencia. Wolf y colaboradores9
compararon las mejoras funcionales de pacientes que haban
EPO, en comparacin con los controles, segn lo indicado
sobrevivido a un ictus y a los que se asign aleatoriamente
por las imgenes con ponderacin T2 y con ponderacin de
el empleo de una terapia de movimiento inducido por cons-
difusin, respectivamente. En un ensayo de Fase IIa, Cramer
triccin en los primeros 3 a 9 meses (grupo de tratamiento
y colaboradores5 estudiaron a 15 pacientes a las 24 a 48 horas
temprano) con las de los pacientes asignados a una terapia
de sufrir un infarto isqumico, con unas puntuaciones de la
a los 15 a 21 meses del ictus (grupo de tratamiento tardo).
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale de 6 a 24 tras una
Aunque ambos grupos presentaron una mejora funcional 12
tanda de 9 das de administracin de -gonadotropina cori-
meses despus del tratamiento, los que recibieron la terapia
nica humana los das 1, 3 y 5, seguido de EPO los das 7, 8
de movimiento inducida por constriccin de forma ms tem-
y 9. No surgi ninguna alarma de seguridad en cuanto a los
prana presentaron una mejora significativa en comparacin
parmetros clnicos y de laboratorio, incluido el examen de
con los tratados de forma tarda. Sin embargo, 24 meses des-
deteccin de la trombosis venosa profunda y las determina-
pus de la inclusin, no hubo diferencias estadsticamente
ciones seriadas de la hemoglobina srica.
significativas entre los grupos.
A lo largo de muchos aos hemos visto cmo otras medi-
Se han realizado nuevas investigaciones para determinar la
caciones no eran eficaces. OCollins y colaboradores6 eligie-
eficacia del entrenamiento en cinta sin fin con apoyo del peso
ron de una biblioteca de agentes neuroprotectores el sulfato
corporal. En el ensayo MOBILISE10 se estudi a 126 pacien-
magnsico, la melatonina y la minociclina, y los estudiaron
tes que haban sobrevivido a un ictus y no podan caminar,
en un modelo ms realista recomendado por la Stroke The-
y se les asign aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental tra-
rapy Academic Industry Roundtable. A pesar del modelo ani-
tado con ejercicio en cinta sin fin con apoyo de peso corpo-
mal, esta combinacin de medicaciones no fue eficaz para la
ral durante hasta 30 minutos al da o a un grupo control con
neuroproteccin cuando se utiliz el volumen de infarto, la
ejercicio de caminar en el suelo durante hasta 30 minutos.
puntuacin neurolgica y 2 escalas recientemente desarrolla-
Seis meses despus del entrenamiento, hubo ms pacientes
das que miden la salud general y la homeostasis fisiolgica.
del grupo experimental que mostraron una independencia en
la deambulacin y fueron dados de alta para regresar a su do-
Tcnicas de imagen cerebral y neuroplasticidad: micilio tras la rehabilitacin. Sin embargo, los resultados no
simplemente visualizarlo fueron estadsticamente significativos (p = 0,13).
Se continan desarrollando tcnicas de imagen que se aplican Se contina investigando tambin el papel de la estimula-
a la deteccin y la determinacin del estadio de la reorgani- cin elctrica. Hsu y colaboradores11 estudiaron a 66 pacien-
zacin de la sustancia blanca tras la lesin cerebral con o sin tes que haban sobrevivido a un ictus con un dficit motor
un tratamiento de neurorreparacin. Jiang y colaboradores7 grave y les asignaron aleatoriamente la aplicacin de 0, 30
observaron que las variaciones en la metodologa de RM de 60 minutos de estimulacin elctrica neuromuscular en la
tensor de difusin podan detectar el remodelado de la sus- extremidad superior diariamente durante 4 semanas. En es-
tancia blanca tras la lesin cerebral. Adems, la RM de tensor te caso, los dos grupos tratados con estimulacin elctrica
de difusin de espacio Q, una nueva tcnica de imagen con neuromuscular presentaron mejoras similares segn las de-
ponderacin de difusin que identifica la funcin de densidad terminaciones realizadas con las escalas Fugl-Meyer Motor
de probabilidad de difusin molecular sin necesidad de asu- Assessment y Action Research Arm Test.
mir una distribucin de Gauss, puede detectar el remodelado En 2010 se ha prestado atencin tambin a la estimulacin
axnico en una fase inicial, en la que hay axones con cruces magntica transcraneal. Lindenberg y colaboradores12 estu-
de orientacin aleatoria. diaron a 20 pacientes que haban sobrevivido a un ictus y les
Zorowitz y Brainin Avances en recuperacin cerebral y rehabilitacin 2010 95

asignaron aleatoriamente 5 sesiones consecutivas de estimu- colaboradores16 lleg a la conclusin de que la acupuntura
lacin con corriente continua transcraneal bihemisfrica o puede ser eficaz en el tratamiento de la rehabilitacin tras el
un tratamiento simulado, junto con una terapia fsica/ocupa- ictus, [pero] la mala calidad de los estudios y la posibilidad
cional simultnea. La funcin motora fue significativamen- de un sesgo de publicacin limitan la fuerza de esta recomen-
te mayor en el grupo experimental, y persisti despus de la dacin. En segundo lugar, Lee y colaboradores17 llevaron a
simulacin, al menos durante 1 semana. La mejora estuvo cabo una revisin sistemtica de la moxibustin, un mtodo
correlacionada con la activacin ms potente de las regiones tradicional chino que utiliza el calor generado por la quema
motoras homolaterales intactas durante los movimientos esti- de preparados de plantas medicinales que contienen Artemi-
mulados de la extremidad afectada. sia vulgaris para estimular los puntos de acupuntura. Aunque
Ackerley y colaboradores13 realizaron otro estudio con la la moxibustin es popular en los pases del oriente asitico,
estimulacin con salvas theta de M1 (TBS). Diez pacientes el metanlisis de 9 ensayos clnicos aleatorizados solamente
con ictus subcorticales crnicos que afectaban a la extremi- encontr una efectividad limitada de la moxibustin en la re-
dad superior fueron tratados con TBS intermitente de la M1 habilitacin del ictus.
homolateral a la lesin, TBS continua de la M1 contralateral
respecto a la lesin o una TBS simulada en sesiones sepa- Espasticidad y discapacidad
radas, junto con un entrenamiento estandarizado de la tarea En el ao en el que la Food and Drug Administration de
de aprensin de precisin. El entrenamiento con TBS real EEUU ha autorizado finalmente el uso de la onabotuli-
mejor la cintica de prensin-elevacin de la mano parti- numtoxina (Botox) para la espasticidad de la extremidad su-
ca, mientras que la TBS simulada produjo un deterioro de la perior, es apropiado mencionar algunas investigaciones que
prensin-elevacin. La excitabilidad de la M1 homolateral a han mostrado que la espasticidad grave tras el ictus es muy
la lesin aument tras la TBS intermitente de la M1 homola- poco frecuente pero, cuando se da, contribuye a causar la dis-
capacidad y unos costes elevados. En primer lugar, Urban y
teral pero se redujo tras la TBS continua de la M1 contrala-
colaboradores18 observaron que se produjo una espasticidad
teral, causando un deterioro en la Action Research Arm Test.
en el 42,6% de 211 pacientes 6 meses despus del ictus, pe-
Los autores llegaron a la conclusin de que el hemisferio
ro la espasticidad grave fue relativamente infrecuente. Los
contralateral a la lesin puede desempear un papel clave en
factores que predecan la aparicin de espasticidad eran un
la recuperacin tras el ictus.
grado elevado de paresia y hemihipoestesia al inicio del ic-
La robtica contina siendo un campo de inters en la re-
tus. En segundo lugar, Lundstrm y colaboradores19 calcula-
habilitacin del ictus. En un estudio aleatorizado en el que se
ron que los costes directos medios (es decir, hospitalizacin
evalu a pacientes que haban sobrevivido a un ictus y pre-
aguda y de rehabilitacin, asistencia sanitaria primaria, me-
sentaban un deterioro de la funcin de la extremidad superior
dicacin y costes de los servicios sociales) para un paciente
a largo plazo, Lo y colaboradores14 compararon los resulta-
que sobreviva a un ictus con espasticidad eran de $84.195
dos obtenidos en 127 pacientes a las 12 semanas al utilizar
(mediana, $72.816; rango intercuartiles, $53.707) en com-
un tratamiento robotizado, un tratamiento de comparacin
paracin con $21.842 ($12.385; $17.484) para los supervi-
intensivo o la asistencia habitual. Aunque no se registraron
vientes a un ictus sin espasticidad. Los costes de asistencia
acontecimientos adversos en ningn paciente, el tratamiento
hospitalaria, atencin primaria y cuidados domiciliarios o
robotizado no mejor de forma significativa la funcin moto-
en residencia fueron tambin significativamente mayores si
ra a las 12 semanas en comparacin con la asistencia habitual
el superviviente del ictus presentaba espasticidad. As pues,
o la terapia intensiva. Sin embargo, en un anlisis secundario, la espasticidad debe considerarse uno de los varios factores
el tratamiento robotizado mejor los resultados a lo largo de posibles que impiden la funcin motora y el tratamiento de
36 semanas, en comparacin con la asistencia habitual pero la discapacidad asociada a la espasticidad debe considerarse
no en comparacin con el tratamiento intensivo. una de las varias opciones existentes para el tratamiento cr-
Incluso la realidad virtual y los juegos se estn introdu- nico del ictus.
ciendo de manera generalizada en la rehabilitacin del ictus.
Saposnik y colaboradores15 disearon un ensayo clnico alea- Investigacin sobre parmetros de valoracin
torizado y ciego simple para comparar la viabilidad, seguri- En el ao 2010 hemos asistido tambin a nuevos estudios que
dad y eficacia de la realidad virtual utilizando el sistema de han intentado delimitar el buen o mal resultado despus de
juego de Nintendo Wii en comparacin con el tratamiento un ictus. Como parte del estudio Northern Manhattan Stroke
recreativo (jugar a cartas, bingo o jenga). En los 17 pa- Study, Willey y colaboradores20 indicaron que los pacien-
cientes de su proyecto piloto, los 9 que utilizaron la realidad tes que sobrevivan a un ictus e indicaban que estaban de-
virtual con la Nintendo Wii mejoraron significativamente en primidos 7 a 10 das despus del episodio tenan una mayor
la funcin motora media de 7,4 segundos en la Wolf Motor probabilidad de presentar una discapacidad grave que de no
Function Test tras introducir un ajuste para la edad, el estado presentar discapacidad al cabo de 1 ao (OR, 2,91; IC del
funcional basal y la gravedad del ictus. Los autores llegaron 95%, 1,07 a 7,91) y de 2 aos (OR, 3,72; IC del 95%, 1,29
a la conclusin de que la realidad virtual con el empleo de la a 10,71) despus del ictus. Sin embargo, el estado de nimo
Nintendo Wii puede ser una alternativa efectiva para facilitar deprimido no se asoci a la mortalidad global ni a la muerte
el tratamiento de rehabilitacin y fomentar la recuperacin de causa vascular. Rist y colaboradores21 observaron que, en
motora tras el ictus. los 21.860 varones incluidos en el estudio Physicians Health
Por ltimo, deben sealarse 2 estudios de medicina alter- Study, que consuman < 1 bebida por semana hubo una aso-
nativa china. El primero de ellos, un metanlisis de Wu y ciacin favorable modesta con los resultados funcionales tras
96 Stroke Julio 2011

el ictus, pero por lo dems no se observ ninguna asociacin tus no los tiene. Todava no conocemos cmo prevenir de
intensa entre el aumento del consumo de alcohol y el resulta- manera efectiva el dao cerebral con el empleo de agentes
do funcional. neuroprotectores. Todava no conocemos cmo utilizar las
terapias celulares para establecer las conexiones correc-
Metanlisis y declaraciones cientficas: combinarlo tas que permitan la regeneracin del sistema neural. En el
todo prximo periodo, los investigadores debern establecer los
En el pasado ao se ha realizado un gran esfuerzo por for- puntos a considerar en la rehabilitacin del ictus, de mane-
mar al personal de enfermera y otros miembros del equipo ra que podamos reducir en mayor medida la mortalidad y
interdisciplinario acerca del potencial de recuperacin en las la morbilidad que la American Stroke Association ha esta-
fases posteriores o ms crnicas de la asistencia del ictus. La blecido antes de su objetivo de 2010. Con un compromiso
American Stroke Association encarg la elaboracin de una claro por parte de la administracin y de las fuentes de fi-
declaracin cientfica que resumiera la mejor evidencia dis- nanciacin privadas, la rehabilitacin del ictus en el mun-
ponible y las recomendaciones para el manejo interdiscipli- do puede tener resultados en la reduccin del deterioro y la
nario de las necesidades de los pacientes que han sobrevivido mejora de la actividad y la participacin. Esto es algo que
a un ictus y sus familias durante la rehabilitacin del paciente no se puede olvidar.
hospitalizado o ambulatorio y en los contextos de asistencia
crnica y terminal22. Esa clasificacin utiliza la clasificacin Declaraciones de conflictos de intereses
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Ninguna.
Health de la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud23 como base
para el abordaje con un equipo interdisciplinario de la reha- Bibliografa
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Sin embargo, queda mucho por hacer. Todava no co- 12. Lindenberg R, Renga V, Zhu LL, Nair D, Schlaug G. Bihemispheric
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de terapia fsica y de tratamiento farmacolgico que sern 13. Ackerley SJ, Stinear CM, Barber PA, Byblow WD. Combining theta
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ictus. Todava no conocemos cmo iniciar el movimiento 14. Lo AC, Guarino PD, Richards LG. Robot-assisted therapy for long-term
o el habla cuando el paciente que ha sobrevivido a un ic- upper-limb impairment after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:17721783.
15. Saposnik G, Teasell R, Mamdani M, Hall J, McIlroy W, Cheung D,
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16. Wu P, Mills E, Moher D, Seely D. Acupuncture in poststroke rehabili-
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14. Lo AC, Guarino PD, Richards LG. Robot-assisted therapy for long-term 20. Willey JZ, Disla N, Moon YP, Paik MC, Sacco RL, Boden-Albala B,
upper-limb impairment after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:17721783. Elkind MSV, Wright CB. Early depressed mood predicts long-term dis-
15. Saposnik G, Teasell R, Mamdani M, Hall J, McIlroy W, Cheung D, ability after stroke. The Northern Manhattan Stroke Study (NOMASS).
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Canada (SORCan) Working Group. Effectiveness of virtual reality using 21. Rist PM, Berger K, Buring JE, Kase CS, Gaziano JM, Kurth T. Alcohol
Wii gaming technology in stroke rehabilitation. A pilot randomized consumption and functional outcome after stroke in men. Stroke. 2010;
clinical trial and proof of principle. Stroke. 2010;41:14771484. 41:141146.
16. Wu P, Mills E, Moher D, Seely D. Acupuncture in poststroke rehabili- 22. Miller EL, Murray L, Richards L, Zorowitz RD, Bakas T, Clark P,
tation. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Billinger SA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on
Stroke. 2010;41:e171 e179. Cardiovascular Nursing and Stroke Council. Comprehensive overview of
17. Lee MS, Shin BC, Kim JI, Han CH, Ernst E. Moxibustion for stroke nursing and interdisciplinary rehabilitation care of the stroke patient: a
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19. Lundstrom E, Smits A, Borg J, Terent A. Four-fold increase in direct 24. Batchelor F, Hill K, Shylie Mackintosh S, Said C. What works in falls
costs of stroke survivors with spasticity compared with stroke survivors prevention after stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stroke.
without spasticity: the first year after the event. Stroke. 2010;41:319 324. 2010;41:17151722.
20. Willey JZ, Disla N, Moon YP, Paik MC, Sacco RL, Boden-Albala B,
Elkind MSV, Wright CB. Early depressed mood predicts long-term dis-
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21. Rist PM, Berger K, Buring JE, Kase CS, Gaziano JM, Kurth T. Alcohol
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22. Miller EL, Murray L, Richards L, Zorowitz RD, Bakas T, Clark P,
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23. World Health Organization. International Classification of Functioning,
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nization; 2008.
24. Batchelor F, Hill K, Shylie Mackintosh S, Said C. What works in falls
prevention after stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Stroke.
4 Stroke Vol. 6, No. 2

Advances in Stroke 2010 Stroke Vol. 42; 294-297

Advances in Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation 2010
Richard Zorowitz, MD; Michael Brainin, MD, FESO, FAHA



BDNF Botox
BDNF Botox

7 10
II 2



3 9 15 21


1. Jiang Y, et al. Intranasal brain-derived neurotrophic factor protects 4. Lindenberg R, et al. Bihemispheric brain stimulation facilitates
brain from ischemic insult via modulating local inflammation in motor recovery in chronic stroke patients. Neurology. 2010 Nov
rats. Neuroscience. 2010 Oct 27 [Epub ahead of print]. 10 [Epub ahead of print].

2. Cramer SC, et al. The beta-hCG+erythropoietin in acute 5. Saposnik G, et al., for the Stroke Outcome Research Canada
stroke (BETAS) study: a 3-center, single-dose, open-label, (SORCan) Working Group. Effectiveness of virtual reality
noncontrolled, phase IIa safety trial. Stroke. 2010; 41: 927-931. using Wii gaming technology in stroke rehabilitation. A pilot
randomized clinical trial and proof of principle. Stroke. 2010;
3. Jiang Q, et al. MRI evaluation of white matter recovery after 41: 1477-1484.
brain injury. Stroke. 2010; 41: S112-S113.

stroke6-2.indb 4 11.9.27 10:53:37 AM

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