Ag Sci Pre-Test

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________

Agriculture Science Pre-Test

1. Draw a picture of what you think agriculture science is.

2. List the first five words that come to mind when you think of the word agriculture.

3. Draw a picture or concept map that shows how your hamburger or salad (choose one)
gets to your plate in five or more steps.

4. a) Circle which of the following are components of soil.

Dead Things -- Plants -- Dirt -- Rocks -- Roots -- Water -- Bugs -- Minerals -- Air -- I dont know

b) List 3 reasons why soil is important.

5. a) Draw a picture of a flower and label as many parts as you can.

b) List and explain 2 reasons why flowers are important.

6. a) What does GMO stand for?

b) Are your feelings about GMOs positive or negative?

7. On the photo below, draw arrows to AND describe 5 things you would have to
consider/do if you were the farm manager.

8. List at least three careers you can go into in agriculture or agriculture science.

9. How can you use Ag Science in your everyday life?

10. Which of the following are parts of agriculture science?

a. Flowers
b. Animals
c. Money management
d. Soil
e. All of the above except c.
f. All of the above

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