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Companies Liquidation & Insolvency

Insurance Companies
A plethora of companies stumble upon financial Insolvency Insurance
and/or Fund
distress that leads to judicial management or liq-

uidation. It is significant to insure this unforeseen

horrendous commercial state. This insurance plan

will ensure commercial longevity of the company.

This genre of insurance is meant to protect busi-

nesses, employment and the generic economy

against economic meltdown. According to Statis-

tics South Africa there is a huge number of com-

panies that are liquidated. This insurance is de-

signed to curb the adverse financial state of corpo-

rate citizens in order to bolster the economic cycle.

LTE Insurance

We deliver with aplomb!! We deliver with aplomb!!

NB: We are seeking insurance joint venture agreements with well

-established insurance companies as we do not have insurance
license. We own all the rights to liquidation /insolvency fund or

It is incumbent upon us to Phone: + 27 81 898 4724

shape the globe! +27 79 913 6245 We are here for you!!
E-mail: Tel: + 27 81 898 4724

Copyright: Zenani France Sibanyoni 2017

All Rights Reserved
Insure Liquidations/

important that in the South African
We have designed the Company Liquida-
tion Security Fund in and global economy we need to
Registration No. 2013/167943/07 order to salvage the
dire situation created have Companies Liquidation/
Liquidation is an instance where a com- by liquidations. I also
pany is unable to meet its obligations. In prepared the requisite Insolvency Security Fund.
other words the liabilities of the company Deed of Trust. This is a
are more than its assets. However,
We wont spectate your down- curtain raiser to Liq- It therefore makes sound and feasi-
whether we like it or not companies are fall! uidations/Insolvency
liquidated on a daily basis in South Afri- ble economic sense to protect these
ca as reported by Statistics South Africa. extreme losses to the economy.
Procrastination is a thief of time. The SA
The amount of stigma that goes with your
companies have two available modus op-
LIQUIDATION/INSOLVENCY company being liquidated is at times in-
erandi: Liquidations Fund or Liquidation
PROOF surmountable. However, the social fabric
insurance. NB: LTE Insurance will team
Liquidations cause an adverse strain to becomes destabilized because of a pleth-
up with registered insurers via joint ven-
the economy of South Africa and the ora of employees who will lose their jobs
ture agreement as it has no licence.
World. It is therefore paramount and vital in the process.
to design commercial schemes that will
counteract the painful repercussions
caused by liquidations and insolvencies. We deliver with aplomb!!

All the above statistics are shock- NB: We are seeking insurance joint venture
agreements with well-established insurance
companies as we do not have insurance license. We
ing, and what is more astonishing own all the rights to liquidation /insolvency fund or
Phone: + 27 81 898 4724
Your interests are in caring hands! is that there is no commercial plan +27 79 913 6245

Copyright: Zenani France Sibanyoni 2017

All Rights Reserved

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