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Student Questionnaire Mid/End of Week 4

1. How comfortable do you feel greeting or saying hello to others?

2. When might you need to greet (or say hello) to someone?

3. What are some things you should do when you are speaking to someone?

4. How comfortable do you feel giving others a compliment?

5. What should you do if someone gives you a compliment?

6. Why do we give others compliments?

Student Questionnaire Mid/End of Week 6

1. How comfortable do you feel asking your friends to share or take turns with you?

2. When might you need to share or take turns with a friend?

3. What are some things you should do or say when asking someone to share or take
turns with you?

4. Do you think you have good manners?

5. When might you need to use your manners?

6. When you and a friend disagree, do you listen to what they have to say?

(yes) (sometimes) (no)

7. How do you help find a solution when you and a friend have a problem or

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