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Sage Advice Compendium

The Sage Advice Compendium collects questions and an- Official Rulings
swers about the rules of Dungeons & Dragons (fifth edi-
tion). These are the official rulings of Jeremy Crawford, the Official rulings on how to interpret rules are made here
games lead rules developer. in the Sage Advice Compendium. The public statements
The documents version number changes when substan- of the D&D team, or anyone else at Wizards of the Coast,
tive additions or revisions have been to made to the text. are not official rulings; they are advice. One excep-
The newest material appears in a shaded box like this one. tion: the games lead rules developer, Jeremy Crawford
(@JeremyECrawford on Twitter), can make official rulings
Rules References and does so in this document and on Twitter.
A Dungeon Master adjudicates the game and determines
The fifth edition of D&D has three official rulebooks, each whether to use an official ruling in play.
of which was first published in 2014:
Players Handbook (abbreviated PH) Compiled Answers
Monster Manual (abbreviated MM) Sage Advice answers that are relevant to the current state
Dungeon Masters Guide (abbreviated DMG) of the rules are compiled here.
The free Basic Rules contains portions of those three books
and can be downloaded here: The Role of Rules Why even have a column like Sage Advice when a DM
can just make a ruling? Rules are a big part of what makes
Play in the Adventurers League is also governed by the D&D a game, rather than simply improvised storytelling.
Adventurers League Players Guide. The games rules are meant to help organize, and even in-
spire, the action of a D&D campaign. The rules are a tool,
Errata and we want our tools to be as effective as possible. No
Corrections have been issued for the early printings of matter how good those tools might be, they need a group of
certain fifth edition books and can be downloaded at the fol- players to bring them to life and a DM to guide their use.
lowing locations. A corrected version of any of these books The DM is key. Many unexpected things can happen in
includes one of the following lines on its credits page: a D&D campaign, and no set of rules could reasonably ac-
count for every contingency. If the rules tried to do so, the
This printing includes corrections to the first printing.
game would become unplayable. An alternative would be
This printing includes corrections. for the rules to severely limit what characters can do, which
would be counter to the open-endedness of D&D. The direc-
Players Handbook (2014)
tion we chose for the current edition was to lay a foundation
of rules that a DM could build on, and we embraced the
Monster Manual (2014) DMs role as the bridge between the things the rules ad-
dress and the things they dont.
In a typical D&D session, a DM makes numerous rules
Dungeon Masters Guide (2014) decisionssome barely noticeable and others quite obvi-
ous. Players also interpret the rules, and the whole group
keeps the game running. There are times, though, when the
Hoard of the Dragon Queen (2014) design intent of a rule isnt clear or when one rule seems to contradict another.
Dealing with those situations is where Sage Advice
comes in. This column doesnt replace a DMs adjudication.
Princes of the Apocalypse (2015) Just as the rules do, the column is meant to give DMs, as well as players, tools for tuning the game according to their
tastes. The column should also reveal some perspectives
Out of the Abyss (2015) that help you see parts of the game in a new light and that aid you in fine-tuning your D&D experience.
When I answer rules questions, I often come at them
Sword Coast Adventurers Guide (2015) from one to three different perspectives. RAW. Rules as writtenthats what RAW stands for.
When I dwell on the RAW interpretation of a rule, Im
Volos Guide to Monsters (2016) studying what the text says in context, without regard to the designers intent. The text is forced to stand on its own.
Whenever I consider a rule, I start with this perspective;
its important for me to see what you see, not what I wished
wed published or thought wed published.
RAI. Some of you are especially interested in knowing
the intent behind a rule. Thats where RAI comes in: rules
as intended. This approach is all about what the designers

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 1
meant when they wrote something. In a perfect world, RAW to determine AC, yet AC calculations generate questions
and RAI align perfectly, but sometimes the words on the frequently. That fact isnt too surprising, given the number
page dont succeed at communicating the designers intent. of ways the game gives you to change your AC!
Or perhaps the words succeed with one group of players Here are some ways to calculate your base AC:
but not with another. Unarmored: 10 + your Dexterity modifier.
When I write about the RAI interpretation of a rule, Ill Armored: Use the AC entry for the armor youre wearing
be pulling back the curtain and letting you know what the (see PH, 145). For example, in leather armor, you calcu-
D&D team meant when we wrote a certain rule. late your AC as 11 + your Dexterity modifier, and in chain
RAF. Regardless of whats on the page or what the de- mail, your AC is simply 16.
signers intended, D&D is meant to be fun, and the DM is Unarmored Defense (Barbarian): 10 + your Dexterity
the ringmaster at each game table. The best DMs shape the modifier + your Constitution modifier.
game on the fly to bring the most delight to their players. Unarmored Defense (Monk): 10 + your Dexterity modifier
Such DMs aim for RAF, rules as fun. + your Wisdom modifier.
We expect DMs to depart from the rules when running Draconic Resilience (Sorcerer): 13 + your Dexter-
a particular campaign or when seeking the greatest hap- ity modifier.
piness for a certain group of players. Sometimes my rules Natural Armor: 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your natural
answers will include advice on achieving the RAF interpre- armor bonus. This is a calculation method typically used
tation of a rule for your group. only by monsters and NPCs, although it is also relevant
I recommend a healthy mix of RAW, RAI, and RAF! to a druid or another character who assumes a form that
Why does the errata change X and not Y? The errata for has natural armor.
the first printing of the Players Handbook sparked a num- These methodsalong with any others that give you a for-
ber of questions. Why did we make the changes we made?
mula for calculating your ACare mutually exclusive; you
Why didnt we make other changes? Did we change certain can benefit from only one at a time. If you have access to
things, such as Empowered Evocation, because they were more than one, you pick which one to use. For example, if
overpowered? youre a sorcerer/monk, you can use either Unarmored De-
The answer to such questions is straightforward: we fixed fense or Draconic Resilience, not both. Similarly, a druid/
mistakes in the text. The errata fixes text that was incom- barbarian who transforms into a beast form that has natu-
plete or off the mark in the original printing of the book. In ral armor can use either the beasts natural armor or Unar-
the new edition, the errata process is strictly for the cor- mored Defense (you arent considered to be wearing armor
rection of such things. Rebalancing and redesigning game when you use natural armor).
elements is the domain of playtesting, Unearthed Arcana What about a shield? A shield increases your AC by 2
articles, new design, and possible revision later in the edi- while you use it. For example, if youre unarmored and use
tions life span. a shield, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. Keep in
We play the game often, and we regularly review Twitter mind that some AC calculations, such as a monks Unar-
posts, Reddit discussions, website forums, survey results, mored Defense, prohibit the use of a shield.
emails, and customer service reports about the game. You Once you have your base AC, it can be temporarily mod-
have concerns about the contagion spell? We know about ified by situational bonuses and penalties. For instance,
them. You feel the Beastmaster is underpowered? Weve having half cover gives you a +2 bonus to your AC, and
had our eye on that subclass for a while. In fact, we have three-quarters cover gives a +5 bonus. Spells sometimes
a long list of things in the game that we keep an eye on modify AC as well. Shield of faith, for example, grants a tar-
and that we expect to experiment with in the months and get a +2 bonus to AC until the spell ends.
years ahead. Magic items can also enhance your AC. Here are a few
But that experimentation is unrelated to errata. Correc- examples: +1 chain mail gives you an AC of 17, a ring of
tionsthats what errata is about. If you read the errata protection gives you a +1 bonus to AC no matter what youre
document and think, We were already playing Empowered wearing, and bracers of defense grant you a +2 bonus to AC
Evocation the way it appears in the errata, then the errata if youre not wearing armor or using a shield.
process is working as intended. Its not intended to be filled
with new design surprises. Its meant to repair spots where Racial Traits
we forgot to tell you something, where we inadvertently told
you the wrong thing, or where some of you grasped our Does the Trance trait allow an elf to finish a long rest in
design intent and others didnt, as a result of the texts not 4 hours? If an elf meditates during a long rest (as described
being clear enough. in the Trance trait), the elf finishes the rest after only 4
Fifth edition now belongs to the thousands of groups hours. A meditating elf otherwise follows all the rules for
playing it. It would be inappropriate for the design team to a long rest; only the duration is changed. [This answer
use errata as a way to redesign the game. When we come has been altered as a result of a tweak to the rules for a
across something that is more of a redesign than a correc- long rest, which appears in newer printings of the Players
tion, we put it into a queue of things to playtest and possibly Handbook.]
publish at a later date. Well let you know if a redesign is Do the lightfoot halfling and wood elf hiding racial traits
around the corner! allow them to hide while observed? The lightfoot halfling
and wood elf traitsNaturally Stealthy and Mask of the
Character Creation Wilddo allow members of those subraces to try to hide
How do you calculate a creatures Armor Class (AC)? in their special circumstances even when observers are
Chapter 1 of the Players Handbook (p. 14) describes how nearby. Normally, you cant hide from someone if youre

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 2
in full view. A lightfoot halfling, though, can try to vanish as a mystical order. Think of it in these terms: a vegetarian
behind a creature that is at least one size larger, and a can eat meat, but chooses not to.
wood elf can try to hide simply by being in heavy rain, mist, A druid typically wears leather, studded leather, or hide
falling snow, foliage, or similar natural phenomena. Its as if armor, and if a druid comes across scale mail made of a
nature itself cloaks a wood elf from prying eyeseven eyes material other than metal, the druid might wear it. If you
staring right at the elf! Both subraces are capable of hiding feel strongly about your druid breaking the taboo and don-
in situations when most other creatures cant, but neither ning metal, talk to your DM. Each class has story elements
subraces hiding attempt is assured of success; a Dexterity mixed with its game features; the two types of design go
(Stealth) check is required as normal, and an observant foe hand in hand in D&D, and the story parts are stronger in
might later spot a hidden halfling or elf: I see you behind some classes than in others. Druids and paladins have an
that guard, you tricksy halfling! especially strong dose of story in their design. If you want to
depart from your classs story, your DM has the final say on
Class Features how far you can go and still be considered a member of the
When you use Extra Attack, do you have to use the same class. As long as you abide by your characters proficiencies,
weapon for all the attacks? Extra Attack imposes no lim- youre not going to break anything in the game system, but
itation on what you use for the attacks. You can use regular you might undermine the story and the world being created
weapons, improvised weapons, unarmed strikes, or a com- in your campaign.
bination of these options for the attacks. Does the druids Elemental Wild Shape limit you to the
four creatures listed, or can you turn into any creature
Barbarian with the elemental type? The creatures listed in Elemental
Does the barbarians Danger Sense work against breath Wild Shapeair, earth, fire, and water elementalsare spe-
weapons and enemies special abilities? A barbarians cific creatures in the Monster Manual, not creature types or
Danger Sense benefits the Dexterity saving throw against subtypes. Elemental Wild Shape allows you to transform
any effect that the barbarian can see. into one of those creatures.
For the barbarians Reckless Attack, do you grant advan- Can a Circle of the Moon druid speak the languages it
tage to all enemies, or only to the target of your attack? knows while in the form of an elemental? Yes, since the
If you use the barbarians Reckless Attack, all attack rolls elementals listed in Elemental Wild Shape can speak.
have advantage against you until the start of your next turn. A literal interpretation (RAW) of Wild Shape could
reasonably lead you to think that transformed druids
Bard can speak only languages that appear in an elementals
Can a bard replace spells gained through Magical Se- stat block, but the intent (RAI) is that druids retain their
crets? When you gain a level in the bard class, the classs knowledge, including of languages, when they transform
Spellcasting feature lets you replace one bard spell you and can speak the languages they know if an adopted form
know with another bard spell of an appropriate level. A can speak.
spell learned through your Magical Secrets feature counts
as a bard spell for you, so it can be replaced upon gaining a If a druid in elemental form can speak, can the druid
bard level later. But it must be replaced by a bard spell, ac- cast spells? A druid can cast spells in a Wild Shape form
cording to the rule in the Spellcasting feature. only upon gaining the Beast Spells feature at 18th level.
Which spell scrolls can bards understandspells from If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses
the bard list only, or spells from the bard list plus spells detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that
from Magical Secrets? A bard can use any spell scroll that spell as a ritual? A druids Ritual Casting requires a ritual
has a bard spell on itincluding spells gained from the to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but
Magical Secrets feature, which are treated as bard spells not prepared.
for that character.
Cleric Does the fighters Action Surge feature let you take an
When a cleric uses the Destructive Wrath feature, does extra bonus action, in addition to an extra action? Action
it maximize all damage getting rolled, as long as some of Surge gives you an extra action, not an extra bonus action.
it is lightning or thunder? Destructive Wrath is meant to Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once?
maximize lightning and thunder damage only. Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from
more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as
Druid they dont have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and
What happens if a druid wears metal armor? The Great Weapon Fighting do.
druid explodes.
Well, not actually. Druids have a taboo against wearing Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee
metal armor and wielding a metal shield. The taboo has weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits
been part of the classs story since the class first appeared ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or
in Eldritch Wizardry (1976) and the original Players Hand- handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged
book (1978). The idea is that druids prefer to be protected attack with it.
by animal skins, wood, and other natural materials that Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield?
arent the worked metal that is associated with civilization. Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a
Druids dont lack the ability to wear metal armor. They one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a
choose not to wear it. This choice is part of their identity free hand.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 3
If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Di- Can the monks Open Hand Technique push a Large or
vine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Tech-
2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fight- nique intentionally ignores creature size. A monks ki fuels
ing featurewhich is shared by fighters and paladinsis many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by crea-
meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used ture size, the feature tells you so.
with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the mi-
the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weap- nor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature?
ons 2d6. If youre a paladin and use Divine Smite with the No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other
greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesnt let you reroll a spells in it.
1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.
For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dis-
If my Battle Master fighter provokes an opportunity at- pelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you
tack and it misses, can I use Riposte? Yes, you can use the cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the nor-
Riposte maneuver in response to an opportunity attack that mal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.
misses you, assuming your reaction is available.
Can a monk of the Way of the Four Elements replace El-
Does the when in the Eldritch Knights War Magic fea- emental Attunement with another elemental discipline?
ture mean the bonus attack comes after you cast the can- Yes. Even though you know Elemental Attunement auto-
trip, or can it come before? The bonus action comes after matically, without having to choose it, you can exchange it
the cantrip, since using your action to cast a cantrip is what for a different discipline at 6th, 11th, or 17th level.
gives you the ability to make the weapon attack as a bonus
action. That said, a DM would break nothing in the system Paladin
by allowing an Eldritch Knight to reverse the order of the Would a Paladins Divine Sense register a tiefling due
cantrip and the weapon attack. to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not
If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense.
Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend,
with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack or undead creature type.
from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine
of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasnt ended. Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine
Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite
Monk on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell,
If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon two- such as wrathful smiteas long as the attack you make af-
handed, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A ter casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine
monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but noth- Smite doesnt work with any other kind of attack.
ing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two
hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no Ranger
matter how a monk uses it. There is no component pouch option in the rangers
The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk starting equipment. Does the class not need one, nor a
gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Start- focus for spells? Like other spellcasters, the ranger follows
ing equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this the rule on components in chapter 10 of the Players Hand-
case, a monks darts provide a ranged attack option, not a book. A ranger typically uses a component pouch for the
Martial Arts option. material components of spells, but doesnt start with one
because rangers dont have spells at 1st level.
Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and
unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature Can a ranger move between the attack rolls of the Whirl-
grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but wind Attack feature? No. Whirlwind Attack is unusual, in
the feature doesnt confer that property. that its a single attack with multiple attack rolls. In most
other instances, an attack has one attack roll. The rule on
When a monk using Deflect Missiles catches and throws
moving between attacks (PH, 190) lets you move between
a projectile, what is the damage of the attack? A missile
weapon attacks, not between the attack rolls of an excep-
counts as a monk weapon if it is thrown using Deflect
tional feature like Whirlwind Attack.
Missiles; it deals its damage or Martial Arts damage (the
monks choice). Rogue
When a monk uses Empty Body, does the invisibility Can a rogue use Sneak Attack more than once per
remain in effect after the monk attacks? Yes. The invis- round? The Sneak Attack description specifies that you
ibility of the monks Empty Body isnt ended by the monk can use the feature once per turn, but its not limited to your
attacking. turn. The feature also doesnt limit the number of times you
can use it in a round.
Does a monks Purity of Body feature grant immunity to
You sometimes get a chance to use Sneak Attack on
poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That
someone elses turn. The most common way for this to
feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with
happen is when a foe provokes an opportunity attack from
Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragons
you. If the requirements for Sneak Attack are met, your
poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected
opportunity attack can benefit from that feature. Similarly,
by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and im-
a fighter could use Commanders Strike to grant you an
poses the poisoned condition.
attack on the fighters turn, and if the attack qualifies, it can

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 4
use Sneak Attack. Both of those options rely on the use of example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching
your reaction, so you could do only one of them in a round. ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.
Because you get only one reaction per round, youre un- Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching
likely to use Sneak Attack more than twice in a round: once ray spell, or just one? A sorcerers Empowered Spell could
with your action and once with your reaction. affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the
For Sneak Attack, what if another enemy of your target features die limit. For instance, if you create three rays
was 10 feet away with a polearm (which has a reach of with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you
10 feet), instead of 5 feet away? Would you still be able to could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of
use Sneak Attack? The 5-foot limitation in Sneak Attack the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for
is unaffected by the reach of a weapon. That other enemy another one.
of the target is creating a close-up distraction, regardless of Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells
the weapon in hand. a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must fol-
Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every low the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and cast-
attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? ing another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be
A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.
since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell on a spell duplicated
attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell by the casting of a wish spell? And if so, how many sor-
attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such cery points does it cost? Yes, you can. It costs the number
as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw of sorcery points appropriate for the level of the spell youre
rather than after an attack roll. duplicating.
Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule
Does a sorcerers Wild Magic Surge effect replace the
states that if you are surprised, you cant move or take an effect of the spell that triggered it, or do both effects
action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that fea- happen? The spell and the Wild Magic Surge effect both
ture doesnt require the rogue to take an action or move. happen. As clarified in the errata for the Players Handbook,
Can the rogues Reliable Talent feature be used in con- a surge effect that normally requires concentration does not
junction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? require concentration in this case.
For a rogue/fighter or a rogue/bard, Reliable Talent does
work along with Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades. Warlock
Even though you add only half your proficiency bonus when Do warlock spells granted by the Expanded Spell List
using one of those two features, thats enough to qualify for feature count against the number of spells known? The
Reliable Talent. spells granted by that feature arent automatically known
by a warlock. Those spells are added to the warlock spell
Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a
list for the character, who can choose them when learning
magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being
a new warlock spell of the appropriate level. Once learned,
able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but
such a spell does count against the number of spells the
using a magic item doesnt fall under Use an Object, as ex-
warlock knows.
plained in the Dungeon Masters Guide (p. 141). In contrast,
using a nonmagical item, such as a healers kit, is in the Does the Eyes of the Rune Keeper invocation work on
domain of Use an Object. magical runes? Eyes of the Rune Keeper lets you read
any form of writing, including the linguistic meaning of a
For triggering the rogues Assassinate ability, when does
rune, if any.
a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the
round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature If a warlock uses Pact of the Blade to bond with a magic
stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat. weapon, does that weapon have to be a melee weapon,
and can the warlock change the weapons form? The
Sorcerer warlocks Pact of the Blade feature (PH, 1078) lets you
If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic create a melee weapon out of nothing. Whenever you do so,
components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use you determine the weapons form, choosing from the melee
counterspell against it? If a spell thats altered by Subtle weapon options in the Weapons table in the Players Hand-
Spell has no material component, then its impossible for book (p. 149). For example, you can create a greataxe, and
anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you cant then use the feature again to create a javelin, which causes
see the casting, counterspell is of no use. the greataxe to disappear.
You can also use Pact of the Blade to bond with a magic
Metamagic rules state you cant use multiple Metamagic
weapon, turning it into your pact weapon. This magic
options on a single spell. Can you use one option multi-
weapon doesnt have to be a melee weapon, so you could
ple times? A sorcerer can use one Metamagic option once
use the feature on a +1 longbow, for instance. Once the
in the casting of a spell, not the same option more than
bond is formed, the magic weapon appears whenever you
once. For instance, a sorcerer cant quadruple the duration
call your pact weapon to you, and you cant change the
of a spell by spending 2 sorcery points on Extended Spell.
magic weapons form when it appears. For example, if you
Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, bond with a flame tongue (longsword) and send the weapon
not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I dont add my to an extradimensional space, the weapon comes back as a
Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? Thats correct. longsword when you summon it. You dont get to turn it into
Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of
a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 5
a club. Similarly, if you bond with a dagger of venom, you For the Shapechanger feature of the School of Trans-
cant summon it as a maul; its always a dagger. mutation, does polymorph need to be prepared if I only
The feature allows the conjuring forth of a melee weapon, want to cast it without using a spell slot? A transmuter
yet we allow more versatility when it comes to magic weap- must have polymorph prepared, as normal, to cast it with
ons. We didnt want a narrow focus in this feature to make the Shapechanger feature.
a warlock unhappy when a variety of magic weapons ap-
pear in a campaign. Does this versatility extend outside the Backgrounds
melee theme of the feature? It sure does, but were willing
to occasionally bend a design concept if doing so is likely to Can you have more than one background? No. You can
increase a players happiness. have only one background. It establishes key aspects of
your life before you embarked on a life of adventure. If
If youre a Pact of the Blade warlock, can someone none of the backgrounds available matches your charac-
else wield your pact weapon? Yes. Someone other than ter concept, talk with your DM and use the guidelines on
the warlock can use a pact weapon before the weapon page 125 of the Players Handbook to customize your own
disappears. background.
Does the warlocks Awakened Mind feature allow two-
way telepathic communication? The feature is intended to Equipment
provide one-way communication. The warlock can use the Does heavy armor reduce Dexterity saving throws or
feature to speak telepathically to a creature, but the feature ability checks other than Stealth? If you have proficiency
doesnt give that creature the ability to telepathically reply. with it, heavy armor doesnt affect Dexterity saving throws
In contrast, the telepathy ability that some monsters have or ability checks, other than Stealth.
(MM, 9) does make two-way communication possible.
If you attack with a shieldmost likely as an improvised
Does using a bonus action break invisibility from a war- weapondo you keep the +2 bonus to AC? Attacking with
locks One with Shadows invocation? Taking a bonus a shield doesnt deprive you of the shields bonus to AC.
action breaks the invisibility of a warlocks One with Shad-
ows. A bonus action is an action. Multiclassing
Wizard Are ability score improvements class-level dependent,
Is an abjurers Arcane Ward healed only when the ward rather than total level? Ability score improvements are
has 0 hit points? The ward regains hit points whenever the based on your level in a particular class, not your total
abjurer casts an abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, not character level if you multiclass. For instance, if youre a
just when the ward has 0 hit points. As is normal for heal- 4th-level multiclass character, you havent yet received the
ing, the ward cant regain more hit points than its hit point Ability Score Improvement feature because you havent at-
maximum: twice the wizards level + the wizards Intelli- tained 4th level in one of your classes.
gence modifier. Would a temporary stat bump fulfill a multiclass prereq-
Does casting alarm as a ritual heal Arcane Ward? Any uisite, or does the base score have to meet the require-
abjuration spell of 1st level or higher cast by an abjurer, ment? Your base score, not a temporary score, has to meet
including a ritual, can restore hit points to the abjurers Ar- a multiclassing prerequisite.
cane Ward. When multiclassing, do you get the cantrips from all
How does Arcane Ward interact with temporary hit your classes? If any of your classes grants you cantrips,
points and damage resistance that an abjurer might you get all of them.
have? An Arcane Ward is not an extension of the wizard Do you gain proficiency in more saving throws when
who creates it. It is a magical effect with its own hit points. multiclassing? A class offers various starting proficiencies
Any temporary hit points, immunities, or resistances that that you get if it is your first class. If the class isnt your first,
the wizard has dont apply to the ward. you get only the starting proficiencies listed for that class in
The ward takes damage first. Any leftover damage is the Multiclassing Proficiencies table (PH, 164). No saving
taken by the wizard and goes through the following game throw proficiencies are included in that table.
elements in order: (1) any relevant damage immunity, (2) Regardless of whether a class is your first, you do gain
any relevant damage resistance, (3) any temporary hit any proficiencies that the class grants through its features.
points, and (4) real hit points. For instance, if you gain a level in cleric and choose the War
An abjurer gains resistance to spell damage at 14th level. Domain, you do benefit from the Bonus Proficiencies fea-
Does the abjurers Arcane Ward gain this resistance ture, even if cleric isnt your first class.
when a spell hits the abjurer? The abjurer, not the Arcane Can a barbarian/cleric use spiritual weapon to attack
Ward, gains the resistance at 14th level. while raging, if it is cast before entering rage? A barbar-
Does the evokers Potent Cantrip feature apply to can- ians Rage feature makes concentration impossible but has
trips with attack rolls or only to saves? Potent Cantrip af- no effect on spells, like spiritual weapon, that dont require
fects only cantrips that require a saving throw, such as acid concentration.
splash and poison spray. Can a barbarian/fighter (Battle Master) use maneuvers
Does the 14th-level illusionist ability let you make some- while raging? Nothing in the barbarians Rage feature pre-
thing real every round, or just once? Illusory Reality is cludes the use of maneuvers.
intended to make one illusory object real per illusion spell.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 6
Can a rogue/monk use Sneak Attack with unarmed What does that all mean for a hand crossbow? It means
strikes? The Sneak Attack feature works with a weapon Crossbow Expert makes it possible to fire a hand crossbow
that has the finesse or ranged property. An unarmed strike more than once with a feature like Extra Attack, provided
isnt a weapon, so it doesnt qualify. In contrast, a rogue/ that you have enough ammunition and you have a hand free
monk can use Sneak Attack with a monk weapon, such to load it for each shot.
as a shortsword or a dagger, that has one of the required Does Crossbow Expert let you fire a hand crossbow and
properties. then fire it again as a bonus action? It does! Take a look
A wizard multiclasses into Wild Magic sorcerer. Do at the feats third benefit. It says you can attack with a hand
spells cast from their spellbook trigger Wild Magic crossbow as a bonus action when you use the Attack action
Surge if they are on the sorcerer spell list, or do they to attack with a one-handed weapon. A hand crossbow is
have to gain them from sorcerer to trigger? From the a one-handed weapon, so it can, indeed, be used for both
multiclassing rules: Each spell you know and prepare is attacks, assuming you have a hand free to load the hand
associated with one of your classes (PH, 164). This rule crossbow between the two attacks.
means only the spells gained from levels in sorcerer trigger
Wild Magic Surge. Dual Wielder
Can my character wield two heavy weapons if she has
Feats the Dual Wielder feat? No. The Dual Wielder feat lets you
wield two one-handed weapons. Every heavy weapon in the
Charger Players Handbook also has the two-handed property.
If you have the Charger feat, can you make your charge
attack when your mount takes the Dash action? The Dungeon Delver
Charger feat relies on you, not your mount, taking the The Dungeon Delver feat talks about searching for traps
Dash action. at a normal or slow pace. Wheres the rule on this? The
final benefit of the Dungeon Delver feat refers to a nonex-
Crossbow Expert istent rule (from the 5E playtest). Ignore it. Well cut it in a
Is it intentional that the second benefit of Crossbow Ex- future printing of the Players Handbook.
pert helps ranged spell attacks? Yes, its intentional. When
you make a ranged attack roll within 5 feet of an enemy, Elemental Adept
you normally suffer disadvantage (PH, 195). The second Is Elemental Adept the only feat you can take more than
benefit of Crossbow Expert prevents you from suffering once? Elemental Adept is the only feat in the Players Hand-
that disadvantage, whether or not the ranged attack is with book that you can take more than once.
a crossbow.
When designing a feat with a narrow use, we consider Great Weapon Master
adding at least one element that can benefit a character With the Great Weapon Master feat, do you have to take
more broadlya bit of mastery that your character brings the bonus action immediately, or could you move and
from one situation to another. The second benefit of Cross- then use it on the same turn? You take the bonus action on
bow Expert is such an element, as is the first benefit of your turn, anytime after you hit with the attack that grants
Great Weapon Master. That element in Crossbow Expert the bonus action. So yes, you can move before taking the
shows that some of the characters expertise with one type bonus action (if you have movement remaining).
of thingcrossbows, in this casetransfers to other things.
Do the first and third benefits of Crossbow Expert turn a How does the Lucky feat interact with advantage and dis-
hand crossbow into a semiautomatic weapon? The short advantage? The Lucky feat represents extraordinary luck
answer is no. that can help you when you need it most. It lets you spend a
The first benefit of the feat lets you ignore the loading luck point; roll an extra d20 for an attack roll, ability check,
property (PH, 147) of the hand crossbow if youre proficient or saving throw; and then choose which d20 to use. This is
with that weapon. The upshot is that you can fire it more true no matter how many d20s are in the mix. For example,
than once if you have a feature like Extra Attack. Youre still if you have advantage or disadvantage on your attack roll,
limited, however, by the fact that the weapon has the am- you could spend a luck point, roll a third d20, and then
munition property (PH, 146). The latter property requires decide which of the three dice to use. You still have advan-
you to have a bolt to fire from the hand crossbow, and the tage or disadvantage, since the feat doesnt say it negates it,
hand crossbow isnt going to load itself (unless its magical but you get to pick the die. The upshot of this fact is that a
or a gnomish invention). You need to load each bolt into the rogue, for instance, who has disadvantage on an attack roll
weapon, and doing so requires a hand. couldnt use Sneak Attack even if the rogue uses the Lucky
To dig deeper into this point, take a look at the following feat to pick the die.
sentence in the definition of the ammunition property: The Lucky feat is a great example of an exception to a
Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other general rule. The general rule in this case is the one that
container is part of the attack. The sentence tells us two tells us how advantage and disadvantage work (PH, 173).
important things. First, youre assumed to be drawing The specific rule is the Lucky feat, and we know that a
that is, extracting with your handthe ammunition from specific rule trumps a general rule if they conflict with each
a container. Second, the act of drawing the ammunition is other (PH, 7).
included in the attack and therefore doesnt require its own If a DM wants advantage and disadvantage to play their
action and doesnt use up your free interaction with an ob- normal roles even when the Lucky feat is used, heres a
ject on your turn. way to do so: roll two d20s for advantage/disadvantage, roll

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 7
a third d20 for Lucky, eliminate one of the three dice, and Sentinel
then use the higher (for advantage) or lower (for disadvan- Does the attack granted by the third benefit of the Senti-
tage) of the two dice that remain. nel feat take place before or after the triggering attack?
The bonus attack takes place after the triggering attack.
Magic Initiate Heres why: the feat doesnt specify the bonus attacks tim-
If youre a spellcaster, can you pick your own class when ing, and when a reaction has no timing specified, the reac-
you gain the Magic Initiate feat? Yes, the feat doesnt tion occurs after its trigger finishes (DMG, 252). In contrast,
say you cant. For example, if youre a wizard and gain the an opportunity attack specifically takes place before its trig-
Magic Initiate feat, you can choose wizard and thereby ger finishesthat is, right before the target creature leaves
learn two more wizard cantrips and another 1st-level your reach (PH, 195).
wizard spell.
How does the Sentinel feat work against an enemy that
If you have spell slots, can you use them to cast the 1st- has Fancy Footwork or the Mobile feat? Does the charac-
level spell you learn with the Magic Initiate feat? Yes, but ter with the Sentinel feat still get the opportunity attack?
only if the class you pick for the feat is one of your classes. The second benefit of the Sentinel feat is intended to coun-
For example, if you pick sorcerer and you are a sorcerer, the teract the Disengage action only. An enemy with the Fancy
Spellcasting feature for that class tells you that you can use Footwork feature (Sword Coast Adventurers Guide) or one
your spell slots to cast the sorcerer spells you know, so you that has the Mobile feat can avoid provoking opportunity
can use your spell slots to cast the 1st-level sorcerer spell attacks from someone who has the Sentinel feat, as long as
you learn from Magic Initiate. Similarly, if you are a wizard that enemy doesnt take the Disengage action.
and pick that class for the feat, you learn a 1st-level wizard
spell, which you could add to your spellbook and subse- Tough
quently prepare. Does the Tough feat have an effect for a druid while in
In short, you must follow your characters normal beast form? The intent is no. The Tough feat affects a dru-
spellcasting rules, which determine whether you can ids hit points, which are replaced by the beasts hit points
expend spell slots on the 1st-level spell you learn from while using Wild Shape.
Magic Initiate.
Ability Checks
Polearm Master
Can I add my Strength modifier to the damage of the Are attack rolls and saving throws basically specialized
bonus attack that Polearm Master gives me? Yes. If you ability checks? They arent. Its easy to mistake the three
have the feat and use the Attack action to attack with a rolls as three faces of the same thing, because they each
glaive, halberd, or quarterstaff, you can also strike with the involve rolling a d20, adding any modifiers, and compar-
weapons opposite end as a bonus action. For that bonus at- ing the total to a Difficulty Class, and theyre all subject to
tack, you add your ability modifier to the attack roll, as you advantage and disadvantage. In short, they share the same
do whenever you attack with that weapon, and if you hit, procedure for determining success or failure.
you add the same ability modifier to the damage roll, which Despite this common procedure, the three rolls are sep-
is normal for weapon damage rolls (PH, 196). arate from each other. If something in the game, like the
A specific rule, such as the rule for two-weapon fighting guidance spell, affects one of them, the other two arent
(PH, 195), might break the general rule by telling you not affected unless the rules specifically say so. The next few
to add your ability modifier to the damage. Polearm Master questions touch on this point again.
doesnt have such a rule. Can you get a critical hit on an ability check? For ex-
Does Polearm Master let me make an opportunity at- ample, on a grapple attempt, does a critical win, or the
tack against a target that is being forced to approach highest number? Ability checks dont score critical hits.
me? A creature doesnt provoke an opportunity attack if it Attack rolls do.
is moved without the use of its movement, its action, or its Is a 1 on an ability check an automatic failure? Rolling a
reaction. For example, the effect of the antipathy/sympathy 1 on an ability check or a saving throw is not an automatic
spell requires the target to use its movement, meaning failure. A 1 is an automatic miss for an attack.
that it would provoke opportunity attacks when it does so.
If you cast the hex spell and choose Strength as the af-
Similarly, dissonant whispers requires the target to move
fected ability, does the target also have disadvantage on
using its reaction (if available), so that activity also provokes
attack rolls and saving throws that use Strength? No, the
opportunity attacks. In contrast, a creature thats pushed by
hex spells description says it affects ability checks that use
a gust of wind spell does not provoke opportunity attacks.
the chosen ability. The description says nothing about af-
Savage Attacker fecting attack rolls or saving throws. This means, for exam-
Does the Savage Attacker feat work with unarmed ple, that if you choose Constitution, the spells target doesnt
strikes? No. Savage Attacker relies on a weapons damage suffer disadvantage when trying to maintain concentration
dice, and an unarmed strike isnt a weapon (a point that on a spell, since concentration requires a Constitution sav-
was clarified in the Players Handbook errata). ing throw, not a Constitution check.
Curious about the spells intent? The spell is meant to be
Does the benefit of the Savage Attacker feat apply to ad- a classic jinxthe sort seen in folklorethat is useful in
ditional effects like the rogues Sneak Attack or the pal- and out of combat. In combat, the spell provides some extra
adins Divine Smite? No. The benefit of Savage Attacker necrotic damage. Outside combat, you could foil a cunning
applies only to rolls of the weapons damage dice, not to any diplomat, for example, by casting the spell and imposing
extra damage that a feature or other ability might grant. disadvantage on his or her Charisma checks.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 8
Does the bards Jack of All Trades feature apply to attack action). In effect, a surprised creature skips its first turn
rolls and saving throws that dont use the bards profi- in a fight. Once that turn ends, the creature is no longer
ciency bonus? No. The feature benefits only ability checks. surprised.
Dont forget that initiative rolls are Dexterity checks, so Jack In short, activity in a combat is always ordered by initia-
of All Trades can benefit a bards initiative, assuming the tive, whether or not someone is surprised, and after the first
bard isnt already adding his or her proficiency bonus to it. round of combat has passed, surprise is no longer a factor.
You can still try to hide from your foes and gain the benefits
When you make a Strength (Athletics) check to grapple
conferred by being hidden, but you dont deprive your foes
or shove someone, are you making an attack roll? Again,
of their turns when you do so.
the answer is no. That check is an ability check, so game
effects tied to attack rolls dont apply to it. Going back to an Surprise rules work for two opposing sides. What hap-
earlier question, the hex spell could be used to diminish a pens with surprise when a third group of combatants
grapplers effectiveness. And if the grapplers target is under sneaks up, hidden from the melee, and ambushes? The
the effect of the Dodge action, that action doesnt inhibit the surprise rule is relevant only when a combat is starting.
grapple, since Dodge doesnt affect ability checks. Any ambushes during the fight use the rules for Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.
Adventuring If a wizard casts a spell like fireball during a surprise
Are extradimensional spaces, such as a demiplane or round, do the enemies get disadvantage on their saving
the space created by rope trick, considered to be on a dif- throw? Being surprised has no effect on saves. If youre
ferent plane of existence? An extradimensional space (aka surprised, you cant move or take an action on your first
an extraplanar space) is outside other planes. Therefore, if turn of the combat and you cant take a reaction until that
youre on the Material Plane and your foe is in an extradi- turn ends (PH, 189).
mensional space, the two of you arent on the same plane of
Can you delay your turn and take it later in the round?
No. When its your turn, either you do something or you
How do I tell if something in the game is magical? For dont. If you dont want to do anything, consider taking the
an extensive discussion of this topic, see the question Is Dodge action so that youll, at least, have some extra pro-
the breath weapon of a dragon magical? in the Monsters tection. If you want to wait to act in response to something,
section below. take the Ready action, which lets you take part of your
Whats an example of an effect that can reduce exhaus- turn later.
tion? The greater restoration spell can reduce exhaustion. For a variety of reasons, we didnt include the option to
delay your turn:
Is there a way to get lost Intelligence back, such as after
an intellect devourer zeroes it? The greater restoration Your turn involves several decisions, including where
spell can remove the reduction to an ability score. to move and what action to take. If you could delay your
turn, your decision-making would possibly become
What happens after 20th level? Is there a cap to char- slower, since you would have to consider whether you
acter levels? The highest level is 20th. The Epic Boons wanted to take your turn at all. Multiply that extra
section in the Dungeon Masters Guide (p. 231) offers ideas analysis by the number of characters and monsters in
for further advancement. a combat, and you have the potential for many slow-
downs in play.
Combat The ability to delay your turn can make initiative mean-
Does surprise happen outside the initiative order as a ingless, as characters and monsters bounce around in the
special surprise round? No, heres how surprise works. initiative order. If combatants can change their place in
The first step of any combat is this: the DM determines the initiative order at will, why use initiative at all? On top
whether anyone in the combat is surprised (reread Combat of that, changing initiative can easily turn into an unwel-
Step by Step on page 189 of the Players Handbook). This come chore, especially for the DM, who might have to
determination happens only once during a fight and only at change the initiative list over and over during a fight.
the beginning. In other words, once a fight starts, you cant Being able to delay your turn can let you wreak havoc on
be surprised again, although a hidden foe can still gain the the durations of spells and other effects, particularly any
normal benefits from being unseen (see Unseen Attackers of them that last until your next turn. Simply by changing
and Targets on page 194 of the Players Handbook). when your turn happens, you could change the length
To be surprised, you must be caught off guard, usually of certain spells. The way to guard against such abuse
because you failed to notice foes being stealthy or you were would be to create a set of additional rules that would
startled by an enemy with a special ability, such as the limit your ability to change durations. The net effect?
gelatinous cubes Transparent trait, that makes it exception- More complexity would be added to the game, and with
ally surprising. You can be surprised even if your compan- more complexity, there is greater potential for slower play.
ions arent, and you arent surprised if even one of your foes Two of our goals for combat were for it to be speedy and
fails to catch you unawares. for initiative to matter. We didnt want to start every combat
If anyone is surprised, no actions are taken yet. First, by rolling initiative and then undermine turn order with a
initiative is rolled as normal. Then, the first round of com- delay option. Moreover, we felt that toying with initiative
bat starts, and the unsurprised combatants act in initiative wasnt where the focus should be in battle. Instead, the dra-
order. A surprised creature cant move or take an action matic actions of the combatants should be the focus, with
or a reaction until its first turn ends (remember that being turns that happen as quickly as possible.
unable to take an action also means you cant take a bonus

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 9
I have a readied action. Can I stop readying to take an For readying a spell or other action, does the target have
opportunity attack? Or is ready a full turn commitment? to be in range? Your target must be within range when you
If you have an action readied, you can make an opportunity take a readied action, not when you first ready it.
attack, which causes you to stop readying. How does readying a spell work? Do you lose your spell
Can a bonus action be used as an action or vice versa? slot if the trigger never occurs? A readied spells slot is
For example, can a bard use a bonus action to grant lost if you dont release the spell with your reaction before
a Bardic Inspiration die and an action to cast healing the start of your next turn.
word? No. Actions and bonus actions arent interchange- Can a readied action occur during an enemys triggering
able. In the example, the bard could use Bardic Inspiration action, such as between its first and second attacks when
or healing word on a turn, not both. it uses Multiattack? A readied action occurs immediately
Can a flying creature without the hover trait stay in after its trigger. If you defined the trigger as an attack, your
one place while airborne, or does it need to move each action happens after that attack.
round? A flyer that lacks the hover trait can stay aloft with- How do I know which ability modifier to use with an
out moving each round. attack roll and its damage roll? The Players Handbook
Can you move through the space of a prone enemy? The specifies which ability modifier to use with an attack roll (p.
prone condition doesnt override the rule that prevents you 194) and which one to use with the corresponding damage
from moving through an enemys space, unless that enemy roll (p. 196). Heres a summary:
is at least two sizes larger or two sizes smaller than you.
If you do move through the space of another creature Attack Type Attack Roll Damage Roll
whether a friend or an enemythe space is difficult terrain Melee weapon attack Strength mod.* Strength mod.
for you, and you cant willingly end your move there. See Ranged weapon attack Dexterity mod.* Dexterity mod.
the Players Handbook, page 1902, for more on movement Spell attack Spellcasting ability Depends on effect
in combat. mod.**
Does travel pace apply to movement in combat, or just * Add your proficiency bonus if youre using a weapon with which
when traveling? The travel pace rule (PH, 1812) doesnt youre proficient.
apply in combat. ** Add your proficiency bonus. Your spellcasting ability is
If you have a feature like Cunning Action or Step of the determined by your class or whatever feature gave you the ability
Wind, can you take the Dash action more than once on to make the spell attack.
your turn? If you can take the Dash action as a bonus ac-
tion, nothing in the rules prevents you from taking the Dash For example, if you make a melee weapon attack with a
action with your regular action too. The same principle longsword, you add your Strength modifier to the attack
holds when you use a feature like Action Surge; you could and damage rolls of the attack. In contrast, if you make
use both of your actions to take the Dash action. the spell attack of the fire bolt cantrip, you add your spell-
casting ability modifier to the attack roll. If youre a wizard,
My rogue/wizard can get a bonus action to Dash by using
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability, so add your Intelli-
Cunning Action, and I can cast expeditious retreat on
gence modifier. Fire bolt doesnt tell you to add your modi-
myself to get a bonus action to Dash. Do I get two bonus
fier to its damage roll, though, so you dont.
actions to Dash? No. You can take only one bonus action
Various features in the game make explicit exceptions
on your turn (PH, 189). If you have two or more ways to
to the rule. For example, a weapon that has the finesse
use a bonus action, you must choose which one (if any) you
property lets you choose whether to use your Strength or
want to employ on your turn.
Dexterity modifier with it. Another example: when you use
If you use the Help action to distract a foe, do you have the two-weapon fighting option in the Players Handbook
to stay within 5 feet of it for the action to work? No, you (p. 195), you dont add your ability modifier to the damage
can take the action and then move away. The action itself of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. You
is what grants advantage to your ally, not your staying next do, however, still add your ability modifier to the attack roll,
to the foe. since the option doesnt tell you not to. In other words, you
If Im invisible and I become visible when I shoot an follow the general rule until an exception in the game tells
arrow at a target, does hiding again require an action? you not to.
Without a special ability, hiding in combat requires the What about unusual cases like the green-flame blade
Hide action. spell? The spell, which appears in the Sword Coast Ad-
venturers Guide, tells you to make a melee attack with a
If I use the Ready action to deal damage to someone weapon. Look at the table above, and you see that, under
whos moving, do I deny the target the rest of its move- normal circumstances, you use your Strength modifier
ment? Dealing damage to a moving target doesnt halt its when you make a melee weapon attack. It doesnt matter
movement, unless the damage is accompanied by an ability that a spell told you to attack. If a spell expects you to
that stops movement. Things like the Sentinel feat give you make a spell attack, the spells description says so. For
such an ability. Reducing a moving creature to 0 hit points examples, take a look at fire bolt and ray of frost. Both say
is also usually an effective way to stop it! itspell attack.
Can you use the Ready action to take the Dash action on What does melee weapon attack mean: a melee attack
someone elses turn and then combine the Charger feat with a weapon or an attack with a melee weapon? It
with it? No, since you cant take a bonus action on someone means a melee attack with a weapon. Similarly, ranged
elses turn.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 10
weapon attack means a ranged attack with a weapon. book requires the Attack action, so a creature must take
Some attacks count as a melee or ranged weapon attack that actionrather than Multiattack or another action in
even if a weapon isnt involved, as specified in the text of the creatures stat blockwhen it uses that rule. A monster,
those attacks. For example, an unarmed strike counts as a such as a roper, that has a special grappling attack doesnt
melee weapon attack, even though the attackers body isnt follow that rule when using its special attack.
considered a weapon. Does a grapple or a shove trigger the Tempest clerics
Heres a bit of wording minutia: we would write melee- Wrath of the Storm or a Battle Masters Riposte? The
weapon attack (with a hyphen) if we meant an attack with answer to both questions is no. The grappling and shoving
a melee weapon. options (PH, 195) dont result in a hit or a miss.
How does a reach weapon work with opportunity at- Say I grapple you, then I drop prone. Are we now prone
tacks? An opportunity attack is normally triggered when a together? No. A creature youre grappling isnt knocked
creature you can see moves beyond your reach (PH, 195). prone if you become prone. Youre now holding onto the
If you want to make an opportunity attack with a reach creature from a prone position.
weapon, such as a glaive or a halberd, you can do so when
a creature leaves the reach you have with that weapon. For Target at range caught in melee combatdoes that tar-
example, if youre wielding a halberd, a creature that is get get some kind of cover or do I get disadvantage? Your
right next to you could move 5 feet away without triggering target has half-cover if another creature is between you and
an opportunity attack. If that creature tries to move an addi- the target (PH, 196).
tional 5 feetbeyond your 10-foot reachthe creature then Can damage be reduced to 0 by resistance or another
triggers an opportunity attack. form of damage reduction? There is no damage minimum
Can a blinded creature make an opportunity attack? An in the rules, so it is possible to deal 0 damage with an at-
opportunity attack is triggered by a hostile creature you tack, a spell, or another effect.
can see (PH, 195). If you cant see an enemy, you cant A dragon uses a breath weapon against me. I succeed on
make an opportunity attack against it. Creatures with blind- the save, and I have resistance to the damage. Do I take
sight are an exception to this rule, because that ability lets only one-quarter of the damage? Yes, because resistance
those creatures see within a certain radius. is applied after all other modifiers to damage (PH, 197). If
Can an opportunity attack be used to make a grapple or you succeed on a save and still take damage, that damage is
a shove? Grappling and shoving are special melee attacks halved if you have the right resistance.
that require the Attack action (PH, 195). An opportunity at- Is the intent that only melee weapon attacks can knock
tack is a special reaction. Take the Ready action if you want foes unconscious, or can melee spell attacks as well? If
to attempt a grapple or a shove as a reaction. you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack,
When you use two-weapon fighting, can you draw and you can knock the creature out (PH, 198). That melee at-
throw two weapons on your turn? You can throw two tack isnt restricted to weapons. Even a melee spell attack
weapons with two-weapon fighting (PH, 195), but that rule can be used to knock a creature out.
doesnt give you the ability to draw two weapons for free. Are attacks with a net always made with disadvantage?
On your turn, you can interact with one object for free, Unless you have a special ability that says otherwise, any
either during your move or during an action (PH, 190). One net attack has disadvantage because youre either within 5
of the most common object interactions is drawing or stow- feet of your target (see PH, 149) or youre attacking at long
ing a weapon. Interacting with a second object on the same range, which is between 5 and 15 feet for a net.
turn requires an action. You need a feature like the Dual
Wielder feat to draw or stow a second weapon for free. Can a non-Battle Master attempt to disarm someone?
The Disarming Attack maneuver is designed for the Battle
With two-weapon fighting, can I use both attacks (nor- Master archetype, but anyone can try to disarm a foe. The
mal and bonus) to shove a creature? No. Two-weapon Disarm action option (DMG, 271) provides one way a DM
fighting (PH, 195) doesnt grant the bonus attack unless the might adjudicate the activity.
first attack is made with a light melee weapon. Shoving a
creature is a special melee attack that does not involve the Spellcasting
use of a weapon.
Can a spellcaster cast spells off-target to minimize
If a creature is grappled, can it still attack and use its damage to party members from a spell like shatter? The
special abilities? The grappled condition limits movement, spellcaster chooses where to place the point of origin of a
not attacks, spellcasting, and the like. That said, many grap- spell like shatter and may, therefore, choose a position that
pling abilities, such as a ropers tendril attack, also deliver is advantageous to allies.
effects like the restrained condition.
Can permanent magical effects be dispelled? Or are they
Is the grappling rule in the Players Handbook usable no longer considered magical effects once permanent? If
by a handless creature? The grappling rule (PH, 195) was the effect of a spell becomes permanent, it can be dispelled,
written for a grappler with at least one hand, but a DM can unless its description says otherwise (such as in the wall of
easily adapt the rule for a handless creature that has a bite stone spell.
or an appendage, such as a tentacle, that could reasonably
Do spellcasters have to learn a ritual version of a spell
seize someone. A wolf, for example, could plausibly try to
apart from the normal version, or are they the same?
seize a person with its bite, and the animal wouldnt be able
To cast the ritual version of a spell you know, you need a
to use its bite attack as long as it held onto the person.
feature, such as Ritual Casting, that gives you the ability to
Keep in mind that the grappling rule in the Players Hand-

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cast the spell as a ritual. You dont need to also learn a spe- but you cant make such an attack without first casting the
cial version of the spell. spell that delivers it. In other words, just because some-
thing involves an attack doesnt mean the Attack action is
Can spellcasters prepare spells not all at once, but
being used.
prepare spells at various times in the day? You prepare
By extension, the Extra Attack feature (given by several
your list of spells only at the end of a long rest. You cant
classes, including the fighter and paladin) doesnt let you
prepare some spells at the end of the rest and then prepare
cast extra attack spells. That feature specifically relies
more later.
on the Attack action, not the Cast a Spell action or any
Do you always know when youre under the effect of a other action.
spell? Youre aware that a spell is affecting you if it has a In summary, to make a spell attack, you have to first cast
perceptible effect or if its text says youre aware of it (see a spell or use a feature that creates the spells effect. A
PH, 204, under Targets). Most spells are obvious. For game feature, such as Extra Attack, that lets you make an
example, fireball burns you, cure wounds heals you, and attack doesnt let you cast a spell unless it says it does.
command forces you to suddenly do something you didnt
Can you use a melee spell attack to make an opportunity
intend. Certain spells are more subtle, yet you become
attack? You cant if the spell attack is created by casting
aware of the spell at a time specified in the spells descrip-
a spell. When a creature triggers an opportunity attack
tion. Charm person and detect thoughts are examples of
from you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack
such spells.
against it. The opportunity attack doesnt suddenly give you
Some spells are so subtle that you might not know you
the ability to cast a spell, such as shocking grasp.
were ever under their effects. A prime example of that sort
Each spell has a casting time. A game feature, such as an
of spell is suggestion. Assuming you failed to notice the
opportunity attack, doesnt let you bypass that casting time,
spellcaster casting the spell, you might simply remember
unless the feature says otherwise. The War Caster feat is
the caster saying, The treasure youre looking for isnt
an example of a feature that does let you bypass a 1-action
here. Go look for it in the room at the top of the next tower.
casting time to cast a spell in place of making an opportu-
You failed your saving throw, and off you went to the other
nity attack.
tower, thinking it was your idea to go there. You and your
A few monsters can make opportunity attacks with me-
companions might deduce that you were beguiled if ev-
lee spell attacks. Heres how: certain monstersincluding
idence of the spell is found. Its ultimately up to the DM
the banshee, the lich, and the specterhave a melee spell
whether you discover the presence of inconspicuous spells.
attack that isnt delivered by a spell. For example, the ban-
Discovery usually comes through the use of skills like
shees Corrupting Touch action is a melee spell attack but
Arcana, Investigation, Insight, and Perception or through
no spell is cast to make it. The banshee can, therefore,
spells like detect magic.
make opportunity attacks with Corrupting Touch.
Spell Attacks Some spells (like eldritch blast) target a creature. Some
Is a touch range spell considered a melee attack for others (like fire bolt) target objects too. Does this mean
purposes of subduing foes rather than killing? Having that I cant attack the door with eldritch blast? The target
a range of touch doesnt mean a spell is a melee attack. A specifications (creature, object, or something else) in spells
spell tells you if it delivers such an attack. are intentional.
Can spell attacks score critical hits? A spell attack can Does a melee spell attack count as a melee attack for
definitely score a critical hit. The rule on critical hits applies Touch of Death? A melee spell attack is, indeed, a me-
to attack rolls of any sort. lee attack and can qualify for the Death clerics Touch of
When casting a spell that affects multiple targets, such Death feature.
as scorching ray or eldritch blast, do I fire one ray or
beam, determine the result, and fire again? Or do I have
Spell Level
What level is a spell if you cast it without a spell slot?
to choose all the targets before making any attack rolls?
Such a spell is cast at its lowest possible level, which is the
Even though the duration of each of these spells is instanta-
level that appears near the top of its description. Unless you
neous, you choose the targets and resolve the attacks con-
have a special ability that says otherwise, the only way to
secutively, not all at once. If you want, you can declare all
increase the level of a spell is to expend a higher-level spell
your targets before making any attacks, but you would still
slot when you cast it.
roll separately for each attack (and damage, if appropriate).
Here are some examples:
Can a spell with an attack roll be used as the attack in
The warlocks Chains of Carceri feature lets a warlock
the Attack action or as part of the Extra Attack feature?
cast hold monster without using a spell slot. That casting
The short answer is no.
of hold monster is, therefore, 5th level, which is the lowest
As explained in the Players Handbook, you can take one
possible level for that spell.
action on your turn in combat, in addition to moving. You
The warlocks Thief of Five Fates feature lets a warlock
choose your action from the options available to everyone
cast bane using a spell slot, which means the spell is 1st
options such as Attack, Cast a Spell, and Dashor you
level or higher, depending on the slot that the warlock
choose from among the special actions youve gained from
expends to cast it.
a class, a feat, or another source.
The monks Disciple of the Elements feature lets the
If you want to cast a spell on your turn, you take the Cast
monk spend ki points, rather than a spell slot, to increase
a Spell action. Doing so means youre not taking the Attack
the level of a spell.
action or any other action. It is true that a number of spells,
such as fire bolt and ray of frost, involve making an attack,

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This rule is true for player characters and monsters alike, Whats the amount of interaction needed to use a spell-
which is why the innate spellcasters in the Monster Manual casting focus? Does it have to be included in the somatic
must cast an innate spell at its lowest possible level. component? If a spell has a material component, you need
to handle that component when you cast the spell (PH,
Cantrips 203). The same rule applies if youre using a spellcasting
If a character has levels in more than one class, do the focus as the material component.
characters cantrips scale with character level or with If a spell has a somatic component, you can use the hand
the level in a spellcasting class? Cantrips scale with that performs the somatic component to also handle the
character level. For example, a barbarian 2 / cleric 3 casts material component. For example, a wizard who uses an
sacred flame as a 5th-level character. orb as a spellcasting focus could hold a quarterstaff in one
hand and the orb in the other, and he could cast lightning
Casting Time bolt by using the orb as the spells material component and
Is there a limit on the number of spells you can cast on the orb hand to perform the spells somatic component.
your turn? Theres no rule that says you can cast only X Another example: a clerics holy symbol is emblazoned
number of spells on your turn, but there are some practical on her shield. She likes to wade into melee combat with a
limits. The main limiting factor is your action. Most spells mace in one hand and a shield in the other. She uses the
require an action to cast, and unless you use a feature like holy symbol as her spellcasting focus, so she needs to have
the fighters Action Surge, you have only one action on the shield in hand when she casts a cleric spell that has a
your turn. material component. If the spell, such as aid, also has a so-
If you cast a spell, such as healing word, with a bonus matic component, she can perform that component with the
action, you can cast another spell with your action, but that shield hand and keep holding the mace in the other.
other spell must be a cantrip. Keep in mind that this partic- If the same cleric casts cure wounds, she needs to put the
ular limit is specific to spells that use a bonus action. For mace or the shield away, because that spell doesnt have a
instance, if you cast a second spell using Action Surge, you material component but does have a somatic component.
arent limited to casting a cantrip with it. Shes going to need a free hand to make the spells ges-
Does the rule on casting a bonus action spell apply tures. If she had the War Caster feat, she could ignore this
when you take a bonus action granted by a spell? The restriction.
rule on casting a spell as a bonus action (see PH, 202)
applies only on the turn you cast the spell. For example, Duration
spiritual weapon can be cast as a bonus action, and it lasts If youre concentrating on a spell, do you need to main-
for 1 minute. On the turn you cast it, you cant cast another tain line of sight with the spells target or the spells
spell before or after it, unless that spell is a cantrip with effect? You dont need to be within line of sight or within
a casting time of 1 action. Until spiritual weapon ends, it range to maintain concentration on a spell, unless a spells
gives you the option of controlling its spectral weapon as a description or other game feature says otherwise.
bonus action. That bonus action does not involve casting a If I have 10 temporary hit points and I take 30 damage
spell, despite the fact that its granted by a spell, so you can from an attack while concentrating on a spell, what is
control the weapon and cast whatever spell you like on the the DC of the Constitution save to maintain my concen-
same turn. tration? The DC is 15 in that case. When temporary hit
Can you cast a reaction spell on your turn? You sure can! points absorb damage for you, youre still taking damage,
Heres a common way for it to happen: Cornelius the wizard just not to your real hit points.
is casting fireball on his turn, and his foe casts counterspell In contrast, a feature like the wizards Arcane Ward can
on him. Cornelius also has counterspell prepared, so he take damage for you, potentially eliminating the need to
uses his reaction to cast it and break his foes counterspell make a Constitution saving throw or, at least, lowering the
before it can stop fireball. DC of that save.

Does casting a spell as a ritual require concentration if Can a spellcaster dismiss a spell after casting it? You
the spell doesnt normally require it? Concentration is cant normally dismiss a spell that you cast unless (a) its
required when casting any spell, including a ritual version, description says you can or (b) it requires concentration
for longer than 1 action (see PH, 202). Once the casting is and you decide to end your concentration on it. Otherwise,
complete, the spell requires concentration only if its dura- a spells magic is unleashed on the environment, and if you
tion entry says it does. want to end it, you need to cast dispel magic on it.

Components Specific Spells

Does a spell consume its material components? A spell Can you extend the duration of armor of Agathys by gain-
doesnt consume its material components unless its de- ing more temporary hit points? The spell is meant to work
scription says it does. For example, the pearl required by only as long as you have the temporary hit points that the
the identify spell isnt consumed, whereas the diamond re- spell grants. When those temporary hit points are gone, the
quired by raise dead is used up when you cast the spell. spell is done.
Keep in mind that temporary hit points arent cumulative
If a spells material components are consumed, can a (see PH, 198). If you have temporary hit points and receive
spellcasting focus still be used in place of the consumed more of them, you dont add them together, unless a game
component? No. A spellcasting focus can be used in place feature says you can. You decide which temporary hit points
of a material component only if that component has no to keep. As an example, lets say youre a warlock with the
cost noted in the spells description and if that component Dark Ones Blessing feature, which gives you temporary hit
isnt consumed.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 13
points when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points. You cur- failed saving throws. When the spell attack hits, it effec-
rently have 2 temporary hit points remaining from armor tively infects the target with a magical disease that requires
of Agathys, you just slew a monster, and your Dark Ones a little bit of time to take effect before plaguing the target
Blessing can now give you 4 temporary hit points. If you for up to a week.
take those temporary hit points, they replace the ones from Can you cast darkness with a higher-level slot to end a
armor of Agathys and end that spell, so you might not want spell of 3rd level or higher that creates light? No. The
to take them and keep the spell going instead, so as to con- darkness spell can dispel only a light-creating spell of 2nd
tinue benefiting from the cold damage it delivers. level or lower, no matter what spell slot is used for dark-
How does barkskin work with shields, cover, and other ness. Similarly, the daylight spell can dispel only a dark-
modifiers to AC? Barkskin specifies that your AC cant ness-creating spell of 3rd level or lower, regardless of the
be lower than 16 while you are affected by the spell. This spell slot used.
means you effectively ignore any modifiers to your ACin- If the damage from disintegrate reduces a half-orc to
cluding your Dexterity modifier, your armor, a shield, and 0 hit points, can Relentless Endurance prevent the orc
coverunless your AC is higher than 16. For example, if from turning to ash? If disintegrate reduces you to 0 hit
your AC is normally 14, its 16 while barkskin is on you. If points, youre killed outright, as you turn to dust. If youre a
your AC is normally 15 and you have half cover, your AC is half-orc, Relentless Endurance cant save you.
17; barkskin isnt relevant in this case.
What happens if a druid using Wild Shape is reduced to
Does the blinding smite spell deal extra radiant damage 0 hit points by disintegrate? Does the druid simply leave
on every successful attack I make while Im concentrat- beast form? The druid turns to dust, since the spell disinte-
ing on the spell, or only on the first one? The next time grates you the instant you drop to 0 hit points.
in the spell description indicates that the extra damage Thats the literal interpretation of the rules (RAW). In
applies only once, the first time you hit a creature after you contrast, the intent (RAI) is that a druid isnt considered
finish casting the spell. to be at 0 hit points for the purposes of an effect like dis-
Is the chill touch spell intended as a way of foiling any integrate until the druids normal form is reduced to 0
creature that has Regeneration? Chill touch does, indeed, hit points.
stop the target it hits from regaining hit points until the Can you use dispel magic to dispel a magical effect like
spell ends. This is true even if the target takes none of the a vampires Charm ability? Dispel magic has a particular
necrotic damage, whether because of immunity or some purpose: to break other spells. It has no effect on a vam-
other reason. pires Charm ability or any other magical effect that isnt
Is the damage dealt by a beast from conjure animals a spell. It also does nothing to the properties of a magic
considered magical? The stat block of a conjured creature item. It can, however, end a spell cast from a magic item
determines the nature of the creatures damage, unless the or from another source. Spellstheyre what dispel magic
spell says otherwise. is about. For example, if you cast dispel magic on a staff of
power, the spell fails to disrupt the staffs magical proper-
When you cast a spell like conjure woodland beings,
ties, but if the staffs wielder casts hold monster from the
does the spellcaster or the DM choose the creatures that
staff, dispel magic can end that spell if cast on the target of
are conjured? A number of spells in the game let you sum-
hold monster.
mon creatures. Conjure animals, conjure celestial, conjure
There are abilities and other spells that can end or sus-
minor elementals, and conjure woodland beings are just a
pend magical effects that arent spells. For example, the
few examples.
greater restoration spell can end a charm effect of any sort
Some spells of this sort specify that the spellcaster
on a target (such as a vampires Charm or a dryads Fey
chooses the creature conjured. For example, find familiar
gives the caster a list of animals to choose from. Charm), and a paladins Aura of Devotion can prevent or
suspend such an effect.
Other spells of this sort let the spellcaster choose from
Three of the most versatile spells for ending certain mag-
among several broad options. For example, conjure minor
ical effects are lesser restoration, greater restoration, and
elementals offers four options. Here are the first two:
remove curse.
One elemental of challenge rating 2 or lower
Can you use dispel magic on the creations of a spell like
Two elementals of challenge rating 1 or lower
animate dead or affect those creations with antimagic
The design intent for options like these is that the spell- field? Whenever you wonder whether a spells effects can
caster chooses one of them, and then the DM decides what be dispelled or suspended, you need to answer one ques-
creatures appear that fit the chosen option. For example, tion: is the spells duration instantaneous? If the answer is
if you pick the second option, the DM chooses the two ele- yes, there is nothing to dispel or suspend. Heres why: the
mentals that have a challenge rating of 1 or lower. effects of an instantaneous spell are brought into being by
A spellcaster can certainly express a preference for what magic, but the effects arent sustained by magic (see PH,
creatures shows up, but its up to the DM to determine if 203). The magic flares for a split second and then vanishes.
they do. The DM will often choose creatures that are ap- For example, the instantaneous spell animate dead har-
propriate for the campaign and that will be fun to introduce nesses magical energy to turn a corpse or a pile of bones
in a scene. into an undead creature. That necromantic magic is present
Do contagion effects kick in immediately, or do they kick for an instant and is then gone. The resulting undead now
in when the target fails the three saving throws? The exists without the magics help. Casting dispel magic on the
effects of the contagion spells disease activate after three creature cant end its mockery of life, and the undead can
wander into an antimagic field with no adverse effect.

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Another example: cure wounds instantaneously restores hit points, instead of 1, assuming you cast goodberry with a
hit points to a creature. Because the spells duration is in- 1st-level spell slot.
stantaneous, the restoration cant be later dispelled. And Can you use green-flame blade and booming blade with
you dont suddenly lose hit points if you step into an anti- Extra Attack, opportunity attacks, Sneak Attack, and
magic field! other weapon attack options? Introduced in the Sword
In contrast, a spell like conjure woodland beings has a Coast Adventurers Guide, the green-flame blade and boom-
non-instantaneous duration, which means its creations can ing blade spells pose a number of questions, because they
be ended by dispel magic and they temporarily disappear each do something unusual: require you to make a melee
within an antimagic field. attack with a weapon as part of the spells casting.
Can you ready dispel magic to stop another spell from First, each of these spells involves a normal melee
taking effect? The easiest way to stop a spell is to cast weapon attack, not a spell attack, so you use whatever abil-
counterspell on its caster while its being cast. If successful, ity modifier you normally use with the weapon. (A spell tells
counterspell interrupts the other spells casting, and that you if it includes a spell attack, and neither of these spells
spell fails to take effect. Counterspell works against any do.) For example, if you use a longsword with green-flame
spell, regardless of a spells casting time or duration. blade, you use your Strength modifier for the weapons at-
With the Ready action, dispel magic can be cast in re- tack and damage rolls.
sponse to another spell being cast, yet dispel magic cant Second, neither green-flame blade nor booming blade
substitute for counterspell. The main reason is that dispel works with Extra Attack or any other feature that requires
magic removes a spell that is already on a target, whether the Attack action. Like other spells, these cantrips require
that target is a creature, an object, or some other phenom- the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action, and they cant
enon. Dispel magic cant dispel something in advance. If be used to make an opportunity attack, unless a special fea-
a spell isnt already present on a target, dispel magic does ture allows you to do so.
nothing to that target. The best that a readied dispel magic Third, these weapon attacks work with Sneak Attack if
can do is dispel a spell immediately after the spell has been they fulfill the normal requirements for that feature. For ex-
cast to prevent it from having any effect after the action ample, if you have the Sneak Attack feature and cast green-
used to cast it. For example, on your turn you could say flame blade with a finesse weapon, you can deal Sneak At-
something like this: I ready dispel magic, and if the high tack damage to the target of the weapon attack if you have
priest casts a spell on anyone, I cast dispel magic on the advantage on the attack roll and hit.
target if the spell takes hold. If the high priest then cast For the spell hail of thorns, does it last for the initial
hold person on your companion who fails the save against attack or as long as you maintain concentration? Hail of
it, you could unleash your readied dispel magic and end thorns lasts until you hit a creature with a ranged weapon
hold person. attack or your concentration ends, whichever comes first.
Can dispel magic end globe of invulnerability? Yes, dispel Can the extra action granted by haste be used to activate
magic can dispel the barrier created by globe of invulner- a magic item? No. Activating a magic item isnt a function
ability, but not any magical effects that are active inside of the Use an Object action (DMG, 141).
the barrier.
Does the heroes feast spell grant immunity to poison
If dispel magic targets the magical effect from bless cast damage or just the poison condition? The heroes feast
by a cleric, does it remove the effect on all the targets? spell grants immunity to poison in any formdamage and
Dispel magic ends a spell on one target. It doesnt end the the condition.
same spell on other targets.
Do the temporary hit points from heroism accumulate
Can the familiar you conjure with the find familiar spell each round? Temporary hit points arent cumulative. The
use the Help action to grant you advantage on your at- spell would tell you if you were meant to add together the
tack roll? A familiar cant attack, but it can take non-attack temporary hit points it provides. At the start of each of your
actions, including Help. As the text of the Help action indi- turns, the spell, effectively, refreshes the number of tempo-
cates (PH, 192), the action doesnt require you to be able to rary hit points you have from it; if you lost some or all of the
attack; you simply need to be able to provide some sort of temporary hit points, the spell gives them back to you.
If the heroism spell is cast on a character that is already
Does the familiar of find familiar count as an ally for the frightened, does it remove the frightened effect? The
purposes of Sneak Attack? A familiar is an allied creature. heroism spell would suppress a frightening effect that was
Its proximity to a target can allow you to use the Sneak At- already on its target. When the spell ends, the targets im-
tack feature or any other feature that requires the presence munity goes away and the frightening effect resumes if it
of an ally. has not expired or been removed.
Can a spell such as fireball go past its 20-foot radius Does the extra damage from hex only apply if there is an
if the point of origin is set in an enclosed space thats attack roll? The extra damage in the hex spell requires an
less than 40 feet across? The fire of the fireball spell can attack that hits.
spread around corners, but its limited by the spells 20-foot
radius. It doesnt extend farther than 20 feet from the point Since resting identifies magic items, and the identify
of origin no matter where it is cast. spell doesnt spot curses, what is the role of the identify
spell? The most important factors are time and conve-
If Im a cleric/druid with the Disciple of Life feature, does nience. During a short rest, which takes at least 1 hour,
the goodberry spell benefit from the feature? Yes. The a character who meets the qualifications can determine
Disciple of Life feature would make each berry restore 4 the properties of one magic item (see Identifying a Magic

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 15
Item on page 136 of the Dungeon Masters Guide). In damage a creature who enters the beam or who starts its
contrast, casting the identify spell takes only 1 minute (or turn in the beam.
11 minutes if it is cast as a ritual) and can be done when a Here are some spells with the same timing as moonbeam
quick determination is needed. for their areas of effect:
What happens when a jump spell gives a creature a jump blade barrier forbiddance
distance greater than its walking speed? Your jump is cloudkill moonbeam
limited by how far you can move; each foot jumped uses a cloud of daggers sleet storm
foot of movement. You can take the Dash action if you want Evards black tentacles spirit guardians
to extend how far you can move on your turn. Reading the description of any of those spells, you might
For example, if you have a Strength score of 15, you can wonder whether a creature is considered to be entering the
normally leap 15 feet when you make a long jump if you spells area of effect if the area is created on the creatures
move at least 10 feet immediately beforehand. If the jump space. And if the area of effect can be movedas the beam
spell is cast on you, that potential jump distance is tripled. of moonbeam candoes moving it into a creatures space
Thats a jump of 45 feet! If your speed is 30 feet, you can count as the creature entering the area? Our design intent
use only 30 feet of that jump distance on your turn, unless for such spells is this: a creature enters the area of effect
you take the Dash action, which allows you to leap the when the creature passes into it. Creating the area of ef-
full 45 feet. fect on the creature or moving it onto the creature doesnt
Can you use a shield with mage armor? Mage armor count. If the creature is still in the area at the start of its
works with a shield. Shields are grouped with armor in turn, it is subjected to the areas effect.
the equipment rules in the Players Handbook, but various Entering such an area of effect neednt be voluntary,
game features distinguish between the armor you wear unless a spell says otherwise. You can, therefore, hurl a
and a shield you wield. Take a look at the monks Unar- creature into the area with a spell like thunderwave. We
mored Defense feature and compare it to the barbarians consider that clever play, not an imbalance, so hurl away!
version. In the monks version, you must both forgo wearing Keep in mind, however, that a creature is subjected to such
armor and forgo wielding a shield if you want to benefit an area of effect only the first time it enters the area on a
from the feature, whereas a barbarian must only forgo turn. You cant move a creature in and out of it to damage it
wearing armor. over and over again on the same turn.
In summary, a spell like moonbeam affects a creature
Does Unarmored Defense work with a spell like mage
when the creature passes into the spells area of effect and
armor? Unarmored Defense doesnt work with mage ar-
when the creature starts its turn there. Youre essentially
mor. You might be asking yourself, Why dont they work
creating a hazard on the battlefield.
together? Mage armor specifies that it works on a creature
who isnt wearing armor. Its true that the target of mage Does planar binding summon the creature to be bound,
armor must be unarmored, but mage armor gives you a new or is that done separately? Planar binding doesnt sum-
way to calculate your AC (13 + your Dexterity modifier) and mon a creature. It attempts to bind a creature that is within
is therefore incompatible with Unarmored Defense or any the spells range.
other feature that provides an AC calculation. Can you concentrate on a spell while transformed by
I find it confusing that the mage armor spell is named polymorph? You cant cast spells while youre transformed
that when it doesnt count as armor. Some spells and by polymorph, but nothing in the spell prevents you from
class features have figurative, not literal, names. The text of concentrating on a spell that you previously cast before be-
the spell or class feature explains what it does. In this case, ing transformed.
mage armor (PH, 256) surrounds the target with protective Does a willing creature under the effects of polymorph
magical force; the spell doesnt provide armor. have to take the mental stats of the new form? Yes. Un-
Can an object created with minor illusion move? For ex- less a spell tells you otherwise, its effect is no different for a
ample, a wall sliding down a corridor? An illusory object willing creature than it is for an unwilling one.
created by minor illusion doesnt move. Compare to spells What kinds of things count as nonmagical trinkets for
like major image and mislead, which talk about moving. prestidigitation? Prestidigitation can create a little bauble,
Could minor illusion create a fog cloud? If so, would the nature of which is up to the spellcaster and the DM. See
shooting an arrow through it cancel the illusion? An the Trinkets table in the Players Handbook (p. 16061)
illusory object made by minor illusion is meant to be like a for examples.
stool or a rock, not an atmospheric effect. If you grapple or shove an enemy creature, does that end
Does moonbeam deal damage when you cast it? What a sanctuary spell cast on you? If you use the grapple or
about when its effect moves onto a creature? The an- shove option in the combat rules (PH, 195), the sanctuary
swer to both questions is no. Heres some elaboration on spell does end on you, since you have made an attack.
that answer. If I cast shillelagh on my quarterstaff and have the
Some spells and other game features create an area of Polearm Master feat, does the bonus attack use a d4 or a
effect that does something when a creature enters that area d8 for damage? The benefit from Polearm Master applies
for the first time on a turn or when a creature starts its to the opposite end of the weapon and always uses a d4 for
turn in that area. On the turn when you cast such a spell, damage rather than the weapons normal damage die. This
youre primarily setting up hurt for your foes on later turns. is true for a quarterstaff enhanced with shillelagh just as it
Moonbeam, for example, creates a beam of light that can is for a normal one.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 16
Is the sentence of suggestion in the suggestion spell the scription says so, and using Dexterity for an attack doesnt
verbal component, or is the verbal component separate? confer the finesse property. If a weapon does have that
Verbal components are mystic words (PH, 203), not normal property, you can use Strength or Dexterity with it.
speech. The spells suggestion is an intelligible utterance The Monster Manual notes that a Mezzoloth exhales
that is separate from the verbal component. The com- toxic fumes that can choke and kill whole groups of
mand spell is the simplest example of this principle. The creatures. However, its cloudkill is listed under Innate
utterance of the verbal component is separate from, and Spellcasting. Because of that, would a paladins Aura of
precedes, any verbal utterance that would bring about the Warding resist it? Yes, because cloudkill is a spell, Aura of
spells effect. Warding would be able to grant you and friendly creatures
Do the effects of storm of vengeance stack? Or do the within 10 feet of you resistance to it.
effects change each turn? In the spell storm of vengeance, Is the breath weapon of a dragon magical? If you cast
each new effect replaces the effect of the previous round. antimagic field, don armor of invulnerability, or use another
The wording in Tashas hideous laughter implies that feature of the game that protects against magical or non-
the incapacitated effect applies only if the target is made magical effects, you might ask yourself, Will this protect
prone. Is this right? Failing a save against Tashas hid- me against a dragons breath? The breath weapon of a typi-
eous laughter means youre incapacitated even if you cant cal dragon isnt considered magical, so antimagic field wont
fall prone. help you but armor of invulnerability will.
You might be thinking, Dragons seem pretty magical
Can I use unseen servant to act as an ally when using a
to me. And yes, they are extraordinary! Their description
class feature like Sneak Attack? Unseen servant creates
even says theyre magical. But our game makes a distinc-
an invisible, mindless, shapeless force (PH, 284). In com-
tion between two types of magic:
bat, it doesnt act as a creature, an enemy, or an ally.
the background magic that is part of the D&D
Whenever you cast wish, do you always have a 33 per-
multiverses physics and the physiology of many
cent chance of never casting it again? If you cast wish
D&D creatures
to duplicate a spell of level 08, there are no detrimental
the concentrated magical energy that is contained in a
effects. However, if you do anything other than duplicate
magic item or channeled to create a spell or other focused
a spell of level 08, you suffer the stress described in the
magical effect
final paragraph of the spell. As soon as that stress affects
you, there is a 33 percent chance that you are unable to cast In D&D, the first type of magic is part of nature. It is no
wish again. more dispellable than the wind. A monster like a dragon
exists because of that magic-enhanced nature. The second
Monsters type of magic is what the rules are concerned about. When
Is natural armor considered light armor? No. Natural a rule refers to something being magical, its referring to
armor doesnt fit into the categories of light, medium, and that second type. Determining whether a game feature is
heavy armor, and when you have it, it isnt considered to be magical is straightforward. Ask yourself these questions
an armor youre wearing. about the feature:

Does natural armor cap a creatures Dexterity bonus? Is it a magic item?

Natural armor doesnt limit a creatures Dexterity bonus. Is it a spell? Or does it let you create the effects of a spell
thats mentioned in its description?
A monster is immune to damage from nonmagical blud- Is it a spell attack?
geoning weapons. Does it still take damage from falling? Is it fueled by the use of spell slots?
Yes, that monster is still going to feel the hurt of a fall, be- Does its description say its magical?
cause a fall is not a weapon.
If your answer to any of those questions is yes, the feature
The bite attacks of ghouls and ghasts dont appear to is magical.
have proficiency bonus added in. Intentional or mistake? Lets look at a white dragons Cold Breath and ask our-
Intentional; its a ghoul/ghast thing. Theyre exceptionally selves those questions. First, Cold Breath isnt a magic
bad at biting, compared to their claw attacks. Monsters item. Second, its description mentions no spell. Third, its
sometimes have stat quirks like that. not a spell attack. Fourth, the word magical appears no-
The Monster Manual says gnolls speak Gnoll, but the where in its description. Our conclusion: Cold Breath is not
Players Handbook doesnt mention that language. considered a magical game effect, even though we know
What is correct? The Players Handbook language tables that dragons are amazing, supernatural beings.
dont list every language in the D&D multiverse. The Mon- Does the movement from a dragons Wing Attack legend-
ster Manual mentions other languages, including Gnoll, ary action draw attacks of opportunity if it moves out of
Modron, Sahuagin, and Slaad. reach? Yes. Wing Attack does not protect the dragon from
Does a monster with at-will spellcasting ability mean opportunity attacks.
it can cast a spell as an action or as a bonus action? If a Do air, fire, and water elementals suffer any penalties for
monster has the ability to cast a spell at will, that spell is fighting or using skills while they are squeezing into a
cast using its normal casting time. space thats 5 feet wide or less? An air/fire/water elemen-
If a monster makes a melee attack that uses its Dexterity tal ignores the movement part of the squeezing rule (PH,
modifier, is it considered to have used a finesse weapon? 192) in a 1+ inch space, as a result of its special trait, Air
A weapon doesnt have the finesse property unless its de- Form, Fire Form, or Water Form.

Version 2.2 @2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only. Page 17
Can an earth elemental grapple with a creature and A spell scroll can be named in a variety of ways: spell
then pull it underground and leave it there to die? No. scroll, scroll of X (where X is the name of a spell), or spell
An earth elementals Earth Glide is meant to apply to itself scroll of X (where X, again, is the name of a spell). No
only. The elemental doesnt take other creatures with it matter how its name appears, a spell scroll follows the
when it moves in this way. same rule.
For you to meet a spell scrolls requirement, the spell
Does the lichs Disrupt Life ability affect animated ob-
on the scroll needs to be on whatever spell list is used by
jects and other constructs? The ability targets creatures
your class. Here are two examples. If youre a cleric, the
that arent undead, so yes, it does affect constructs (as well
spell must be on the cleric spell list, and if youre a fighter
as all other kinds of creatures).
with the Eldritch Knight archetype, the spell must be on
If a shadow rolls a critical hit, does it reduce the targets the wizard spell list, because that is the spell list used by
Strength by 2d4, as well dealing the extra necrotic dam- your class.
age? No. A critical hit lets you roll damage dice twice. An
Do the AC bonuses from a ring of protection and bracers
effect that deals damage is one that reduces the targets hit
of defense stack? Yes. In general, bonuses stack, unless
points. The shadows Strength reduction isnt damage, be-
theyre from the same spell (see Combining Magical
cause it has no effect on the targets hit points.
Effects in the Players Handbook, p. 205). You also cant
Is a vampire affected by hold person or calm emotions? benefit from more than one ring of protection, for instance,
Many spells affect not just any creatures, but only certain since you cant attune to more than one copy of an item
types, as specified in the spell. Hold person and calm at a time.
emotions work only on humanoids, and a vampire is not
Do magic weapons give you a bonus to attack and dam-
a humanoid.
age rolls? A magic weapon gives you a bonus to attack rolls
Is there a limit to the number of creatures a vampire and damage rolls only if its description says it does. Every
can charm at once? No, there is no limit on the number of magic weapon can bypass resistances and immunities to
creatures a vampire can have charmed at once. A vampire damage from nonmagical attacks, but only certain magic
can target a different humanoid each time it uses its Charm weapons are more accurate and damaging than their non-
action, potentially causing an entire group of enemies to be- magical counterparts. For example, a +1 longsword and
come charmed if their saving throws arent successful. a giant slayer both give you a +1 bonus to attack rolls and
How does a monsters Leadership ability work? A crea- damage rolls, whereas neither a flame tongue nor a frost
ture turns on Leadership as an action. Until the benefit brand provides such a bonus. All four weapons, however,
ends, the creature can grant a die whenever a visible ally in can bypass an earth elementals resistance to bludgeoning,
range makes an attack roll or a saving throw. piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
In short, a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls is con-
Magic Items sidered a special property of a magic weapon, not some-
thing that all magic weapons provide automatically.
Can potions be administered to unconscious characters
as an action? Yes, you can administer a potion to someone My fighter attacks a creature with a magical longbow
else as an action (DMG, 139). and nonmagical arrows. Is the attack magical? The at-
tacks made by a magical ranged weapon are magical, even
If a potion doesnt duplicate a spell, does it require con-
if the ammunition isnt magical. (This point was clarified in
centration? A potions effect requires concentration only if
the errata for the Dungeon Masters Guide.)
its description says so or if it duplicates a spell that requires
concentration. Are magic weapons with the thrown property (javelins
and the like) assumed to return to their owner after
For the hat of disguise, how do I set the spell save DC for
being thrown? If a magic weapon returns to you after you
disguise self ? Does the wearer have to be a caster? Use
throw it, its description says so, as in the dwarven thrower
your spellcasting ability modifier to set the DC. If you dont
(DMG, 167).
have a spellcasting ability, use your proficiency bonus to set
it (see the rule on page 141 of the DMG, under Spells). If a rogue with the Assassinate feature uses a vorpal
sword, isnt the surprise attack an instant kill? No. A vor-
If my character is attuned to an instrument of the bards
pal sword requires you to roll a 20 on the attack roll to de-
and casts charm person while holding it, does the target
capitate someone. A rogue with the Assassin archetype that
make its save with disadvantage? No, at least not because
attacks a surprised target using a vorpal sword scores an
of the instrument. An instrument of the bards provides
automatic critical hit if the attack roll is successful, but un-
this benefit only if it is used as a spellcasting focus in the
less the attack roll was a 20, the target gets to keep its head.
casting of a spell that causes its target to become charmed.
Because charm person doesnt have a material component, Would an elf get a saving throw versus a philter of love
the instrument has no effect on the spell. as its a charm? The description implies there is no save.
There is no save against the philter of love. The love is just
Which is correct in the Dungeon Masters Guide, the
that strong.
rule for scrolls or the rule for a spell scroll? Theyre both
correct. The rule for scrolls (p. 139) is for scrolls in general,
including a scroll of protection, and it allows you to try to
activate a spell if youre literate. The rule for a spell scroll is
specific to that type of scroll and introduces an additional
requirement: the spell on the scroll must be on your classs
spell list for you to read the scroll.

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