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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Hood Duct ft3/min Design Duct Duct Actual Actual Length Equivalent Total Friction Actual
Run in duct Velocity, Area, Diameter, Velocity, Velocity of Length of duct per 100 Friction,
ft/min ft2 in ft/min Pressure, Straight Elbows, ft length, ft of in H2O
(column in H2O Duct, ft ft duct,
3/ [hv=(v/4005)2] in H2O
1 A 400 3000 0.133 5.0 3000 0.5611 15 10 25 2.7 0.675
2 B 500 3500 0.142 5.0 3750 0.8767 15 10 25 4.2 1.05
C 900 3500 0.257 7.0 3500 0.7637 10 0 10 2.4 0.24
3 D 700 4500 0.156 5.0 5000 1.5586 8 5 13 7 0.91
4 E 600 3500 0.171 5.0 4500 1.2625 5 5 10 6 0.6
F 2200 4500 0.489 9.0 5000 1.5586 10 0 10 3.5 0.35

System Resistance
Hood Number
1 2 3 4
Velocity Pressure in hood branch, in H2O 0.5611 0.8767 1.5586 1.2625
Entrance Loss (% of velocity pressure) 50 50 50 50
Entrance Loss, in (mm) H2O 0.28055 0.43835 0.7793 0.63125
Branch and main Duct Resistances, in H2O A 0.675
B 1.05
C 0.24 0.24
D 0.91
E 0.6
F 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Total Resistance in each Branch, in H2O 1.55 2.08 2.04 1.58
Exhaust Blower Selection
Factor of Safety = 10%
Fan Capacity = 2200 (1.10) = 2420 cu.ft./min
Static Pressure = 2.08 (1.10) = 2.30 in H2O

Blower Specifications:
Brand: Canarm
Operating Condition: 2595 CFM at 2.5 SP

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