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Human Resource Management

Elixir Hum. Res. Mgmt. 39 (2011) 4973-4979

MBA (Management by astrology): A theoretical framework

A Mehta
Christ University Institute of Management, Bangalore.

In A.D. 1605 Sir Francis Bacon appended to the "Advancement of Learning" some
Art i c l e h i st ory :
prescriptions for posterity. These contain an injunction to construct "A Just Astrology".
Received: 1 August 2011;
Bacon had previously assessed the condition of this science in his main text. Like alchemy,
Received in revised form:
astrology had a noble aim; like alchemy again, it had been more imaginative than rational;
22 September 2011;
and, once more like alchemy, it needed the corrective and the purge. Astrology, as Bacon
Accepted: 30 September 2011;
conceives it, is central and fundamental, for he defines it as "the real effects of the celestial
bodies upon the terrestrial". This includes the action of the sun on the earth: without which
K ey w or d s there would be no astrology, because there would be no astrologers (JOSHUA C.
MBA, GREGORY, 1944). This paper provides a review of ancient literature for the application of
Astrology, astrology in business management. It proposed a theoretical framework in terms of MBA for
Management, the instrument development and testing in future research. The findings of the secondary
Management by astrology. data review along with the proposed theoretical framework will help the stakeholders to
know the various positive and negative aspects of the astrology .It will also help to integrate
the concept of astrology with the business administration. It will provide guidance to the
various agencies to formulate the strategies and policies to boost the business astrology in
general management that will finally promote systematic implementation of the astrology
in management process along with the management theories supported by statistical and
astrological software.
2011 Elixir All rights reserved.

Introduction Astrology is interesting for the social science of religion in many

Webster-Merriam dictionary defines astrology as ways. It featured in several ancient religions, notably the
divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets Babylonian state religion and Mithraism that was one of the
on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and chief competitors to Christianity (Toulmin and Goodfield, 1961;
aspects. ( Allum Nick,2010) . "Every person's life is shaped by McIntosh, 1969; Ulansey, 1989). In recent years, it has become
three precise biological rhythms physical, emotional, and a central feature of the New Age movement (Bainbridge, 2004),
intellectual that begin at birth and extend unaltered until and it well illustrates the connection between new religious
death." Biorhythm theory was originated by Wilhelm Fliess, a movements and related phenomenon having different degrees of
friend and colleague of Sigmund Freud (Fodor, 1971; social organization, often called client and audience cults
Thommen, 1973; Cohen, 1976; Dale, 1976; O'Neil, 1975), but (Bainbridge and Stark, 1980).
unlike Freud's psychoanalysis it was quickly consigned to the J. Gordon Melton (1985) has written about the growth of
occult or pseudoscientific rubbish heap. Nonetheless, vast astrology publishing in the late 19th century and early 20th
numbers of websites currently promote biorhythm methods for century, noting that interest in the subject was passed to a new
predicting the changing quality of one's life by counting forward generation in the 1960s. But the remarkable surges in the graph
from birth in three precise sine waves of 23, 28, and 33 days. In demand further explanation. In the book Business Management
a sense, biorhythms is like astrology for cloudy skies, because it with Astrology by Karen Boesen that has been written for the
similarly calculates aspects of an individual's fate in terms of constantly growing group of company owners, CEOs and
cycles, but without the complexity introduced by the subtle managers who are considering using business astrological
motions of the planets across the constellations. On the other counseling in their decision process. according to this book
hand, biorhythm promoters often confuse their theory with personal astrology - targeted at the individual - has in recent
standard biological observations that living organisms have years seen vast growth worldwide and accordingly Business
roughly daily or circadian rhythms. Thus, of all the 10 items, astrology has also grown, but less overtly.
this one may be able to pass as a normal theory rather than an Managers who use such consultants must be able to explain
occult or supernatural theory, at least for many respondents and in some cases defend their choice to employees, colleagues
(Bainbridge, 1978). If you ask the right question, you are likely and the board of directors. This book explains what business
to get the right answer, however ignorant you might be of astrology is, its benefits and risks, and in which areas it is best
advanced statistics. And if you ask the wrong question, then all applied. Detailed explanations and examples from large
the advanced statistics and all the computer facilities in the companies show how a serious business astrologer works, in
world will not help you to get the right answer. Hans J. which areas business astrology can contribute in everyday
Eysenck (Quoted in Elwell, D., Scholars versus Scribblers,). company life, and how to plan and achieve results based on

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2011 Elixir All rights reserved
4974 A Mehta/ Elixir Hum. Res. Mgmt. 39 (2011) 4973-4979

business astrology consulting. The book makes it easy for non- astrology. When astrological effects are in fact observed, they
astrologers to evaluate potential pros and cons of working with a usually can be explained better by non-astrological factors like
professional business astrologer - seen in connection with, as the Barnum effect (i.e. the tendency for people to identify
well as opposed to, the many other forms of consultancy with personality descriptions of a general and vague nature)
available to businesses today. It also provides inspiration for or by acquaintance with Sun Signs and so on (Eysenck & Nias,
astrologers, who desire more knowledge of business astrology, 1982, p. 43).For not only do sizeable proportions of the
as all explanations and examples are given in everyday English American and European public believe in the efficacy of
as well as with astrological terminology.(Management in astrology, they also believe that it is scientific (National Science
astrological perspective by Karen Boesen.) . Another book Board, 2006). Around 60% said astrology is not at all scientific
Planned: Organization & Management, targets business with around 30% saying it is sort of scientific in seven surveys
managers. The book explains about astrological work methods between 1988 and 2001. In 2004, the proportion rejecting
in organizations with the following theories and tools: Solar Arc, astrology rose slightly, to 66% (National Science Board, 2006).
Solar Return, Progressions, Transits, Moon phases, Eclipses. It In Europe, there appears to be more widespread belief that
use following tools to match with various management theories astrology is scientific. In 1992, respondents were asked how
such as SWOT analysis, Future workshop, Scenario scientific they thought astrology was, with a 5-point scale
methodology ,Strategic Option Development and Analysis anchored at either end with very scientific or not at all scientific.
(SODA) ,Strategic Choice Approach (SCA), Soft Systems Only one quarter considered astrology not at all scientific, with
Methodology (SSM), Multi management theory, Balanced another quarter considering it very scientific and the remaining
Scorecard( respondents falling somewhere in between (INRA, 1993). In
). Citizens in both North America and Europe are apt to read 2001, the question was asked in a slightly different way, with
horoscope columns in newspapers and magazines. While some only two response options offered rather scientific or not
people read these casually and purely for entertainment, some scientific. Fifty-three percent thought astrology was rather
believe that astrology has scientific status and can provide real scientific (European Commission, 2001a;Allum Nick,2010). In
insight into events and personality. Using data from a European 1992, Eurobarometer surveys showed that more highly educated
survey, this article explores some of the reasons why some Europeans were less likely to think that astrology is scientific,
people think that astrology is scientific and how astrology is whereas in 2001, this was not the case (European Commission,
viewed in relation to other knowledge-producing practices. 2001a). most recent National Science Foundation data show that
Three hypotheses in particular are tested. The first is that some while 84% of college graduates think that astrology is not at all
Europeans lack the necessary scientific literacy to distinguish scientific, just 62% of those who only graduated from high
science from pseudoscience. The second is that people are school share this belief (National Science Board, 2008). Some
confused about what astrology actually is. The third is derived statistical researchers and analysts take the patchy history of
from Adornos work on authoritarianism and the occult and tests of astrological factors to establish that astrologys basic
postulates that those who adhere to authoritarian values are more premisethat celestial configurations pervasively and
likely to believe in astrological claims. Support is found for all profoundly influence or mirror life on Earth in accord with
three hypotheses (N Allum , 2010) astrologys theory, method, principles and rulesis false.
Literature review Practitioners of celestial arts take the less than satisfactory
Some modern religious movements incorporate astrology, results of statistical tests to demonstrate that something is wrong
such as the Rosicrucian Fellowship (Heindel and Heindel, 1922) with statistical test results. A way to reconcile these two views
and Children of God (Bainbridge, 2002). Professional has been available for almost four centuries, and remains readily
astrologers, whether they operate over the telephone or from available now. Tests of astrological factors that rely on the
consulting rooms, are client cult practitioners who serve a categorical meanings of planets and signs, undetermined by the
clientele by casting personal horoscopes. Astrology books and configuration of planets and signs within the houses of the
the numerous astrology columns in newspapers and magazines astrological chart, seek meaning where no meaning lies. These
are audience cult phenomena, providing little if any direct social tests proceed with complete disregard of a sound theory of
connection to astrologers. The thousands of websites related to astrological signification and determination, and in complete
astrology are chiefly audience cult phenomena, but many of disregard of sound astrological method(Seator,2010). Four of the
them also represent client cult services(Bainbridge,2002). In sites were in fully three categories each, so these can provide
astrology, prediction is distinguished from forecasting. When an useful qualitative descriptions of general-interest astrology
astrologer predicts, she states what may be expected in a websites., in the Horoscopes, Astrological
lifetime. When an astrologer forecasts, she states times when Readings, and Zodiac categories, offered "free daily horoscopes
predicted events are likely to occur. In accord with his teacher, and astrology readings for your zodiac sign by free subscription
Zoltan Mason, and in the tradition of Morin, Robert Corre email in multiple languages Plus one inspirational message."The
explains that prediction answers the question, What may I Indian(Vedic)astrologysite,, was
expect in this lifetime? Forecasting answers the question, in the Astrological Birthchart, Horoscopes, and Vedic Astrology
When may I expect it? Corre,(2001). Forecasting is prediction categories. It offered "birth chart and forecast based on moon
timed. An astrologer predicts every time she uses an astrological sign by Indian (Vedic) astrologers. Birth chart reading and
chart to make a statement about a person or the persons world. reports daily, monthly." And the third and fourth of these sites
Several reviews of the literature on astrology (Dean et al., 1997 were in the Astrological Birthchart, Horoscopes, and Astrology
and Eysenck and Nias, 1982) show, in general, little support for Software categories. "Offers a variety of charts
any claim of an effect of astrology. As highlighted by Dean et al. and readings together with books, software and a personalized
(1997), the effect sizes of astrologers judgment amount to no astrology course." provides "Interactive
more than 0.05, indicating very little practical relevance of
4975 A Mehta/ Elixir Hum. Res. Mgmt. 39 (2011) 4973-4979

astrology software for both Macintosh and Windows."( discussion of Morins method and a look at his theory follow.
Bainbridge,2002;2004;2005) Morin referred to the placement of a planet in the Sky as (in
Proposed Theoretical Framework translation) the planets celestial state or zodiacal state. He
Webster-Merriam dictionary defines horoscope as s a referred to a planets placement in the houses of the chart as (in
diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the translation) the planets terrestrial state or local
zodiac at a specific time (as at ones birth) for use by astrologers determinations. In Morins system, the meaning of a planet as it
in inferring individual character and personality traits and in is placed in an astrological chart depends on the planets nature,
foretelling events of a persons life.(Allum Nick,2010).In terms celestial state and local determinations. A planets nature is
of motivation to believe, astrological predictions are very often found in the full set of the planets categorical meanings and
favorable. This makes them attractive, even to those who are includes whether the planet is a natural benefic or a natural
skeptical of astrology (Dean, 1987; Glick, Gottesman, & Jolton, malefic. A planets celestial state comprises its (1) sign
1989). The use of astrology to explain personality and, for placement, which includes the planets essential dignities, (2)
instance, to understand how to achieve success and control in the nature and celestial state of its dispositor(s), (3) aspects with
personal affairs is a generally strong motivation for people other planets, particularly with the planets dispositor(s),
(Baumeister & Leary, 1995).people tend to use information considered by nature and celestial state and as delivered in a
shortcuts that are easy and quick to process that facilitate particular aspect form, and (4) various other factors that include
decision-making and judgment (Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, planetary motion (direct or retrograde, fast or slow), whether the
1982). people will believe a statement about their personality planet is combust the Sun, and whether it is oriental of the Sun
that is vague or trivial if they think that it derives from some or occidental of the Moon. A planets terrestrial state includes
systematic procedure tailored to especially for them (Dickson & (1) its location in a house, (2) its house rulership, which includes
Kelly, 1985; Furnham & Schofield, 1987; Rogers & Soule, the house(s) it rules, the house location of its dispositor(s) and
2009; Wyman & Vyse, 2008). Several studies have investigated the house location of any planets it disposes, (3) its aspects with
the relationship between date of birth and individual differences other planets considered by house location and house rulership,
in personality or general intelligence but, in general, these and its aspects with house cusps, and (4) its influence on the
studies are based on small sample sizes. Only a couple of newer house opposite the one in which it sits, which may be referred to
studies by Chotai, Forsgren, Nilsson, and Adolfsson (2001) and as reflection. Terrestrial state is reducible to the two basic
by Chotai, Lundberg, and Adolfsson (2003), operate with forms of local determinations: location and
appropriate sample sizes (i.e. 2130 and 1145 subjects, rulership(Seator,2010;2007).
respectively). A series of articles suggest that subjects born
during spring or summer are significantly more intelligent than
subjects born during the rest of the year, though the differences
are small (e.g. Bibby et al., 1996, Eysenck, 1995, Eysenck and
Nias, 1982 and Pintner and Forlano, 1943). Forlano and Ehrlich
(1941) studied the relationship between date of birth and
personality and found that subjects scoring high on Extraversion
(E) and low on Neuroticism (N) were more prone to be born
during the colder months of the year. Gupta (1992) used the
Hindi version of the EPI on 104 subjects (2738 years of age)
and the I6 reports that people born during the summer score
higher on Neuroticism than subjects born during winter or
autumn, and lower on Impulsiveness than subjects born during
spring and autumn. Chichilenko and Barbarash (2001) studied Conclusions
154 male 1720 year old young adults and found that those born Most people reject astrology. Most people reject psychics
during winter, in general, scored significantly higher on and UFOs, as well. Therefore, for most respondents, these ideas
Neuroticism N than those born during autumn, who again scored may fall in a single, rejected category of rubbish. Believers in
significantly higher than those born during summer. The female astrology, however, may have various feelings about psychics
subjects (N = 373) born during winter or summer scored and UFOs. They may have a tendency to accept all three, but
significantly higher on N than those born during spring. With they also may make fine distinctions among them, far finer than
respect to Extraversion E, males and females born during the general public of disbelievers makes. This reminded me of a
autumn scored significantly higher than those born during remarkable unpublished study that Jerry Gaston carried out in
summer. The astrological Sun Sign is the commonly known star 1978 of readers of Fate magazine, since 1948 a central medium
sign based on the place of the sun in relation to the date of birth of New Age and occult communication. Gaston asked readers of
of the subject. This Sun Sign is commonly associated with the magazine how much they liked each of a list of topics,
different attributes for different signs (Eysenck & Nias, 1982, similar to the ones considered here, and compared new readers
for details). In Astrologia Gallica, Morin offered a theory and with long-time subscribers (Stark and Bainbridge, 1985: 414-
method of astrology that he set within a system of cosmology 416). These are unchurched people who nonetheless have a
and natural philosophy. Morins astrological method is founded religious orientation, and by existing theory should be more
on his theory of astrological determination and signification. In open to non-traditional spiritual ideas like astrology (Stark and
Morins theory, planets are universal significators that mean Bainbridge, 1985, 1987).However, science literacy clearly
nothing until their meanings are determined in accord with a makes a difference. Net of a range of other potential
sound method of determination. In his method, the houses of the confounding influences, the better is ones understanding of
chart determine astrological meaning and effect. A brief scientific terms and concepts, as well as factual knowledge of
4976 A Mehta/ Elixir Hum. Res. Mgmt. 39 (2011) 4973-4979

science, the better one is able to distinguish science from Bainbridge, William Sims. 2004c. "The Future of the Internet:
pseudoscience. it should probably be borne in mind that for most Cultural and Individual Conceptions," pp. 307-324 in Society
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central importance either. Nevertheless, by understanding how Steve Jones. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Europeans differ in their perceptions of astrology and Bainbridge, William Sims. 2004d. "Religion and Science,"
horoscopes, it is possible to gain some insight into the bases of Futures 36: 1009-1023.
how citizens evaluate scientific and pseudoscientific claims Bainbridge, William Sims. 2004e. "Sociocultural Meanings of
more generally ( Allum Nick,2010). In Astrologia Gallica, Nanotechnology: Research Methodologies," Journal of
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determination and laid out the principles and rules according to Bainbridge, William Sims. 2005a. "Atheism," Interdisciplinary
which the method that derives from the theory is applied. It is Journal of Research on Religion,
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details also would be necessary for one who attempted to assess human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 497-529.
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purposes are the broader implications that Morins theory and Perspective on Search Engine Technology and the WWW. New
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