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Part 1

 Scene 1-office room

Manager: Hello everyone. Today I’d like to introduce to you the new secretary of our company.
Everyone, please meet Paul.

Everyone: Hello Paul. *waving

Paul: Hi all *smiles

Manager: Alright. I just hope everyone will give him all the needs that he requires okay? It’s for the
good of the company anyway. *smiles & walks away

*everyone starts to talk

*Ashley walks towards Paul and introduces herself

Ashley: Hi, I’m Ashley. I am the editor.

Paul: Hey Ashley. I’m Paul, but you can call me Paulina.

*Both laugh

Ashley: I want you to know that if you need any help, just tell me okay? I wouldn’t mind.

Paul: Don’t worry. If I need any assistance you’ll be the first one to know. *smiles

*Mike, & George come forward

George: Paul , I think you won’t be able to stand here longer than 2 months. *laughs

Ashley: Hey! Don’t be rude. We have to support him; he’s our new best friend.

Mike: Yeah, let’s hope so.

Paul: (*shakes hand with Mike and George) Hi... You can call me Paul.*being flirty

 Scene 2-office room

After a few months

Paul: Hey George, can you help me to inform everyone that we’re having a meeting this Friday?

George: Yeah sure. But why don’t you just put up a notice? *casually

Paul: I wanted to but... (*touches George’s shoulder) it’ll be more effective if you tell it to them. me (*flirty) I’m so busy right now.

George: Uhh... sure why not. *awkward face

*George walks up to Mike.

George: Dude, don’t you think Paul is a bit weird?

Mike: What do you mean weird? Yes, he wears pink but that doesn’t make him weird.

George: Aww come on man. For the past few weeks, he kept on asking us for help but not Ashley or

Mike: (*thinks to himself) I noticed that. I think we need to ask the girls.

*Ashley passes them by

George: Hey Ashley!

Ashley: Oh hey George. What’s up?

George: Your friend right there (*points to Paul) is being a weirdo.

Ashley: Oh my god! You guys noticed? He once told me that he thinks you’re cute. *looks at Mike

Mike: What? Me? Oh no.

George: (*laughs) Serves you right. (*laughs again)

Ashley: Better watch out guys. (*laughs)

Mike: Hey, I really don’t like his style..we should do something about this. What you guys think?

Ashley: What’s on your mind?..i don’t want to involve anything that can create any problem.

Mike: Come on Ashley, we don’t want him to work here and make us feel uncomfortable...But, really
I don’t want to come for a meeting.

George: You mean? This Friday’s meeting?

Mike: Yeah. What do you guys think? I will tell the rest.

Part 2
 Scene 1- manager office
Manager: (*beep to Ashley) Ashley, please come into my office.

Ashley: Sure sir.

*Ashley walks into the manager’s office

Manager: Sit down please.

Ashley: Sir May I know what’s the matter?

Manager: I think something’s wrong with Paul. His works contain so many errors. Do you know
what’s happening?

Ashley: I don’t know sir. Recently, he’s always late for work, weekly meetings got delayed, and the
rest just wouldn’t want to work with him.

Manager: Is that so? Never mind, we have a meeting today .Maybe we can ask him about this matter

Ashley: Of course Mdm. ..(Talking to herself) I hope others will come for a meeting today. If not...

(Both of them go for a meeting)

 Scene 2-meeting room

Manager: Paul..Where are the rest? Are you informing them about a meeting?

Paul: Yes...I had informed them from last week...

Manager: But, where are they? Lately, I see your performance during work is bad. You are not focus,
meeting always cancel...sometime, and clients said that you not inform me about their appointment.

Paul: I so Sorry Mdm.

 Scene 3- Pantry room

During lunch hour, in the office’s pantry room...

Ashley sees Paul and starts to talk to him

Ashley: Hey Paul. What’s up?

Paul: Oh hey Ashley. *looks sad

Ashley: Why do you look so down? Anything I can help you with?

Paul: Can I ask you something?

Ashley: Sure Paul.

Paul: Do you think I’m weird?

Ashley: Of course not! Why did you say so?

Paul: Well, I think everyone’s avoiding me. I’m tried to be nice to them but I don’ understand why
they try to sabotage me...I had informing them about their work, a meeting..But all of them do not
give any cooperation at all.

Ashley: (*silent)

Paul: What should I do? Is there anything wrong about me?

Ashley: There is nothing wrong about you...but, some of our colleague said that you are weird...or
maybe a gay...

Paul: What? I just can’t believe they thought I’m gay. Even though I’m different than others man but
that doesn’t mean I’m gay. So, what should I do?

Ashley: Actually, you should change a little bit of your appearance. But, the main thing is our you want to convince them that you are change?

Paul: I don’t know...maybe I tell them that i had changed.

Ashley: How about we ask mdm. Catherine?

Paul: The counsellor? Why?

Ashley: Yes the counsellor. I think she can help solve your problem. *smiles

Part 3
 Scene 1- Counsellor room

*Both Paul and Ashley walk into the counsellor’s office.

Both: Good morning Mdm.

Mdm. C: Good morning. (*smiles) May I help you guys?

Ashley: We need your help Mdm.

Paul: is about me. My colleagues are avoiding me. They thought I am gay...just because my
style is different, they try to sabotage my work...I can change, but what can I do to make them
understand my situation?

Mdm. C: You see, as a professional, I can consult you and guide you through this. But you yourself
have to change the way you appeal to others. It’s important to you and to others as well. They need
to feel comfortable around you so that all of you can work harmoniously. Alright?..I suggest gather
all employees to know the problems itself and give an advice. We should know also what their
problems also, right?

Ashley: Yeah Paul, I can help you along the way.

Paul: (*unsure) I guess.

Mdm. C: Don’t be sad Paul. This is for your own good. It is necessary to know the reason before we
have to cure it.

Paul: Alright Mdm. Thank you so much.

 Scene 2-Meeting Room
Mdm. Catherine: Good day everyone.

Everyone: Good day.

Mike: What’s the occasion Madam?

George: Yeah, this has got to do with something interesting. *laughs

Mdm. Catherine: Quiet now. I need your honest opinion on Paul. He seemed very down these days.
His works are all in clutter. Do you have any problem working with him? I had been told that you
guys have been avoiding him lately.

George: Well, he makes me uncomfortable. Enough said.

Mike: Yeah sir. He likes to touch us. It gives me goose bumps anytime he’s around me.

George: I think he needs to change himself. He’s freaking me out.

Mdm. Catherine: Don’t worry Mike. He thinks you’re cute. (*laughs) Anyway, I think we have to be
supportive towards him. He has promised to me that he’ll change himself. But you guys have to
change the way you guys see him as well...He not like what you guys think. He might different than
others, but that does not means you should treat him different.

Ashley: I don’t have problem with that. Personally, I think he’s very hard working.

George: Yes. He’s very determined. If only he was a girl.

*Everyone laugh

Mdm. Catherine: So, do we have an agreement here?

Mike: Yes Mdm. We’ll behave nicer towards him. I try to understand but he should watch his

Ashley & George: Us too. *smiles

Part 4
 Scene 1-Pantry room

The next day, Paul come to the office with a whole new look. He dresses more like a real man.

Mike: Look man. *points to Paul

George: (*calls out to Paul) Hey Paulina!

*Paul comes up to them

Paul: You guys can now call me Paul.

Mike: (*gives him ‘High 5’) that’s more I like it.

George: So, what happened to you man?

* Tina suddenly come forward

Tina: Wow Paul! You’ve changed a lot! You not wear cute scarf anymore? (Laugh)

Paul: Yeah Tina, I’ve gone through a lot. Ashley helped me along the way.

Mike: It’s for your own good, dude.

George: I’m glad we’re on good terms now.

Paul: I’m sorry if I scared you guys before. I promise I will not do something weird to all of you...just
give me a time to change.

George: It’s okay...we should try to talk to you first but we did something bad. However it is,
everything was done...

*Everyone laugh

*Ashley walks to them and inform them about a party

Ashley: Hey guys! Do you guys know that we’re having a party this weekend? It’s organized by our
own manager.

Paul: What’s the occasion?

Ashley: It’s for you! (*smiles) It is to celebrate the new you!

*Everyone look happy and start to talk to each other

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