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Who is the boy?

Where does he go for where does he live?

his hobby?

What does he like to do?

When did he go to fish ?

What did he prepare/ bring along?

How long did he wait to fish? Content 1 How did he go there? How long did
he take to arrive the place?

What did he do to his fishing-rod? What did he do to start fishing?

What happened to his rod after a few minutes?

What did he think about it? Content 2 What did he do then?

How did he feel?

How hard did he try to pull his fishing line?

How long did he manage with the fishing-rod?

Give the best closure to Closure What did he find at the end?
to tell the boys situation.
i.e. He cycled home slowly, feeling
frustrated but he promised himself not to give up and How did he feel?
planned to come again the next day.

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