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1) According to you why do NRA members quote this amendment?

The NRA ( National Rifle Association ) members quote this

amendment because it describes their belief that every American has
the right to bear arms as a means of self-defense.

NOUNS : gun shooting : le tir / fusillade / gun control : le contrle des armes feu / rifle : fusil /
pressure group : groupe de pression / citizen : citoyen

VERB : to bear arms / to carry guns : porter /possder des armes / to infringe : enfeindre /violer /
to shoot : tirer / to provide : fournir / to claim : revendiquer /to threathen : menacer

ADJECTIVE : well-regulated : bien rglement / tough : dur

An Old Wild West Tradition

Read the text and answer the questions below.

1) Comment on the picture and the frontier tradition it illustrates.
2) What are the traditional American ideals quoted in the text ?
3) State the consequences of guns being everywhere.
4) Pick out the two examples of gun use for trivial reasons .
5) Give the equivalents : espace sauvage / force / survie / foyer /blessures /charges / corve
This is the cover of a magazine called Western
Story Magazine which was published on October
8th,1938. It shows a handsome young man on his
horse who is wearing typical Western clothes: a
Western shirt, a bandana around his neck, a lasso,
and a cowboy hat has just fallen off his head. Hes
firing a handgun so he might be hunting buffaloes or
chasing someone. This man represents the
typical figure of the American cowboy hero.

Courage and strength are the traditional American

ideals quoted in the text.

People can be killed or injured when there are

guns everywhere, including children who might
accidentally pull the trigger of a loaded weapon.
The suicide and homicide rates are higher where
guns are allowed.
A 12-year old boy shot his mother because they
disagreed on household chores and a man killed
his neighbour because he didnt like his dog.
Espace sauvage: wilderness force: strength
survie: survival foyer: household blessures:
injuries charges: loaded corve: chore.

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