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7Programming and Calibration

In this section you will learn how to program BX 1 according to your application,

Calibrations are explained. Symbols at the bottom right of the device

Shows the functions during programming. The basics of the Russians

The meanings are summarized in the table below

7.1 Introduction to the Programming and Calibration Menu

To enter the programming and calibration menu, press the <F> key followed by Info

We press. The display will show [FunC] and [PASSWr] respectively. Service

Enter the operator password (T) and press <Enter> key

Program. To access the parameters that can be entered with the service password,

The calibration jumper must be installed (see section 2.2). the password

If not entered, it is returned to the weighing mode. With operator clearance

Only the parameters related to the use can be changed. With service mode

The parameters that can be changed are displayed in the flow field on the next page;

The calibration jumper requirements are indicated by black squares in the upper right

The Programming and Calibration menu displays the main blocks in the form [X--] and the

Build from blocks. And typing in the next yada to the previous main blog

accessible. When the main block you want to enter is selected and then press Enter,

The first sub-block within the block is accessed and the display [X0-] appears. And tuna

To reach the desired sub-blog and press Enter to select the sub-block

You can enter the first parameter. Indicating the first parameter of the selected sub-block

The message [XY0] appears. In the same quadrant and in the next yada

You can reach the previous parameter. To change the parameter values, press 0?

Use. To enter a numeric value, use the <T> button to select the digit you want to change,

Change the value of this digit with the key.

7.2 Exit from the Programming and Calibration Menu

While at any stage within the Programming and Calibration menu, press <F>
When pressed, a top block is reached from the end point (parameter bottom block).

When the <F> key is pressed while in the main blocks, the message [SAVE] is displayed.

Press <Enter> to save changes made in the programming menu to memory,

To save the changes made until the device is switched off, or

The <F> key is pressed to ignore the changes made. In these three cases

The display will briefly display the message [WAIT] and the BX 1 returns to the weighing

Especially in legal metrological use, after the setting,

Do not forget to remove the calibration jumper.

With the INDFACE program you can change the settings of your device from your computer

You can perform operations


21 _

[31-] Calibration Correction Parameters

In this section only zero gain adjustments can be made. Thus, the entire calibration process

There is no need to repeat.

[310] Zero Calibration

This parameter is only to reset the zero setting. Press <Enter> for

Is entered into the parameter. When the display [ZE.CO] message appears, the scale

The kefesi is emptied and the Enter key is pressed. Indication during zero setting [WAIT]

Message appears. In this process, there should not be a load on the weighing instrument,

It must be ensured that it is stable. The indication [SAVE] appears after the measurement.

Set zero is loaded into memory by pressing <Enter> key.

<F> key to exit without saving the transaction.

[311] Gain Calibration Setting

With this parameter, the gain setting of the device is renewed. By pressing <Enter>

Displayed [XXXXXX] posts appear. This number is set for gain calibration
Is the required load value. Display weight is a different calibration weight than the displayed

, The weight of the calibrated calibration is adjusted with the help of the <Tare> and <Zero>

The desired weight value is entered and the weight is placed on the scale and press <Enter>

Printed. As in zero calibration, you can gain as much as 10 seconds here

Calibration is done and the display shows [SAVE] at the end.

The gain setting made is loaded into the memory by pressing the <Enter> key. Calibration

<F> key to exit without saving the transaction.

[312] Load Gain Calibration Setting

In this step, without lifting the current load of a weighing instrument under load,

Is the gain adjustment made by loading the weight required for calibration. It

Parameter facilitates gain calibration especially for non-empty tanks.

When entering this parameter, the device will first determine the current state,

The instrument should not be touched and the calibration weight should not be added.

Press <Enter> key in this parameter, the display will show [P.ZEro]. It,

BX 1 is the stage of determining the current state of the weighing instrument. Temporary
Zero setting

Press <Enter> when ready for this phase. [WAIT] message

There shall be no additional load on the weighing instrument and the stability of the
weighing instrument

It must be provided. The device that detects the current state switches to gain calibration.

The display will briefly read [LoAd] and then add the calibration

[XXXXXX], which is the load value that should be maintained. Set if necessary

Calibration weight is entered with <Dara> and <Zero> keys, additional load on scale

And then press <Enter>. Earning up to 10 seconds

The [SAVE] message appears on the BX 1 indicator, which completes the calibration setting.

The gain setting made is loaded into the memory by pressing the <Enter> key. Calibration

<F> key to exit without saving the transaction.

[313] eCal Calibration

Caution: Before starting to eCal, the capacity and division from parameter [212]

Enter the value.

This parameter allows us to calibrate your scale metric without using any test weight

It provides. Weighing instrument capacity, total load cell capacity, load cell output and

The tool dead load values are the values we need for this calibration.

Automatic zero instead of entering dead load value if conditions are appropriate

We recommend you to calibrate. Press the <Dara> key for input.



Total Load Cell capacity is entered in kg in <Dara> and <Zero>

Press the <Enter> key to move to the next step.

Example: If the weight system contains 4 1000 kg Load Cells, LC.CAP = 4000.



The output value (mV / V) specified in the load cell certificate can be set with the <Tare> and

Enter. If there are more than one load cell in the system, the average load cell output

Value must be entered. Press <Enter> to move to the next step.

Example: Output values of load cells in 4 load cell system:

Mean value for LC1: 2.0010, LC2: 1.9998, LC3: 1.9986 and LC4: 2.0002:

LC output = (2.0010 + 1.9998 + 1.9986 + 2.0002) / 4 = 1.9999 mV / V.



Press <Enter> key to perform zero calibration. If this step is empty and zero

Calibration should be performed if possible. Displaying about 10 seconds

[WAIT] the message came to mind - now that the weighing instrument is empty and stable

- then [SAVE] step is passed.

If zero calibration is not possible, press (Info) to enter the estimated dead load value.

Yada (X10) to move to step [PrE-Ld].



Enter the dead load value with the <Dara> and <Zero> keys and press <Enter>

Go to the next step.


The calibration is done by pressing <Enter> key. Calibration

Press <F> to exit without saving the transaction.

Note: If you need to make a setting after the calibration is completed, either [310]

Set the parameter to zero; Or dead load value [read on empty balance

Value + dead load value you entered earlier].

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