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How to Approach the GMAT

The first thing any MBA aspirant should do is: visit Official site for MBA/ GMAT
spend some 2-3 hours there. (or maybe 2-3 days!)
read as much as you can. The information published there is genuine, eye-opener & myth breaker.
So you should do that first.

Then you should download a sim C A T GMAT test available there: name is GMAT Prep; it’s of
The site will help you understand: whats GMAT in general terms, its significance, its
structure and the way company conducts the test worldwide.
(i wont go into GMAT structure deeper since i am going to present only resources in this post)

Then you'll need some books to prepare for GMAT.

GMAC, the company that set GMAT test, came up with three books recently, official guides.
They are:

1. Official guide for GMAT review, 11th edition,

2. The Official guide for verbal review
3. The official guide for quantitative review

they are nicknamed as orange, purple and green guides respectively

Official guide 11th edition is THE book you should start with and end your preparation.
You should trust these guides along with GMATPrep software (~25 MB)

Although these guides and a software are fantastic for the practice problems, they don't provide
(/come up with) strategies..

In short: when it comes to problems solving in practice sessions, nothing beats above
mentioned materials. But for strategies (read shortcuts ) you need to look for some extra

Other books i would recommend:

• Kaplan GMAT, 2007 Edition: Premier Program (latest edition with CD : best buy /2006 edition
will also do ( both are same) : comprehensive book, covers everything)
• Cracking the GMAT with DVD, 2007 Edition by Princeton review (Caution: it doesn’t have C A
T in its DVD; good strategies & comprehensive, covers everything though )
• Kaplan GRE & GMAT Math Workbook ( very elementary good for starters & weak at math :
not recommended )
• Kaplan 800 (for advanced students who want to score higher; caution: AWA essay section not
included )
• Sentence Correction GMAT Preparation Guide (Manhattan Gmat Prep) (PURE GOLD I CANT

(Read the review on before purchasing them. )

These books offer good strategies to attack GMAT, they’ll show you how to approach each section
and each problem individually.
but then for taking the test in one go you need to have a patience, faith and stamina. & for that you
need to take as many GMAT sim C A Ts as possible.
[Note: dont rush and sign up for just any sim C A Ts available in would wide web.]
Following are the GMAT prep companies you should trust:
Reason : they have done enough research to come near to the real GMAT test... (still they are not
as near as GMAT Prep or POWER Prep)
[Note that I am not talking about GMAT coaching institutes but the online resources for practice
tests ]

• (nearest possible)

• (?yet to be tested)
• (easier)
• (tough)
• (neutral)

They offer good Sim GMAT tests.

note that i have not mentioned about other books or other sites for practice tests that means they
are NOT worth your time & money.

Now lets have some non-brand materials,

Materials those are freely available on cyberspace and have no copyright issues.
BeattheGMAT’s flashcard (best flashcards you could get )
Grammar Notes:
Sahil’s Sentence Correction Notes
Spidey's Sentence Correction Notes
Rajat-nda’s Grammar Notes

Sorry I have not provided the hyperlinks for these since I am sure they must be here on itself…
(if anybody know where they are at PG post a links for the same , thank you.)

The reason why I am so selective in mentioning about the resources is, people just take any damn
test or soft copies of books available on internet just to end up in pracitcing non-GMAT questions.
Therefore I am with trusted and reputable sources.

still if you want more practice problems then i would advise you to download

• 1000 SC
• 1000 CR
• 3000 RC

These documents are available freely available everywhere on internet. Note that documents do not
have explanations to the problems. You will have to join some GMAT realated forums to discuss
those problems.

[OK! after some time, you should start realising the easy methods to solve the problems, you
should discover some shortcuts; You should collect the strategies that are discussed in prep books
and use them according to your needs.] (that is the sign of good approach )

While prepping for GMAT you should also be aware of the b-schools you want to apply. You must
have a long term plan & You should do some research on the b-schools that suits your long term

For such informations you have schools' own web-sites along with plenty of other good sites:

Dave's MBA Journey

Hjort’s b-school corner:

Then, you should also aware of admission process:
Stacy Blackman Co. blog

Keep tab on all these site.

Hope that helps everyone who's new to GMAT prep world
Johny's ultimate post before farewell |
Pune GMAT MEGA PG meet 4thFeb

johny CAGE's

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2008 US MBA Aspirants JOINT

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