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Factory farming refers to an animal meat production approach that maximizes production

output while minimizing production costs. This production approach comes at the expense of the

animals, who endure cruel and abusive treatment before being slaughtered. Two of the leading

arguments for factory farming are that it contributes to the economic welfare of our country, and

that it is the source of income for those who run the farms. While it may be a source of income

for some, that sparks the debate over using economic arguments to justify unethical behavior.

Furthermore, if you consider the environmental impact of factory farming, that is a cost, thus

canceling the contribution to economic welfare.

What makes me argue so strongly against factory farming is the immoral treatment of the

animals on these farms. These animals are crammed into cages and forced to live in tiny spaces;

this goes against their natural environment, which involves roaming freely, raising families and,

in some cases, building nests. Many animals are treated with antibiotics due to the risk of

infection that comes with the unsanitary conditions, which, in addition to making animals grow

larger than normal, can have consequences for humans who eat these animals due to the chance

of antibiotic-resistant bacteria spreading. There are other measures taken to make the animals

grow larger and faster than they would in their natural environment and, once they are large

enough, they are transported to the slaughterhouse. Often, the animals are conscious as they are

being burnt alive or skinned, bringing them excruciating pain as their lives come to a tragic end.
Another factor to consider during this debate is the fact that animals, like humans, have

real feelings. They are fully aware of and experience the incredible pain that comes with these

torturous living conditions. While advocates of factory farming argue that some humans live or

work in deplorable conditions, the major difference is that humans have a choice and can decide

when and if they want to leave a home or a job; the animals trapped in these factory farms do not

have the ability to leave or change the conditions. Factory farmers are violating the rights of

animals, who are living creatures with the right to freedom, which makes their practice illegal.

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