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Indian Journal of History of Science, 50.2 (2015) 208-214 DOI: 10.


Classification of Substances in Vaidyanighaus

Medical Lexicons
B Rama Rao*
(Received 24 November 2015)

Qualities and effects of substances are described in all Ayurvedic works. The classics describe
the substances of food and drink in separate group for each type like milk, ghee, oils etc. and medicinal
substances in one group. Later medicinal substances were dealt with in more than one group increasing
from seven to twenty four. In late medieval period the number of groups as well as of substances further
increased with separate groups for articles used in food and drink like different vegetables, cereals,
pulses, grains as well as different types of prepared foods. The number of groups from about ten increased
to more than fifty covering each and every item used in food, drink and regimen indicating the importance
of each and every substance in maintaining health and preventing and curing diseases.
Key words: Dravyamuktval, Dravyaratnkara, Dravyaratnval

1. INTRODUCTION of food and drink were also observed for their

effects on health and disease. The changes in the
It is well-known that ancient people of
effects by different methods were studied and were
India were living very close to the nature and were
classified into seven. They are svabhva (nature),
keen observers of nature including animal and
sayoga (combination), saskra (processing),
vegetable kingdom. The substances were
mtr (quantity), dea (place or region), kla
classified into three categories, jagama, audbhida
(time) and upayogavyavastha (mode of
and prthiva-animal and vegetable kingdoms and
administration). All these are well explained in
minerals. Vegetable kingdom was again classified
Ayurvedic classics.
into four vanaspati, vrudh, vnaspatya and
oadhi. Caraka Sahit mentions the following 2. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES
parts/products of plants indicating the keen

observation: mla (root), tvak (bark), sra (pith),
nirysa (gum or resin), nla (stalk), svarasa (sap) The classification of substances shows the
pallava (very tender leaves), kra (alkali), kra development in the knowledge as well as
(milky juice/sap), phala (fruit), pupa (flower), analytical approach. The classification of different
bhasma (ash), taila (oil), kaaka (thorn), patra substances including medicinal substances in
(leaf) uga (awn or prop roots), kanda (tuber) classics-Sahits is as below.
and praroha (germinating parts). Use of different 2.1 Caraka Sahit - 12 groups
parts for different effects was noticed.
1. ka -awned grain, 2. am-pulses/
Apart from the natural substances, legumes, 3. Msa-meat, 4. ka-vegetables,
different aspects of preparation of different articles 5. Phala-fruit, 6. Haritaka-substances used in food
*Retired Director, Indian Institute of Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy, Kerala; Corresponding Address: 23-49/3, Netajinagar,
Hyderabad-500060; Email:

preparations without cooking like ginger, 7. 3.1. Dhanvantarinighau - 7 groups

Madya-intoxicating drinks, 8. Jala-water, 9.
Gorasa-milk and milk products, 10. Iku- 3.2. Cmainighau (unpublished) 7 groups
sugarcane, 11. Ktnna-prepared foods, and These two books deal with the medicinal
12. hrayogi-combinations of food. substances in seven groups.

2.2 Suruta Sahit - 19 groups 1. Gucydi, 2. atapupdi, 3.

Candandi, 4. Karvrdi, 5. Kcandi, 6.
1. Pnya-water, 2. Kra-milk, 3. Dadhi- mrdi, 7. Mirakdi
curd, 4. Takra-butter milk, 5. Ghta-ghee, 6. Taila-
oil, 7. Madhu-honey, 8. Iku-sugarcane, 9. Madya- 3.3 abdacandrik 8 groups
intoxicating drinks, 10. Mtra-urine, 11. li-
paddy and such grains, 12. Msa-meat, 13. 1. Vkdi, 2. Svardi, 3. Ghtdi, 4.
Phala-fruit, 14. ka-vegetables, 15. Pupa- Bhmydi, 5. Manuydi, 6. Sihdi, 7. Madydi,
flowers, 16. Lavaa-salt, 17. Ktnna-prepared 8. Pacakaydi
dishes, 18. Bhakya- special preparations like
laus, and 19. Anupna-accessory liquids taken 3.4 Nighauea 6 groups
after taking food. 1. Vka-tree, 2.Gulma-shrubs 3. Lata-
creeper 4. ka-vegetables, 5.Ta-grass 6.
2.3 Agasagraha - 11 groups Dhnya-paddy and other grains.
1. Jala-water, 2. Kra-milk, 3. Taila-oil,
4. Mtra-urine, 5. ka-awned, 6. imbi-pulses, 3.5 Dravyaguaataloki - 4 groups
7. Ktnna-prepared dishes, 8. Msa-meat, 9.
ka-vegetables, 10. Phala-fruit, 11. Mtrdi- 3.6 Madanapla-13 groups
dose 1. Abhaydi/hartakydi, 2. uhydi, 3.
Karprdi, 4. Suvardi, 5. Vadi, 6. Phala-fruit,
2.4 Agahdaya - 11 groups 7. ka-vegetables, 8. Pnydi-water and drinks,
1. Toya-water, 2. Kra-milk, 3. Iku- 9. Ikukdi-sugarcane, 10. Dhnya-grains, 11.
sugarcane, 4. Madya-wine, 5. ka-awned grain Dhnyaktnndi-food prepared from rice and
6. imbi-pulses, 7. Ktnna- prepared dishes, 8. other such grains, 12. Msa-meat, 13. Miraka-
Msa-meat, 9. ka-vegetables, 10. Phala-fruit, miscellaneous.
11. Auadha-medicinal
3.7 Bhvaprakanighau 23 groups
In sahits (classics) the substances used
as medicines are all dealt with in one group, while 1. Hartakydi, 2. Karprdi, 3.
foods and drinks are grouped separately as water, Gucydi, 4. Pupa - flower, 5. Vadi, 6. mrdi,
milk, butter etc. Later works of medieval period 7. Dhtvdi, 8. Dhnya, 9. ka - vegetables, 10.
have more than one group for medicinal Msa - meat, 11. Ktnna-prepared dishes, 12.
substances. Thus the number of groups in Vri-water 13. Dugdha-milk 14. Dadhi-curd, 15.
dravyagua gradually increased. Takra-buttermilk, 16. Navanta-butter 17. Ghta-
ghee, 18. Mtra-urine, 19. Taila-oil, 20. Sandhna,
3. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES FROM 21. Madhu-honey, 22. Iku-sugarcane, 23.
MEDIEVAL NIGHAN. T. US Anekrtha words having more than one meaning.
The number of groups in some nighaus This may suggest that in ancient period
of medieval age is given below: more stress was given on substances of food and

drinks than medicinal substances in maintaining manaila, tuttha etc. 4. Karavrdi- herbs used
the health and prevention and cure of diseases, in skin, kmi, via and haemorrhage e.g. karavra,
which are the goals of Ayurvedic science. rasona, sinduvra, aka 5.Kcandi- both
Gradually the stress on the medicinal substances mineral, herbal and animal sources which are used
increased, resulting in the increase of number of for different diseases are described under this e.g.
groups of medicinal substances. Though the Gold, Tin, Mercury, masra, godhma etc. 6.
medicinal substances are described in only one mrdi- plants used for their fruits, flowers,
group in classics, it is to be noted that in Caraka creepers and barks (some aromatic plants are also
Sahit one chapter enumerates the drugs in fifty present) e.g. mra, bhavya, kadamba, arjuna, jt
groups according to their function. This is very etc. 7. Mirakdi-drugs with miscellaneous
elaborate and left no scope for further grouping properties e.g. auadhigaa and viagaa.
or additions on the basis of function.
Dr. Sastry has also tried to explain the basis
The classification of groups of medicinal for the twenty seven divisions of Sohalanighau
substances into more than one group appears to and the ten divisions of Rjanighau also.
have started with Dhanvantarinighau, which has
seven groups. Cmainighau of 17th c. also 4. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES FROM
followed this. The basis of this division is not LATE MEDIEVAL PERIOD
known. Acharya Bapalalji Vaidya stated that this
division is not scientific. He states thus in the During late medieval period many
introduction to Nighauea. vaidyanighaus were compiled as evident from
the survey of the medical manuscripts in different
Most of the nighaus give the groups like repositories. It shows that the practitioners were
hartakydi, gucydi, mrdi etc. But this very thorough with the qualities and effects of all
classification has no scientific basis. The substances and vaidyanighaus were very
classification done by Caraka and Suruta is popular. Not only the number of groups increased
according to principles of common function. The but the number of substances and their varieties
classes like rdhvabhgahara, irovirecana are also increased. These were so popular that the
formed on the basis of common function. He even colophons in one work mention the name of some
states that daemni of Caraka Sahit is very other work. One or two colophons in
important but was left over by Vgbhaa. He Dravyaratnkara and Dravyamuktvali mention
further states Acharya Hemacandra (of the name of the book as Dravyaratnval. Though
Nighauea) has not accepted the classification
several vaidyanighaus were compiled with some
of his predecessors. He has divided his Nighau
common or identical topics each one has some
into six kas viz; vka, gulma, lat, ka, ta
and dhnya. This is the special feature of this
Nighau and this is not found in any other The study of following three manuscripts
Nighau. However Dr. J.L.N. Sastry has tried reveals some interesting features in classification:
to justify this division to some extent, though not 1. Dravyaratnvali, 2. Dravyamuktval, 3.
very satisfactory. 1. Gucydi- plants combating Dravyaratnkara or Guapha. Daki-
different diseases e.g. guci, hi, lipari, mrtinighau, Dravyaguval, Dravyagua-
jvaka etc. 2. atapupdi- herbs used as ratnval have also been looked into cursorily.
stomachic, digestive etc. e.g. atapupa, miseya, Among these the first Dravyaratnval is
ela, ngakeara etc. 3. Candandi-plants with published in Telugu script with Telugu translation.
volatile oils, flavonoids and minerals e.g. candana, Only the first chapter out of five chapters of

Dakimrtinighau was also published in tally. The types of normally understood water
Telugu script. Others are palm leaf manuscripts. mentioned are as below in this work:
The study of the above manuscripts indicates that
Water of 1. well with saline water, 2. well
these are all compilations.
with sweet (drinking) water, 3. lake, 4. tank, 5.
Dravyaratnval deals with all the pond, 6. parvatoparigata- water on mountains or
substances in fifty five groups. The number of stream, 7. cl, 8. vp- well with steps to go down,
substances in each group is also more than any 9. nad-river and 10. palvala- puddle.
known nighau. It has also specified groups for
The first two come under kaupa, the first
similar type of substances. It deals with
considerable number of substances in all groups in the verse. Prasravodaka can be
including the herbs and drugs. Daki- parvatoparigata. Cl is not clear. It appears that
mrtinighau gives only the synonyms. some interpolations have taken place. Palvala also
Dravyaratnkara has limited number of groups appears a repetition but vp, aua, kpa, taka,
and substances limiting only to more popularly srasa and palvala can be taken as sources of
used things. water with different capacity. Thirty two types of
water are described in the group of water. In
Classification of liquid articles of diet, Dravyaratnval seventy items including that of
food and drinks is almost same in all nighaus many rivers are described. Dravyamuktval has
including the dravyagua part of classics and other the water of only one river Tugabhadra, which
major works. They are water, milk, honey, may be near the place of the author.
alcoholic drinks and others. But the twofold Dravyaratnkara classifies water into three types-
classification of oils is unique in Dravyaratnval. vi (rain), bhauma (ground) and phala (fruit-
They are drumasra and bjasra groups. Oil water like coconut water etc.).
obtained from the seeds is bjasra while
drumasra is that obtained from parts other than Madanaplanighau mentions four types
seeds. of water. Divya- divine or water collected directly
from rain or atmosphere, turaja-obtained from
Water is classified differently in some mist, dhra-collected from rain and karihaima-
vaidyanighaus. Caraka Sahit states that water obtained from snow, glaciers and such others.
is only of one kind, which falls from atmosphere
Dhra may also be rain water collected from roofs
rain-but it changes into different types by its
and such other sources. Though these are classified
contact with the particular region and season while
as above, water of all types and of all sources like
falling or after falling. Drayamuktval mentions
rivers, tanks, ponds and lakes is explained. In
eight types of water.
Caraka Sahit, group of water is the eighth
Kaupam srasa tkam auam - among the twelve groups. Madanaplanighau
prasravaodbhavam and Bhvaprakanighau also placed the group
V p -nad - t o y a m i t i t a t p u n a - of water in the middle of the groups.
rutamaadh. The nighaus of late medieval period
These types are separately described but devoted major part to the substances which are
the number of types described is more than eight used as food and drink. It may be due to the
including water of hailstones, coconut and such increase of the number of items used and also of
others. If types like coconut-water and others are the methods of preparations during the passage of
not considered and only water as understood several centuries. Grains described under one
normally is taken, even then the number does not group were later divided into ka, imbi, ta,

li and vrhi. It is interesting that Nighauea Fruits were also very commonly eaten and
has separate groups as tna and dhnya. Besides they also find considerable place in nighaus.
a separate group dhnyaktnndi is added in Dravyamuktval has only one group for fruits
Madanapla including all types of cooked and apart from those which are used as vegetables.
processed grains, like cereals and pulses. Dravyaratnval divides the fruits into groups
Dravyaratnval deals the cooked and processed ma, apakva, pakva and uka meaning very
foods in the following groups apart from imbi tender, unripe, ripe and dried fruits respectively.
and ta- peydi, odana, spa and ktnnppa. These groups are separate from the fruits used as
Peydi as a separate group is included in vegetables-phalaka. Dravyaratnkara grouped
Dravyaratnvali and Dravyamuktval. the fruits just like the vegetables on the basis of
Dravyaratnvali has, apart from imbidhnya their availability. They are vanajta, rmajta,
group, another group as spavarga dealing with arayajta, ketrajta, grmajta, mahvanajta
the processed preparations of pulses. and madhyavanajta. These may be small forests,
raised gardens, ordinary forests, fields, villages,
Harita group in Dravyaratnval and
very big and medium forests. Dravyaratnkara
Dravyamuktval deals with preparations of
has an additional group for seeds-bjavarga.
accessory dishes for staple food, now called as
cani in Hindi and some other regional languages. Meat is dealt with in three groups in all
This cani is called paccai in Telugu and works- mga, vihaga and matsya meaning
Dravyamuktval calls the group by Telugu name animals, birds and fish. Animals are classified as
paccai. This word is even used in Sanskrit verse mahmga, mga, prasaha, bileaya, vikira,
while enumerating the groups as pratuda, apcara and matsya. Only the number of
paccaukameva ca. Haritaka group in animals included differs. Dravyaratnval has
Caraka Sahit is different dealing with more number of animals, birds and fish and aquatic
substances which are used uncooked like ginger. animals.
Vegetables also gained importance as seen Dravyaratnval appears to be the most
from the increase of groups to more than one group comprehensive among the nighaus. Hence the
of early period. Dravyamuktval has separate names of groups and number of items in each
groups as ka, pupaka, phalaka, kandaka group are given below.
and ukaka, which are leaves, flowers, fruit, 1. Water- jala 86
tubers and dried vegetables respectively. The leafy 2. Milk-kra 46
or fruit vegetables were collected and cut and dried 3. Curd -dadhi 22
after mixing little salt. These dried vegetables are 4. Butter milk -takra 34
called varugu in Telugu and they are used to 5. Butter -navanta 11
prepare curries, canis and others. In addition to 6. Ghee -ghta 14
the above Dravyaratnval has groups for stalks 7. Sugarcane- iku 22
and pith-nla and majja. Dravyaratnkara 8. Honey mkika 41
grouped the vegetables on the basis of the place 9. Oil from seeds- bjasra taila 26
from where they are obtained. This appears to be 10. Oil obtained from parts other than seeds - 8
unique in this work. They are rmajt, drumasrataila
ketrajta, jaldhrajta, and kisthnajta. 11. Wine-madya 30
These may be vegetables grown in park-like fields, 12. Urine- mtra 11
paddy fields, irrigated fields and ploughed and 13. Dung - vid 10
cultivated fields. 14. Grass-grains- tadhnya 38

15. Pulses-imbi 45 collate all nighaus and bring out a small monograph on
16. Soups-peydi 21 this subject.
17. Food (boiled rice etc)-odana 74
18. Sweet and special dishes-appdi 23 BIBLIOGRAPHY
19. Cooked pulses- spa 28 Acharya, Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji (Ed.) Caraka Sahit by
20. Prepared dishes- ktnna 33 Agnivea, Satyabhama Pandurang, Bombay, 1941.
21. Meat of animals- mgamsa 48 Acharya, Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji (Ed.) Suruta Sahita of
22. Birds -vihaga 58 Suruta, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2009.
23. Fishes- aquatic- matsya 62 Aagahdayam composed by Vgbhaa, collated by Kunte,
24. Leaf vegetables- patraka 121 A.M. and Navare, K.R.S., Vaidya,H.P. (Ed.),
25. Sprouts or tender leaves -pallava 13 Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2005.
26. Flowers (used in food) -pupa 20 Aagasagraha of Vgbhaa: Strasthna, English tr. by
27. Unripe fruit- maphala 84 Rama Rao, B., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi,
28. Accessory of food with some sour liquid khala 7 2006.
29. Stalks nla 9 Bhvapraka Nighau of Sri Bhvamira: Comm. by
30. Tuber- mla 28 Chunekar, K.C., Chaukhambha Bharati Academy,
31. Catnis harita 23 Varanasi, 2010.
32. Fruits (used as food) ukaphala 10 Caraka Sahit by Agnivea: Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji
33. Ppas etc vaakdi 13 Acharya, Satyabhama Pandurang, Bombay, 1941.
34. Marrow of fruits etc- majj 7 Chunekar, K.C. Bhvapraka Nighau of Sri Bhvamira,
35. Dry fruits-ukaphala 10 Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 2010.
36. Flour or cake of sesame etc- tilapia 6 Dravyamuktval, Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental
37. Fruits dhtri (malaki) etc-dhtrydi 36 Manuscripts Library and Research Institute,
38. Ripe fruit pakvaphala 90 Hyderabad, MS.NO. 5316.
39. Medicinal -auadha 279 Dravyamuktval, Government Oriental Manuscripts
40. Daily regimen dinacary Library, Madras (Chennai), MS.NO.2583, 13270.
It includes collyrium ajana; nasal Dravyaratnkara, Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental
insufflation nasya; gargling gaua; inhalation Manuscripts Library and Research Institute,
Hyderabad, MS.NO.1144, 5322.
of smoke dhmapna; exercise and others
vyymdi; application of oil (to the body) and Dravyaratnkara, Government Oriental Manuscripts
bath abhyaga; clothes vastra; plates for meals Library, Madras (Chennai), MS.NO. R.12940.
bhojanaptra; use of smoke(fumes) dhpa; fans Dravyaratnkara, Oriental Research Institute, Mysore;
vyajana; dwellings vsasthna; enjoyment of MS.NO.1159/2.
women strseva; mercury etc- rasd; precious Dravyaratnval, Andhra Pradesh Government Oriental
stones- ratna; betel leaves, nuts etc. tmbula; Manuscripts Library and Research Institute,
fragrant substances sugandhadravya; unguents Hyderabad; MS.No. 4062.
lepana; beds ayya; wearing flowers and garlands Dravyaratnval, Government Oriental Manuscripts Library,
pupadhraa; ornaments bharaa; vehicles Madras (Chennai); MSS. Nos. 13280,13281 and
yna; miscellaneous prakra.
Dravyaratnval, Oriental Research Institute, Mysore;
Note: While editing the manuscript
MS.NO. 1159.
Dravyaratnval, I consulted some other manuscripts also.
I found that the classification in different works is interesting. Kamat, S.D. Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, I could not do full Dhanvantari Nighau, (Two vols.), Chaukhamba
justice to the topic as I planned. I hope to go through and Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 2011.

Rama Rao, B. (Tr.) Aagasagraha of Vgbhaa: Short notes on two Sanskrit Medical Manuscripts, Bulletin
Strasthna, Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi, of the Department of History of Medicine, 1 (1963):89-
2006. 90.
Rama Rao, B. (Ed. & Tr.) Dravyaratnval, Aryadatta Suruta Sahita of Suruta: ed. by Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji
Prachuranalu, Hyderabad, 2012. Acharya, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi,
Sastry, J.L.N. Dravyagua Vijna, Chaukhambha 2009.
Orientalia, Varanasi, 2002. Vaidya, H. P. (Ed.) Aagahdayam composed by Vgbhaa,
Sastry, J.L.N. Madanapla Nighau, Chaukhambha collated by Kunte , A.M. and Navare, K.R.S.,
Orientalia, Varanasi, 2010. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2005.

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