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(Reading for Main Idea)

(Main Idea) ?

Main Idea


idea main


idea main idea


1) topic

(What is the topic


topic + controlling
idea) main idea main idea

Main Idea &
Topic sentence Topic Sentence

Main Idea:


1. State main idea

main idea main


idea supporting idea state
main idea

2. Implied main idea main


Main Idea


A baby elephant is the biggest of all land babies. A

newborn baby weighs more than two hundred pounds. It is
about three feet high. The new baby is strong, too. Almost as
soon as it is born, it can walk about.

( (land

200 3

(main idea) A baby elephant is
the biggest of all land babies.)


Keep your tree outdoors until the day before Christmas.

Never use lighted candles. There are also other suggestions for
avoiding a Christmas tree fire. Turn off the lights before you
leave the house and throw away the tree by New Year's Day.


(main idea) There are also other
suggestions for avoiding a Christmas tree fire.)

Most people are free to enjoy themselves in the evenings

and on weekends. Some spend their time watching television,
listening to the radio, or going to movies; others participate in
sports. It depends on their interests. There are various ways to
spend one's free time.



Idea) There are various ways to spend one's
free time.

main idea


(topic Noun) (Topic

Idea) topic
idea Topic sentence Main

(Determining the Main Idea)

(main idea) topic


1. Nilga Falls ha an irresistible lure for dare devils.

Some foolhardy men have dared death by dancing above the
chasm on tight rope or plunging over the cataract in a barrel.
Others have tried to swim the current and to shoot the Rapids
in boats.

main idea central idea

Topic sentence

topic sentence
topic sentence

2. People behave strangely sometimes. It is not very

unusual to hear of or read about cases such as these : a lady
with all the advantages of wealth and position picking up a
champagne bottle, ready to lunch a ship, suddenly disappears
in confusion a soldier keeps his bride waiting at the church for
an hour before he decides to show up for the wedding
ceremony and, for one last example, a teenage typist is afraid of
changing her job. The lives and interests of these people are
greatly different, but they have one thing in common. The
reason for their peculiar behavior is that they are shy.

topic sentence

3. There are a lot of deer here. There are bears. Mountain

lions and coyotes. This area attracts a great number of
hunters and fishermen. To the east there are streams full, and
there are duck, geese and pheasants.

topic sentence

topic sentence

4. Penicillin is one of the greatest of the wonder drugs.

It has saved thousands of lives already and will save many more
in the future. But it has no effect whatever on the bulk of the ills
of man and of beast. Good as it is, it is certainly not a cure all.

topic sentence

5. The mule deer lives in the east of the Sierra Nevadas. It
is the lagest of the North America deer. Sometimes weighing
almost 400 pounds. The name has been given to the species
because of the long ears and the mule-like tail. Owing to its
rather large, antlers, it is a valuable game animal.
(mule deer)

topic sentence



topic sentence

main idea

1. Susan was homesick. She thought of her mother and

father and wished she was able to be with them. She
missed all the familiar activities, place and people she
had known at home.
2. John often what he had to buy when he went shopping.
In the same way he rarely remembered his
appointments. When he wrote a letter, he often put it in
his briefcase and found it there a week later. He was
very forgetful.
3. Many people think that cassava is a pretty terrible crop.
Some agronomists claim that it extracts all important
nutrients from the soil. Consequently, the land will
eventually turn into desert. Several environmentalists
point out that tapioca four factories have polluted the
environment. There are also many nutritionists who
believe that cassava is a lop-sides source of food.
4. Tom knelt down to tie his shoes, and then went toward
the barn. There, he filled a bucket with oats and water
to make breakfast for his pigs in the orchard. To get to
the hogs he went over the bridge above the swirling
stream. As he passed over the water, he saw his fathers
boat pounding itself against the rocks.
5. What is amnesia? If you say only that it is loss of
memory, you include any man who forgets his wifes
birthday or goes off to the office without his wristwatch.
Actually, amnesia is something a bit more serious. It is
loss of memory, to be sure, but it is of the sort brought
on by injury, overwork, worry, or a nasty blow on the

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