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Project Management Information System (PMIS)

What is project?

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

What is project management?

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to
meet project requirements.

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while
honoring the preconceived project constraints. Typical constraints are scope, time, and budget.

Identified Service Industry (Information and Technology)

A Service provided to one or more Customers, by an IT Service Provider.
An IT Service is based on the use of Information Technology and supports the Customer's Business
An IT Service is made up from a combination of people, Processes and technology and should be defined
in a Service Level Agreement. (Typically in the form of a project)

PMIS is not only constrained with IT industry, it has a wider scope and can be used in all industry which
use projects to deliver a service/product.

What is PMIS?

Project Management Information System (PMIS) are system tools and techniques used in project
management to deliver information and support project management activities.

Features of PMIS

Centralize project information

Maintains history, controls workflows and defines who has access to the information.

Facilitate project communication and co-ordination

Coordinating project activities include scheduling meetings, jointly developing proposals, video
chat, desktop sharing and informally brainstorming project strategies etc.,

Supports in automating project processes.

Supports includes in automating Initiating, Planning, executing, controlling and closing.

Advantages of PMIS

• PMIS supports the successful completion of the project within time, scope, budget and quality

• PMIS integrates technical, functional and business constraints, ensuring maximal control and
visibility on the project.

• PMIS helps in software application life cycle management.

• PMIS is referred and used in expert judgment.

• Since every industries such as Software, Construction, automotive, insurance which provides a
product or services prefers to use project management PMIS is inevitable.

• PMIS reduces project failures and ensure proper communication.

Disadvantages of PMIS
• PMIS should be updated & integrated on each phase of the project with current new
developments. If it’s not updated it will be less effective.
PMIS is used in the following 9 knowledge areas of project management:

• Integration
• Scope
• Time
• Cost
• Quality
• Risk
• Communication
• Human resource
• Procurement

It has useful information collected from the previous project it also helps to make
expert judgment by subject matter experts.

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