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12, 2013 3

Novel Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antenna With

Narrow Half-Ring and Half-Circular Patch
Xin Hu, Yuanxin Li, Member, IEEE, Wenkuan Chen, Hong-Zhou Tan, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Yunliang Long, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractA novel dual-frequency microstrip antenna is pre- to calculate the resonant frequency of the proposed narrow half-
sented. The dual-frequency is generated through a half-ring ring structure. The -parameters of the antenna and surface cur-
structure and a half-circular patch element. The half-ring is rent distribution at both radiating frequencies are studied, and
narrower than the conventional ring antenna, and the parameters
that decide the resonant frequency of the antenna are studied. they show the radiation patterns of the measured far-field -
Simulation and measurement results show that the proposed and -planes of the proposed antenna.
antenna works at 0.9 and 1.8 GHz.
Index TermsDual frequency, half-circular patch, narrow II. NARROW HALF-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA
This section concentrates on the narrow ring structure. Be-
cause the width of the half-ring microstrip antenna is narrower
I. INTRODUCTION than the width of the conventional ring microstrip antenna, it is
difficult to locate the feeding point on the narrow ring. There-

T HERE are two ways of generating the dual-frequency mi-

crostrip antenna. Among three-dimensional fabrications,
the authors of [1] introduced several means of obtaining dual
fore, a microstrip line is used to conduct the feeding process.
The mode is the dominant mode, which is respon-
sible for the resonance of the circular patch antenna. The for-
frequency, which are too complex to implement for mass pro- mula to calculate the radius of the normal circular patch an-
duction. Several methods of notching or adding the slots [2][4] tenna [14], [15] is given as follows:
and the stubs [5] to patch antennas have been reported, whereas
reporting frequency ratio is limited to a confined range. Dual (1)
band can also be generated using monopoles [6], [7].
A conventional half-circular microstrip antenna is analyzed where represents the effective radius of the circular mi-
in [8], which shows dual band by cutting down two circular crostrip antenna, is the resonant frequency, and is the
dipoles [9]. The design of an orthogonal half-circular patch dielectric constant of the substrate, whereas the physical radius
ultrawideband (UWB) antenna in a desirable bandwidth is also is not as the same as the effective radius. Due to fringing,
shown [10], but it suffers from radiation pattern distortion at the effective patch looks electrically larger than the physical
higher frequencies. Two triangular slots [11] are cut from the circular patch, and this has been taken into account while com-
edge of the circular antenna, and their sizes are reduced without posing the physical radius correction factor, which shows
compromising performance. Using meandering and enlarge- the following relationship:
ment methods, direct matching of a circular patch antenna was
described using a microstrip feedline [12], [13]. Therefore, a (2)
new anchor structure based on previous research is proposed to
simplify the circular patch and maintain its main properties.
The design of an antenna with two resonant frequencies is where is the height of the dielectric substrate, and represents
presented in this letter. It consists of a half-width circular mi- the physical radius of the circular patch. calculated in (1) can
crostrip antenna and a narrow half-ring patch, which are con- be used to calculate in (2), as it would return a more accurate
nected by a microstrip feeding line, and has a revised formula result for by substituting into (2).
Equation (2) converges to an acceptable tolerance in two iter-
Manuscript received July 15, 2012; revised August 10, 2012; September 16, ations, and it predicts the radius with an error of less than 2.5%
2012; and October 23, 2012; accepted November 26, 2012. Date of publica- for . Equations (1) and (2) are used as a guide for de-
tion December 10, 2012; date of current version March 12, 2013. This work termining the physical radius of the circular patch.
was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants
60901028 and 61172026, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- The resonant frequency of the half-ring element is also eval-
versities, and in part by NSFC-Guangdong under Grant U0935002. uated by these two equations.However, the physical radius is a
X. Hu is with the School of Information Engineering, Guangdong University little different from (2). Because of the narrow width of the ring,
of Technology, Guangzhou 510030, China.
Y. Li, W. Chen, H.-Z. Tan, and Y. Long are with the Department of Elec- an inflation coefficient has been introduced in (2) to account
tronics and Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou for the increment in the radius of the narrow ring patch
510275, China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at (3)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2012.2232271

1536-1225/$31.00 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Layout of the dual-frequency microstrip antenna. ( mm,

mm, mm, mm, mm,
mm, , mm, ).
Fig. 2. Simulated with different R1.


where indicates the radius of the narrow ring patch, and the
inflation coefficient is measured in the substrate with a relative
permittivity of and a height of 3 mm. With respect
to the frequency ranging from 0 to 5.8 GHz, it is suggested that Fig. 3. Simulated with different R2.
, as the inflation coefficient changes when the prop-
erties of the substrate are adjusted. The calculated results show
that the operating frequency of the proposed structure, which on the half-circular patch element is chosen by the methods of
is predicted by the equation, is higher than that of the original circular patch antennas because the antenna is considered to
circular patch. Thus, the radius of the frequency for the narrow be a cavity bounded above and below by electric walls, and
half-ring element is larger than that of the circular patch. Com- the position varies slightly when the circular patch is cut off.
parisons of the radius from (2) and (3) for both the circular patch W1 and W2 are the widths of the shank and the narrow ring,
and the narrow half-ring are illustrated in Table I. The measure- respectively, whereas W1, W2, and the length of the shank L1
ment results show that is close to the resonant length of the determine the input impedance of the narrow half-ring structure
narrow ring patch. in part. Minor adjustments have been made to evaluate the
parameters that may affect the performance of the antenna, and
III. DESIGN AND ANALYSES the radii of the half-ring and the half-circular patch structure
Fig. 1 illustrates the layout of the proposed microstrip an- determine the resonant frequencies.
tenna. The antenna is printed on the dielectric substrate that is The change of one radius affects another resonant frequency
3.0 mm in height, and the relative permittivity of the sub- slightly. The with radii of the narrow half-ring and the
strate is 2.55. The radius R1 and width W2 of the narrow half- half-circular patch structure are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respec-
ring are 69.8 and 11.5 mm, respectively, whereas the radius of tively. When the radius of the half-circular patch R1 changes
the circular patch R2 is 29.8 mm. A microstrip feeding line is from 67 to 72 mm, the frequency alters from 0.95 to 0.86 GHz
used to connect the half-ring and the half-circular patch in the accordingly because when R2 decreases from 32 to 28 mm and
center, whereas the length L1 and the width W1 of the microstrip R1 remains constant, the operating frequency increases from
feeding line are 38.6 and 4.9 mm, respectively. Also, the an- 1.72 to 1.91 GHz. The adjustment of R1 and R2 follows the
tenna is fed by a coaxial cable at ( mm, ) of principles of circular patch antennas: The larger the radius, the
the half-circular patch. lower the resonant frequency, and vice versa. As Fig. 4 shows,
The half-ring and the half-circular patch work at 0.9 and the other parameters, which control the impedance match of the
1.8 GHz, respectively. Resonant frequencies are determined proposed antenna, change insignificantly when the simulation is
by the values of the radii of the two elements, as predicted by done. For instance, the of 0.9 GHz had a corresponding re-
the expressions mentioned earlier. The feed point that is placed duction when L1 is shortened. Furthermore, the lower frequency

Fig. 6. Simulated surface current distribution at 0.9 GHz of the proposed


Fig. 4. Simulated with different L1 and W1.

Fig. 7. Simulated surface current distribution at 1.8 GHz of the proposed


Fig. 5. Measured and simulated of the proposed dual-frequency antenna.

is further decreased when the width of the shank is reduced, and

the depth of at 1.8 GHz is also affected. The width of the
half-ring structure, also known as W2, has little influence on Fig. 8. Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 0.9 GHz.
frequency shift, but affects the performance of .
The simulation and measurement of are shown in Fig. 5.
The half-circular patch structure is responsible for 1.8 GHz fre- little current distribution is observed on the half-circular patch,
quency, as the narrow half-ring element resonates at 0.9 GHz. and 1.8-GHz surface current distribution is clustered along the
Because of intrinsic narrow bandwidth of the microstrip patch half-circular patch, which agrees well with the observed surface
antennas, those two frequencies are restricted to bandwidths, for current distribution of a single half-circular patch antenna that
instance, the bandwidth of 900 MHz is 17 MHz. By adjusting was fed by a coaxial cable.
R1 and R2 of the antenna, the desired resonant frequencies can
be obtained, which extends the frequency ratio of the proposed
antenna. To obtain a good , other parameters should be op-
timized appropriately, and the effect of changing the radius R1 The measurements were recorded using an Agilent E5071C
of the narrow half-ring is not equal to the radius R2 of a circular Network Analyzer. The radiation pattern was measured in the
patch antenna, which often lags behind in the circular patch an- far-field condition, and they were simulated and measured in
tenna. However, the measured radiation pattern of the two fre- both co- and cross polarization. Figs. 8 and 9 show the mea-
quencies is similar to the circular patch antenna of the corre- sured radiation patterns at 0.9 and 1.8 GHz, respectively. The
sponding radii. proposed antenna has close radiation pattern with circular patch
To further analyze the property of the proposed structure, the antennas.
surface current distribution of the antenna at both the operating The gain characteristics of the two operating frequencies are
frequencies of 0.9 and 1.8 GHz has been simulated in Figs. 6 and plotted in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the proposed antenna has
7. The surface current distribution for 0.9 GHz is mainly dis- a gain of 4.83 and 3.26 dBi at the two resonant frequencies,
tributed along the narrow half-ring and the shank element. Very respectively.

1.8 GHz, and the frequency ratio between two operating fre-
quencies can be extended to a large scale. The radiation patterns
and at their resonant frequencies are similar. This new an-
tenna design reports a method to generate a dual-frequency an-
tenna, and it will be useful in applications of GSM and CDMA
personal communication systems where there is no need of wide

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