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1. Look at the chart and complete the dialogues.


Ann: I _____________________ swim but I _____________________ ride a horse.

Pam: I _____________________ paint but I _____________________ cook.
Jim: __________________________________________________________________
Bill: __________________________________________________________________
Both Ann and Pam ______________________________________________________
____________________ but they _________________________________________
2. Use the prompts to write questions

1) How ..../ elephants/ eat/?

Fast _____________________________________________________
Long 2) How .../ frogs/ jump/ ?
Much (x2) _____________________________________________________
High 3) How .../ parrots/ fly/?
4) How .../ baby hippos/ weigh/?
5) How .../ tortoises/ live/ ?

3. Match the halves to make answers. Then, match the answers with the questions in
Activity 3.

They jump Up to 65 km per hour

They eat Up to 100 years
They fly About 45 kilos.
They live About 6000 kg of leaves a day
They weigh Up to two metres

4. Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

(1) This lemon cake is good but apple cake is _________________________
(2) A leopard is fast but a cheetah is ___________________
(3) Alice is friendly but Paul is the ___________________ in the group
(4) Mary is the ___________________ talkative student in the class.
(5) These drawings are ___________________ creative than the others.

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