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Student-Teacher: Jawahir Yousif

Date: 30th -10-2017

Course: practicum 4- 2B.

Grade Level: KG 2.
Subject: Math.
Strand: Number 13.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Represent quantities from 1-13 using concrete materials and pictures.
Count groups of up to 10 objects using one to one correspondence.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
Data show.
In the circle time, I will use a box to attract Make sure that the data shows is working and all
the students what the lesson will be about. the video that I will use it is there to save a time.
Inactivity one, I will use the flashcard and Make sure that all the materials that I will use
clips. for any activities are there and it is enough for
Inactivity two I will use flashcard and each student.
marker to put the numbers in the order.
Inactivity three I will use sticks with
picture and make a picture the numbers
should be in order.

Time: 15 min

Greeting the students.


Ask the students the date, day, theme, and color of the week.
Shows the students video about the lesson (number 13).
Ask one student to count from 1 to 13.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

I will have a box that inside the box 13 pieces of blocks.
I will choose one student and ask him, what do you think in the box.
I will ler the student to count it all.
Then I will ask the students which number we will learn today.

Independent Experience activity 1:

The students will follow my instruction, which is they should share the clips while they
The students will have flashcards of pictures.
The students should count each picture to point the right number with clips.
Time: 20 min

Make sure that all the students put the clips in the box and put all the flashcard one side.

Independent Experience activity 2:

The students will follow my instruction, which shares the blocks when you sorting.
The students will have an egg box.
The students will have blocks they should put 13 pieces of blocks in the egg box, then they
will count it all to see if it 13 pieces and in order or less.
Make sure that all the students tidy up and return all the blocks in the box for next group.

Independent Experience activity 3:

The students will follow my instruction, which shares the sticks to make a puzzle and they
should take one by one no fighting .
The students will have sticks of a picture and under each sticks the numbers.
They should put the numbers in order to make a picture.
Make sure that all students return the sticks to the box for next group.

Time: 5 min

Ask all students to count from 1 to 13 to know if they recognize the concept that they learn.
Let the students write number thirteen in the air with their magic finger.

I will make a checklist of the student's names to write notes while they do the activities to know who
is need more focus and practice, because all of the students will have different levels of the activities,
and that will show who need more help because each student has a different way to learn. Also, when
I ask the students who will count form 1 to 13 to know if they recognize the new number (13).

During this week I explain the number thirteen and it's my first time to teach math lesson this
week. The lesson was organized from the activities aspect because I provide enough materials
for each student to let all students try the activities. The students understand the concept of
the lesson which is, they recognized number thirteen, they know how to write it and count the
number from one to thirteen and put the numbers in the order. Moreover, the weakness part
of the lesson is I cant take control of the students and that let me feel nervous because I want
to do what I plan for it and the students were so active on this day. Also, I took a lot of time
to control them even though the MST was helping me to manage the whole class and to finish
the lesson on the time because she wants to review with students the hour's lesson. On
another hand, I used high, low, medium level activities to let the students understand faster
and enjoyed while they do the activities because it in their levels, and that helps me to focus
more with the low-level students to understand the lesson and to finished the activity and to
challenge them while they do the activity ask them can you show me how you did it, because
that helps them to develop their thinking and cognitive. According to Vygotsky theory, he
believes that when the teacher uses the ZPD (Zone Approximate Development) help the
students to understand the lesson or any concept, because of that I used his theories I teach
the students the lesson step by step and guiding them to let them do the activities by

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