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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teachers name: Wadha Ali Observers name: Diane Tzovanis

Unit/Lesson: Math Grade Level: KG 2
Date: 26 October 2017

F = Unsatisfactory D = Marginal C = Satisfactory B = Very Good A = Exceptional

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession X
Planning for learning X
Managing Learning X
Implementing Learning X
Assessment X
Reflection on Practice X

Strengths of the lesson:

- Wadha participates (co-teaches) very actively during circle time, together with her
MST. She cooperates very well with her MST

- During this co-teaching segment, Wadha gives very clear instructions to students, she
effectively distributes necessary materials and even says be quiet (in a firm voice)
when necessary

- At the centers, Wadha once more gives students very clear instructions using
appropriate language

- Wadha uses many different teaching & learning strategies throughout her segment
with a small group. She is very hands on and she is able to guide and support
students according to their individual needs (ie. she offers differentiated support)

- She has an excellent relationship with her students who are focused on the tasks and
remain engaged the whole time

- Wadha does an excellent job handling/motivating Mohamed who is being a bit

difficult today. Wadha keeps using different strategies and finally gets him to resume
and complete his work. Impressive!

- Wadha manages student behavior very well. She is friendly yet very firm with the
children. They know that she expects them to be productive
Areas for development:

- A few grammatical errors were heard during the lesson, but overall, Wadhas spoken
English is quite good. She must now strive for excellence!

Overall comments:

- Wadhas MST had only very positive and wonderful things to say about Wadhas
dedication to this TP experience.

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