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Live science Healthy Article

New Therapy Helps You Lose Weight Despite Feeling Tired & Hungry

By : Rachael Rettner, senior writer. Journalism from New York Universitys Science.
September 27, 2016

A new weight loss therapy that involves, in part, teaching people how to accept
feelings of discomfort may help patients shed more pounds than standard therapies, a
new study finds.
The therapy,called Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment (ABT), teaches
people skills to help them better adhere to their diet and exercise goals. The skills
involving learning to accept the uncomfortable feelings and unpleasurable situations
that inevitably arise when trying to lose weight, such as urges to eat, feelings of
fatigue, and having to go for jog instead of sitting on the couch watching TV.
The new treatment also teaches people how to identify and commit to the big
pictures life goals behind their reason for losing weight, such as wanting to be an
active grand parent or live long life. Finally, participant received training in
mindfulness, which aimed to make them more aware of their moment by order to
reduce behaviors such as mindless eating.
The ABT treatment helped participant lose more weight, and keep it off for
longer, compared to a standard obesity treatment that focuses mainly on diet and
exercise. Standard obesity treatment emphasize the importance of decreased caloric
intake and increased physical activity and can help individuals lose weight for a
period of time, but the strategies taught in such a program are difficult to maintain
long-term, Evan Forman, a clinical psychologist and professor at Drexel University
in Philadelphia, said in a statement. In contrast, ABT teaches highly specialized self-
regulation skills so individuals trying to lose weight can continue making healthful
choices long after the program ends, Forman said.
In the study, nearly 200 obese or overweight people were randomly assigned to
two groups. The first group received a standard behavioral treatments for obesity,
which involved training in nutrition an exercise, as well as other traditional weight
loss strategies, such as how to monitor calorie intake and remove food from work or
home that could cause problematic eating. The second groups received most of the
same training as the standard group, but they also received training ABT.
After one year, participant in the ABT group lost 13.4 percent of their initial body
weight, compared to 9.8 percent in the standard group. In additional, 64 percent of the
participant in the ABT group were able to maintain a 10 percent weight loss after one
year, compared to 49 percent of participant in the standard group.
The components of ABT the seemed the contribute most to its superior outcome
were the ability of participant in the ABT group to better to motivate themselves, the
study found.
ABT is based mainly on a type of talk therapy called Accepted Commitment
Therapy (ACT). Previous studies found that ACT could boost physical activity evels
and improve fitness in those who previously didnt exercise at all.
However, ABT also incorporates skills form other talk therapy and behavior
programs, including programs aimed at preventing relapse in people addicted to
The weight loss seen in the new study in the ABT groups is among the largest
ever reported in the behavioral treatment literature, in the absence of using an
aggressive diet or weight loss medications, Thomas Wadden, of the University of
Pennsylvania, and Dr. Robert Berkowitz, of the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
wrote in a commentary about the study.
However, although these result are exciting, future studies conducted by different
groups of researchers are needed before ABT can be considered a reliable means of
increasing weight loss Wadden and Berkowitz said. Studies should also follow
participant for longer periods to determine whether the weight loss is maintaining
needing additional treatments, they said.
New Therapy Helps You Lose Weight Despite Feeling Tired & Hungry
Lecture adviser by Mrs. Dewi Rosnita Hardiany, S.S

By :
Lale Aulia
Widarmi :


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