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Word Root Rt meaning Meaning

1 abase ------- ------- degrade
2 abash ------- ------- embarrass
3 abate ------- ------- subside
4 abbreviate brevis shorten shorten
5 abdicate dictum speak renounce
6 aberrant errare wander abnormality
7 abet ------- ------- assist
8 abeyance ------- ------- suspended action
9 abhor horrere terror hate
10 abject jacere throw wretched
11 abjure jur law renounce upon oath
12 ablution luerer wash washing
13 abnegation negare deny renunciation
14 abolish ------- ------- cancel
15 abominable omen omen detestable
16 abominate omen omen detestable
17 aboriginal origo being the first of its kind
18 abortive ------- ------- fruitless
19 abrasive ------- ------- rubbing away
20 abridge brevis shorten shorten
21 abrogate rogatum speak abolish
22 abscission cise cut removal by cutting off
23 abscond condere to put depart secretly
24 absolute solvere to loosen complete
25 absolve solvere to loosen pardon
26 abstemious temum liquor sparing in eating and drinking
27 abstinence tenere hold restrain from eating and drinking
28 abstract trahere to pull theoretical
29 abstruse trudere thrust obscure
30 abusive ------- ------- insulting
31 abut ------- ------- border upon
32 abyss ------- ------- enormous chasm
33 academic ------- ------- related to school
34 accede cedere to yield agree
35 accelerate celer speed move faster
36 accessible cedere to yield easy to approach
37 accessory cedere to yield additional object
38 acclaim clamare shout applaud
39 acclimate klima surface of the earth adjust to climate
40 acclivity cliv incline sharp upslope of a hill
41 accommodate ------- ------- oblige or help someone
42 accomplice plica fold partner in crime
43 accord cord heart agreement
44 accost costa rib approach and speak first to a person
45 accoutre suere sew equip
46 accretion creare increase increase
47 accrue creare increase come about by addition
48 acerbic acer bitter bitter
49 acerbity acer bitter bitterness
50 acetic acer bitter vinegary
51 acidulous acer bitter sharp,slightly sour
52 acknowledge ------- ------- recognize
53 acme akme peak
54 acoustics acou hear science of sound
55 acquiesce quere quiet agree
56 acquittal quere quiet deliverance from a charge
57 acrid ------- ------- sharp
58 acrimonious ------- ------- bitter in words
59 acrophobia acro height fear of heights
60 actuarial agere to drive calculating
61 actuate actus to do motivate
62 acuity acu sharp sharpness
63 acumen acu sharp mental keenness
64 acute acu sharp quickly perceptive
65 adage ------- ------- wise saying
66 adamant ------- ------- hard
67 adapt aptis fit modify
68 addendum ------- ------- addition
69 addiction dictum speak compulsive
70 address ducere to lead direct a speech to
71 adept aptis fit expert at
72 adhere haerer stick stick fast
73 adherent haerer stick supporter
74 adjacent jacere throw adjoining
75 adjunct junct join something added on
76 adjuration jur law solemn urging
77 adjutant jur law staff officer assisting a commander
78 admonish monit warn warn
79 adorn ornare decorate decorate
80 adroit fr rt hand skillful

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