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The province of Antique is situated in Western Visayas region and San Jose

is its capital. The territory is surrounded by Aklan, Capiz, and Iloilo toward the east,

and toward the west side is the Sulu Sea.

Moreover, Tribal Negritos or Atis were the primary pilgrims of the Island of

Panay led by the Negrito chieftain, Marikudo. As indicated by province history, in

the year 1212 ten Malay datus led by Datu Puti escaped oppression in a Hindu-Malay

empire that existed in Borneo and Sumatra by sailing together with their people and

they arrived on Panay. The Malay Datus purchased the island from Marikudo by

exchanging a golden "saduk" or headpiece, a golden jewelry, among numerous

different tokens. From that point forward, the Borneans settled here.

Additionally, Antique province was then known before the entry of the

Spaniards as "Hantik" derived from large red ants found in the Island called "Lantik-

lantik". Hantik was then under the administration of Datu Sumakwel, one of the ten

datus. He created the main Malay settlement in the Philippines, the town of

Malandog. Malandog is currently a barangay in the present-day municipality of

Furthermore, Antique was later on formally perceived as a different political

and military territory with San Jose de Buenavista as the capital town. The

establishment of American specialist over the island and the rebuilding of peace and

request in Panay prompted the development of a common governmert on April 13,

1901. Amid the Japanese Occupation, Mt. Baloy (height, 2,080 m), which straddles

some portion of Antique, was the central command of the sixth military area under

Gen. Macario Peralta. The other two pinnacles of Panay, Mt. Madia-as (2, 117m

height) and Mt. Nangtud (1, 900m rise) are altogether found in the province of



The province of Antique has an aggregate land region of 252,200 hectares.

The province is secluded from what is left of the island of Panay by the Cordilleras

of the island and Semirara Islands, situated amongst Panay and Mindoro form part

of Antique. Land use is principally for agricultural and horticulture activities which

includes 45,200 hectares or 17.90% of the total provincial land. The area additionally

has 23,896 hectares or 9.5% of primary and secondary forest. The forest land

accounts to 118,635 hectares and 53% of the land area is named alienable and

Additionally, Antiqueos are hospitable individuals stretching out help to

guests and visitors. Their language is Kinaray-a. Inhabitants are likewise religious.

Also, even today, the Catholic Church stays persuasive in both the general public

and governmental issues of the province. In any case, individuals living in the

mountains still practices the beliefs of ancient people convictions, for example, the

"Babaylans" who believes can heal the sick or summon spells.

The geography pf the province of Antique is profiled like a seahorse, Antique

is a larger than average serrated hemline on the western fringe of the three-cornered

scarf-like land mass that is Panay. It lies between the China Sea toward the west and

tall mountain ranges, 155 km long and 33 km at the amplest toward the East, isolate

it from whatever is left of Panay. Around, Antique has an aggregate land region of

2, 522 sq. kms. It is limited on the North and upper east by Aklan; on the East by

Capiz; and on the southwest by Iloilo. On the West is the Cuyo East Pass of the Sulu

Sea, some portion of the huge China Sea.

Additionally, the province of Antique has eighteen regions contain the

territory: fourteen along the drift, three inland and one on six islets. The seaside

towns are Anini-y, Tobias Fornier, Hamtic, San Jose de Buenavista, Belison,

Patnongon, Bugasong, Laua-a, Barbaza, Tibiao, Culasi, Sebaste, Pandan, and

Libertad. The inland towns are Sibalom, San Remegio, and Valderrama.
Furthermore, the climate of Antique have two articulated seasons which is the

dry season that happens in the long stretches of November to April, and rainy season

happens from the periods of June to September. Cool months are December to

January and hot months are April and May. Normal mean temperature in the area is

27 C.

III. Festivals, Fiestas and Traditions of Antique, Philippines

In the Philippines a fiesta is typically celebrated in barrios or barangays. It is

the official holiday of the Local Government Units, the barangay. Also, Filipinos

adore celebrating fiestas. It is a period for bliss and festivity. A fiesta is of Spanish

origin and is generally remembered in relationship with a Christian patron saint.

Most barangays whose population have been bunched by Muslims (Moros) and their

population is more than that of the Christians, the festival of the holiday have been

drop and supplanted with the Hari Raya or Eid al-Fitr. Moreover, the cities or

municipalities as a tradition have yearly celebrations where all the barangays take

part. The cities or municipalities hold contests for the best floats in parades.

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