Dirse Han's Son Boğaç Han: The Oiling of SALUR KAZAN's House

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Dirse Hans Son Boa Han

Dirse Han has no child. Because Dirse Han has no child he wanted to hold his wife
accountable, but rather he found himself being advised. Listening to the advice given to him,
Dirse Han helps people and gets their blessing. After these events, he gets a healthy boy.
Dirse Han's son grows up and wrestles with Bayindir Han's bull. He throws such a punch the
bull dies. Dede Korkut liked this and so he named him "Boa Han". The honor and fame
earned by Boa Han was envied by his father and Dirse Han's 40 men constantly evil to his
son. During a hunt the father shoots his son with an arrow. Boa Han gets wounded, but he
heals with his mother's milk and mountain flowers. Then these 40 men kidnap Dirse Han.
Then Boa Han rescues his father, and after that his father leaves the throne to Boa Han.
The oiling of SALUR KAZANs house

Salur Kazan gets drunk during a festival and wants to go on a hunt. This way the story starts.
No matter how bad he wants to leave his son in the tent his uncle opposses him but never
succeeds and leaves his son and goes hunting. His enemies used his going hunting as an opportunity
to attack and they killed the brothers of the shepherd Saru Kulma and Karauk and they capture
Saluk Kazan's wife, mother and son. During the hunt, Salur Kazan sees a bad dream and asks his
brother Kara Gney to interpret. In the face of the unfavorable statements of Kara Gne his fear
increases, Saluk Kazan returns to his house by leaving the hunt. But it's too late. Then he starts to
look for his family.


Bamsi Beyrek and Baniek, even though they were to marry in the craddle they never knew each
other. They encounter each other accidentally when hunting separately. Suddenly after they met
they start to wrestle over a controvesy. None of them could prevail because they both have equal
power. At that time Bambi Beyrek noticed that he was being watched by strong men so in other not
to be laughed at he throws a punch and he wins. Bambi Beyrek gets captured and they do not see
each other for exactly 16 years. After such a long time, the Baniek had no option but to get
married. On the day of the wedding, Bamsi Beyrek comes and takes Bani iek. Afterwards, Aruz
invites Bambi Beyrak to his company in friendship. But it was all a lie. He catches Bamsy and cuts his
right arm.

This story tells us that women and men are equal in Turkish culture.


Kazan bey is saddened by the fact that his son hasnt yet shed blood or beheaded to have a name. His
son also wants his father to teach him how to battle and shed blood. On this Kazan Khan took his son
out for hunting, this time the enemies come and Kazan Khan starts to fight. Though he tells his son to
watch his son starts to fight without the father noticing. The father couldnt find his son; when he
couldnt see him at home he decided to go to the venue of the fight. Seeing his son's sword, he
understands that his son has been taken prisoner. Kazan bey goes to war with the enemy and is
defeated. Asks for help from other Ouz Bey. With this help they win the battle and when they return
they will have a feast for 7 days and 7 nights. At the end Dede Korkut prays and ends the story.

Duha Kocas son, Deli Dumrul, hangs a bridge over a dry tea and takes 30 from anyone who passes
and 40 from anyone who doesnt. He sees this as a show of his bravery and manliness. When
someone died on this bridge, Deli Dmrl wants to fight Azrail for taken this persons life. On this
rebellion, God orders Azrail to take the life of Deli Dumrul. Deli Dumrul cannot catch and begs Azrail
for forgiveness but Azrail tells him to beg God instead. God tells Deli Dumrul He will forgive him if he
finds a life for him.

Deli Dumrul goes to his parent but none of them will give their life. Deli Dumrul, who now believes
that he was going to die says his goodbyes to his wife. Then his wife says, "Either God take the lives
of us both or have both of us live." God gives them both 140 years, and takes the life of his mother
and father.


Kanl Koca wants to marry his son Kan TURALI to someone. Kan Tural tells his father the kind of bride
he wants, his father says to him this isnt a woman this is a valiant. His father searches and find
Trabzon Hans daughter to be exactly how his son described. The conditions to take this girl was to
kill a lion, a bull and a camel. He achieves it and takes the girl. The night of the marriage enemies
attack and Kan Tural and Selcen fight and win. They made a tent right where they found themselves
and got married.

The story of KAZICIK KOCAs son YENEK

Bayndr Han is known as the Han of Hans. One day Kazl Koca asks his queen permission to travel
with his army to the coast of the black sea to the Dzmrd castle. The commander of this castle was
Arns son Direk Tekr. Who was 1.68m tall. They start to fight and Kazl Koca lost then he was taken
prisoner for 16 years.

His son was told his father had died. One day when talking to his friends he learnt his father was
alive. Then he goes and ask for permission from Bayndr Han to go to war.

He takes an army to the castle and defeated Tekr, freed his father and they both took over the
castle together.

The story of BASAT killing the cyclops( one eyed monster)

Basat is Uruz beys lost son brought up by lions during their migration. Even when he was found he
always went back to the lions.

He falls in love with a fairy girl he meets near a river. They had an unwanted child. This was no
ordinary child but rather a monster. The child grows up to become a one eyed monster which we call
(tepegz) cyclops. He grew so big he never satisfied when he eats. He eats both human and animals.
The people complained to Dede Korkut to ask tepegz to stop.

Basat listens to the people and decide to go fight tepegz. He stabs tepegzs only eye with a hot
knife and killed it.

This story teaches good behavior towards women.

The story of BEGLs son EMRE

Bayndr Khan gets angry when he sees that he a sword, a rod, and a sword from Georgia. He says he
can never give these to his warriors. Dede Korkut asks them to be given to a warrior. Begil Yiit
accepts them. Begil Yiit, settles on the border of Georgia. When they came to Ouz kazan bey tells
Begil he is a skilled hunter but except when on a horse. Then they go hunting. During the hunt Begil
hurts his thigh but hides it for some time. Tekr finds out and attacks the Ouz. Begil resists.

God then gives Begil the strength of 40 men and he defeats his enemies.

The story of UUN KOCAs son SEREK

Uun Koca had two sons Erek and Serek. One day, Erek violate all the men and comes across
Kazan Bey, sits down. A man asks him what he wanted and said here is not a place for cutting heads,
shedding blood or feeding the hungry. When he realised this Erek asks Kazan Han for a raid. He
accepts and gives him 3 ships. During the raid Erek is taken prisoner. Serek goes to save his
brother. The enemies set a trap to catch Serek. Serek bypassed the trap fights the enemies and
saves his brother.

The Story of Saluk Kazan taken prisoner and freed by his son Uruz.

Tarabuzan Tekur sends a falcon to Sakur kazan. Salur Kazan tells the falconer he is going hunting.
During the hunt the falcon lands on the Taman castle. Salur kazan falls a sleep for 7 days. When
taman realised Saluk was Ouzs son he takes him prisoner. Tamans wife wanted Saluk to praise the
enemy but he refuses. His son Uruz comes to rescue his father. He was put against his son and the
son wounds the father. Then Kazan tells Uruz he was his father and Uruz kisses his fathers hand and
they get back home.


Once every 3 years Kazan gathers all the Ouz men the Uok and Bozok and they raid. Oneday Kazan
Han organised a festivals which only the uok were invited. Because of this the Bozok made Kazan
han an enemy thinking he hated them.

Other Ouz men supported the Bozoks. They wanted Aruz to be pure. Which he disagrees. Aruz bey
cuts beyreks right hand.

Bamsi asks Kazan Han for help. Kazan han finds out the situation and locks himself for 7 days. Kazan
sends help to Bamsi. Bozoks and Uoks fight but none won. Then Kazan han and Aruz fight each
other. Aruz gets wounded on his chest and he begs for forgiveness.

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