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Activity n 2

Participating Asociatia Pro Xpert, SNC Akademiya na Uspeha, CET platforma Skopje, GIOVANI PER L'EU


City Country

Ramnicu Valcea - Valcea County Romania

Activity Programme

Timetable Activities

Travelling day - 07.05.2017

AM Arrivals of participants - Two volunteers of Association Pro Xpert will wait for the
participants at the reception desk, give them the badge with their names and the
PM folders, distribute them in rooms etc.

Evening Welcome party

DAY 1 - 08.05.2017
Introduction of the participants - after a short energizer each leader will present -
in maximum 5 minutes - the participants and organziations they come from (45-
AM 50 min)
Protection and safety training, signing the contracts (45 min)

Fears and expectations, rules (90 min)

Press conference for launching the project (60 min)

Getting to know each other - "Speed-dating" exercise

Presentation of the ERASMUS + Programme and Youth Pass certificate - check

if all participants have an Youth Pass account, helping those who haven't to
create one (45 min)
Presentation the project - aim, objectives, sharing in 5 working groups,
presenting the tasks for each group (to develop a short - maximum 15 minutes -
theatre performance about racism and prejudices in: love, friendship, work, free
time, access to public/private services) (45 min.)
Dinner and European cultural evening

DAY 2 - 09.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Undiscovered Albania&Kosovo - inedited aspects from Albania&Kosovo

presentation made by Romanian participants (15. min presentation + 45 min.
discussions, comments, debates)

"Glocal" hotel game - a very useful exercise for understanding the feeling of
"non speaking the same language" in particular and "being different" in general
(15 min. preparing, 15 min. games, 30 min. debriefing)

Debate about minorities status, racism and xenophobia in each partners

PM country - coordinated and moderated by Albanian partner (90 min)
Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Albanian cultural evening

DAY 3 - 10.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Visit to Gymnasium School "Colonie Nuci", placed in an area with a majority

Roma people, meeting with the Headmaster and teachers, working groups -
team building activities and games with Roma children from the school (120
"Abigail tale" game - played on each working group - 5 min. read the story, 20
PM min. establish the guilty persons, 35 min. debate

Ramnicu Valcea walking tour (120 min)

Undiscovered Bulgaria - inedited aspects from Bulgaria presentation made by
Bulgarian participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions, comments,
Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Bulgarian cultural evening

DAY 4 - 11.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Mooving and pantoimime exercises - 60 min.

Healing wheel-chairs game - on each of the five working groups - 60 min

Undiscovered Turkey - inedited aspects from Turkey presentation made by

Turkish participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions, comments,
PM debates)
Working groups - develop the performance - 120 min.

Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Turkish cultural evening

DAY 5 - 12.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Visit to Buila Vanturarita National Park, open air debate about religion and
discrimination, vizit to Horezu and some pottery workshops (4 hours, lunch

PM Working groups - develop the performance - 120 min.

Undiscovered Bosnia&Hertegovina - inedited aspects from BIH presentation
made by BIH participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions,
comments, debates)
Filling interim evaluation questionnaires (45 min)

Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Bosnia&Hertegovina cultural evening

DAY 6 - 13.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Exercise "One day in my Country" (15 min. preparation, 30 min. presentation, 30

min. reflection)

Working groups - develop the performance - 60 min.

PM Working groups - develop the performance - 120 min.

Undiscovered Macedonia - inedited aspects from Macedonia presentation
made by Macedonian participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions,
comments, debates)
Dinner and Macedonian cultural evening

DAY 7 - 14.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Visit to Ocnele Mari Salt Mine - Branga Branga Game and debate on the
Unity in Diversity slogan starting from the different colours of layers of Salt
on the walls of the Mine (120 min.)

Working groups - develop the performance - 180 min.

Undiscovered Italy - inedited aspects from Italy presentation made by Italian
participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions, comments, debates)

Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Italian cultural evening

DAY 8 - 15.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Evaluation of previous day (15-20 min)

Euro Puzzle - a game aiming to build awareness about differences and

similarities while finding overlaps and redefining the European identity when
creating a new poster of Europe. (10 min. preparation, 30 min. game, 20 min

Working groups - develop the performance - 180 min.

Undiscovered Romania - inedited aspects from Romania presentation made
by Romanian participants (15. min presentation + 45 min. discussions,
comments, debates)
Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and Romanian cultural evening

DAY 9 - 16.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Informal evaluation of the exchange (30 min)

Working groups - develop the performance - 180 min.

Future planning session (60 min)

PM Working groups - develop the performance - 120 min.

Eurobingo game - 60 min.

Final rehearsals for the performance - public representation in the Public Library
PM Antim Ivireanul
Meditation&self reflection time (30 min)

Dinner and multicultural cultural evening

DAY 10 - 17.05.2017

AM Debriefing session with leaders (15-20 min)

Energizer (5-10 min)

Formal evaluation of the exchange (30 min)

Visit to Calimanesti Town Hall, meeting with the Mayor and other pubic
officialities that will introduce the local context, some facts about Roma minority
and some cultural projects developed in this town (60 min)

PM Visit Calimanesti Resort, sharing leaflets and inviting tourists to the performance
Performance "CREATE" in the Cultural Center Florin Zamfirescu from
Calimanesti, in front of local officials, young volunteers and other
representatives of local NGO, wide publics

Festivity of giving certificates

Farewell dinner

Departure day - 18.05.2017


For additional days, please copy the ab



Country Start date End date Travel days
travel days)
08.05.2017 17.05.2017 10 2

Activity Programme

Non-formal and informal learning methods used

avelling day - 07.05.2017

Cultural evening, speechs, ice breaking games

DAY 1 - 08.05.2017

energizers, ice breaking games, presentations

speechs, presentation

Each participant will receive post-its (yellow and blue) and they will write their expectations on
the yellow post-its and their fears on the blue ones (as many as they want). They will stick them
on two different walls in the meeting room. We will check daily in what measure their
expectations were met and their fears were avoided
For establishing the rules we will have a brainstorming. For making
the exercise more amusing we will put more flipchart paper on the floor, ask a volunteer to lay
down on the papers and draw the contour of his/her body on the papers. Then we will write
inside the border what we are allowed to do and outside the border what we are not allowed.
The rules will be also sticked on a wall such as they will be visible during the whole exchange.

discussions, interviews
persons from the inner circle will introduce themselves to the person sitting on the external
circle. They then have two minutes to learn about their team building partner. We will
recommend some questions as:
What makes you happy/sad/angry?
How would your best friend describe you?
What is your dream job?
What are you most passionate about?
What would you take with you to a desert island?
If you had to be someone else for a day, who would you be and why?
If you could invite anyone, dead or alive, to dinner, who would it be?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Whats the most reckless (or embarrassing) thing youve ever done?
The answers to these questions are often fun and more importantly very revealing about what
the person is."

speech, presentation, facilitated discussion

speech, presentation, facilitated discussion

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 2 - 09.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise
3 WORD REVIEW exercise: The activity involves all the participants from the start which often
makes it easier for those who are usually not the first to speak, to contribute to the discussion.
Participants will write down 3 words that describe their feelings about the previous day.
Facilitator will invite participants to call out their words and note them down on a flipchart.
Questions: Why did they choose those words? How is the group feeling?

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

We will divide participants in pairs, taking care there aren't persons from the same country (or
speaking the same language) in a pair. One person of the pair will be receptionist, other one is
guest. Every guest will get a problem card where his problem is written ((for example the
elevator is broken and the guest needs help to take his luggage up to the third floor, the shower
doesn't work proper - water is either too hot or too cold, the neighbor uses santal sticks
because she is Buddhist and the smoke is too strong, a group of youngsters come in a Youth
Exchange are very noisy after midnight etc.) and his/her task will be to explain that problem to
the receptionist during 1 minute. The receptionist and the guest only can use their mother
tongue and body language. They can not use any common spoken languages! They can not
speak with each other before their meeting. Every pair has 1 minute to speak and the
receptionist should solve the problem. If he/she doesn't succeed during one minute, afterwards
he/she can guess and the other participants will be asked as well. At last the guest can say
what was the problem. Firstly all pairs will play and try to find solutions.

Presentations, facilitated discussions

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 3 - 10.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise

PAPER PLANES exercise: Participants will receive an A4 sheet of paper and they should write
on it three questions related to the previous day topic (public participation). Then they make a
paper plane and throw the planes in the air, toward other participants. Each participant will take
a plane from the floor, unpack it and try to answer to the questions written on the paper.

presentation, facilitated discussion, games

Simulation game (described here:

site visit, outdoor games

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 4 - 11.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise

THE "GOOD-BAD" BALANCE exercise: The trainer will draw a big balance on a flip-chart
paper. Each participant will have two green and two red post it notes. They will be asked to
write on green post it notes what they liked most and on red papers what they disliked most.
Then they will stick the red notes on the left balance pan and the green notes on the right.

exercises (group statues, scolptor and clay)

A group exercise involving discussion about stereotyping and prejudicing of any kind in daily life
- described here:

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 5 - 12.05.2017

facilitated discussion
warm-up exercise
THE TELEGRAM exercise: The trainer will invite participants to think for a few minutes about
the previous day and then to share their opinion with the group in three words: a positive word
negative word a concluding word (for example: Intensive Headache Exhausted).
Facilitators will
note peoples telegrams down on a flipchart and have a group discussion, asking participants to
read each others telegrams or stick them on the wall for participants to read later.
site visit, presentation, facilitated discussion

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion


open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 6 - 13.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise
THE DARTBOARD exercise: The trainer will draw a dartboard on a flip-chart paper and divide it
into 8 areas corresponding to the following elements: Group Dynamics; Food, accommodation
and atmosphere; Techniques, contents and methods used; Programme in general; Participant-
team relations; Balance between work and free time; Your own contribution; Trainers. There will
be a scale on dartboard from center to outward. Centre: 12; others are 9, 6, 3 and 1 (this is for
providing a numerical evaluation for the final report) Participants will be asked one by one to
point the proper note.
Each participant has to write down one hated and one loved characteristic of his/her country.
Facilitators will collect the sheets and divide participants in mixed groups. We will give them 4
sheets for each group with these characteristics and allow groups 20 minutes to invent a mime
performances to show characteristics and country. They cant write it on papers or talk. The
other participants are the audience and have to guess the right characteristic and the country. If
they guess both they gain a point; if the audience guess, the performing group win also a point.
Win the group with more points.
working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 7 - 14.05.2017

facilitated discussion
warm-up exercise
SPIDER WEB exercise: The group will stand close in a circle. The facilitator will ask the group
to give feedback one-by-one to the group. "What could you learn from the group, what will you
take home from here? What could you contribute?". The first person starts with a couple of
sentence, holding a ball of string, then pass the string-ball to somebody. This way everybody
will have the opportunity to share his/her thoughts, and at the end a great "spider web" will be
weaved and give the feeling of "being connected to each others". After last persons will answer
he/she should keep the ball for a moment and facilitator ask the last question: "What are you
future plans?" The participant who has the ball should answer and then the ball will make a
"return back" travel, trying to not tangle the string.

Out door activities, team-building exercises

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 8 - 15.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise
RELAY exercise: The trainer will choose a word / a phrase that reflects something significant
about the moments from the previous day and will write this up on the wall in large letters. Then
he will ask participants to stand in 2/3 lines in front of this and explain them that they are going
to create a relay system where they walk (one by one) to the wall, write down a one- word
response and return to the end of the line. The trainer will also challenge participants to come
up with words starting with particular letters such as the letters in the word/phrase that was
posted on the wall.
The exercise focuses on free choice, challenge of reconstruction and emphasises the
responsibility and significance of each person in creating and defining a common Europe. The
silent dialogue feature is to underline the alternative means of communication.
We will split the group in 9 small groups (taking care that there will not be two persons from the
same country in a group) and each group will have a big poster with Europe's map, a blank
poster (with the same size), glue, tape, markers/crayons and scissors.
Each poster will be cut in an aleatory way in ten pieces of different sizes and shapes. Then
each group will receive a segment of the puzzle poster with 6 puzzle pictures and 4 blank
pieces replacing the missing picture puzzle ones. Each group will have a different combination
of puzzles: the piece one group has in picture puzzle is a blank piece in the other group.
Participants have to use their imagination and creativity to find the connection between the
picture puzzles and they should draw on the blank ones to fit the common picture. They will
know that its a silent game and the participants are not allowed to talk. 10 minutes before the
end of the exercise, participants will be informed on the possibility of puzzle exchange.

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

multimedia presentation, movies, photo-galery, facilitated discussion

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 9 - 16.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise
THE RIVER exercise: This activity offers participants the possibility to express, in a creative
way, how
they see their development during the whole exchange. The trainer will give participants an A4
sheet each, with the beginning and end of a river marked clearly at the edges. They will be also
given different colour pieces of paper, scissors, glue, pencils and markers and asked to create a
stretch of river that shows their personal development through the exchange. When participants
will be finished,the trainer will ask them to find a way to link their rivers together on the floor and
place their own creation in an appropriate place. When everybody has finished participants are
asked to explain their creations
working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

presentation, facilitated discussion

working group, pantomime, music and dance, visual arts

We will select 50 words connected to the all nine presentations about partners' countries, write
them down on little cards and then make a bingo board for each participant with 25 (of the 50)
words with different combinations of words on each board. Each participant will receives a
bingo card and a pen. The game leader will randomly picks a card and reads the word slowly,
loudly and clearly. Words which come up in bingo will be explained as the event continues and
gone into in more detail. Whoever finds the word on their card puts a cross in the box. As soon
as they have completed a line (vertically or horizontally) they shout bingo! A small prize (a cap
or a T-short with the visual elements of the project and Erasmus + Programme) will be given for
the first 10 lines. Whoever completes their whole card first has won and shouts super bingo!
and gets the main prize.
public event, presentation, facilitated discussion

open discussion session with each leader and his/her group

cultural evening, speechs, games

DAY 10 - 17.05.2017

facilitated discussion

warm-up exercise

evaluation questionnaires

site visit, presentation, facilitated discussion

public event, theatre performance, speechs, facilitated discussions

cultural evening, speechs, games

eparture day - 18.05.2017

days, please copy the above rows

Activity n

Flow n


City/Town Country

Sending organisation Receiving organisation

Name PIC number Name

Working hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Starting Ending Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

time time activities activities activities


Starting Ending Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

time time activities activities activities

Starting Ending Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen
time time activities activities activities


Starting Ending Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

time time activities activities activities

For additional standard week timetables, please c


Activity duration
Start date End date Travel days
(excluding travel days)

Receiving organisation Coordinating organisation

Name PIC number Name

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

activities activities activities activities

Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

activities activities activities activities
Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen
activities activities activities activities

Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen Description of foreseen

activities activities activities activities

d week timetables, please copy the above rows below

Travel days


PIC number


Description of foreseen

Description of foreseen
Description of foreseen

Description of foreseen
Activity n



City/Town Country

Activity Programme

Timetable Activities










For additional days, please copy the ab


Country Start date End date Travel days
travel days)

Activity Programme

Non-formal and informal learning methods used




days, please copy the above rows

Activity n 1
Linked to Activity n 2
Participating Asociatia Pro Xpert, SNC Akademiya na Uspeha, CET platforma Skopje, GIOVANI PER L'E

City/Town Country

Ramnicu Valcea - Valcea County Romania

Activity Programme
Timetable Activities
Travelling day - 16.03.2017

AM Arrivals of participants - Two volunteers of Association Pro Xpert will wait for the
participants at the reception desk, give them the badge with their names and the
PM folders, distribute them in rooms etc.

Evening Welcome dinner - presenting all participants

DAY 1 - 17.03.2017
AM Ice breaking exercise, short introduction of the participants
Brief presentation of "Asociatia Pro Xpert", the project team and other 7partners
(5 minutes/each)
Quick review of the project: objective, activities, expected results, discuss the
schedule of the Exchange, clarifying any uncertainties
Discuss, agree and sign a common agreement including aims, objectives,
activities, recruitment procedure, role of leaders, financial issues, a statement on
own responsibility related to organizing follow up activities and also a
PM commitment review to the safety and welfare of the participants to the exchange
Brainstorming session about possible risks related to participants' protection and
safety - not only from physical point of view but regarding any kind of discomfort
participants may feel
DAY 2 - 18.03.2017

Site visits: to the accommodation place, places where the meals will be served,
places of activities and to the places (open and covered) for the final exhibition
(each partner's representative will check out themselves health and safety
AM issues in relation to accommodation and all activities)
Discuss about the methodology, brainstorming related to necessary resources
PM for the activities and final performance
Final Q&A session
Evaluation of the APV
Travelling day - 19.03.2017
Departures of participants.
Activity duration
Country Start date End date (excluding travel Travel days

17.03.2017 18.03.2017 2 2

Activity Programme
Non-formal & Informal learning methods used
velling day - 16.03.2017

Cultural evening, speechs, ice breaking games

DAY 1 - 17.03.2017

speechs, presentation

speechs, presentation

speechs, presentation

speechs, presentation

DAY 2 - 18.03.2017

speechs, presentation

speechs, open discussion session

open discussion session
evaluation questionnaire, evaluation exercise
velling day - 19.03.2017

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