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Azmi Tajmalah
Nisa Ayu Amalia
Tia Syifa
SMA Negeri 1 Singaparna
Jl.Pahlawan KH Zaenal Mustofa Kabupaten Tasikmalaya
Kode pos: 46416
Praise to God all praise belongs to Allah SWT. Which has provided a healthy favor and
had the grace and blessings we could finish the paper that had the title THE RESULT OF
OBSERVATION TO YOGYAKARTA I would like to thank all my friends who have been taking
part in the making of this paper and also to all those who helped in the completion of this paper.
For the perfection of this paper, we expect criticism and suggestions from readers as we
only human who make mistakes. Hopefully this paper for dear readers.

Singaparna, 12 Februari 2015


Cover Paper ........................................................................................................................ i
Preface................................................................................................................................. ii
Table Of Contents .............................................................................................................. iii
UNIT I Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
A. Background ........................................................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................................................... 2
C. Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 2
UNIT II Discussion ........................................................................................................... 3
A. Mystery of The Ancient Lake Borobudur Temple ............................................................. 3-4
B. Bakpia Pathok 25 .............................................................................................................. 5
C. History of Malioboro ........................................................................................................ 6
UNIT III Closing .............................................................................................................. 7
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 7
Suggestion .......................................................................................................................... 7
UNIT IV Enclosure 8


A. Background
Borobudur, or Barabudur, is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang,
Central Java, Indonesia. The monument consists of six square platforms topped by three
circular platforms and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main
dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues each of
which is seated inside a perforated stupa. It is the worlds largest Buddhist temple,as well as
one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world.
Bakpia is a typical food of Yogyakarta, a souvenir for tourist who visit the city of
Yogyakarta. Bakpia famous in Yogyakarta is bakpia pathok 25 known by the name bakpia
pathok because this bakpia started from a village called village pathuk bakpia brands based
on house numbers produce. Bakpia pathok 25 was established since 1970-an owner of bakpia
pathok 25 is Mr. Arlen Putra Sanjaya. Bakpia pathok 25 is still a family with bakpia djava.
Malioboro is the most famous street in Yogyakarta. Located in the heart of Yogya, this is
the citys main street, and was once the ceremonial avenue for the Sultan to pass through on
his way to and from the Keraton. During such occasions Malioboro would be festively
decorated with flowers. Some say that the name Malioboro derives from the name of the
British governor Marlborough

B. Problem Formulation
1. What the mystery of Borobudur Temple?
2. What research has been done in Borobudur Temple ?
3. What is Bakpia?
4. Why bakpia pathok 25 is well known in the area of Yogyakarta ?
5. Where is Malioboro?
6. How the history of Malioboro?

C. Purpose
In the manufacture of this paper aims to find out a little more about the the place in
Yogyakarta such as Borobudur Temple, Bakpia Pathok 25, and Malioboro. And to find
the information about history,mystery and knowledge of the places.

A . Mystery of the Ancient Lake Borobudur

General classification:

Borobudur, or Barabudur, is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang,

Central Java, Indonesia. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by
72 Buddha statues each of which is seated inside a perforated stupa. It is the worlds largest
Buddhist temple,as well as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world.But did you
know that as well as on other ancient buildings, Borobudur not escape from the mystery? The
Mystery of many birth speculative opinion to controversy.


One of the mysteries of the Borobudur temple is the Mystery of the Ancient Lake
Borobudur.Two titles are now attached to the temple of Borobudur, as UNESCO World Heritage
Site and the Guinness World Records as the largest Buddhist temple archaeological site in the
world. Regardless of the grandeur and beauty of Borobudur, complete with full relief in the story
of Buddhism,many mystery still surrounds this temple. In 1814, on the merit of the Governor
General of Britania Raya, Thomas Stamford Rafffles, temples for centuries buried under a
mound of earth, becoming like a hill full of shrubs and trees, the colonial government began to
be noticed. Raffles also was the first to write the name "Borobudur" in his book, History of Java.
It was unclear origin of the name. Borobudur mysterious recognized by the Director of Taman
Wisata Candi (TWC) Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko (Persero), Purnomo Siswoprasetjo. One
of them, how to built Borobudur. Where did the large stones of the temple material and what
technology is used to lift and put them together with precision and amazing architectural design.

"Is it stone from Mount Merapi, so how took the stones from Merapi to the location of
the temple is still a mystery," said Purnomo.

Not only the origin of the stones, where the maker of Borobudur carve and sculpt stone is also
still unknown. Archaeologists are still looking for where artists workshop. "The carvings and
stone carving such a large size and numerous, unknown where it is," he explained. Borobudur
unusual layout, located on a hill, surrounded by two pairs of twin mountain Sindoro-Sumbing
and the Merbabu-Merapi, while other temples built on flat land is also a puzzle unsolved. In
1931, artists and experts Hindu Buddhist architecture, WOJ Nieuwenkamp, put forward the
theory that Kedu Mainland - location Java Borobudur according to legend, was once an ancient
lake. Borobudur was built symbolize the lotus flower floating on the surface of the lake. This is a
hypothesis that a heated debate among scientists at that time. Van Bemmelen in his book "The
Geology of Indonesia" to mention that a large pyroclastic eruption of Merapi in 1006 has
covered the lake dried up and at the same Borobudur temple is covered up vanish from history.
Geological facts also provide support that opinion. "Around the temple there is a salty water
wells. But that is not salty He added that it is also an interesting question many foreign scientists
came, to do research. "Many experts from abroad as from Japan who came to Borobudur
specifically to examine the ancient lake. wells in all regions, only at a certain point, "Purnomo
said about the alleged Borobudur was built in the middle of an ancient lake.

One way to unravel the mysteries of the ancient lake with researching rivers being around
Borobudur, including Progo and the Elo. Also the people who live around the temple. "All these
questions are still saved all. We are waiting for the study of archaeologists to uncover the

Written by : Nisa Ayu Amalia

B. Bakpia Pathok 25

Bakpia is a typical food of Yogyakarta. A souvenir for tourist who visit the city of
Yogyakarta. Bakpia famous in Yogyakarta is Bakpia Pathok 25, known by the name Bakpia
Pathok, because this bakpia started from a village called village Pathuk. Bakpia brands based
on house numbers produce Bakpia Pathok 25, was established since 1948. Owner of Bakpia
Pathok 25 is Mr. Arlen Putra Sanjaya. Bakpia Pathok 25 is still of family with Bakpia Djava.
Bakpia Pathok 25 offers bakpia with various of flavor such as beans bakpia, chocolate,
pineapple, cheese, durian, and purple kumbu. Packed in a box with the contentes of 15 and 20.
Besaides selling bakpia this market also sell various kind of snack are taste and delicious.
Bakpia Pathok 25 has three branches in the KS Tubun street, Bhayangkara street, and
Laksada Adisucipto street that are in Kubang Jaya and Bandara Jaya. Bakpia Pathok 25 has 40
employees , in everyday bakpia pathok 25 could sell 1.000 unit bakpia, but in a holiday could
sell around 5.000 unit bakpia.
Bakpia Pathok 25 no marketing out but just sold only his store, the problem of Bakpia
Pathok 25 is if in holiday bakpia can be shortage. If we go to Yogyakarta we can come to the
center to see the process of making bakpia from start until finish.
To make beans bakpia by using the traditional metod still use charcoal, but to make cheese
bakpia, chocolate, durian, pineapple, and purple kumbu using amodern by a gas stove.
Beans Bakpia can exfire for fourday while cheese bakpia, chocolate, pineapple, and purple
kumbu can exfire for a week until ten days.

Written by : Tia Syifa


Jalan Malioboro is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; the name is also
used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. It lies north-south axis in the line
between Yogyakarta Kraton and Mount Merapi. This is in itself is significant to many of the
local population, the north south orientation between the palace and the volcano being of

The street is the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district surrounded with many
hotels,restaurants, and shops nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with
small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air street side restaurants,
called lesehan, operate along the street. This is the street of the artists. Street musicians, painters,
and other artists exhibit their creations on this road. Less obvious to the tourist, but more for the
local population, side streets, lanes and structures that lead on to Malioboro are as important as
the street itself.

Jalan Malioboro (ca.1900-40) Jalan Malioboro night.

The street was for many years two-way, but by the 1980s had become one way only, from the
railway line (where it starts) to the south - to Beringharjo markets, where it ends. The largest,
oldest Dutch era hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located on the street's northern end, on the eastern side
adjacent to the railway line. It has the former Dutch era Prime Minister's complex, the kepatihan,
on the eastern side.For many years in the 1980s and later, a cigarette advertisement was placed
on the first building south of the railway line - or effectively the last building on Malioboro,
which advertised Marlboro cigarettes, no doubt appealing to locals and foreigners who would see
a pun with name of the street with a foreign product being advertised.It does not reach the walls
or grounds of the Yogyakarta palace, as Malioboro ceases in name adjacent to the very large
market Beringharjo (on the eastern side as well). From this point the street changes name to Jalan
Ahmad Yani (Ahmad Yani Street) and has the former Governors residence on the western side,
and the old Dutch Fort Vredeburg on the eastern side.

Written by : Azmi Tajmalah


A. Clonclusion
Yogyakarta has soe historic places such as Borobudur Temple, Malioboro, and
Bakpia Pathok 25. Borobudur is a 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Magelang
and Yogyakarta has a famous shop center that is Malioboro, besides historic places
Yogyakarta also has a pamous food like Bakpia Pathok 25.

B. Suggestion
Our suggestion for this observation of historic places are such as in Borobudur
Temple more enhanced safety, and keep environment. In Malioboro must more enhanced
safety for doesnt happen many criminals also in Bakpia the quality of bakpia must be
maintained because bakpia is a famous food in Yogyakarta.


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