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Chapter V

1. Introduction

This chapter will define how Federalism would affect the province of Masbate and

how it could provide possible solutions to the problems of the province. It shall likewise

determine whether or not the Federalism would outweigh its harms. Furthermore, the

analysis of the possible outcome of the promulgation of the same shall be provided herein.

2. Overview

To provide an accurate analysis of the problem and a general and specific solution

to such, chapter V is shall be divided into several parts that will tackle the problem.

The following are the divisions of chapter V:

Summary on whether or not Federalism would bring a great shift in the

province of Masbate

Overall conclusion
Summary on whether or not Federalism would bring a great shift in

the province of Masbate

From my previous sources, particularly the Philippine Star, Manila Times have

highlighted the following problems:

1. Imperial manila

2. Gold and mining difficulties

3. Lack of budget due to the defect in the Local Government Code

4. Economic imbalance

The above mentioned problems were actually confirmed by my respondent when

I interviewed her regarding the province of Masbate and she even said that, the primary

problems of Masbate are the ones that were mentioned by the newspapers. The articles

on the newspapers and the response of the person I interviewed with each other and

identifies the above mentioned problem.

Furthermore, simple analysis will also dictate that contractual employees are really

prone to the above mentioned harms because they are not considered as an employee
Overall conclusion

To sum it all up, Federalism especially in Region V particularly in Masbate can be

a huge help for the people living in there. Since, they lack technology and there is the

need to fix the road for proper passage of cars. Federalism aids the province especially

in terms of the employment of the people such as the establishing of factories which in

turn gives the people opportunity to work within their area instead of going to places for

work. This also gives the people the chance to be near with their family which makes

them motivated to work hard. This simply means that with federalism the problems in the

provinces particularly in Masbate will be solved and the province will be known and it will

make them industrialized.

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