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GibbsCAM 2014 v10.7.x.

x 64bit - SSQ

To run GibbsCAM 2014 (v10.7.x.x) you need to install GibbsCAM 2013 RLM Server
(v10.0.2 from GibbsCAM 2013 SSQ's release) craked by SSQ!

If you already have GibbsCAM 2013 RLM Server craked by SSQ installed skip steps 1-
6 and go to step 7

1. Install GibbsCAM 2014 10.7.x.x 64bit for your favorite language

2. After installation is finished open the <GibbsCAM progdir> one level up (e.g.
C:\Program Files\Gibbs), and make a folder RLMServer

3. Go into <GibbsCAM progdir> (e.g. C:\Program Files\Gibbs\GibbsCAM\10.7.x.x-xx-XX)

and run RegistrationTool.exe

4. Select Network License Server, make sure the install path to folder RLMServer is

5. Click in the install path editbox and press Enter

6. After installation of the RLM Server is finished copy gibbsnet.exe, client.lic

and gibbsnet.lic to the RLMServer folder and GLMClientLib.dll to <GibbsCAM
progdir>\bin overwriting original ones. (Optional) Open the gibbsnet.lic and
client.lic and change the port 2765 to something else

7. Copy GLMClientLib.dll to <GibbsCAM progdir>\bin (by default C:\Program

Files\Gibbs\GibbsCAM\10.7.x.x-xx-XX\ ) overwriting original ones

8. Run rlm.exe (NOTE: rlm.exe mast be started before running the app always!) If
you don't want to start rlm.exe every time manualy you can install GibbsCAM RLM
server as service. To access RLM Manager interface input "http://localhost:5054" in
adress field of your internet browser, select Manage Windows Service > be sure that
Server Definition is right and click Apply. After that GibbsCAM RLM service will
start automatically at every reboot of comuter

9. Start GibbsCAM 2014

10. When program will say "no Server to connect to.." drag & drop client.lic onto
the reg tool window


12. Enjoy :)

Cracked by Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ)

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