Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy A Systematic Review 2011

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REVIEW Print ISSN 1738-6586 / On-line ISSN 2005-5013

J Clin Neurol 2011;7:1-9 10.3988/jcn.2011.7.1.1

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Systematic Review

Alessandro Biffi,a,b,c Steven M. Greenbergb,c

Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA, USA
Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA, USA
Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA

Received September 2, 2010 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a disorder characterized by amyloid deposition in the walls
Revised September 17, 2010 of leptomeningeal and cortical arteries, arterioles, and less often capillaries and veins of the cen-
Accepted September 17, 2010 tral nervous system. CAA occurs mostly as a sporadic condition in the elderly, its incidence asso-
ciating with advancing age. All sporadic CAA cases are due to deposition of amyloid-, originat-
Alessandro Biffi, MD
ing from proteolytic cleavage of the Amyloid Precursor Protein. Hereditary forms of CAA are
Hemorrhagic Stroke Research generally familial (and therefore rare in the general population), more severe and earlier in onset.
Group and Center for Human CAA-related lobar intracerebral hemorrhage is the most well-studied clinical condition associated
Genetics Research, with brain amyloid deposition. Despite ever increasing understanding of CAA pathogenesis and
Department of Neurology, availability of reliable clinical and diagnostic tools, preventive and therapeutic options remain very
Massachusetts General Hospital, limited. Further research efforts are required in order to identify biological targets for novel CAA
185 Cambridge Street, treatment strategies. We present a systematic review of existing evidence regarding the epidemi-
CPZN 6818, Boston, ology, genetics, pathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical management of CAA.
MA 02114, USA J Clin Neurol 2011;7:1-9
Tel +1-617-643-3304
Fax +1-617-643-3293 Key Wordszzcerebral amyloid angiopathy, cerebral hemorrhage, dementia.
E-mail abiffi@partners.org

Introduction of CAA, provide an overview of diagnostic tools available to

clinical neurologists, as well as summarize current guidelines
The term cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) describes an het- and recommendation for prevention and treatment of CAA-in-
erogeneous group of biochemically and genetically diverse tracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)(See Appendix for literature
central nervous system (CNS) disorders. All these medical con- Search criteria).
ditions share a characteristic morphological finding on patho-
logical examination, i.e. amyloid fibrils deposited in the walls Historical Perspective
of small to medium-sized, blood vessels mostly arterial. In some
instances amyloid deposits have been also observed in the cap- Vascular -amyloid deposition in the central nervous system
illaries of CNS parenchyma and of the leptomeninges. CAA was first described by Gustav Oppenheim in 1909. Oppenheim
mostly occurs in the sporadic form in the elderly, while rare fa- found foci of necrosis in the brain parenchyma adjacent to hy-
milial forms occur in younger patients and are generally lead to alinized capillary walls in 6 of 14 brains of autopsied individ-
more severe clinical manifestations. While more than 25 hu- uals with senile dementia and the pathological changes of AD.4
man proteins or have been found to form amyloid fibrils in In 1938, Scholz published the first article focusing solely on
vivo, only 7 have been described in CNS disorders,1,2 and all cerebral vascular abnormalities now recognized as CAA.5 The
sporadic forms and most hereditary forms of CAA affecting the observation that CAA is limited to the vascular media without
human brain are of the A type (A-CAA)(Table 1). In A-CAA adjacent parenchymal involvement was made in 1954 by Ste-
the action of - and -secretases on the amyloid precursor pro- fanos Pantelakis.6 He also described many of the hallmark
tein (APP) lead to deposition of amyloid- (A) peptide, mirror- pathological features of CAA: 1) preferential involvement of the
ing some aspect of Alzheimers disease (AD) patophysiology.3 small arteries and capillaries of the meninges, cerebral cortex,
In this review we will present a summary of existing evi- and cerebellar cortex; 2) topographical distribution favoring the
dence regarding the epidemiology, genetics and pathogenesis posterior brain regions; 3) lack of staining of vessels in the white

Copyright 2011 Korean Neurological Association 1

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Systematic Review

Table 1. Sporadic and familial (hereditary) CAA forms

Amyloid Precursor Chromo- Hemorrhagic
Disease Notes
peptide protein some stroke
A APP - Sporadic CAA +
A APP - CAA related to sporadic AD No increase in lobar ICH risk -
A APP 21 CAA related to familial AD Associated to presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 mutations -
A APP 21 CAA in Down syndrome Lobar ICH is rarely observed -
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Described in 2 large families from the Netherlands +
Hemorrhage with Amyloidosis: Age at onset: 50 years
Dutch type Lobar hemorrhages, focal neurological deficits,
dementia, and leukoencephalopathy
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage Described in 3 Italian families +
with Amyloidosis: Italian type Age at onset: 50 years
Lobar hemorrhages and dementia
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Described in a dutch family (discovered in Belgium, +/-
Hemorrhage with Amyloidosis: therefore called Flemish) and a British family
Flemish type Age at onset: 45 years
Progressive AD-like dementia, in some
patients associated with a lobar hemorrhage
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Described in a Iowa family and a Spanish family +/-
Hemorrhage with Amyloidosis: Age at onset: 50-66 years
Iowa type Memory impairment, expressive language
dysfunction, personality changes, myoclonic jerks,
short-stepped gait, no clinically manifest ICH
(family from Iowa) or lobar hemorrhages
(family from Spain)
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage Described in one family from Piedmont (Italy) +
with Amyloidosis: Piedmont type Age at onset: 50-70 years
Recurrent lobar hemorrhages, cognitive decline
A APP 21 Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage Described in one family from northern Sweden -
with Amyloidosis: Age at onset: -60 years
Arctic (Icelandic) type Progressive cognitive decline (no strokes)
ACys Cystatin C 20 Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage Described in 9 sub-families in Iceland +
with Amyloidosis: Icelandic type (one sporadic case in the US)
Causes systemic amyloidosis
Age at onset: 20-30 years
Recurrent lobar hemorrhages
ATTR Transthyretin 18 Meningovascular amyloidosis Polyneuropathy is the main clinical symptom In some
Rarer findings: ataxia, spasticity and dementia families (rare)
Systemic amyloidosis
AGel Gelsolin 9 Familial Amyloidosis- Progressive corneal lattice dystrophy, cranial and -
Finnish Type peripheral neuropathy, cutaneous amyloidosis
Systemic amyloidosis
PrPSc Prion 20 Gerstmann-Strussler- Described in one family -
Protein Scheinker syndrome Progressive cognitive decline
ABri ABri 13 Familial British Dementia Described in 4 families
precursor Age at onset: 45-50 years
protein Progressive dementia, cerebellar ataxia,
spastic tetraparesis
ADan ADan 13 Familial Danish Dementia Described in 1 family from Denmark
precursor Age at onset: 30 years
protein Cataracts, deafness, progressive ataxia, dementia
(previously known as heredopatia
AD: Alzheimers disease, CAA: cerebral amyloid angiopathy, ICH: intracerebral hemorrhage.

2 J Clin Neurol 2011;7:1-9

Biffi A and Greenberg SM

matter; 4) association with increased age and dementia; 5) in the elderly attributable to CAA range from 10% to 20% in
lack of association with hypertension and arteriosclerosis; 6) autopsy series to 34% in clinical series.12,15
lack of association with amyloidosis of the other organs. Over
the following 20 years multiple case reports and small series Pathogenesis
suggested an association between CAA and lobar ICH. Okaza- The 40-amino-acid-long A (A 1-40) is more soluble than
ki and colleagues published a seminal article in 1979, clarify- the longer A 1-42 and the two molecules differ in the distribu-
ing the relationship between CAA and lobar ICH.7 They iden- tion in brain and vessel walls. A 1-40 tends to be the major
tified 23 consecutive cases of moderate to severe CAA from au- form in the amyloid in artery walls in CAA, whereas A1-42 is
topsies at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN). A history of lobar, mul- more prominent in the plaques in brain tissue.16,17 It is generally
tiple hemorrhages was very common in these patients. Fibrinoid accepted that conformational transitions occurring in native sol-
degeneration of the vessel walls with microaneurysm forma- uble amyloid molecules increase their content in -sheet struc-
tion was sometimes seen, as well as a double-barreled vessel tures, thus favoring the formation and deposition of more insol-
wall appearance caused by cracking of the arterial media. Based uble oligomeric structures. In turn, these deposits trigger a se-
on these findings, the authors concluded that CAA was an un- condary cascade of events including, among others, release of
der-recognized cause of lobar ICH in the elderly, thus provid- inflammatory components, activation of the complement sys-
ing the foundation for further exploration of CAA and CAA- tem, oxidative stress, alteration of the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
related lobar ICH (CAA-ICH). permeability, and cell toxicity.18,19
While both deposited and soluble A molecules are identi-
Sporadic cal in their primary structure, they exhibit completely different
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy solubility and tinctorial properties. Soluble A forms undergo
a change in conformation (via mechanisms that remains largely
As previously mentioned (Table 1), sporadic CAA mostly occurs unknown) resulting in a predominantly -sheet structure, high-
in the elderly because of A deposition (A-CAA). A is a nor- ly prone to oligomerization, fibrillization and deposition. The
mally secreted, -4 kDa, 40 or 42 amino acids in length, proteo- identification of soluble A species in the systemic circulation,
lytic product of the 677-770 amino acid type 1 integral membrane brain interstitial fluid and CSF, together with the ability of the
protein referred to as the A precursor protein (APP, or more BBB to regulate A transport in both directions, originally sug-
commonly APP) encoded by the APP gene on chromosome gested plasma A to be a potential precursor of deposited am-
21.8-11 Generation of A from APP requires two proteolytic events, yloid.20 However, lack of brain lesions in transgenic models ex-
a proteolytic cleavage at the amino terminus of the A sequence hibiting several fold increased in plasma soluble A strongly
referred to as -secretase and a cleavage at the carboxyl termi- argues against the sole contribution of circulating species to
nus known as -secretase. brain deposition.21
Since smooth muscle cells, pericytes and endothelial cells all
Epidemiology express APP22 and isolated cerebral microvessels and meninge-
CAA is a frequent pathological finding and a fairly common al blood vessels are able to produce A23 the cerebral vascula-
clinical entity in the elderly. As a detectable pathology (regard- ture itself was therefore proposed as a possible source of ce-
less of severity), cerebrovascular amyloid is present in approxi- rebral A. Nevertheless, the sole contribution of smooth-muscle
mately 10% to 40% of elderly brains and 80% or more in brains cells to A-CAA is made less likely by the existence of amy-
with concomitant AD.12 Even when taking only relatively ad- loid deposits in capillaries (which are devoid of smooth mus-
vanced amyloid pathology in consideration, CAA remains a fre- cle) in CAA patients. In recent years, the hypothesis of a neuro-
quent finding. CAA pathology graded as moderate or severe (see nal origin of A and other amyloid proteins has therefore been
below for pathology grading scores) was estimated to be pres- gathering support.22,25-27 It has been proposed that amyloid pro-
ent in 2.3% of 65 to 74 year olds, 8.0% in 75 to 84 year olds, and duced by neurons is drained along the perivascular interstitial flu-
12.1% in those over 85 years in analyses of brains from the Har- id pathways of the brain parenchyma and leptomeninges, depo-
vard Brain Tissue Resource Center. Of note, these figures were siting along the vessels under specific pathologic conditions.28,29
corrected for over-representation of AD referrals.13 An even Since no evidence of increased A production has been
higher estimate of 21% for the prevalence of CAA graded as se- found in sporadic CAA, imbalance between A production and
vere emerged from other analyses of autopsied individuals aged clearance is generally considered a key element in the formation
85 to 86.14 The role of CAA in cerebrovascular epidemiology is of amyloid deposits. The amphyphilic nature of A precludes
of course mostly related to the increased risk for lobar ICH. In- its crossing through the BBB unless mediated by specialized
deed, estimates for the proportion of spontaneous hemorrhages carriers and/or receptor transport mechanisms. These mecha-

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Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Systematic Review

nisms control the uptake of circulating A into the brain30-36 and Depending on the severity of CAA, A depositions have been
regulate clearance.37-43 Among receptors involved, Receptor shown primarily in the abluminal portion of the tunica media,
for Advance Glycation End-products actively participates in often surrounding smooth muscle cells, and in the adventitia.
brain uptake of free A at the vessel wall level.30 Other recep- With increasing severity, A infiltrates all layers of the vessel
tors are more relevant for the transport of A complexed with wall, which shows loss of smooth muscle cells. Finally, the vas-
other molecules: LRP-1 mediates transcytosis of A-ApoE com- cular architecture is severely disrupted and double barreling,
plexes contributing to rapid CNS clearance,41 whereas megalin microaneurysm formation, fibrinoid necrosis, and evidence of
mediates in the cellular uptake and transport of A-ApoJ.36 perivascular leakage may be seen.58 Even in very high degrees
The hypothesis of defective A degradation, while less ex- of CAA-related changes, endothelial cells are well preserved
tensively studied as a possible mechanism for amyloid accumu- and usually not affected. Perivascular hemorrhages are frequent
lation, should not be overlooked. Neprilysin, endothelin-convert- around blood vessels affected with CAA.
ing enzyme, insulin-degrading enzyme, beta-amyloid-convert- Several authors also reported CAA-associated inflamma-
ing enzyme 1, plasmin and matrix metalloproteases are among tion/vasculitis.59,60 Two subtypes of CAA-associated inflamma-
the major enzymes known to participate in brain A catabolic tion have been described so far: a non-vasculitic form called
pathways.44-46 Reduced levels and/or activity of A degrading perivascular infiltration, which is characterized by perivascu-
enzymes favor A accumulation, as documented in murine mod- lar infiltration of the parenchyma by multinucleated giant cells
els, in which gene deletion of different proteases translate into and a vasculitic form called transmural granulomatous angiitis,
increased levels of A deposition.45,46 which is characterized by inflammation of the vessel wall with
the occasional presence of granulomas. Both pathologic forms
Genetics of sporadic CAA can co-occur, suggesting at least a partial overlap in biological
The ApoE 4 and 2 alleles are the only genetic risk factors mechanisms.
robustly associated with risk of developing sporadic A-CAA.47
Interestingly ApoE 2, which exerts a protective effect on AD Topographical distribution
risk, increases risk of ICH in A-CAA patients.48,49 ApoE inter- CAA distribution is characteristically patchy and segmental.
acts with soluble and aggregated A in vitro and in vivo and is In one given histological slide there may be foci showing ves-
therefore likely to be involved in both parenchymal and vas- sels with varying degrees of amyloid depositions adjacent to foci
cular amyloidosis.50-53 Further studies tested the role of human showing vessels without any amyloid deposition. This phenom-
ApoE alleles on the formation of parenchymal and vascular enon might lead to an under-diagnosis of CAA in postmortem
amyloid. The presence of the 4 allele led to substantial A- examination, as even in severe cases a given histological slide
CAA with only few parenchymal amyloid deposits. The 3 al- might not contain amyloid-laden blood vessels. It has been sh-
lele, however, resulted in almost no vascular and parenchymal own by many authors that CAA is most frequent in the occipi-
amyloidosis.54 In young mice, an increased ratio of A 40 : 42 tal lobe, followed by either frontal, temporal or parietal lobes,
was observed in brain extracellular pools and a lower A 40 : respectively. Furthermore, the occipital lobe is not only the site
42 ratio in CSF, suggesting that ApoE 4 causes altered clear- most frequently affected with CAA but also most severely so.
ance and transport of A within different brain compartments. CAA is more rarely seen in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cer-
These findings highlight again the importance of a high A 40 : ebellum, while both white matter and brainstem are usually
42 ratio for the formation of vascular amyloid. Other genetic risk spared.61-63
factors for A-CAA have been investigated, but their role re-
mains unclear, thus requiring additional research efforts. Histological diagnosis
Histological diagnosis of CAA requires use of special staining
Neuropathology for amyloid under light microscopy. Puchtler alkaline Congo-
red stain has been the standard method of amyloid staining for
Characteristic findings a long time, but since this stain is relatively unstable and has low
In hematoxylin-eosin stained sections severe CAA can be rec- sensitivity, a control staining with positive specimens is abso-
ognized by acellular thickening of blood vessel walls, but this lutely essential.64 Daylon stain (also known as direct fast scar-
finding is non-specific for CAA since it occurs in a variety of let) is more sensitive: it is therefore of greater utility in detect-
other disorders, including hypertensive angiopathy.55 In CAA, ing smaller amounts of amyloid deposition, but requires more
A is deposited mainly as amyloid- fibrils in close contact careful observation because of a known tendency to overstain.64
with smooth muscle cells.56,57 Non-fibrillar, monomeric and oli- Fluorescent microscopy is also useful for the diagnosis of am-
gomeric A was also demonstrated inside smooth muscle cells.56 yloidosis. Thioflavin-S is a sensitive stain for amyloid deposi-

4 J Clin Neurol 2011;7:1-9

Biffi A and Greenberg SM

tion, and it has been used from long time along with Congo-red bar or superficial regions of the brain, multiple hemorrhages,
staining.65 Immunohistochemistry with fluorescent antibodies increasing frequency with age, and an association with demen-
specific for precursor proteins is also a reliable diagnostic com- tia.68 In vitro work showed that accumulation of amyloid-beta
plement. peptide causes degeneration of cells in the walls of blood ves-
sels, affects vasoactivity, and improves proteolytic mechanisms,
CAA severity grading such as fibrinolysis, anticoagulation, and degradation of the ex-
Two grading systems for CAA are commonly used in routine tracellular matrix.68
neuropathology. Olichney et al.66 proposed the scale: 0, no A
positive blood vessels; 1, scattered A positivity in either lep- Clinical diagnosis
tomeningeal or intracortical blood vessels; 2, strong, circumfer- While hemorrhagic stroke is the defining clinical characteristic
ential A positivity in either some leptomeningeal or intracor- raising concern for CAA, there are no pathognomonic clinical
tical blood vessels; 3, widespread, strong, circumferential A features of CAA-ICH. Headache, focal neurological deficits,
positivity in leptomeningeal and intracortical blood vessels; 4, seizures and altered level of consciousness occur in all ICH pa-
same as 3 with additional dyshoric changes. Vonsattel et al.67 tients, based on hematoma size and location rather than patho-
graded CAA with respect to the severity of pathological chang- physiological mechanisms. Spontaneous bleeding due to CAA,
es in a given blood vessel: mild, amyloid is restricted to the tu- as previously mentioned, can also be small and asymptomatic
nica media without significant destruction of smooth muscle and is commonly referred to as a microbleed.69,70 Microbleeds
cells; moderate, the tunica media is replaced by amyloid and is are part of the integrated clinical and imaging assessment lead-
thicker than normal; severe, extensive amyloid deposition with ing to CAA diagnosis during life (see below), and have also been
focal wall fragmentation or even double barreling of the vessel shown to correlate with risk of cognitive decline, functional de-
wall, microaneurysm formation, fibrinoid necrosis, and leakage pendence and lobar ICH recurrence.71 A recent study, based on
of blood through the blood vessel wall. assessment of microbleeds and leukoaraiosis in CAA-ICH and
hypertensive ICH patients, suggested that both pathophysiolog-
Clinical features ical mechanisms might be present simultaneously in up to 25%
CAA can be completely asymptomatic, especially since ap- of ICH patients.72
proximately 50% of individuals over 80 years of age display A definitive CAA diagnosis can only be formulated after his-
some pathology evidence of amyloid deposition as part of nor- tological investigation of affected brain tissue, obtained at autop-
mal aging processes. However, amyloid deposition in cerebral sy or via brain biopsy. In practice evidence of CAA is very often
blood vessels does favor development of several clinical con- found unexpectedly at post-mortem investigation. Non-invasive
ditions. Amyloid deposition can weaken cerebral blood ves- CAA diagnostic criteria have been therefore developed and re-
sels walls, causing rupture and therefore leading to both asymp- fined in the past decade, in order to both improve and standard-
tomatic microbleeds and lobar ICH. Amyloid deposits can also ize diagnosis during life (Table 2).73 Additional refinement of
obliterate the vessel lumen, leading to ischemia and related clin- these criteria based on inclusion of superficial siderosis among
ical manifestations (cerebral infarction, incomplete infarction, imaging markers of CAA has been recently proposed.74 Further-
leukoaraiosis). Focal neurological deficits, disturbances of con- more, positron emission tomography imaging with the beta-
sciousness, progressive cognitive decline, dementia, and death amyloid-binding compound Pittsburgh Compound B has
can occur as a consequence of these vascular mechanisms (al- been recently proposed as a potential noninvasive method for
beit additional biological processes are also likely to be impli- CAA detection in living subjects.75 A recent report suggested
cated).15 that severity of Pittsburgh Compound B retention is associated
CAA-related ICH (CAA-ICH) accounts for 5-20% of all spon- with risk of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator-as-
taneous (non-traumatic) ICH in elderly subjects. CAA-ICH sociated intraparenchymal hemorrhage.76
tends to be lobar in location, due to the involvement of super-
ficial cortical and leptomeningeal vessels, and often manifests Prevention and treatment
as recurrent or multiple simultaneous bleeding events, because No evidence-based treatment or preventive strategy for CAA
of the widespread nature of the angiopathy. Hypertension is or CAA-ICH exists at this time. Corticosteroid treatment has
less commonly associated with lobar hemorrhages than with been shown in some case reports and small series to amelio-
non-lobar ICH.15 Increasing evidence is emerging that CAA may rate symptoms associated with CAA-related inflammation, pos-
be a risk factor for thrombolysis-related intracerebral hemor- sibly by reducing vasogenic edema.77 Other immunosuppressant
rhage. CAAH and thrombolysis-related intracerebral hemor- treatments have been reported to influence the course of inflam-
rhage share some clinical features, such as predisposition to lo- matory CAA, but available evidence is extremely limited.78 How-

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Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: A Systematic Review

Table 2. Boston criteria for CAA diagnosis

1. Definite CAA
Full postmortem examination demonstrating:
Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage
Severe CAA with vasculopathy*
Absence of other diagnostic lesion
2. Probable CAA with supporting pathology
Clinical data and pathologic tissue (evacuated hematoma or cortical biopsy) demonstrating:
Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage
Some degree of CAA in specimen
Absence of other diagnostic lesion
3. Probable CAA
Clinical data and MRI or CT demonstrating:
Multiple hemorrhages restricted to lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical regions (cerebellar hemorrhage allowed)
Age 55 years
Absence of other cause of hemorrhage
4. Possible CAA
Clinical data and MRI or CT demonstrating:
Single lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage
Age 55 years
Absence of other cause of hemorrhage
INR >73.0 or other nonspecific laboratory abnormalities permitted for diagnosis of possible CAA.
*Von sattel JP, Myers RH, Hedley-Whyte ET, Ropper AH, Bird ED, Richardson EP Jr. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy without and with ce-
rebral hemorrhages: a comparative histological study. Ann Neurol 1991;30:637-649,67 Other causes of intracerebral hemorrhage in-
clude: excessive warfarin dosing (INR >3.0), antecedent head trauma or ischemic stroke, CNS tumor, vascular malformation, CNS
vasculitis, blood dyscrasia, coagulopathy.
CAA: cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

ever, recently reported results from the PROGRESS trial sug- reditary forms are exceedingly rare and tend to present in se-
gests that blood pressure control is likely to reduce risk of CAA- lected families in the form of autosomal dominant disorders.
ICH recurrence.79 While CAA has been shown to represent a risk Both sporadic and hereditary CAA often cause cognitive im-
factor for thrombolysis-associated ICH and warfarin-related pairment, but lobar ICH is not a consistent feature of all heredi-
hemorrhagic stroke, no clear tools for risk prediction and strati- tary CAA forms. Specifically, hereditary CAA can be further
fication have yet been developed and validated. In particular, classified in A and non-A forms, based on the accumulating
there is growing interest in the possible role of leukoaraiosis and peptide (or fragment). While involvement of leptomeningeal or
microbleeds as surrogate markers for CAA severity, and there- cerebral vessels has been described in all familial syndromes,
fore as possible tools for prediction of CAA-ICH.80 Of note, a re- lobar ICH rarely dominates the clinical picture of non-A CAA,
cent study found an association between aspirin use and CAA- with the remarkable exception of the non-A Icelandic type.
ICH recurrence, providing preliminary evidence of a possible as- As for familial A forms (Fig. 1), although some alterations in
sociation between microbleed burden and re-bleeding risk due to APP processing have been associated with corresponding mu-
antiplatelet treatment.81 Similarly, in light of recent evidence as- tations (particularly the Flemish mutation), their primary char-
sociating statin treatment with increased risk for ICH recurren- acteristic appears to be a modification of biochemical and cell
ce additional research is necessary in order to determine the risks biological properties of the peptide itself, including conforma-
and benefits of lipid-loweirng treatment for CAA patients.82 tion, aggregation and fibril generation. Of note, APOE seems to
play less of a significant role in hereditary than sporadic CAA,
Hereditary possibly reflecting the overriding role of the autosomal domi-
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy nant A mutation in determining Amyloid accumulation and
therefore disease risk and clinical course.
Overall, hereditary forms of CAA (Table 1) are generally more
severe than sporadic forms and often characterized by earlier Conclusion
age of onset, more severe clinical course, and earlier age of neu-
rologic devastation and/or death.83-89 Unlike sporadic CAA, he- CAA presents in both sporadic and hereditary familial forms.

6 J Clin Neurol 2011;7:1-9

Biffi A and Greenberg SM



Extracellular -secretase -secretase Intracellular

compartment compartment

Terminal Terminal


Dutch Piedmont
Swedish London
E693Q L705V French
KM670/671NL Italian V717I
Flemish Italian Iowa V715M
A713T Austrian V717F
A692G E693K D694N
T7141 V717G
Arctic Iranian Florida V717L
E693G T714A I716V

Fig. 1. Mutations in the APP gene and their relationship to the amino acid sequence of the A peptide. APP: amyloid precursor protein.

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